Movie "Margin Call" will not download error 8008 or -50. all other movies and music will download without a problem.

any ideas? i've tried shutting down the AV and Apple firewall with no luck.

The mystery remains....
Thanks for the pointers. The file type is .mts (a proprietry sony one).
I have now found some video converter software (Wondershare and iSkysoft) at a cost. Either will convert this file for me into .mp4. This I can then import into iMovie without any problems. I've checked this on the trial versions and it worked well but without paying am left with a giant watermark in the video
The mystery (which I still havent solved) is why did 20 other .mts files import fine and then this one not?
If you could point me in the direction of some free .mts converter software that would be the cherry on the cake.

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