Mouse wheel is erratic

I am having more and more difficulty with the mouse wheel on Mac OS X 10.7. When I try to use it for scrolling in Firefox, nothing happens. After a few attempts, Firefox starts scrolling in the wrong direction, then after a few seconds, scrolling direction comes back to normal. Sometimes, scrolling with the wheel stops altogether, mainly in the Finder, sometimes in Firefox. I am using an external Razer Taipan mouse. I just cannot use the trackpad, as I run the Mac with the display lid closed to use my external monitor in full 1080p resolution. Will I really have to purchase a 70$ external trackpad from Apple to use this machine? This is a real nonsense as trackpad are harder to use for me and that device would be just for this dumb Mac. I have a Dell touch screen: Mac OS X doesn't recognize it as well. It seems that no mater what I will try, it will NEVER work! Any idea?

I'm experiencing the same mouse behavior on my iMac with a wireless and wired mouse.  With all of the events closed in the Photo mode there is no scrolling in either direction. Event the double arrows at either end of the window don't work. I can drag the scroll bar down and up with the mouse.
However, I found if I opened all of the events (Option-click on one event triangle) and then closed them all I can scroll down slowly as one would expect and the scroll arrows worked.  But the upward scroll is all the way to the top in one fell swoop.
If I close iPhoto and reopen the scrolling is broken until I open and close all of the Events in the Photo mode.
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    you have a mouseWheelListener added to jChild?
    if so, in the mouseWheelMoved code include this line
    jParent.dispatchEvent(mouseWheelEvent);//or to the scrollpane

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    # .xbindkeysrc
    "xdotool click 4"
    m:0x0 + b:4
    # or
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    m:0x0 + b:4
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    not really.. sorry
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    -Normal page
    -Page with scrolling disabled
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    As far as I know,there is no facility for detecting mouse scrolling wheel in JDK 1.3.
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    (Your post is not that clear whether you want to scroll frames or zoom the timeline as you mention both)

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    Firefox Developer Edition 36.0a2 (2014-12-09)
    Firefox Developer Edition is up to date
    You are currently on the aurora update channel.
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    2. "right mouse click" on the navigation arrows to see the list of previously visited pages of the current tab, and the ones I visited after the page I am on, if I clicked "back" once or more times. I can then click the mouse wheel or "Ctrl + Left Mouse Button" to open any of the pages in the list in a new tab.
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    I'm inclined to agree. At first I thought Toshiba had simply remapped the Middle Mouse Button to bring up the start menu for whatever reason, but from what I can tell the PC actually registers the MMB as the Left Windows Key! Why anyone would think this was a good design idea I have no idea. For me it's just frustrating....
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    First; using any other mouse, the MMB functions normally. So you could plug a regular USB or wireless mouse in and presto! Problem solved.
    +Of course this is FAR less than ideal. One of the reasons I bought an all in one was for the clean look with matching keyboard and mouse. I don't want to give up a USB port when it already comes with the peripherals built in.+
    The second option (The one I'm currently using) is to use key remapping software. I've remapped the Left Window Key to act as the Middle Mouse Button. Now my mouse functions normally.
    +The problem with this solution is that the Windows Key on the keyboard now also works like a MMB. I remapped the "drop down menu" key to act as the LWIN key to compensate, but this solution is also far from ideal.+
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    Last edited by bmanuel (2013-01-11 10:25:24)

    anonymous_user wrote:Have you considering using Chromium's experimental smooth scrolling that can be enabled in chrome://flags?
    I tried, but this should be labeled as a joke, that gives basically very little difference, they should just look at how Firefox implemented it for a good reference

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    but for some reason, I can't find the option to enable this in firefox.
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    I use a two button mouse with my Mac Book Pro.  It works fine, but after installing Lion, the mouse wheel goes in reverse of what it did (rolling the wheel towards your palm goes up not down the page).  Anyone know how to fix this?

    First sentence in OPs question:
    I use a two button mouse with my Mac Book Pro
    I guess the track pad settings would look similar to my screen shot?
    Colin R.

  • Flash freezes in Firefox when I scroll the mouse wheel over a drop down list or text field (possibly others as well).

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    If I start click and dragging things, nothing happens, and then all of the sudden everything catches up and moves.  As an experienced programmer, I can say that it looks like some kind of queuing of keyboard/mouse events with delayed execution.   Has anyone else encountered this issue?
    I found something from 2008 that sounds similar, although I am not using the sIFR they mentioned: sIFR mouse wheel scrolling freeze in Firefox - Stack Overflow
    Seems to be a Firefox-specific issue, although it also seems to be something that has just recently started occurring since updating Firefox.
    UPDATE:  I was checking my Firefox version in Help > About Firefox, and it showed version 33, but also had a pending update so I restarted Firefox.  The problem was no longer occurring at that point.  When I checked the version again, it said 33.0.2, but it also said "applying update", with another pending restart. I restarted Firefox again.  It's now stable at version 33.1.  So perhaps it was a problem with that particular version, or even a temporary issue with that running browser instance.

    Hi James,
    Thank you for sharing your solution with us. It will help other users with a similar issue.

  • Mouse Wheel  under Windows XP Does not work- 9.0.3

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    I know user's of windows 98 had problem with mouse wheel. However, migrating to JDeveloper9.03 seems to have fixed the mouse wheel problem for Windows98 users and made it a problem for WindowsXP users!

    I work with Ramin. Both he and I just unzipped JDev903 to a new folder (C:\Program Files\OracleJDeveloper903). There was no mention in the readme file about having to uninstall the prior version, and since it didn't have a Windows installer (the files are merely unzipped), we didn't think that it mattered that another version was on disk. He was running only the 903 version -- the 902 version was simply on the disk just like dozens of other programs are on the disk. I don't believe he rebooted after exiting 902 and unzipping 903, if that matters. So I think what he did was
    1) run 902
    2) quit 902
    3) unzip 903 to new folder
    4) run 903 and notice mouse doesn't work
    Questions: Do you recommend getting rid of 902 totally off your disk? If not, do you recommend installing it to the same folder or a different folder? What about rebooting in-between running/quitting 902 and running 903?
    (FYI: By the way, I unzipped it and then tried to open up one of my existing workspaces. I found I couldn't browse up the the root folder. It said "I/O Error: The dir c:\ is not accessible. Please select a different directory." It had me in the c:\Program Files\OracleJDeveloper903 folder and I wanted to go to c:\My Documents. I couldn't browse there because I needed to pass through the root to get there. The workaround was to type in c:\My Documents into the File field. However I'm using Win98 but I plan on going to Win2000. Perhaps that will fix the root problem. My mouse works now in win98 but I hope I don't lose that functionality when I go to 2000.)

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