Move addressee from "CC" to "To" field?

Here's the scenario: If I send someone an email and I'd like to reply back to the email string with further information I'll go into my "Sent" folder and reply all to the email. This will put my email address in the "To" line and the others in the "CC" line. I don't see any way to move or cut and copy the addressee's from the "CC" to the "To" line.
Any way to do this?

No, not a "send again" command. It's a "reply to all" command that I'd like but instead of re-typing everyone's email address from the "Cc" line to the "To" line (which can be quite tedious if you have a decent size email list) I'd like to cut and paste.
Everyone follow along with a little science experiment so it's clear what I'm trying to do.
Go to your sent mailbox. Find any message and imagine you forgot to include something in that email. If you choose "reply to all" it will bring up a new email with the email history below. Instead of having the addressee(s) in the "To" line they will be in the "Cc" line.

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    Below is the program code.
    *& Report  Y_REORDER_REPORT
    tables : marc,makt, mard.
    DATA: Begin of i_final occurs 0,
            matnr type marc-matnr,
            maktx type makt-maktx,
            DISPO type marc-DISPO,
            MINBE type marc-MINBE,
            LABST type mard-LABST,
          end of i_final.
    DATA: Begin of i_marc occurs 0,
           matnr type marc-matnr,
           DISPO type marc-DISPO,
           MINBE type marc-MINBE,
          end of i_marc.
    DATA: Begin of i_makt occurs 0,
           matnr type makt-matnr,
           maktx type makt-maktx,
          end of i_makt.
    DATA: Begin of i_mard occurs 0,
           matnr type mard-matnr,
           LABST type mard-LABST,
          end of i_mard.
    SELECT  matnr
            minbe from marc
            into corresponding fields of table i_marc
            where dispo EQ 'STR'.
    WRITE: /10  'Material',
            75  'MRP',
            80  'Reorder Qty.'.
    LOOP at i_marc.
    Write: /10  i_marc-matnr,
            75  i_marc-dispo,
            80  i_marc-minbe.
    write: /.
    SELECT  matnr
            MAKTX from makt
            into corresponding fields of table i_makt
            for all entries in i_marc
            where matnr = i_marc-matnr.
    LOOP at i_makt.
    Write: /10 i_makt-matnr,
            30 i_makt-maktx.
    SELECT  matnr
            LABST from mard
            into corresponding fields of table i_mard
            for all entries in i_marc
            where matnr = i_marc-matnr.
    LOOP at i_mard.
    Write: /10 i_mard-matnr,
            30 I_MARD-LGORT,
            40 i_mard-labst.
    move  i_mard-matnr to i_final-matnr.
    move  i_marc-dispo to i_final-dispo.
    move  i_marc-minbe to i_final-minbe.
    move  i_makt-maktx to i_final-maktx.
    move  i_mard-labst to i_final-labst.
    WRITE: /10  'Material',
            30  'Material Desc.',
            75  'MRP',
            80  'Reorder Qty.',
            105 'Current Stock'.
    LOOP at i_final.
    Write: /10  i_final-matnr,
            30  i_final-maktx,
            75  i_final-dispo,
            80  i_final-minbe,
            105 i_final-labst.
    *LOOP at i_mard.
    *Write: /10  i_mard-matnr,
           30  i_makt-maktx,
           75  i_marc-dispo,
           80  i_marc-minbe,
           105 i_mard-labst.

    Change like this,
    SELECT matnr
    labst FROM mard
    WHERE matnr = i_marc-matnr.
    LOOP AT i_mard.
       WRITE: /10 i_mard-matnr,
       30 i_mard-lgort,
       40 i_mard-labst.
    LOOP AT i_marc.
       READ TABLE i_mard WITH KEY matnr =  i_marc-matnr.
       READ TABLE i_makt WITH KEY matnr =  i_marc-matnr.
       MOVE i_mard-matnr TO i_final-matnr.
       MOVE i_marc-dispo TO i_final-dispo.
       MOVE i_marc-minbe TO i_final-minbe.
       MOVE i_makt-maktx TO i_final-maktx.
       MOVE i_mard-labst TO i_final-labst.
       APPEND i_final.
    WRITE: /10 'Material',
    30 'Material Desc.',
    75 'MRP',
    80 'Reorder Qty.',
    105 'Current Stock'.

  • Move data from one fs to another from a particular position.

    Hi all,
    i have a requirement where i want to move data from one field symbol to another from a particular
    I have a work area which contains string values. i have converted this string to hexadecimal value .
    in this hex string m lukin for a position where '0A' occurs. Now i have to pick the string till dis '0A' value and move it to some other field symbol. Can anybody tell me how to do that.
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      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> TYPE x.
                 data: temp1 type string,
                       p_word type string,
                       temp2 TYPE string,
                       w_len TYPE i.
                       temp1 = wa_value-value. "this wa containd the value
                       w_len = strlen( temp1 ).
             if temp1 cp '"*'.
               ASSIGN wa_value-value TO <fs> CASTING TYPE x.  " converting wa to hex value
                  DATA: VAR TYPE i,
                        COUNTER TYPE i,
                        line_feed_count type i,
                        temp_count type i.
             VAR = strlen( wa_value-value ).
             CLEAR: COUNTER, temp_count, line_feed_count.
               WHILE COUNTER LE VAR.
                IF <fs>+counter(1) = '0A'.
                line_feed_count = line_feed_count + 1.
                COUNTer = COUNTer + 1.
                COUNTER = COUNTER + 1.
    Now , i want to pick data from starting till the position it gets '0A' and then again till it finds another '0A'.
    Thanks in advance.

    As everyone has rightly pointed out, there is no direct way of transferring the data from one appset to another. However, there are definitely few ways of doing it:
    1. Run export package. Export the data in flat file. Import the data using import DM package.
    2. Export the data from the cube of your application in excel file. Then run the import DM package to load the data.
    3. Run UJBR transaction in SAP. Take the backup of the transactional data. You will get few flat files. Run the import DM package.
    All the above steps will work only if the structure of the applications in both the appsets is the same. Otherwise, you will have to modify the flat file before uploading the file.
    Hope this helps.

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      one  of  the  ways  you  can  achieve  the  desired  result  is  Via  BPC  Excel
    1) from  menu Edata--> RUn  Package --> copy/Move .  OR
    2) You  an  write  Script  logic  to  Copy/Move  data.
    Hope this  helps..

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    Can any please help out in this ..?
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    (How do i send the data from one client to another client using Function moduel).
    Moderator message: too vague, help not possible, please describe problems in all technical detail when posting again, BI related? ("cube"), also search for information before asking.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Oct 29, 2010 1:19 PM

    This is the start routine to duplicate records in two currencies.
    DATA: datew   TYPE /bi0/oidateto,
          datew2  TYPE rsgeneral-chavl,
          fweek   TYPE rsgeneral-chavl,
          prodhier TYPE /bi0/oiprod_hier,
          market  TYPE /bic/oima_seg,
          segment TYPE /bic/oizsegment.
        move-corresponding s_data_pack to DATA_PACKAGE.
        if DATA_PACKAGE-loc_currcy = 'EUR'.
          DATA_PACKAGE-netval_inv = DATA_PACKAGE-/bic/zsdvalgrc.
          DATA_PACKAGE-netval_inv = DATA_PACKAGE-/bic/zsdvalloc.
          DATA_PACKAGE-netval_inv = DATA_PACKAGE-/bic/zsdvalgrc.
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    This is to load Value field
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  • Won't Automatically Move Messages from Group

    Hey Folks,
    Poked around for a bit in the archive and didn't see this issue addressed (most filtering queries seemed to be about Junk, this concerns mail from recognized recipients). After an hour with AppleCare they sent me here to answer this query:
    I've written several rules for filtering mail from recognized senders to folders on my .Mac account. I can successfully get messages from single individuals moved automatically to a designated folder, but I can't get any messages from any e-mail addresses moved automatically where the rule applies to more than one e-mail address. In the case of a rule set to apply to multiple addresses, all those e-mails go directly to my inbox (i.e. the rule fails, or doesn't apply). Or to put it another way, I can write a rule that says: "move messages from Gary to Folder:Gary" and messages from Gary will go directly to that folder, skipping my inbox. However, if the rule says "move messages from Groucho, Harpo and Zeppo to Folder:Marx_Brothers" e-mails from either Groucho, Harpo or Zeppo will not move to that folder, but will simply appear in my inbox.
    I won't list the things I've tried, both on my own and with the AppleCare tech, as its kind of a long list.
    Anyone having or had a similar problem with rules applying to multiple e-mails.
    Thanks very much,

    not quite the same:
    to comply with your suggestion, I used the '+' feature and added each e-mail in its own field. That worked- it sent every e-mail entered in that rule to one box.
    My question is whether there is a way to write the rule so I can copy and paste, from a list of 20+ addresses, every e-mail I want moved to that box into one field, as opposed to a separate field for each address. I'm just trying to save time as I sort through a lot of e-mail.
    Thanks again,

  • 1080p30 .mov files from canon eos 5DMarkII in Final cut express 4.0.1

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    maybe they have an update with new avchd 1080p codec in configuration ?
    or i need final cut pro...?
    Thanks in advance
    and sorry for my english...i'm french

    There is no good solution for working with this camera in FCE. It's 30fps progressive. There is no true video format that is 30fps. This is something Canon was cobbled together for this stills camera.
    You can use MPEG Streamclip to convert the material to QuickTime using the Apple Intermediate Codec at 1920x1080. I think that's what it shoot. You should check the camera manual to confirm it shoots 1920 and not 1440.
    The problem is the frame rate. You can convert it to 29.97fps or to 25fps. 25fps conforms to the European frame rate, but I don't know how well Streamclip will do this conversion. You also need to make sure the material is not interlaced by Streamclip.
    The other problem is that FCE handles 1080 as an interlaced format, because for production it's supposed to be an interlaced format, at least in the formats, HDV and AVCHD, that FCE works with. You can set your sequence properties to have no field dominance, which should prevent it interlacing during compositing of any effects.

  • 1st Gen iPad doesn't show movies imported from iTunes

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    This my "stock" answer for this issue and I'm sure that you have tried the first thing, but take look at the second suggestion and see if that works for you.
    Quit the video app and restart. Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit the app by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on the video app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the video app icon to close it. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button. Try the app again and see if the movie is there and will play.
    If that didn't work - Search for the movie. From the home screen swipe to the right and the Spotlight Search feature will appear. Type the name of the movie in the field at the top, if the movie shows up in the search, tap on the icon and hopefully it will begin to play. Let it play for a few minutes then tap Done. Return to the video app and see if it is in there now.

  • Select from three tables (one field)

    Dear Friends
    I have start-of-selection.
      select * from qals into corresponding fields of table itab where enstehdat in s_tarih.
      loop at itab.
          select matnr ntgew  from mara into (mara-matnr, mara-ntgew) where matnr eq itab-matnr.
          select matnr zfirmaadi ztezgah1 from zomt_malz into (zomt_malz-matnr, zomt_malz-zfirmaadi, zomt_malz-ztezgah1)
           where matnr eq itab-matnr.
            move-corresponding itab to itab2.
            itab2-zfirmaadi = zomt_malz-zfirmaadi.
            itab2-matnr = zomt_malz-matnr .
            itab2-ztezgah1 = zomt_malz-ztezgah1.
            itab2-ntgew = mara-ntgew.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
            append itab2.
    And I want to get unique matnr from this qals,zomt_malz, mara .
    Your helps will be very appreciated.

    never use select statemnts inside loop.
    look this code.
    select * from qals
    into corresponding fields of table itab
    where enstehdat in s_tarih.
    select matnt ntgew
    from mara
    into table itab_mara
    for all entries in itab
    matnr = itab-matnr.
    select matnr zfirmaadi ztezgah1
    from zomt_malz into table itab_ ztezgah1
    for all entries in itab
    matnr = itab-matnr.
    loop at itab.
    move-corresponding itab to itab2.
    read table itab_mara with key matnr = itab-matnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    itab2-ntgew = mara-ntgew.
    read table  itab_ ztezgah1 with key matnr = itab-matnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    itab2-zfirmaadi = zomt_malz-zfirmaadi.
    itab2-matnr = zomt_malz-matnr .
    itab2-ztezgah1 = zomt_malz-ztezgah1.
    append itab2.
    clear itab2.
    if helped mark points

  • Unable to  move data from Infooject to another Infoobject in APD

    Dear BW experts.
    I have data in Infoobject1 with 10 columns and I have another Infooject2 with 11 columns.
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    I try to use Analysis Process designer. In this, I could consider Infoobject1 as the source but in the choice of the target, I do not see Infoobect  but only see DSO and other objects not relevant for me.
    How do I move data from infoobject1 to Infoobject2 using ABAP routine in the APD.
    Kindly suggest.

    See usefull Articles in
    Analysis Process Designer (APD)
    Analysis Process Designer (APD): Part - 1 
    Analysis Process Designer (APD): Part - 2 
    Analysis Process Designer (APD): Part - 3
    Surendra Reddy

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    I would like to move data from bpc application(i.e bpc cube) to bw cube.  Bpc cube having infoobjects starting with /cpmb/* and bw cube having infoobjects starting with y* .
    I want to write badi code to move data from bpc cube to bw cube? is it possible to move data via badi in our case?
    I know through APD its possible to move.  Any suggestions pls. we are on bpc 75 nw sp04

    Hi Naresh!!!
    I am doing the same stuff...... and got the data read inside the BAdI and converted the comma seperated into a properly structured table... but i dont know how to send this field symbol structure to a normal table. can you help me!!!!??? can you give me your contact details.... please
    Surya Tamada.

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    Tap and hold any icon for a couple of seconds. They'll all start to wobble. Tap and drag the one you want to move to the side of the screen and the next screen will appear; drop the icon on whatever screen you want it on.
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    Backup your iTunes library to an external drive and onto the other computer

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    You're talking about an episode you've downloaded in someone else's podcast, and moving it to another user account on your Mac? You could simply subscribe to the podcast in the other account and download it again, but if you want to save the download time just drag the episode(s) to the Desktop, then place them in the Users/shared folder, then open the other user account and drag them from there to iTunes.
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