Movie with Rollover Image in Same Place

My client needs to have the following graphic:
With a slideshow movie to the side running continously.. and
ultimately they would like to have it so that when some rolls-over
the dots, a specific image pops up in the same window as the movie,
each pulsating dot bringing up a different image:
Should this be done in Flash, and if so, how is the best way
to go about it if I'm really a basic user of Flash.

So, I've been playing around with your page in dreamweaver and I put a <div> container around your entire web page and then set the width to 1200px. That contained all the contents so that when you re-size the web page the contents don't colapse.
Not sure if that's what Murray or Nancy mean and am curious if their is a better way.
That would work although 1200px is too wide.  Something along the lines of 1000px would be better, since you want the page to display in a maximized browser viewport on a 1024 screen without dropping horizontal scrollbars.  I still use 960px as a maximum width....
Re the centering of the page: Good question I would like to know how to do it "properly"
In the CSS body rule I put:  margin-left: 20%;
                                            margin-right: 20%;
Again, I'm not sure if that's the correct way to center the page, and would like to know a better way.
It's not the best way to do this, which would be to use a fixed width container (as you have done) and just assign it left/right margin settings of 'auto', e.g.,
#container { width:960px; margin:0 auto; }
You can center *any* block element within its container with this method.

Similar Messages

  • Copying a table with rollover images & links

    Need help...
    Using Dreamweaver CS4.
    I have a table with rollover images and links from those rollovers"
    I now want to copy and paste the table into other pages, but when I do, my links are broken and the rollovers don't work.
    I have my Site Def preferences set to "Links relative to: Document"
    Is there an easy way to copy & paste a table with rollover graphics and links?
    I've tried dragging the table from the page with the working links onto the different page.  The graphics show up, but the second state of the rollovers soesn't show up, and I get some weird link error:
    Can anyone help?

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns=""> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 
    <title>Phyllis Bramson</title> 
    <style type="text/css"> 
    body { 
        background-color: #CCC; 
    <script src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
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    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 
      var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); 
        var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) 
        if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} 
    function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 
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    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
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    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <meta name="Keywords" content="Bramson, artist, Chicago, painter" />
    <meta name="Description" content="Phyllis Bramson is an established Chicago painter and educator." />
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  • Trouble with rollover image in div

    Hello there,
    I am having some trouble with the following.
    I want to create a rollover image 90 pxl x 90 pxl and put it inside a div 90 pxl x 90 pxl.
    The div is inside other divs and makes up a kind of a table. I checked that all the div and image sizes are the same but when I place the cursor inside the div and select 'insert rollover image', my images are all squashed up and don't appear normal size. Very odd.
    Here is some of my code:
    CSS of div (I want to put my image inside smallBox01a)
    #Header #rightColumn #smallBox01 {
        height: 90px;
        width: 270px;
    #Header #rightColumn #smallBox01 #smallBox01a {
        float: left;
        height: 90px;
        width: 90px;
          <div id="smallBox01a"><a href="tobi.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('tobi','','Images/TobiOver.jpg',1)"><img src="Images/TobiOff.jpg" alt="Tobi" name="tobi" width="90" height="90" border="0" id="tobi" /></a></div>
    Poor old Tobi cat's face is all squashed up. Any idea what is going wrong? I don't have any padding within the div either.
    PS I also should add that when I tried to simply add in one of the Tobi images instead of the rollover image, it appeared perfectly fine within the div. It is only the rollover that is getting vertically squashed up.

    So, I've been playing around with your page in dreamweaver and I put a <div> container around your entire web page and then set the width to 1200px. That contained all the contents so that when you re-size the web page the contents don't colapse.
    Not sure if that's what Murray or Nancy mean and am curious if their is a better way.
    That would work although 1200px is too wide.  Something along the lines of 1000px would be better, since you want the page to display in a maximized browser viewport on a 1024 screen without dropping horizontal scrollbars.  I still use 960px as a maximum width....
    Re the centering of the page: Good question I would like to know how to do it "properly"
    In the CSS body rule I put:  margin-left: 20%;
                                                margin-right: 20%;
    Again, I'm not sure if that's the correct way to center the page, and would like to know a better way.
    It's not the best way to do this, which would be to use a fixed width container (as you have done) and just assign it left/right margin settings of 'auto', e.g.,
    #container { width:960px; margin:0 auto; }
    You can center *any* block element within its container with this method.

  • CS6 Rollover.js Error with Rollover Images

    Hello there,
    I've been trying to figure this out for days and it seems to be over my head.
    I've created png's for rollover images: one file called "up" and one called "over." Over is when the mouse is over the image, up is as it is normally.
    When I click "insert," --> "image," --> rollover image, I get this poppup box:
    I have tried to delete that cache file that's stored in the library, and it still won't work.
    I'm just trying to create a simple nav bar... I could use ul/li but I'd rather use images.

    Hi SnakEyes02,
    That could be. Let me know when you have grabbed these. They were Word docs that I saved the same way I always have done (Save As, Format: Web Page (.htm)), creating .htm files that work in CS5.5 Dreamweaver and earlier versions.
    Thanks for your help. Tim

  • Help with Rollover Image

    Hello, i am new to using dreamweaver and setting up webpages. I was attempting to create a roll-over image in my navigation bar and the image is popping up and working, but the original image is still there next to it. Wondering if anyone has any idea on why the original image is still there in addition to the new image with the rollover. Any help would be appreciated!!
    Here is the link to my page -
    Thanks a lot!

    If you're talking about the "Home" button in particular, I see two instances of the image in your code (the rollover works just fine for me).  You've got home_on.jpg and home_btn.gif (perhaps one is a placeholder, though?). 
    If you're still having a problem with the rollover, kindly post what browser and version you're using to preview the site (as I wasn't able to reproduce any problems with the rollover in Chrome and IE8/IE8 Compatibility Mode).

  • Need help with Rollover Image cross browser problem

    I am having a cross browser problem with my websites rollover nav links.  The trouble is, while they work perfectly fine in IE8 and IE9, I’ve also attempted to use them through Opera, and they simply don’t work.  They don’t link nor do they do their rollover effect.  And I was trying to figure out what I have done wrong.  Currently the site is not completed, but the first two pages are, the “news” and “about me” pages are currently (as of right now) working.  The address to the site is below.
    I hope that someone can help me with this, if needs be I can put the code for the CSS and HTML into this part if it will save some time for everyone.  Sorry too about the PNG images, I have to change those over to semi-transparent GIF’s yet so the site does take a while to load…
    Hope someone can help me with this!

    When I disable CSS in my browser, the rollover buttons work just fine.  This tells me your CSS is messed up and you've layered something over your menus which is making them inaccessible to users.
    I noticed you've applied relative positioning to just about everything on your page.  Why?   Default CSS positioning (unspecified or static) is all you need for 98% of layouts.
         Learn CSS positioning in 10 Steps
    My advice would be to start over using a pre-built CSS Template with all the divisions and columns you're likely to need for this project.  Below are some good links to get you on the right track.
    For professional CSS Templates that are rock solid & perform well in all browsers, visit Project Seven:
    Ultimate Multi-Column Layouts s
    Not Just a Grid CSS Framework
    EZ-CSS Templates (watch the screencast to see how it works)
    Dreamweaver CSS Templates for beginners
    New DW Starter Pages
    Good luck with your project!
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Compressing (mpeg4?) a movie with static images and fades. Best settings?

    Hey there,
    I'm using compressor with Final Cut HD and a Powermacg5.
    I have a movie made mostly of static images (experimental piece with landscapes) and fades between them.
    Firstly, does anyone have any great tips for compressing a quicktime movie for the web (so probably mpeg 4) that works well with images that are mostly still? The mpeg4 setting with h264 are okay (ntsc image size, 30fps), but every so often there's sudden blocky-ness when there is a little bit of motion in the frame. Any ideas?
    Secondly, the images go really chunky when there is a slow dissolve between the images, any compression ideas there?
    I'll be experimenting myself but I thought it best to ask you guys first ... any tips?

    Hi everyone
    Is it possible to compress a movie ( 83 minutes long
    ) for a Single DVD without any pixellations ?
    If so I need to know what is the best settings...
    I keep compressing with a bit rate about 6 and my dvd
    still looks bad (pixels on transitions and sometimes
    I don't know what I could have done wrong !!!
    I don't want to use double layer and I can't split my
    movie into 2 dvds.
    Can someone walk me through this step by step ?
    Many thanks
    I think it should be, the setting I always use are:
    Vide: 7.4Mbps, One pass, Motion Estimation: Best
    Audio:Dolby 2.0 Datarate 256 kbps.
    I have tried a lot of combos but this is the only settings I can get with no pixellations. I'm always happy with the result and its fast! You might need to knock back the data rate to make 83 mins fit.

  • Rental movie with no image.

    I just rented "Baby Mama" and when trying to view it, all I get is a blank white screen - no image, no sound. The menus, and sound works just fine to select options, movies, etc. Just when I click to "Play" I get the blank screen. When I click the "> //" center button, I get the blue timeline at the bottom of the screen that is advancing, just no movie.
    No previous problems and has worked well since I upgraded the firmware to 2.2.

    I have the same problem on occasion. I unplug the Apple TV, wait a few seconds, plug it back in, let it reboot, and the problem goes away for a few weeks or longer. Not sure of the root cause, but this fix works for me.

  • Pop up menu with rollover images?

    I have created a standard pop up menu in behaviors... is it
    possible to have images appear as the pointer is rolled over the
    individual pop up menu items? or should I be using fireworks to
    create an advanced pop up menu?
    Many thanks for any help you can give me!

    >I have created a standard pop up menu in behaviors... is
    it possible to
    > images appear as the pointer is rolled over the
    individual pop up menu
    > items?
    Yes, look in behaviors
    > or should I be using fireworks to create an advanced pop
    up menu?
    NEVER! use fireworks to generate code. You'r just asking for
    trouble down
    the line.

  • Do ColorChecker Passport camera profiles move with the image?

    Hi. I work in an office where 3 of us process DNGs into psd's. When using a colorchecker passport-made camera profile on User 1's mac, we then open the image on User 2's mac. If we look at the DNG in Camera RAW on User 2's mac, the camera profile User 1 chose is no longer listed in the camera calibration tab. Is this a problem? Does the info still hold in the DNG for User 2? Is the only solution to for User 2 to copy the profiles from User 1? Thanks, in advance, for your help!

    Look in the Camera RAW preferences, and see if you have Save to XMP or Save to Camera RAW Database set for where to store settings, and also whether you have Update JPG Preview enabled or not for the DNGs in question on User1’s computer.  I don’t know if having both of these enabled would help store the profile for use on User2’s computer or not.

  • Spry Horizontal menu using rollover images

    I see there are a lot of posts about spry menus and problems in IE. I wasnt sure if my problem is the same as the others, so my apologies if it's redundant. I'm working on a site with rollover images in the top menu of a spry menu bar with drop downs that fall below three of the menu items. Everything looks good in Mac/Win Firefox and Mac Safari. In Win IE 8 the menus go horizontally, left to right, instead of falling below the top level item as they should.
    The site is here:
    The Spry CSS is here:
    Should I not be using rollover images with the Spry menu? I've spent quite a bit of time on trying to solve this, including attempting to rebuild the menu from scratch.

    I Paty, I just inserted the Dreamweaver rollover into the navigation. I'm not sure if that's the best approach to achieve what i wanted out of my design, but it seems to work. I checked it in Adobe's Browserlab and it works across all browsers. I'm looking into purchasing the Project7 product. It's not a lot of money and seems easier to work with for embedded graphics than the spry software. I spent way too much time with the spry trying to get the nav to look like I wanted it to while working in all browsers.

  • Rollover images with buttons not working on subsequent pages.

    I'm trying to create an interactive PDF wherein images "pop-up" when the cursor rolls over a trigger button. I've successfully employed the Buttons feature to create three such images on one page. However, on a subsequent page images will not appear upon trigger rollover. All three work perfectly on that first page, and I'm using the same procedure on all images/buttons. I checked to see if something was going on in the Tab Order, but each page has its own Tab Order, so I don't know about that. Working in CS6 for Mac.

    In my InDesign file, I have been very meticulous to link each trigger button with the image button and to assign the appropriate actions to the trigger button. Based on what I have learned, when doing this with InDesign, you make both the trigger object--whether an image or, in my case, a box at 0% transparency that covers text--and the object to be shown/hidden into buttons. Maybe that's where I am getting this wrong? Still, that obviously works for some instances and not for others, so this is confounding.
    I do see what you mean about manually adjusting the objects in Acrobat, and that's a trick for adjusting one or two things, but it's tedious to do that with many links in a document that I'm working on. Given the number of "pop-ups" that I want to create for my completed document, the solution has to take place in InDesign.
    Additionally, I have tried just about every permutation of tab orders in the Object-->Interactive-->Set Tab Order feature in InDesign. All to no avail.
    I thank you very much for your time and efforts on this, Gilad. And I apologize for my lack of facility with forum standards (e.g. "How do I post a file, duh?"). Long time reader, first time post-er, haha.

  • How do I have an image move with a text box?

    I need to embed an image within a text box so that when I add additional text in the future, the image moves with the text that surrounds it.
    For example, if I have a paragraph of text, then on the following line vertically I have an image, then on the following line another paragraph of text ... When I add additional paragraphs of text above the image, how can I have the image track down to stay between the original two paragraphs of text?

    Thanks Zak!  I figured that out but now have another problem that I just posted. The app keeps locking up when I try to export HTML or upload my site to the server. Please give me any advise on how to handle it.
    Here's my other post:
    I just upgraded to the latest version of Muse. I made a few changes to my site and I'm trying to export the HTML. I've now tried 3 times and the app locks up at 89%. It completes all pages, but locks up there. When I look into the Muse Export folder, there is nothing there. The window reads "Finishing export" but it stays at that point for more than an hour when I finally give up and force quit.
    Any ideas? Anyone else having this issue? Any ideas on how to get my HTML exported successfully?
    Thanks in advance for any help!
    27 Views   2 Replies   Latest reply: amchambers,      May 26, 2013 9:23 PMWas this helpful? Yes   No
    20 posts
    Sep 19, 2012
    1.amchambers,May 26, 2013 9:18 PM   in reply to amchambers
    Just an update. Previously I was attempting to export HTML to the Muse Export folder on my computer. I described what happened above. Now, I'm trying to publish directly to my FTP site. Its doing basically the same behavior where it exports all desktop pages (189 of them) then it locks up. However, the interesting thing is that when exporting to the Muse Export folder on my computer this said it was 89% complete. When uploading to my server, it says its 59% computer when all pages have been exported. Both options result in the app locking up and never completing the export. I did check my site online to see if the pages were really updated. I made a change to the nav bar on the master so I should see that on every page. It is not showing up online yet even though the app says all 189 pages have been exported. Still looking for help, all advice and ideas will be appreciated! I do want to get my updates online.
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    20 posts
    Sep 19, 2012
    2.amchambers,May 26, 2013 9:23 PM   in reply to amchambers
    Here's what I have when it locks up. It sits like this for hours.

  • Aperture replaces images with other images that have the same image number

    Help! Aperture has started replacing images in recent projects with older images from elsewhere on my hard drive that have the same image number. Obviously I need a better numbering system, but can someone help me figure out why this is happening? I store master files on an external drive and the "replacement" files seem to be coming from identically named images on my local HD or in iPhoto.

    I started renaming all of my images when I import them. I'm using referenced images to an external drive, although I still have a bunch of older images stored in the Aperture library under my old numbering system (which was basically whatever image number the camera generated)....need to move them all to the external drive but haven't had time.
    So here's the latest problem: Today, Aperture started replacing images in albums (referenced images with unique file names under my new system) with old images even though the file names weren't even remotely close. It also replaced the images with the preview for the old image (230 pixels wide). "Show master" showed me the preview for the old image, not the correct image.
    I tried forcing an update to the preview, but it had no effect. The real masters are intact on the external drive, but this is really scaring me. It happens out of the blue, right in front of me...I watch as my images appear to be replaced with random old images in Aperture. It appears to have nothing to do with file names, as I'm now using totally unique file names.

  • How to get a jpeg image to a movie with best possible quality

    I've got a jpeg image from my 2 megapixel digital camera and I'm playing around with converting it to a movie. Yes, its a one image movie.
    +QuickTime Pro+ does a superb job when I choose H.264, 1024 kb/s, but I can't get iMovie 5.0.2 to give me the same quality. This is what I have done:
    1. Create a new movie as type MPEG-4.
    2. Imported the jpeg image and adjust the time from 5 seconds to about 2 seconds.
    3. Select Share, choose H.264, 1024 kb/s from the relevant option and after the movie making happens, the quality is obviously inferior to that from +QT Pro+.
    *QUES 1*: Why is the quality inferior?
    I have been to iMovie help and noticed this comment:
    "When you import clips in a format different from your project, they are converted to the video format of your movie."
    *QUES 2*: Is this why my jpeg image is losing quality? Is iMovie converting it to something else?
    Further, when the jpeg image is first imported, it is assigned a clip time of 5 seconds. When I move one of the sliders to reduce the time to just a few seconds, I notice that a black band appears at the top of the image in the iMovie window and as I make the time smaller, the image zooms in and the black band becomes wider. Letterboxing at the top seems to be occuring. This I can't fathom.
    *QUES 3*: Why does iMovie zoom in when I adjust time?
    Any comments most appreciated, especially those that tell me if iMovie can make a movie from jpeg images with the same quality as QT Pro -- and how to do that.

    Re the quality -- I think I have answered this one myself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that when I select a video option (DV, HD 1080 and so on), iMovie sets up a frame size to suit, and the frame size that iMovie sets up for MPEG-4 happens to be 640 x 480, thus the poor quality of my jpegs when I selected that option. The poor quality had nothing to do with the MPEG-4 format.
    Now the interesting things is, MPEG-4 is not limited to 640 x 480. It can be any size. So my question is:
    Ques: Can I set up a movie within iMovie that is any size I want? QT Pro gave better results because it allows any size movie at all, and thus adjusted the movie size to my jpeg size (1800 x 1200 pixels) when I imported an image from my digital camera.
    As it stands, not even the highest quality option in +iMovie 5.0.2+ (HD 1080) can handle the images from my piddly-little 2 megapixel camera.
    Message was edited by: Guy Burns

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