Mouse Listener works well in swf. but when upload to server 50-50 Or Unable to flip the book v2.25

I currently using v2.25 mac bookflip. The problem I am facing is that the onMouseDown and onMouseUp works well in swf. However, when the I upload to the web server and localhost. The chances for them to work are 50-50.
The truth is I was unable to drag the pages and I have no ideas what to do, and where to the start from can anyone tell me. what to do next?
To call the MouseUp. Basically, One swf (preloader)> load another swf (main menu and selection of books) > load another swf to read the book flip which my mouseDown is here.
Here is all the codes from mac v2.25 bookflip function. I only change the setPages function to make it load dynamically.
  Notes, the problem is not sometimes. It many times.
//do not change these values:  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
_global.mcnt = 0;                                //counter (used on a page where is an animation)
var gpage:Number= 0;                            //gotoPage No
var gflip:Boolean= false;                        //gotoPage flip
var gdir:Number= 0;                                //goto direction
var gskip:Boolean= false;                        //skip pages
var gtarget:Number= 0;                            //target when skipping
var aflip:Boolean= false;                        //auto flip
var flip:Boolean= false;                        //pageflip
var flipOff:Boolean= false;                        //terminateflip
var flipOK:Boolean= false;                        //good flip
var hflip:Boolean= false;                        //hardflip (the cover of the book)
var rotz:Number= -30;                            //hardflip max y difference
var preflip:Boolean= false;                        //corner flip status
var ctear:Boolean= false;                        //actual page status
var tear:Boolean= false;
var teard:Number= 0;
var tlimit:Number= 80;
var removedPages:Array= new Array();            //list of removed pages!
mpx = 0, mpy = 0;                                //mousepos at click
sx = sy = 0;                                    //startpoint when flipping
var x:Number= 0;                                //mouse x,y
var y:Number= 0;
var ax:Number= 0;                                //auto x,y
var ay:Number= 0;
var acnt:Number= 0;
var aadd:Number= 0;
var aamp:Number= 0;
AM= Math.PI/180;
//initializing pages
function reset() = -pw;
    pages.p4._x = pw; = -pw;
    pages.p1._x = 0; = -pw;
    pages.flip.p2._x = pw; = -pw;
    pages.flip.p3._x = 0; = -pw;
    pages.p0._x = 0; = -pw;
    pages.p5._x = pw; = -pw;
    pages.pLL._x = 0; = -pw;
    pages.pLR._x = pw;
    pages._visible= true; pw; ph;
/*"pagesPreloader_mc", "pagesPreloader_mc", 0, {_visible:false});"pagesPreloader_mc", "pagesPreloader_mc", 0, {_visible:false});*/ = pw/2; ph/2; pw; ph;
    pages.pgrad._visible = pages.mask._visible = pages.flip._visible = false;
    pages.flip.p3mask._width = pages.pgmask._width = pw*2;
    pages.flip.p3mask._height = pages.pgmask._height = ph; = ph+2*lcaddy; = pw; = 6; = ph;
    pages.mask._width = pages.mask._height = pages.pgrad._height = pages.flip.p3shadow._height = pages.flip.flipgrad._height = 2*Math.sqrt(ph*ph+pw*pw);
    pageNumber = new Array();
    for(i=0;i<=(maxpage+1);i++) pageNumber[i] = i;
//initializing mouse click handler
mousecontroll = new Object();
mousecontroll.onMouseDown = function()
    if(flip && !aflip)
        flipOK = false;   
        if(sx<0 && pages._xmouse>0) flipOK = true;
        if(sx>0 && pages._xmouse<0) flipOK = true;
        flipOff = true;
        flip = false;
    else if((flipOff || aflip || !canflip) && !preflip)
    else if(!preflip)
        var oox = ox;
        var ooy = oy;
        var osx = sx;
        var osy = sy;
        hit = hittest();                    //hittest
            startsnd(1);                    //Sound
            flip = true;
            flipOff = false;
            tear = false;                    //not tearing yet
            ox = sx = hit*pw;
            mpx = pages._xmouse, mpy = pages._ymouse;
            //_quality = "MEDIUM";            //it is the place to degrade image quality while turning pages if the performance is too low.
    {                                        //if preflipping
        startsnd(1);                        //Sound
        flip = true;
        flipOff = false;
        tear = false;                        //not tearing yet
        aflip = preflip = false;
        mpx = pages._xmouse, mpy = pages._ymouse;
mousecontroll.onMouseUp = function()
    if(flip && !tear)
        if((Math.abs(pages._xmouse)>(pw-afa) && Math.abs(pages._ymouse)>(ph/2-afa) && Math.abs(pages._xmouse-mpx)<afa) || preflip)
            flip = false;
            preflip = false;
            startsnd(2);                    //sound
        else if(!preflip)
            preflip = false;
            flipOK = false;   
            if(sx<0 && pages._xmouse>0) flipOK = true;
            if(sx>0 && pages._xmouse<0) flipOK = true;
            flipOff = true;
            flip = false;
            if(flipOK) startsnd(2);            //sound
function hittest()
{                                            //hittest at mouse clicks, if click is over the book -> determining turning direction
    var x=pages._xmouse;
    var y=pages._ymouse;
    var pmh = ph/2;
    if(y<=pmh && y>=-pmh && x<=pw && x>=-pw)
        var r = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y);
        var a = Math.asin(y/r);
        var y = Math.tan(a)*pw;
        if(y>0 && y>ph/2) y = ph/2;
        if(y<0 && y<-ph/2) y = - ph/2;
        oy = sy = y;
        r0 = Math.sqrt((sy+ph/2)*(sy+ph/2)+pw*pw);
        r1 = Math.sqrt((ph/2-sy)*(ph/2-sy)+pw*pw);
        pageN = eval("");
        pageO = eval("pages.flip.p3");
        offs = -pw;
        pages.flip.fmask._x = pw;
        if(x<-(pw-clickarea) && page>0)
        {                                    //>-----> flip backward
            pages.flip.p3._x = 0;
            hflip = checkCover(page,-1);
            ctear = pageCanTear[page];
            return -1;
        if(x>(pw-clickarea) && page<maxpage)
        {                                    //<-----< flip forward
            pages.flip.p3._x = pw;
            hflip = checkCover(page,1);
            ctear = pageCanTear[page+1];
            return 1;
    } else return 0;                        //wrong click
function checkCover(p,dir)
            if(p==(maxpage-2) || p==0)         return true;
            if(p==maxpage || p==2)            return true;
    return false;   
function corner()
    var x = Math.abs(pages._xmouse);
    var y = Math.abs(pages._ymouse);
    if(x>(pw-afa) && x<pw && y>(ph/2-afa) && y<(ph/2))
        return true;
    return false;
function oef()
    _global.mcnt++;                            //main counter incrase (need for some page effect);
    if(!flip && corner())                     //corner mouseover
        preflip = true;
        if(!autoflip())         preflip = false;
    if(preflip && !corner())
        preflip = false;
        flip = false;
        flipOK = false;
        flipOff = true;
    if(aflip && !preflip)
        y = (ay += (sy-ay)/(gflip? gs: ps ));
        acnt += aadd;
        ax -= aadd;
            flipOK = true;
            flipOff = true;
            flip = false;
            aflip = false;
    if(flip)                                 //page turning is in progress
        if(tear) {
            x = tox;
            y = (toy += teard);
            teard *= 1.2;
            if(Math.abs(teard)>1200) {
                flipOff = true;
                flip = false;
        } else {
            x = (ox += (x-ox)/(gflip? gs: ps ));
            y = (oy += (y-oy)/(gflip? gs: ps ));
        calc(x,y);                            //positioning pages and shadows
    {                                        //terminating page turning effect... (comlplete turning... dropped on the other side)
        if(flipOK || tear)
            x = (ox += (-sx-ox)/(gflip? gs: es ));
            y = (oy += (sy-oy)/(gflip? gs: es ));
            if(x/-sx > 0.99 || tear)        //we are done with turning, so stop all turning issue
                flip = false;
                flipOK = flipOff = false;
                pages.pgrad._visible = pages.flip._visible = false;
                //_quality = "BEST";        //if quality is decrased during turning effect, you must reset its default value
                if(tear)                    //if tear: remove page
                    removePage((sx<0)? page: page+1);
                    page += (sx<0)? -2: 0;
                    page += (sx<0)? -2: 2;    //and tourning pages at pagenumber level...
                if(gskip)         page = gtarget;
                tear = false;
                if(gpage>0 && !gskip)         //gotoflip active -> is there another flipping left?
                    startsnd(0);            //sound
                else gflip = gskip = false;
        else                                 //terminating page turning effect... (incomlplete turning... dropped on the dragged side)
            x = (ox += (sx-ox)/3);
            y = (oy += (sy-oy)/3);
            if(x/sx > 0.99)                    //we are done with turning, so stop all turning issue
                flip = false;
                flipOff = false;
                aflip = false;
                pages.pgrad._visible = pages.flip._visible = false;
                //_quality = "HIGH";         //if quality is decrased during turning effect, you must reset its default value
                setPages(page,0,0,page+1);    //no change at pagenumbers
function calc(x,y)                            //positioning pages and shadows by x,y reference points
    {                                        //hardflip
        var xp = (sx<0)? -x: x;
            sp2._visible = false;
            sp3._visible = true;
            sp3._visible = false;
            sp2._visible = true;
        pages.flip._visible = true;
        pages.flip.fgrad._visible = false;
        pages.flip.p2._visible = pages.flip.p3._visible = false;
    } else pages.flip.fgrad._visible = true;
                                            //normal flipping process
    rr0 = Math.sqrt((y+ph/2)*(y+ph/2)+x*x);
    rr1 = Math.sqrt((ph/2-y)*(ph/2-y)+x*x);
    if((rr0>r0 || rr1>r1) && !tear)
    {                                        // we can tear off pages now
                                            // so reference points must be recalculated
            var a = Math.asin((ph/2-y)/rr1);
            y = (ph/2-Math.sin(a)*r1);
            x = (x<0)? -Math.cos(a)*r1: Math.cos(a)*r1;
                if((sx*x)>0) y = sy, x = sx;
                else y = sy, x = -sx;
            if((rr1-r1)>tlimit && ctear)
                teard = -5;
                tear = true;
                tox = ox = x;
                toy = oy = y;
            var a = Math.asin((y+ph/2)/rr0);
            y = Math.sin(a)*r0-ph/2;
            x = (x<0)? -Math.cos(a)*r0: Math.cos(a)*r0;
                if((sx*x)>0) y = sy, x = sx;
                else y = sy, x = -sx;
            if((rr0-r0)>tlimit && ctear)
                teard = 5;
                tear = true;
                tox = ox = x;
                toy = oy = y;
    if((sx<0 && (x-sx)<10) || (sx>0 && (sx-x)<10))
        if(sx<0) x = -pw+10;
        if(sx>0) x = pw-10;
    //calculating flipping process
    pages.flip._visible = true;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._visible = pages.pgrad._visible = !tear;
    pages.flip.p2._visible = pages.flip.p3._visible = true;
    //equation of the line
    var vx = x-sx;
    var vy = y-sy;
    var a1 = vy/vx;
    var a2 = -vy/vx;
    cx = sx+(vx/2);
    cy = sy+(vy/2);
    //trigonometriai szamitasok
    //calculating rotation of the page, and the masks
    var r = Math.sqrt((sx-x)*(sx-x)+(sy-y)*(sy-y));
    var a = Math.asin((sy-y)/r);
    if(sx<0) a = -a;   
    ad = a/AM;     //in degree
    pageN._rotation = ad*2;
    r = Math.sqrt((sx-x)*(sx-x)+(sy-y)*(sy-y));
    rl = (pw*2);
    {//flip forward
        pages.mask._xscale = 100;
        nx = cx-Math.tan(a)*(ph/2-cy);
        ny = ph/2;
            nx = pw;
            ny = cy+Math.tan(Math.PI/2+a)*(pw-cx); = -(pw-nx);
        pages.flip.fgrad._xscale = (r/rl/2)*pw;
        pages.pgrad._xscale = -(r/rl/2)*pw;
        pages.flip.p3shadow._xscale = (r/rl/2)*pw;
    else                                 //flip backward
        pages.mask._xscale = -100;
        nx = cx-Math.tan(a)*(ph/2-cy);
        ny = ph/2;
            nx = -pw;
            ny = cy+Math.tan(Math.PI/2+a)*(-pw-cx); = -(pw-(pw+nx));
        pages.flip.fgrad._xscale = -(r/rl/2)*pw;
        pages.pgrad._xscale = (r/rl/2)*pw;
        pages.flip.p3shadow._xscale = -(r/rl/2)*pw;
    pages.mask._x = cx;
    pages.mask._y = cy;
    pages.mask._rotation = ad; = -ny;
    pageN._x = nx+offs;
    pageN._y = ny;
    pages.flip.fgrad._x = cx;
    pages.flip.fgrad._y = cy;
    pages.flip.fgrad._rotation = ad;
    pages.flip.fgrad._alpha = (r>(rl-50))? 100-(r-(rl-50))*2: 100;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._x = cx;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._y = cy;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._rotation = ad;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._alpha = (r>(rl-50))? 100-(r-(rl-50))*2: 100;
    pages.pgrad._x = cx;
    pages.pgrad._y = cy;
    pages.pgrad._rotation = ad+180;
    pages.pgrad._alpha = (r>(rl-100))? 100-(r-(rl-100)): 100; = pageN._x; = pageN._y; =; =; = pageN._rotation;
function scalc(obj,x)                    //hardflip calc
    if(x<-pw)     x=-pw;
    if(x>pw)      x=pw;
    var a = Math.asin( x/pw );
    var rot = a/AM/2;
    var xs = 100;
    var ss = 100*Math.sin( rotz*AM );
    x = x/2;
    var y = Math.cos(a)*(pw/2)*(ss/100);
    placeImg(obj, rot, ss, x, y)
    pages.pgrad._visible = pages.flip._visible = true;
    pages.pgrad._xscale = x;
    pages.pgrad._alpha = pages.flip.p3shadow._alpha = 100;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._xscale = -x;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._x = 0;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._y = 0;
    pages.flip.p3shadow._rotation = 0;
    pages.pgrad._x = 0;
    pages.pgrad._y = 0;
    pages.pgrad._rotation = 0;
function placeImg(j, rot, ss, x, y)
    var m = Math.tan( rot*AM );
    var f = Math.SQRT2/Math.sqrt(m*m+1);
    var phxs = 100*m;
    var phRot = -rot;
    var xs = 100*f;
    var ys = 100*f; = 45; = (phxs<0)? - xs: xs; = ys*(100/ss); = phRot; = phxs;
    j._yscale = ss;
    j._x = x;
    j._y = y;
    j._visible = true;
function setPages(p1,p2,p3,p4)
    //attach the right page "image" at the right place
    p0 = p1-2;                        //pages for transparency...
    p5 = p4+2;
    if(p0<0)             p0=0;
    if(p5>maxpage)         p5=0;
    if(p1<0)             p1=0;        //visible pages
    if(p2<0)             p2=0;
    if(p3<0)             p3=0;
    if(p4<0)             p4=0;
    globalP1= p1;       
    globalP2= p2;       
    globalP3= p3;
    globalP4= p4;
    if(checkPageLoaded[globalP1-1] == false && checkPageLoaded[globalP4-1] == false)
        trace("Preloader 3");
        checkPageLoaded[globalP1-1]= true;
        checkPageLoaded[globalP4-1]= true;
        var cCounterTwo:Number= globalP1- (canPreLoadNumber+ 1);
        var cTwoPerPage:Number= cCounterTwo+ 2;
        cCountPage(cCounterTwo, cTwoPerPage, globalP1, globalP4); = -(p1-1)*pw; = -ph/2;
    if(hflip)                         //hardflip pages are specials!!!
        pages.flip.hfliph.sp2._visible = true;
        pages.flip.hfliph.sp3._visible = true;
        sp2 = eval("pages.flip.hfliph.sp2"); = -(p2-1)*pw - pw/2;
        sp3 = eval("pages.flip.hfliph.sp3"); = -(p3-1)*pw - pw/2;
        pages.flip.hfliph.sp2._visible = false;
        pages.flip.hfliph.sp3._visible = false;
        sp2 = eval(""); = -(p2-1)*pw;   = -ph/2;
        sp3 = eval(""); = -(p3-1)*pw;   = -ph/2; = -(p4-1)*pw; = -ph/2;   
    soundDuration = containerArray[page+1].voice.duration/1000;
function resetPages()
function autoflip()
{                                //start auto flip!
    if(!aflip && !flip && !flipOff && canflip)
    {                            //only when all conditions fits our needs
        acnt = 0
        var pmh = ph/2;
        aamp = Math.random()*pmh-(ph/4);
        var x= gflip? (gdir*pw)/2: ((pages._xmouse<0)? -pw/2: pw/2);
        var y= pages._ymouse;
        if(y>0 && y>pmh) y = pmh;
        if(y<0 && y<-pmh) y = - pmh;
        oy = sy = y;
        ax = (pages._xmouse<0)? -pmh: pmh;
        ay = y*Math.random();                //page turnig style randomizing
        offs = -pw;
        var hit = 0;
        if(x<0 && page>0)
            pages.flip.p3._x = 0;
            hflip = (hcover && gskip)? (page==maxpage || gtarget==0): checkCover(page,-1);
            ctear = pageCanTear[page];
            if(!(preflip && hflip)) {
                if(gskip) setPages(gtarget,gtarget+1,page,page+1);
                else setPages(page-2,page-1,page,page+1);
            hit = -1;
        if(x>0 && page<maxpage)
            pages.flip.p3._x = pw;
            hflip = (hcover && gskip)? (page==0 || gtarget==maxpage): checkCover(page,1);
            ctear = pageCanTear[page+1];
            if(!(preflip && hflip))
                if(gskip) setPages(page,gtarget,page+1,gtarget+1);
                else setPages(page,page+2,page+1,page+3);
            hit = 1;
        if(hflip && preflip)
            hit = 0;
            preflip = false;
            return false;
            anim._visible = false;
            flip = true;
            flipOff = false;
            ox = sx = hit*pw;
            aadd = hit*(pw/(gflip? 5:10 ));            //autoflip takes 10 frames to be done!!!
            aflip = true;
            pages.flip.fmask._x = pw;
                oy = sy = (pages._ymouse<0)? -(ph/2): (ph/2);
            r0 = Math.sqrt((sy+ph/2)*(sy+ph/2)+pw*pw);
            r1 = Math.sqrt((ph/2-sy)*(ph/2-sy)+pw*pw);
            pageN = eval("");
            pageO = eval("pages.flip.p3");
            return true;
    } else return false;
function getm()
{    //get x,y reference points depending of turning style: manual/auto
    if(aflip && !preflip)
        x = ax;
        y = ay;
        x = pages._xmouse;
        y = pages._ymouse;
function getPN(i)
{//get the right page number
    if(i==0) return 0;
    var find = false;
            find = true;
    if(find) return i;
    else return -1;
function removePage(i)
    i = (Math.floor((i-1)/2)*2)+1;
    removedPages.push(pageNumber[i], pageNumber[i+1]);
    maxpage -= 2;

Do you mean it's firing when you click Edit?. I've replicated your code as below and it worked, try to remove the OnRowCommand run a build and then add the it again:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void GridMainCat_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
string catID = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
if (e.CommandName == "Edt" && e.CommandArgument != null)
if (e.CommandName == "Dlt")
private void BindGridwithDummy()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr;
dt.Columns.Add(new System.Data.DataColumn("Test", typeof(String)));
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "A dummy Data"; //Adds the Dummy Data in the Row
// Show the DataTable values in the GridView
GridView1.DataSource = dt;
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" OnRowCommand="GridMainCat_RowCommand">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Test" />
<asp:LinkButton Style="padding: 4px;" ID="lnkDel" CommandName="Dlt" runat="server"
CausesValidation="false" Text="Delete" CommandArgument="1" OnClientClick="javascript:return('Are you sure, do you want to delete Record??')"></asp:LinkButton><br />
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" runat="server" Text="Edit" CausesValidation="false"
CommandName="Edt" CommandArgument="2" Style="padding: 4px;"></asp:LinkButton>

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    But my 1 tb hdd is already formatted via ex fat which can work on both mac and Windows no limitation of file size also like if we use ntfs or fat it has a restriction of 4gb file size.

  • HT4437 I bought a brand new iPad 3 and an Apple TV, both connected to the same wpa protected wifi network from home. It worked for a day, but when I woke up, the Apple TV couldn't be found anymore by neither iPad, MacBook or iPhone. Any clue? Thanks!

    I bought a brand new iPad 3 and an Apple TV, both connected to the same wpa protected wifi network from home. It worked for a day, but when I woke up, the Apple TV couldn't be found anymore by either iPad, MacBook or iPhone. Anybody a solution for this?

    Thanks for the swift reply, I have been looking online and a loose plug seems to be somewhat of an issue with many, I hope mine is actually a problem and not what others are experiencing. It's taken me this long to even reach out for the simple fact I HATE being a complainer but this is just horrible.
    Do you have an iPad 3 as well? And is yours not experiencing any issues close to mine?
    Thanks again!

  • Swf is not working properly when upload to server

    I develop 1.swf which is having 3 buttons each one having
    anather .swf to call 2.swf, 3.swf respectively.
    This application is running perfectly on my PC, but
    While uploading the swf to server the 2.swf and 3.swf is
    not running. Can any one tell how to recover from this kind
    of problem.

    justbipin wrote:
    > basically my code working perfectly,
    > but its not working properly when upload to server
    > can anybody having any ref. or link to solve this
    why is that we insist on seeing the source file ?
    There is no one way of doing things in flash and no one can
    you based on "does not work description".
    This is way to broad of a subject to even try to guess.
    Same as asking "my car does not work, what's up with
    Please upload the problematic file and provide url for us to
    Otherwise you need to try to troubleshoot it yourself as we
    guess from here what possibly is wrong with that file.
    Happy New Year guys - all the best there is in the 2006 :)
    <web junk free>
    </web junk free>

  • Applet work well in appletviewer but do not work within browser

    hi, i created an applet that works well in appletviewer,but it does not work within a firefox browser, it issue a message: access denied ( imgDir/vsam.jpg read). What can i do to solve this issue please ?

    sign the applet, use doprivileged and trust the applet when you open it.
    Use htmlconverter in jdk/bin folder to convert you applet so it uses
    object tag instead of applet so IE won't try to run it with msjvm.
    Signing applets:
    second post and reply 18 for the java class file using doprivileged
    Still problems?
    A Full trace might help us out:

  • Wha wha pedal work well with GarageBand but don't want to work with logic pro 9.1.8 on my MBPro end 2011

    Install on MacBook Pro end of 2011 with logic Pro 9.1.8 and Apogee GIO interface guitar
    The wha wha pedal work well with GarageBand but not working with Logic Pro
    Only the red light turning on and off at the screnn of the MBPro and on my Apogee GIO (Guitar Interface Midi) switch button but the effect wha wha won't work.

    Yes... but I have come across some setups that came with a native SL (and even one Lion!) installation.. that somehow had a corrupted or older Prokit installed for some unknown reason... and given it's a quick fix to try.. I thought I'd mention it..
    I frankly don't think it is entirely a Prokit issue itself, but it wouldn't do any harm to try and install v7 just in case it is part of the problem...
    +1 on the UAD stuff....
    Also, at the time it crashed... according to the logs...the OP was running Ableton Live at the same time, presumably rewired with Logic... so add all that together with UAD plugins... and that's quite a load on the system...
    Finally in thread 32 there is a weird exception msg relating to the Trash2 plugin.. that I haven't seen before...
    Thread 32:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib      
    0x94c29afa mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib      
    0x94c2a267 mach_msg + 68
    2   ...tope.audioplugins.AU.Trash2
    0x667bd57a catch_exception_raise + 250
    3   libSystem.B.dylib      
    0x94c57259 _pthread_start + 345
    4   libSystem.B.dylib      
    0x94c570de thread_start + 34
    That might be nothing... but as i said, I haven't seen that one before and given what else is going on.. it might be involved too... or nothing to do with that at all!

  • HT204053 apple id is working fine on computer but when using it to sign in for aps on iphone, it says 'incorrect id or password'

    apple id is working fine on computer but when using it to sign in for aps on iphone, it says 'incorrect id or password'

    Nevermind... Tech had me sign into store and itunes.  Signing in there fixed the problem.

  • The network on my airport express works, have wifi on the ipods,etc. But when I open airport utility on my mac and on the iphone nothing exists. Why?

    The network on my airport express works, have wifi on the ipods,etc. But when I open airport utility on my mac and on the iphone nothing exists. Why?

    Reboot the modem. Just pull the power for a few seconds. No settings are lost.  The laptop getting through to the internet is not relevent.

  • Phone works great but when on a call proximity sensor kicks in turns off the screen. When I pull the phone away from my head screen is still blank. The force hangup/lock is the only way to bring the screen back on

    phone works great but when on a call proximity sensor kicks in turns off the screen. When I pull the phone away from my head screen is still blank. The force hangup/lock is the only way to bring the screen back on.
    I purchaged it before one month onl. So i wont understand how it comes. Please help me. I am waiting for you reply.

    "Your face is so ugly, it broke your phone!" Ha ha. Get it? How I was joking there? About your iPhone not working correctly after... <sigh>
    But seriously, you said the situation only happens when you have been on a long call, so maybe the iPhone is just autolockng?

  • Song works fine in itunes but when i transfer it to my phone it playes back brocken and begins to skip. any solutions??

    song works fine in itunes but when i transfer it to my phone it playes back brocken and begins to skip. any solutions??
    I have already restored my phone to the newest software and also completely uninstalled itunes and re downloaded it.

    Basic troubleshooting steps clearly outlined in the User Guide are restart, reset, restore from backup, restore as new device.
    If you have gone through ALL the above steps and are still having problems, then you'll need to bring your phone into Apple for evaluation.

  • Flash Player works fine in IE, but when I am using Firefox, it crashes

    Flash player works fine in IE, but when I am using Firefox it crashes when it has to play an audio signal. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? It is most annoying.

    Please provide more information like which version of Flash Player are you using?
    What is the version of Firefox?

  • My PC works OK with dowload, but when I try to make an update for Premiere Elements 9, it says "An error occured during download, quit and retry later"

    My PC works OK with dowload, but when I try to make an update for Premiere Elements 9, it says "An error occured during download, quit and retry later" - What can I do ?

    try a manual update,

  • I am transmitting data over internet and WiFi ,it's working fine with internet but when I choose WiFi for data transmission data is not being transmitted. What may be the possible issues of data transmission failure over WiFi?  Please help me.

    I am transmitting data over internet and WiFi ,it's working fine with Internet but when I choose WiFi for data transmission data is not being transmitted. What may be the possible issues of data transmission failure over WiFi?     Please help me....
    Thanks in Advance.

    After a week's worth of debugging, I found the issue.
    The Java type returned from the call was defined as ArrayList.  Changing it to List resolved the problem.
    I'm not sure why ArrayList isn't a valid return type, I've been looking at the Adobe docs, and still can't see why this isn't valid.  And, why it works in Debug mode and not in Release build is even stranger.  Maybe someone can shed some light on the logic here to me.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Why is iTunes window open in every mission control window

    I have a 27" iMac with the latest Mac OS and the latest version of iTunes. I have my iTunes library installed on an external Hard Drive. When I open iTunes, every mission control window has an open iTunes window? 10 screens 10 open iTunes windows? Th

  • Transferring from G5 to PB

    My new PB arrived today and I successfully migrated my spouse and child's user accounts over, but mine was way too large so I tried drag and drop using FW cable and target disk mode. Evidently I didn't get all the essential pieces to maintain my info

  • Can I know which computers have installed Adobe Acrobat with my license?

    Hi! We purchased individual licenses for our computers, but it begin to show a message that the limit activated exceeded in some computers, can we know if some one else is using our license? Thanks

  • My Firefox does not open anymore?

    A couple days ago my Firefox stopped opening. I click on the icon a million times and nothing happens. I can't think of any reason why it would suddenly do this. When I tried to delete it and redownload it, a box popped up saying I needed to close Fi

  • Photoshop CS4 not autoloading scripts into menu

    Hi all, I've just done a fresh install of CS3 Suite and then CS4 right after.  I have two HD's, one is meant for OS and Apps, the other - for data.  I keep a folder called "Photoshop Files" in the data HD; that folder contains my actions, scripts, wh