Mouse and kb unresponsive when system prefs quits

All works fine until I open system prefs for any reason. At that point I have to either keep it open or hard reboot my machine. If I actually quit system prefs (it doesn't crash mind you) my mouse will move but no clicks are registered and my kb is completely ignored. As I said, hard reboot is the only way out from there.
Looked through console msgs and can't find anything happening when the problem hits.
Any ideas?

The cache is mentioned several times in the report.
Go to ~/Library/Caches/
Move the Cache.db file from the folder to the Trash.
Restar your Mac.
~ (Tilde) character represents the Home folder.
For Lion:   To find the Home folder in OS X Lion, open the Finder, hold the Option key, and choose Go > Library

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    There is a BootCamp specific forum, you may get the experts over there. ons

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    If you have a keyboard with a numeric pad, press the Option key 5 times. If you then hear a series of 5 clicks, you've activated the feature in +System Preferences > Universal Access > Mouse+ that lets you use the numeric keypad instead of the mouse. The "5" is click, the other numeric keys will move the mouse.
    I think this feature is OFF by default, though, so if you didn't activate it while the mouse was working, you can't turn it on now.
    Otherwise, you need to get or borrow an actual mouse.

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    Dose anyone knows how to fix this freezing thing?
    My computer is:
    27' iMac late 2013 (bought it just few days ago)
    I did no upgrades when I bought it, except the graphic card.
    I bought the iMac in Korean Apple Store, and my Windows CD is in Korean, can that be a problem?
    Please leave a comment when u think u can solve my problem.

    See -> 10.8.pdf.
    In addition to the Windows disc (or USB flash drive with the Windows installer) you'll need a 8GB+ flash drive.
    The referenced manual - on page 3, I think, gives you a run-down of what you'll need before you begin the installation. You may also want to post any further Boot Camp questions in the Boot Camp forum ->
    Good luck,

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    I think you're headed the right direction. There is an AirPlay icon (on mine it is up near the play/pause controls) that I believe is used to set the default desitination for the video to play.
    I'd never seen your issue before, but opened iTunes on a recently-upgraded-to-Mavericks MacBook and it did exactly as you described. While the video was loading, I switched the AirPlay option to the computer instead of ATV and it began playing locally (after a delay as you'd mentioned). I then read this page, which is actually quite old:, which lead me to the icon near the play/pause button. It now has Computer selected on it, and defaults to play locally instead of the ATV even after quitting and reopening iTunes. I hope that is helpful.

  • Brain pick on an old problem of mine (squealing and poping sound when system is under heavy loa

    Firstly, my apologies if this post gets double posted as I am on a barely functional dsl connection?<SPAN> It get?s flaky when it rains which is only periodically for about 2 months of the year?
    I was wondering if someone in the know might be able to clue me in as to any fixes for this VERY old issue of mine.
    I have already searched a bit and all I found was the squeal and crash issue, mine is similar but not identical.
    I have been a creative card user since the first SoundBlaster came out (and jammed it into a 286 system). Well I think it was the first since I was new to computers then?
    Anyway I have had an SB, SB6, SB6AWE, SB Li've, and now SB li've Audigy 2 ZS. Pretty sure I had an audigy pro card (a family member was upgrading so I grabbed theirs for cheap).
    Since around the audigy series of cards I have been working on friends and family member?s (and their friends/family) on the side.<SPAN> Though these days I am not a happy camper.
    I am having this problem that I have now learned to li've with where when I am playing sounds (game or music) and the system gets under some type of heavy load I get LOUD squealing and popping sounds (mostly the squealing kind). The sound can be in excess of my volume settings and I tend to wear headphones (I can't believe I wasn?t deafened the first few times and occasionally recently when I forget, actually I have been having trouble understanding people lately, need to get my ears checked I guess).
    Heavy load defined:-On occasion copying files from one dri've to another (usually large files in this case).
    -Always when copying files over a network to or from my system.
    -in few cases of a network heavy or hard dri've heavy application (lan games anyone?) ? Mostly when I am hosting.
    NOTE: for the most part the card works fine in games as I usually don?t do something else while playing a game, usually.
    For how long?:
    This is hard for me to place.<SPAN> I remember wanting to upgrade to 2k when it came out but I heard from friends that had tried to upgrade that the drivers for the sb6 awe or any other creative card were garbage so I delayed upgrading to win2k till I got my first + ghz system and didn?t have much choice. I have been dealing with this since (also at the time I had an audigy or perhaps just a li've, hard to place).
    Steps to solve this (not resolved yet):
    I have tried several different configurations, this problem has been present on both an amd and 2 (or more) different intel chi
    The problem has not been present on non-creative products under 2k (yes I had a card made by the company that creative bought out a while back), driver updates have done nothing or made it worse (though recent drivers seem to be a little better).
    A while back (on the amd machine) I tried dealing with creative via e-mail and got canned responses of things I had already tried (and had noted in my request for help that I had already tried them) even as far as completely clean installs and as I mentioned different systems.
    I am now using completely different hardware besides the sound card.<SPAN> Swapping out for other soundcards doesn?t help if they are creative cards (I even went as far as trading someone else identical cards to no avail).
    I have even tried windows xp to see if that would help, nope.
    The only solution to this so far has been not to use the card and for a while now I have been suggesting to friends and family to just use the internal on mobo sound instead of an add on creative card.
    I have even had someone else build me a system (as apposed to my building it) just in case I was doing something weird, no help.
    That and just not listening to anything when I am about to put my computer under a heavy load (and making sure to disconnect the phones just in case since sometimes it happens without sound playing, RARELY).
    Current system specs:intel p4 2.66 ghz
    Audigy 2 zs (platinum if memory serves, pretty sure here)
    Geforce 6800gt
    gig of ram
    (I would have to hunt around for other details like mobo)
    I have to say all this effort to get one companies hardware to work just sucks and what sucks more is I have no choice on the market, there is only one noteworthy sound card company when it comes to gaming, on the plus side there isn?t much for me to look forward to in gaming these days? I don?t like MMOs (if I can't play in on a lan and just the people on the lan I don?t care for the game much). Halflife (the reason I bought the geforce 6800 gt card) renders the world in such a way as to make me motion sick (just like all the quake games) so that was a waste of money?
    The reason that there isn?t much to look forward to in gaming is because I can just disable my creative card and enable my onboard mobo sound and actually hear sound while doing stuff as apposed to garbled deafening screeching sounds that I do now when I forget to stop sound before doing something hard on the system?
    Personally this is a last cry for help before I completely give up, I am already a very disenchanted customer hoping there might be some way that I can just listen to music or play games without much worry about sound (the squeals can be heard from across the room from the headsets set at a normal volume so you can imagine what that?s like when they are on my head). I have already, for the last couple of years, been steering people away from creative products in general touting their core product a failure and the people that didn?t believe I just let them sit and listen to some music and then copy a file?
    Sound and music are almost more important to me than graphics btw, I have returned games for poor (in my opinion) quality sound tracks (mostly EA products) and have bought games that had good sound/music but poor graphics, heck I still play some old dos games (loom anyone).
    Sorry the end there got a little ranty, so anyone have suggestions to the problem section?
    One last thing: This took me a while to find and is a bonus to anyone that read all that? For some relati'vely cheap 5. headphones (all I had looked at were over $00) check out the zalman headphones. I have had mine for well over a year now and they still sound just as good as when I got them (even after the ear shattering squeals) and only cost me $50)<SPAN> They are sturdy too (more than I expected), I tend to break headphones within 5 months even some nice $50 stereo ones and these things are still intact.<SPAN> By break I mean break a wire, blow a speaker (squeals) (not literally exploded), snap the headpiece?<SPAN> I can't seem to see a direct link to the speakers so google zalman and headphones?

    I don't know if anyone is following this or cares much but I thought I would add some info for those that like me before signing up, simply searched and found some useful tidbits. I also didn't see an option to edit my previous post as most boards I post on have that option to give you an alternati've to double posting...
    My system was gigabit however I only had cat5 cable with a megabit switch. Now the switch is gigabit with a cat5e cable and a short distance from me to the hub (same system otherwise). The gigabit is onboard.
    I figured I would see a bit speed boost with the new network and indeed in games I did see an improvement on large data transmitting games (American Conquest 4x4 maps in multiplayer LAN) however I expected file transfers between me and other gigabit on mobo cat5e systems would be significantly better. Instead I saw speeds only slightly better than before, around to 2 megabytes per second (using a measurement tool Netstat li've from AnalogueX) and that annoying screeching. At those speeds that might explain why the game was still on the jerky side (a full blown 4x4 map the way we play stresses all computer components but network seemed to be the bottleneck).
    My solution to getting fast file transfers? Disabling my sound card by going to device manager right clicking on the Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS item and choosing disable. With an acti've file transfer (large single file rather than small files) I saw about -2 megabytes per second. Within moments of disabling the soundcard I suddenly had about 20 megabytes per second and the estimated time went from 0 minutes to almost finished...
    I have to say on an aside that this just adds to my disappointment with this card (and the fact that I have seen similar poor performance in other peoples cards set up by me or not). This continues to cast a light of doubt for me and future creative products. I have to say though that the X-Fi (after fully updating drivers) seems like it *MIGHT* be worth a try? I certainly won?t drop any money into a new creative card (or recommend creative computer equipment) until I see some good proof that problems such as those that plagued this and other creative cards are gone.
    Now remembering several posts I read here (and why I am even posting this), I tried disabling some of the features of my nice Creative card (through the various consoles for example the EAX console). Indeed I did see a performance boost (more on that later) as well as death to the squeals (though oddly I did hear that odd electrical interference noise that is supposed to be why onboard audio sucks) and my ears thanked me for that. As for performance my transfer rates went from -2 megabytes per second to a whopping 4-8 megabytes per second (mostly 5). I am definitely leaving those special features disabled for bandwidth intensi've games, after all they are mostly meant for movie and music enhancement (though they make some games sound nice too). I should note that the squeals, though not deafening, are present with other separations in playback, during file transfers. This isn?t much of an issue for me since win2k (and XP) lets me disable and enable my sound card at will without reboots (most of the time) and it has become habit to work around my sound card in this way already.
    I know that there is a limited bandwidth on the system bus between all devices however I just have to wonder why my SB Audigy card is using up so much bandwidth when not doing jack... That and I thought that limit was much higher than 20 or so megabytes per second which has me wonder just how much this sound card is wasting (and possibly stressing) in my system when not doing anything. My guess though is the sound card is merely interfering with PCI traffic and not acti'vely using it (though I am not aware of tools to check this). This might explain why I have gotten less than stellar performance out of other hardware though I have yet to try pushing my system with the sound card off yet?
    While I still can't recommend creative sound cards to customers at least I can't say that Creative doesn't make anything worth buying anymore (and I used to be a huge creative advocate). The new Zen mini player got pretty good praise (search maximum PC for the review).
    Assuming this thread stays open I will add more of my hopefully useful experience with this sound card. If on the other hand it'ss closed up (since there were a few unkind comments) I should have to assume that Creative has completely turned it'ss back on me as well as my current and future customers (unless some other reason for closing is given of course). As it is now I see signs of improvement in the companies? products (which pleases me to no end) though not yet enough to justify my spending or recommendations, besides the portable device, though I have no interest in devices that don?t allow for flash memory expansion I have been asked about them on occasion.

  • ITunes freezes and becomes unresponsive when I plug in my iPad.

      I have Windows 7, and iTunes works perfectly fine, until I plug in my iPad or any device (I have a iPod touch 4 generation and iPhone 4s). The second I plug in my iPad, iTunes completely freezes and becomes unresponsive. It also becomes unresponsive when I try to go to Preferences. I have to go to task manager to force iTunes to close, but if I unplugged my iPad, iTunes becomes responsive after a couple minutes.
         I have researched this problem multiple times, and it seems several others are experiencing the same problem. I have tried their suggested advice, and it did not work for me. I have tried many methods to solving the solution, but it freezes up so quickly I can't even access my iPad on iTunes to ensure that it won't sync automatically. I have also tried holding Ctrl+Shift when plugging it in because iTunes said that way it won't sync automatically. This, however, does not work. iTunes is beginning to become very frustrating. I just really need any advice that will allow me to sync my device ASAP.
         I understand there must be some sort of bug in the latest version of iTunes (I also have the latest version of iOS on my iPad and iPhone), but if anyone has any advice as to how to get around this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Try here >  iTunes: How to remove and reinstall the Apple Mobile Device Service on Mac OS X

  • Mouse and keyboard freezing when first turn on computer

    Everytime I fully shut off my computer and turning it back on, my mouse freezes when i press something on my keyboard. Even my keyboard stops working. This problem stops happening after i restart my computer, then my mouse and keyboard starts working. Because of this i keep my computer on all the time so i don't have to keep restarting everytime i start the computer. Is this a normal problem and is there a way to fix this? It tends to get really annoying.

    Everytime I fully shut off my computer and turning it back on, my mouse freezes when i press something on my keyboard. Even my keyboard stops working. This problem stops happening after i restart my computer, then my mouse and keyboard starts working. Because of this i keep my computer on all the time so i don't have to keep restarting everytime i start the computer. Is this a normal problem and is there a way to fix this? It tends to get really annoying.

  • Every time i open my system pref it never works and it just shows my cursor with the busy signal. and i can't do anything with it and the only way i can exit out of system pref is by going to force quit. and there it shows system pref is not responding.

    How do i fix this?

    no disk is needed.  you can dl the installation files.
    yes, if you uninstall you lose whatever you uninstalled.
    yes, you need to reinstall flash pro using the same suite.  that's the only product with which your serial number will work.
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.6| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • Desktop and Screen Saver in System Prefs hangs. Why?

    I just migrated everything over perfectly from my old intel mac to my new one. when i go to "desktop and screen saver" in the system preferences and try to choose a folder of images for screen saver, sys prefs hangs and i have to force quit. i am trying to choose the same folder i used in my old mac but i have the same problem when trying to chose any folder. is there some "desktop and screen saver" file that could be corrupted that I need to delete? if not, why is it hanging?

    I too am having the same problem as the original poster. I tried what was suggested as far as creating a new admin. account and still have the same problem with no iPhoto library showing up and the desktop/screensaver preferences hanging up and finally forcing a quit to close it.
    I migrated everything from my old computer to this new one including the system software. It was suggested by someone else to reinstall the system software which I have done also with no change in the problem. (something to do with shared libraries I think????)
    Any more ideas?

  • X220- mouse and wifi unresponsive out of standby

    I've had this problem since new, and have reinstalled windows a number of times for unrelated reasons. When coming out of standby, the mouse is unresponsive for about 5s and it takes more than 20s for wifi to reconnect. Iinitially it tries to connect, then drops, then goes through the whole process again before connecting. I don't have this problem on other model Thinkpads, wifi connects immediately out of standby. Seems like it might be a driver problem. All drivers are up to date.

    hey vinuneuro,
    could you try uninstalling the current wifi driver of your unit. Let windows install its generic drivers and try again.
    at the same time if you have Access Connection, uninstall and leave it removed. Just test and see if the wifi-issue you have occurs or not
    WW Social Media
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    How to send a private message? --> Check out this article.

  • Keyboard and trackpad unresponsive when woken from sleep

    I have a Retina MBP running OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
    The last couple days when I wake my computer from sleep the trackpad and keyboard do not respond, but my external mouse works.
    I have to power down my computer, restart and then everything works.
    Anyone else have this issue?  Anyone know a solution?

    Hi MojoTed,
    I'm experiencing an issue that sounds exactly like what you describe. It's not a lag, so much as an occasional failure of the trackpad to actually activate the button after it's been depressed. It'll often also prematurely release while I'm dragging a window. It's super frustrating.
    I'm pretty sure the problem is mechanical. If I press with much more force than I'm used to on my old 2007 MacBook Pro or the Magic Trackpad, it always works consistently. So the workaround for me is just "press harder". Harder than I'm comfortable with, actually.
    I've taken it to the Genius Bar, but they refused to service it because they didn't see a problem with just pressing harder. So I think I'm just stuck with it, unless it fails completely at some point down the road.
    MojoTed, if you "press harder" does your problem go away? If so we may have the exact same issue.

  • International Preferences cannot be open - System Prefs quit unexpectedly

    When trying to set Czech Language as the default keyboard input language, I must have changed something or deleted something because since then, i cannot open International Preferences.
    the small flags are their on the top bar. and I can switch between English and Czech keyboards, but there are still some erractic behaviours.
    how can I get the international prefs back?

    would it be considered desperately bad form to bump this?
    - oh, sorry.
    (I'm desperate here)

  • Files and directories disappears when system crash

    Hi everyone.
    I have a big problem. I have a Java application who creates directories and files. These files are created with ObjectOutputStream on top of FileOutputStream and they are closed correctly. The directories are created with File.mkDirs().
    I'm working on Windows 2000 Pro with JRE SE build 1.3.1-b24. The problem is when is simulate a system crash ( pulling the plug ), the system reboot but all the directories and files created during the last VM session are corrupted or simply not existing.
    Eventually, this application will be ported on a HP-UP and i'm wondering if the same behavior exists on this system.
    Thanks for your responses.

    And why do you think that this is a problem with Java?

  • My right click is not working. the context menu does not come up and i can no longer drag files/folders. I have checked the mouse and track pad in system preferences and the correct boxes are all checked (with a support member). Please can you help

    My right click is not working and producing the context menu or ability to drag files and folders. I just spoke with a phone support person and we checked that all the mouse/trackpad options for right click were correct and checked.
    Please can you help with this.
    It has only just happened in the last few days.
    Many thanks

    You might want to update your profile so that we can see what model iMac you have and what version of OSX you're running.
    For this question, it might help to know if you're dealing with a trackpad, Magic Mouse, or something else?
    (Until your issue's resolved, you can Control-Left Click to get the right click functionality).

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