Move Aperture Library, Locks Up

I bought 2 1.5 TB GoFlex for Mac drives in order to store and backup my very large photo collection. Hooked one of them up using the firewire and transferred all my photos in Aperture using the "relocate masters" tool. It was easy and worked worked well. However, now I have these problems:
1. Aperture is constantly "processing" something and after it does that for maybe 15 min, the computer locks up
2. If I stop the processing, it's just a matter of time before lockup happens anyway
3. switch to USB cable makes no difference, still locks up
4. No problems if I disconnect the GoFlex. Computer functions normally.
So I am not sure if this is a problem with Aperture or the external drive. If I keep Aperture closed, I can access the GoFlex and see all my photos and it works fine. Any ideas?

It is possible that Spotlight is indexing your files. Have you tried Disk Utility > Repair Disk?

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    Perhaps I am not searching properly,but was unable to bring up a 2011 answer to this question. Does anyone have more current help than 2011?

    Thank you, léonie, for your extensive help. I do not wish to impose on you, but have answered the first part of your response below. If you                      were to continue helping, I would appreciate that greatly. I also hope continuing the conversation within the community this way is ok. If not please advise.
    “What exactly is the mess now? I do not want to contribute to it inadvertently by missing details.”
    I meant that, the original library remained on my MBP and the copied library was on my new dedicated external drive. My original problem of only 50 gigs on my MBP meant the beach ball was quite active.
    I set the library from within aperture to the file on my new dedicated external drive. Images I looked at appeared and all functioned well but slowly.
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    I then reindexed spotlight and the MPB worked much faster, reflecting some 150 gigs available much better than 50 from before.
    Is this summary correct?
    My external drive was formatted correctly. I did user finder to move my "iPhoto" library from my mac to my external drive.
    I did redirect Aperture to the external drive. but I see that the original library remains on my mac. (Which, as I mentioned above, with much care and several types of backup, I trashed the original file, which was on my MBP).
    So you could open your library on the external drive?  Is it working correctly? Yes
    Are you able to open all images? Yes, based on a sampling of images.
    Is your library referenced or not?  That means, did you import your images into Aperture or photo with the "Import Settings" set to "Store Files: In the Aperture Library"?
    I am not sure from where you got the graphic labeled “Aperture Library”. My Aperture version is 3.5.1.
    When I go to Aperture preferences and select import, this is what I see:
    In advanced this is what I see:
    I think the difference is in my version. 
    Continuing, when I look at iPhoto, it references the new library on my external drive. Here’s that screen shot.
    So,  the Aperture setting says it is currently set to use iphoto for camera imports and iPhoto is set to use the new external drive’s library. I am not sure how file imports will be affected, but assume it will be the same. Is that correct?
    Any comments up to this point?
    I will now try the smart album comment.

  • Want to move aperture library to different drive?

    I want to get this right the first time. I did a search and could not find my exact question.
    I have my aperture library on an external drive. I want to move it from that external drive to a different external drive. I think I do the following:
    1. Tell aperture that my library is now on new external drive (via preferences).
    2. Quit aperture.
    3. Go to finder and drag aperture library icon from old external drive onto the new one.
    4. Start aperture.
    Is this correct? Thanks in advance!

    It's easier than that. Quit Aperture, move the library, and double-click on it when it's in the new location. Aperture will open the library, and will in fact set it as the default library.
    Piece O' Cake, and it's not even Irish

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    did you do anything else besides copying your library to a fire wire drive after your last post                                                                            Aperture not responding                     ?
    Since that library probalbly already needed fixing, I'd recommend to force quit Aperture and use the "First Aid" to repair your Library.
    Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics:

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    What sucess have you had making a custom NAS?  Did you use FreeNAS, OMV, Nas4free? Did you sucessfully off load Aperature, iTunes, and other Mac stuff to the NAS?
    Share your story!

    As for the Aperture question, there is no guarantee of performance or integrity if you place the library on other then a locally connected drive formatted OS Extended. It may work, may not work or may work until your library is toasted.
    As for the other questions concerning setting up a home brew NAS, you'll get better results asking that part of the question in one of the other communities. Depending on your model I would start in the community devoted to it.
    good luck

  • I just noticed that I can no longer select photos out of my finder that are located in my Aperture/Iphoto Library.  I used to be able to attach photos to my gmail out of the aperture library in the finder and for some reason, no longer can.

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    So in short, I need to know how to do the following:
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    -move aperture library to live on external drive
    -import iphoto library into aperture library
    -eliminate dups but maintain organization
    -moving forward i need a better workflow so that I import images from camera, and can organize right away into albums rather than creating projects by default and then creating albums so essentially the photos are in 2 different places, even tho they are referenced
    -live happily ever after
    Thanks in advance for any support you can offer!!

    If you're using apps like iPhoto or Aperture then they replace the Finder for managing your photos. The point is that you use the (many) options available via these apps for the things you want and need to do with the Photos.
    So, simply, you don't select the photos in the Finder. I'll append the supported ways to do this - which are faster and will yield the current version of your Photos - to the end of this post.
    -move aperture library to live on external drive
    Managed or Referenced Library? Managed -
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit Aperture
    2. Copy the Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching Aperture. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    Referenced -  relocate your Masters first.
    These issues are covered in the Manual and on this forum hundreds of times.
    -import iphoto library into aperture library
    FIle -> Import -> iPhoto Library? Have you done this already? If so are you trying to move the Masters to Aperture from an  iPhoto Library? Or Consolidate them?
    -moving forward i need a better workflow so that I import images from camera, and can organize right away into albums rather than creating projects by default and then creating albums so essentially the photos are in 2 different places, even tho they are referenced
    You can't. Every photo is in a Project.  They’re the basic building blocks of the Library.
    You might want to spend a little time with the manual or the video tutorials. I'm not sure you've grasped the app  you've purchased.
    The following is written for iPhoto, but about 97% works for Aperture too.
    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto/ APerture:   You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics. This is what you use to attach your shot to your GMail
    (Note the above illustration is not a Finder Window. It's the dialogue you get when you go File -> Open)
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    There's a similar option in Outlook and many, many other apps.  If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto/ Aperture.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    If you want to access the files with iPhoto/ Aperture not running:
    For users of 10.6 and later:  You can download a free Services component from MacOSXAutomation  which will give you access to the Library from your Services Menu.
    Using the Services Preference Pane you can even create a keyboard shortcut for it.
    or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser

  • What is the best way to move an aperture library from one full drive to an external drive?

    Just want to make sure I move my existing Aperture library on my internal drive (which is full) correctly to an external drive that has plenty of space. 
    Thanks for the help!

    As I use a MBP with limited internal drive space, my approach is to have the image files on an external drive, while leaving the library itself on my internal drive. The library takes up about 80GB while the images are closer to 1TB.
    The library always contains 'Thumbnails' of the images which it shows in place of the disconnected image files.
    This means I can still open the library even when the external drive is not attached, and I can still do keywording and rating and organising and so on.
    I also maintain 'Previews' for my best images. Previews are like thumbnails but larger in size and can be shared with other apps, so I can still use and share these copies of the images, again even while the external drive is not attached.
    I don't like the idea of having the actual library on an external drive connected to a laptop (although I have done so from time to time without issue). There's always a chance it can become accidentially disconnected (kids, pets, etc) and if this happens while using Aperture it can corrupt your library. A corrupted library can be repaired with Apertures first aid tools, but it's better to avoid it in the frist place when you can.

  • Can you move the aperture library without losing images?

    my library is defaulted to imac..
    but can you house it on external drive..I know, yes, as a referenced library.
    but I already have some [lots] images in library.
    can I move the library and maintain contents?
    once you import into library, is the original image in folder it was in before? or it's deleted?
    just trying to see what will work best for my needs?
    as I sometimes travel/live in 2nd home and just carry external drive
    thanks for input/suggestion

    Creating what Ap[erture calls a 'Vault' seems like the easiest way to do it.
    Here is the complete Help section on backing up your library.
    As you begin working with Aperture, it’s important to perform regular backups of your photos. Using the Aperture backup system, you can create backups and update them whenever you wish. Aperture tracks your backups and indicates how up to date your most recent backup is. In the rare event of equipment failure or an unforeseen catastrophe such as a fire or weather-related damage, you can easily restore the entire Aperture library onto your computer or a new computer.
    You set Aperture to back up a copy of the library to a designated storage area called a vault. For safety and redundancy, use external hard disks to hold your vaults. You can create as many vaults as you deem necessary.
    When you back up your photos, Aperture makes a complete copy of the library in its current state. If you remove items from the library, those items are removed from the backup when it is next updated.
    All originals for managed images, all versions, and all metadata, previews, and adjustment information associated with your photos are backed up. The versions, previews, and metadata associated with referenced images are also backed up in the vault.
    Important:  Referenced images’ originals are not backed up in the vault with the library. Because the originals for referenced images are stored outside of the library, you must manage the backup and archiving of them yourself.
    A typical backup system used with Aperture might look like the following:
    This system backs up the Aperture library to two vaults stored on external hard disks. You routinely back up the library on one external hard disk. You use the second hard disk as a backup that you keep offsite. You can then rotate your onsite external hard disk with the offsite hard disk to keep all your vaults updated.
    To set up your Aperture backup system, you need to do the following:
    Determine the number of vaults you need. For example, do you need one for routine backups, one for weekly backups, and one for offsite storage?
    Determine the number of hard disks you need for routine backups.
    Determine the number of hard disks you’ll use for storing backups offsite.
    Connect your hard disk drives to your computer.
    Open Aperture and create the vaults you need, assigning a hard disk to each vault.
    Update the new, empty vaults with copies of the Aperture library.
    Disconnect one of the vault hard disks and take it to an offsite location for safekeeping.
    When planning the amount of storage space you’ll need, estimate the amount of disk space needed to hold your existing digital images (photos you plan to import into Aperture) and the amount of space you might need for new projects. For example, RAW images typically require 8 to 25 or more megabytes (MB) of disk space per file. Estimating the number of photos in a typical project and the number of projects you usually create in a year, you can make a rough estimate of what might represent a year’s storage space.

  • How do you move images in one aperture library to a new aperture library

    how do you move images in one aperture library to a new aperture?

    Hello, Patricia,
    Do you want to create a new Aperture Library with the images you select or to import them into another existing library?
    To create a new library based on selected images use the main Aperture menu:
         File -> Export -> Project (Folder, album) as New Library.
    To import a part of an Aperture Library into another Library, export the Aperture items as new library, then import that library into the destination library. That way you will ensure, that all versions and metadata are exported.

  • Aperture Library movement

    I need to move my Aperture library to another internal drive due to space considerations. Looked over this forum. I did move the library and redirect Aperture, rebooted, but I see that all the raw files of "projects" are still in my Pictures part of operating system drive - same as original Aperture library. And that's what most of the file space is used up by -raws. When I move these to the new library, they do not seem accessible - I get the warning icon which i think means i'm only seeing a thumbnail.
    Any thoughts?

    HI Robert
    you need to brush up on the difference between the two workflows, managed and referenced, see
    At this stage you are wanting to either "Relocate Masters for Project" or "Consolidate Masters for Project".
    One moves the files and they remain referenced, the other will bring the files into a managed environment within your Aperture library.

  • How to move Aperture Application back to computer, but keep Library on External HD?

    Many thanks in advance for your attention.
    1. As my Aperture Library started out of the gate large, I began by putting both the Aperture Application and all of the Library on an External Hard Drive.
    2. How do I move the Aperture Application back to my computer, but leave all the Library (and its photos, contents, etc.) on the External Hard Drive?
    3. I tried opening a new Aperture Library on my computer and then attached my External Hard Drive.  I tried clicking that I wanted to keep all the data on the Eternal Hard Drive (presumably this would just transfer the Reference files to my computer - but leave the 100s of GB of photos and data on the External Hard Drive). But the Import button remains greyed out. It is like the Aperture Application on my computer sees another Aperture Application and Library on the External Hard Drive. One Library is open (on computer), so it can't access photos in 2nd Library - (External Drive). But if I open up External Drive Library, then I can't import in the direction I want.
    4. I don't want to import One Project. I am trying to now have my Aperture App and Reference files on computer, while keeping all my photos, etc. on External drive.
    5. One more question as I have read and heard it both ways. Some people say - One Aperture Library for all photos is the best way. That is the point of it. To organize all your photos.
    6. Others say - One library is absurd. As it grows and grows, it slows down and gets sluggish. Better to have multiple (smaller) libraries.

    Thanks for this link as well.
    This person seems to want to illustrate that you can have multiple Libraries, which you can.  The first example given is a good one: one Library for professional work (I was paid to make these, and I sell them), and one Library for, as the author states, "snapshots of family and friends".  The second example is suspect.  That is the author's Library for his Aikido club.  This seems set up simply so that he can show a third Library.  The Library does no appear to be used much, and is very small.  There is no reason such a Library shouldn't be either in his Professional Library (I get paid to take shots of my Aikido club) or in his personal Library (my Aikido friends).
    I put both this person and the other person to whose video you linked in the category of helpful people who have knowledge but not much experience.  (And let me here acknowledge that I tend to overstate my case: I'm happy to have my experience improved -- but I didn't see anything in either citation that did that.)
    A year ago I stated my general rules for creating Libraries.  I stick by them today:
    My rules-of-thumb are:
    •  One Library for each photographer or group of functionally identical photographers (a company that shoots weddings, for example) when the author/copyright-holder of the image is important.
    •  Separate Libraries for "authorless" images of a specific category (I keep a Library of paintings and drawings; who made the photographs is of no interest).
    •  Separate Libraries for items which need to be handled securely (medical documentation, for example)

  • Best way to move the aperture library to a new machine?

    Hi Folks,
    This must be an FAQ I just can't find it.
    I've just got a new machine and want to move Aperture to it. I have backed up the vault to an external drive. I 'think' you would restore the library from that. Any advice from those who've done this already, would be much appreciated.
    Mac Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Quad-Core Intel Xeon 4GB memory

    What it won't do is copy across your preferences, presets and keyword lists...
    Preferences - copy 'your home folder'/Library/Preferences/ to the same place on the new computer.
    Presets and keywords lists etc. - copy the entire 'your home folder'/Library/Application Support/Aperture folder across.
    If you used Migration Assistant these have probably been copied across already.

  • Move (or access) Aperture library to new mac from other mac (over the air)

    I had Aperture 1.5.6 on my iMac. I upgraded to snow leopard and now Aperture will not work. Apple says the old version does not work with the new. Now I cant get to any of my pics. So I loaded my copy of Aperture on my Macbook air which still has leopard. No probs with the install but I cant move my library. I can see the Aperture library file on the iMac over the air from my macbook. I want to either import over the air or access over the air. I tried to chance the location of the library in aperture on my MBA but when I drilled down to the library on my iMac it said "not writable". I "got info" to make sure my MBA had read and write permissions for all the files on my Imac (and it does) but still no joy. Any help?

    You can't access it "over the air." Aperture cannot edit a library over a network share point.
    Copy the library to the MacBook Air and you can use it from there.

  • Move pictures to Aperture library

    First, let me say that if this question has been previously answered, then my apologies. However, here is my problem.
    I have imported 200 pictures, that I have edited and placed in stacks. But now I see that under the import, the pictures where placed in the pictures folder, not in my Aperture library as I wanted.
    Is it possible to move these pictures to the Aperture library without loosing my stacks and my changes?
    I have the lastest vertion of Aperture

    If you imported images and did not choose to reference them and leave the masters where they were, these masters are in the library. It sounds like they were placed in an untitled folder. You can re-name the folder to whatever you like.

  • "Move" option grayed out for Import to Aperture Library?

    I tried to import photos from an external hard drive and "Store Files in the Aperture Library," but the options to Move or Copy the photos were grayed out and unavailable. If I chose to import to the Pictures folder, the options were available. But both "in the Aperture Library" and "in their Current Location" (which makes sense) were unavailable.
    Any idea why? The manual is no help.

    I think you will find that the only place you are meant to have the option of "Move" vs "Copy" is in the import to either "Pictures" or "Choose" options. Reading through the manual the only time these teo options are mentioned is when discussing these two import to location choices. The default for "In the Aperture Library" is that they are copied. This is handy in that you have a copy of the files that you are able to backup/archive refer to if something goes awry during the import process, yes it can happen.

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