Moving beyond my Treo 700p...

I need help with a phone that can offer me similar conveniences to the Treo 700p.  I am comfortable with the 700p however, I need to be able to send texts to more that 10 people.  Do any of the "non-data" Palm phones offer texting to a list of 30+ names in the address book -or- is there any software available to allow for creating text "groups"?  I do not need a data plan at this time.  Thanks for any answers you might have.
Post relates to: Treo 700p (Sprint)

I don't think PalmOS changed much after the 700p (e.g., 755p, Centro), so getting a newer PalmOS device probably won't help.
I don't know where the 10-recipient limitation comes from, i.e., Palm's SMS client or the way it works with the carrier's network. Perhaps you can find a third party app that works around the limitation.
I did a quick search and found a service that might help. I didn't dig into the details, but you can read about it on various freeware download sites:
3jam Reply-All Text Messaging for Palm OS v1.06
If you try it, or find another helpful app, please post back for future reference.

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  • Palm T|X Upgrade to Treo 700p and Revert Back to T|X Due to 700p Problems. Now I Can't Update the T|X

    Here's the story. I am a long-time Palm power user and I have rarely been stumped but I am very stumped right now. I have used my Palm T|X for several years without any sync problems. I upgraded to a new Palm Treo 700p (Verizon) so I can carry one device instead of a PDA and a cell phone. I initially migrated my data from the T|X to the Treo 700p with no major issues. The Treo 700p worked fine for a couple of weeks until I started using the camera. After I started taking pictures and storing them in the on-board memory, wierd things started happening such as screen freeze-ups, screen white-outs, and processor delays. After talking with other Palm users, I was informed that this behavior is typical of the 700p when pictures are stored in on-board memory and that I should move the pictures to my SD card.
    I moved the pictures to the SD card and perfomance improved. However, after another week or so, the freeze-ups started again. Everyone that I know who has a 700p or 700w reports the same issues so I'm starting to believe that the 700p has design flaws or bugs that were never fixed. Due to the frustration and productivity losses that I sustained with the Treo 700p, I decided to revert to my trusty T|X.
    I initially started using the Treo on 8/12/2009 and I synchronized the T|X to the desktop before synchronizing the data to the 700p. On 09/16/2009 I started trying to re-synchronize the T|X. I did a hard reset and memory clear on the T|X so all of the updated data in the desktop could come over to the T|X without duplicates. However, when I synchronized the T|X, my data was only updated as of 8/12/2009 even though the palm desktop has data updated up to 9/16/2009!!
    Please explain what is keeping all of the updates from coming over to the T|X. Thanks for the help.
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

    Are you sync'ing the 700p to the same username in Palm Desktop as the TX?
    If you are, this will cause problems on the new device. When you sync the device, it saves the device settings, 3rd party apps, preferences, etc. in the backup folder in the username folder on the PC. When you sync the new device it copies the contents of the backup folder for the old device to the new device. This will cause corruption in the settings for the new device thus causing erratic behavior of the new device. The TX does not have a camera and you are sync'ing the backup folder for theTX that does not have a camera app. to the 700P.
    Click on the following link to the webpage for the article regarding Upgrading from a previous Palm OS handheld.
    I would suggest exporting the data from the current username, create a username for the TX and import the data to that username and only sync the TX to that name. You will need to rename the backup folder in the current username to backup.old, hard reset the 700P and sync to the current username. You will need to hard reset the TX once you have the data in Palm desktop in a seperate username to remove the backup folder contents on the TX.
    The best way to preserve your data is to export the data in each category in Palm Desktop to a seperate folder on your PC.
    Create a new folder on your PC somewhere that is convenient. Name it something like Palm Desktop Data. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on that page for the export procedure.
    Make sure you select all for the range in the export window.
    With the data saved in the folder you created, make a copy of that folder and save to a flash drive, cd-rw or external hard drive.
    Anytime you make a change in Palm Desktop, export the data that was changed to that folder and save again to the external media.
    With this process you can always import the data back into Palm Desktop anytime you have a problem with the data in Palm Desktop or if your computer/hard drive/device crashes.
    For reference purposes, click on the following link for the support page for your 700P device on the webpage.
    There are links on the page to the user guide, troubleshooting, how to's, downloads, etc.
    For reference purposes, click on the following link for the support page for your TX device on the webpage.
    There are links on the page to the user guide, troubleshooting, how to's, downloads, etc.
    Message Edited by cygnusX1 on 09-18-2009 03:33 PM

  • Versamail Auto-sync feature not working with AOL mail w/Treo 700p (Verizon)

    I'm having a problem with the Auto-sync feature not working with my 700p (verizon) with my aol mail.  It had worked perfect since May 2007.  Just started having problems End of April 2008.  Sounded like I needed another incoming mail server from aol other than:, aol told me they also use, that isn't working either.  I get an error message that says "last auto-sync attempt failed."....Anyone else having this issue?  I'm trying to decide whether to get rid of my aol mail of 14 yrs and use other address to continue using versamail 3.5  or keep aol and use Verizon Wireless sync.  I do not like how wireless sync sends mail to outbox and then syncs vs sending right away.   Please help...
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

    I am having the EXACT same problem: Palm 700p, Versamail, AOL, Verizon. 
    It started about 1 month ago.  The GET still works, but AUTO-SYNC does not...After spending hours on the phone with Palm tech support, and reaching someone who said AOL had changed something in their servers.  They suggested TRYING Chatteremail, another Palm product.  I have tried it for 20+ days out of the 30 days you get for free.  It works pretty well, but NOT every e-mail that goes to my AOL acct is making it to my phone.  The thing that's great about Chatter is that can be "live" all of time.  Not auto-syncing every 15 minutes.
    It's very frustrating....The same way the Versamail just stopping auto-syncing is very frustrating.  With Versamail, sometimes I did not even get the error message.  If Chatteremail worked consistently, I would bite the bullet, and pay for it, but to pay for it, and have it not pull down all the e-mails, all the time is not good.
    I spoke to Palm Tech Support in N. America today, and they say the way AOL uses IMAP servers is in a non-traditional way, and it's very hard to deal with.  They suggest ditching AOL, and using something reliable for syncing purposes like GMAIL.  It's just hard to cut the cord.  The man I was on the phone with knew of my problem, and he solved it by getting rid of AOL.  It's just tough, since so many people have the e-mail address for me. 
    there seems to be some indication when you click on Smart Phones on left, that Coming Soon is Palm, but I don't know if that's going to be downloadable for 700p, or Palms moving forward.  Or how far away that is.
    I tried wireless sync and hated it.
    This is really a pain in the butt.
    *** Who did you speak to at AOL? 
    *** How did you reach them?  e-mail?  phone #?
    I also did a search and found another program called "Snappermail", which I might try, and see if it's any better than Chatteremail.​BX5EEAD31DXE6AB588D59X31E95BD5&osId=904&siteId=1&N​...
    If you find anything out, please let me know here, ok?  This is very bad for me. 
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

  • Palm Treo 700p Cannot install. Windows Vista looking for Drivers

    Installed Palm software and synced on my Dell with no issues.
    Went to install on 2nd PC with Windows Vista Home.  Issues.  Got new download for Vista 32 and downloaded off site.
    Same error puts me in a circle.  System finds new hardware.  Looks to install driver.  Can't find Drive on CD or Hardrive and so keeps in loop.  Cannot finish 1st "sync" without driver so install does not complete.
    Please advise:
    Can I use the Palm device on two seperate PC's (One on NT running adding Vista Home).
    How do I get the drive installed?
    How do I be sure NOT to overwrite the data on the Palm when I sync the 1st time on the 2nd pc.
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

    Hello jpmill2 and welcome to the Palm forums.
    1. Please make sure that your Windows Vista account is a member of the Administrators group.  I would also be sure to check that antivirus software is disabled during the install process.
    2. You can use the Treo 700p with more than one computer.  I sync my Treo with my office PC running Windows XP SP2 and my Vista Business SP1 machine at home.  (And a Mac, just for good measure.)
    3. The USB driver for the Treo 700p is obtained by installing Palm Desktop 4.2 (bundled on the Treo 700p software disc) or by installing Palm Desktop 6.2 by ACCESS for Windows [Vista].  You should install the software first, and then connect the Treo after the install is complete. If prompted to HotSync during the install, I aways Skip it.
    4. If you Skip the HotSync during the Palm Desktop isntall, you can create a new HotSync ID on the computer with the same name as the HotSync ID on your Treo.  Then set the conduits to Handheld overwrites Desktop and then sync.
    Hope that helps,
    Alan G
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)

  • Why does Windows think my Treo 700p is a Treo 680?

    I have gone through a long , frustrating fruitless attempt to get my Palm Treo 700p to connect to my new Windows Vista computer.  here are the steps I have gone through...
    Palm not connected to computer yet
    1. run "PalmDesktopWIN62"
    2. select english
    3. install shield extracts a whole bunch of stuff
    4. "welcome to the installshield wizard for palm desktop by ACCESS"
    5. press next
    6. accept EULA
    7. download latest settings from internet
    8. complete download, install
    9. install tells me windows media player is in use when it is do i close something that is already closed?
    10. create desktop shortcut
    11. congratulations! you have installed the palm desktop. now configure the sync software and perform your first hotsync
    12. enter a new user name (God forbid it be able to get that off the Palm i have to remember what name i used before)
    13. configuring and restaring hotsync
    14. connect USB
    15. WINDOWS HAS FOUND NEW HARDWARE!!! imagine that! it asks me to locate and install driver software.
    16. ignore annoying windows message and press the hotsync button
    17. "connecting with the desctop using cable"
    18. still waiting for it to connect
    19. still waiting
    20. imagine didn't connect.
    21. i'll try to locate and install the driver software (didn't i do that in step 1?)
    22. "installing device driver software" ... "insert the disk that came with you palm handheld"
    30. after much searching, windows tells me that my Palm Treo 680 is not compatable with Vista. too bad I have a Palm 700p, not a 680.
    31. yell at computer again.
    so...given that my computer thinks I am plugging in an uncompatable device to my computer...i am outta luck. 
    since I do not have a disk that Vista finds acceptable, how do I get the driver online I need?
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Sprint)
    Message Edited by IHateMyPalm on 08-24-2008 07:47 PM

    Have you put it into a different USB port than usual? it could be the autoplay settings.
    You can check by right clicking the start button, click control panel then double clicking Default Programs then choosing auto play settings, the option will be under removable drives, alter it to whatever suits your needs.

  • Calendar sync issues with Windows XP, Treo 700p and Outlook 2003

    Hi.  I have been unable to sync my Calendar (Contacts, Tasks and Memos are fine).  I have uninstalled/reinstalled, removed versamail, provided end dates for all of my datebook entries, ran the dbscan, etc.  Here is the error I get in my log.
    Outlook Calendar synchronization aborted
     Duration: 4.1 seconds
     Outlook Calendar
     - Recovery Sync
    Thanks in advance. 
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

    Forgot to mention two things:
    1.  Running Palm 6.2, and
    2.  All the calendar data is on my handheld.
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

  • Isync and TREO 700p for VERIZON

    I just purchased a TREO 700p and iSync is saying that this is not a supported device. It says that SPRINT'S Treo 700p is supported, but not VERIZON'S. That's absurd.
    Does anyone know if I can make the syncs successful with my Verizon TREO 700p?
    If not, does nayone know when the VERIZON Treo 700p WILL be supported?

    here is the error i get from palm software. i uninstalled missing sync.
    HotSync 3.2.1 started 6/2/06 8:26:00 AM
    Local Synchronization
    Installed ADD052SData
    Installed ADD052VData
    Installed AddIt-Content
    Installed AddIt
    Installed AddItdeDEdata
    Installed AddItesESdata
    Installed AddItfrFRdata
    Installed AddItitITdata
    Installed AddIt_newstips
    Installed Addit_Promotion-Content
    Installed AddItptBRdata
    Installed AdditShop-Content
    Installed AddressCitiesDB
    Installed AddressCompaniesDB
    Installed AddressCountriesDB
    Installed AddressingLibDomains
    Installed AddressingLibRecent-HsCh
    Installed AddressingLibRecent-HsCi
    Installed AddressStatesDB
    Installed AddressTitlesDB
    Installed AirSAMPrv
    Installed BgndService
    Installed Blazer Bookmarks
    Installed Blazer Cookies
    Installed Blazer Field Autofill
    Installed Blazer Find Autofill
    Installed Blazer URL Autofill
    Installed CalendarLocationsDB-PDat
    Installed CarrierProfiles2
    Installed CheckSyncClient
    Installed ClientObj
    Failed to install ConduitMonitor.prc
    - File already exists on the handheld
    Failed to install ConnectionMgr50DB.pdb
    - File already exists on the handheld
    Installed CSRecordOutEAContentDB
    Installed CSRecordOutSyncFiledDB
    Installed CSRecordOutSyncInboxDB
    Installed CSRecordOutSyncOutboxDB
    Installed EAContentDB
    Installed Graffiti ShortCuts
    Installed HSTraceDatabase
    Installed IIDataLib
    Installed locLCusLocationDB
    Installed locLDefLocationDB
    Installed MemosDB-PMem
    Installed Messages Database
    Installed MIAttachLib
    Installed midataidcache
    Installed MIDataLib
    Installed MIDI Ring Tones
    Installed Missing Sync
    Installed MM Text Lookup FPI
    Installed MMConduit-asc6
    Installed MMConfigFPI
    Installed MMDiskLib
    Installed MMIDCache0
    Installed MMIDCache1
    Installed MMIDCache2
    Installed MMIDCache3
    Installed MMIDCache4
    Installed MMIDCache5
    Installed MMIDCache6
    Installed MMIDCache7
    Installed MMNotify
    Installed MMSmartAdd
    Installed MMWizard
    Installed MSLSA Data
    Installed NetworkDB
    Installed NetworkProfiles2
    Installed PassThruSync
    Installed PhoneCallDB
    Installed PhoneFavorites2DB
    Failed to install PmTraceDatabase.pdb
    - File already exists on the handheld
    Installed PocketTunesPL-TNpt Def PL
    Installed psysLaunchDB
    Installed Queries
    Installed SAMgr
    Installed Saved Preferences
    Installed SLEventNotifications
    Installed SndFile Ring Tones
    Installed SPCategoryDB-SpPh
    Installed SplashPhoto
    Installed SyncMail
    Installed System MIDI Sounds
    Installed TimeCopy
    Installed VersaMail
    Installed VMNetLogging
    Installed VpadDB
    Installed AirSAM
    Installed AirSAMPrv
    Installed BgndService
    Installed IIDataLib
    Installed MIAttachLib
    Installed MIDataLib
    Installed MMConduit-asc6
    Installed MMConfigFPI
    Installed MMDiskLib
    Installed MMHtmlPlugin
    Installed VersaMail
    Installed MMNotify
    Installed Photo/Video
    Installed MMPluginMGR
    Installed MMPRCPlugin
    Installed MMSDCard
    Installed MMSmartAdd
    Installed MMTextPlugin
    Installed MMUnzipPlugin
    Installed MMUpgrade
    Installed MMVCal
    Installed MMVCardPlugin
    Installed MMWave
    Installed MMWizard
    Installed MMWordPlugin
    Installed MultiMail
    Installed PalmVMFontLibrary
    Installed PassThruSync
    Installed SAMgr
    Installed MM Text Lookup FPI
    Installed VMNetLogging
    OK Install with 3 message(s)
    To Do List did nothing
    Tasks synchronization failed
    “Tasks” failed (error = #16397)
    OK Media
    OK Memos
    Memo Pad did nothing
    Date Book did nothing
    Contacts synchronization failed
    “Contacts” failed (error = #16397)
    Calendar synchronization failed
    “Calendar” failed (error = #16397)
    Address Book did nothing
    OK Install
    Backed up CarrierProfiles2.pdb
    Backed up Queries.pdb
    Backed up NetworkProfiles2.pdb
    Backed up VMNetLogging.prc
    Backed up AirSAMPrv.prc
    Backed up AirSAM.prc
    Backed up IIDataLib.prc
    Backed up PalmVMFontLibrary.prc
    Backed up MMDiskLib.prc
    Backed up MIAttachLib.prc
    Backed up MIDataLib.prc
    Backed up Missing Sync.prc
    Backed up PassThruSync.prc
    Backed up ConduitMonitor.prc
    Backed up SyncClient.prc
    Backed up MMNotify.prc
    Backed up MMConduit-asc6.prc
    Backed up BgndService.prc
    Backed up VersaMail.prc
    Backed up SAMgr.prc
    Backed up AdditMyPalm-Content.pdb
    Backed up MMSmartAdd.prc
    Backed up MM Text Lookup FPI.prc
    Backed up MMConfigFPI.prc
    Backed up MMWizard.prc
    OK Backup
    Last sync time and PC ID updated on handheld
    HotSync Complete 6/2/06 8:28:30 AM
    HotSync 3.2.1 started 6/2/06 8:33:25 AM
    Local Synchronization
    OK Install
    To Do List did nothing
    Tasks synchronization failed
    “Tasks” failed (error = #16397)
    OK Media
    OK Memos
    Memo Pad did nothing
    Date Book did nothing
    Contacts synchronization failed
    “Contacts” failed (error = #16397)
    Calendar synchronization failed
    “Calendar” failed (error = #16397)
    Address Book did nothing
    OK Install
    Backed up AddressingLibDomains.pdb
    Backed up AddressingLibRecent-HsCi.pdb
    Backed up AddressingLibRecent-HsCh.pdb
    Backed up ADD052SData.pdb
    Backed up ADD052VData.pdb
    Backed up Blazer Bookmarks.pdb
    Backed up EAContentDB.pdb
    Backed up CarrierProfiles2.pdb
    Backed up Queries.pdb
    Backed up CSRecordOutSyncOutboxDB.pdb
    Backed up CSRecordOutSyncInboxDB.pdb
    Backed up CSRecordOutSyncFiledDB.pdb
    Backed up CSRecordOutEAContentDB.pdb
    Backed up VpadDB.pdb
    Backed up locLDefLocationDB.pdb
    Backed up NetworkDB.pdb
    Backed up locLCusLocationDB.pdb
    Backed up MMIDCache0.pdb
    Backed up MMIDCache1.pdb
    Backed up MMIDCache2.pdb
    Backed up MMIDCache3.pdb
    Backed up MMIDCache4.pdb
    Backed up MMIDCache5.pdb
    Backed up MMIDCache6.pdb
    Backed up MMIDCache7.pdb
    Backed up HSTraceDatabase.pdb
    Backed up midataidcache.pdb
    Backed up Messages Database.pdb
    Backed up NetworkProfiles2.pdb
    Backed up PocketTunesPL-TNpt Def PL.pdb
    Backed up SndFile Ring Tones.pdb
    Backed up MSLSA Data.pdb
    Backed up Blazer URL Autofill.pdb
    Backed up Blazer Field Autofill.pdb
    Backed up VMNetLogging.prc
    Backed up SyncMail.prc
    Backed up AirSAMPrv.prc
    Backed up AirSAM.prc
    Backed up IIDataLib.prc
    Backed up PalmVMFontLibrary.prc
    Backed up MMDiskLib.prc
    Backed up MIAttachLib.prc
    Backed up MIDataLib.prc
    Backed up Missing Sync.prc
    Backed up PassThruSync.prc
    Backed up ConduitMonitor.prc
    Backed up ClientObj.prc
    Backed up CheckSyncClient.prc
    Backed up SplashPhoto.prc
    Backed up TimeCopy.prc
    Backed up MultiMail.prc
    Backed up MMNotify.prc
    Backed up MMConduit-asc6.prc
    Backed up MMUpgrade.prc
    Backed up BgndService.prc
    Backed up VersaMail.prc
    Backed up SAMgr.prc
    Backed up AddIt.prc
    Backed up PhoneCallDB.pdb
    Backed up SPCategoryDB-SpPh.pdb
    Backed up AddressCitiesDB.pdb
    Backed up AddressCompaniesDB.pdb
    Backed up AddressCountriesDB.pdb
    Backed up Blazer Cookies.pdb
    Backed up AdditShop-Content.pdb
    Backed up AddItptBRdata.pdb
    Backed up Addit_Promotion-Content.pdb
    Backed up AddIt_newstips.pdb
    Backed up AddItitITdata.pdb
    Backed up AddItfrFRdata.pdb
    Backed up AddItesESdata.pdb
    Backed up AddItdeDEdata.pdb
    Backed up AddIt-Content.pdb
    Backed up PhoneFavorites2DB.pdb
    Backed up Blazer Find Autofill.pdb
    Backed up CalendarLocationsDB-PDat.pdb
    Backed up SLEventNotifications.prc
    Backed up psysLaunchDB.pdb
    Backed up Graffiti ShortCuts.prc
    Backed up MMSmartAdd.prc
    Backed up MM Text Lookup FPI.prc
    Backed up MMConfigFPI.prc
    Backed up MMTextPlugin.prc
    Backed up MMHtmlPlugin.prc
    Backed up MMPRCPlugin.prc
    Backed up MMVCal.prc
    Backed up MMVCardPlugin.prc
    Backed up MMWordPlugin.prc
    Backed up Photo/Video.prc
    Backed up MMWave.prc
    Backed up MMPluginMGR.prc
    Backed up MMWizard.prc
    Backed up MMUnzipPlugin.prc
    Backed up MMSDCard.prc
    Backed up MIDI Ring Tones.pdb
    Backed up System MIDI Sounds.pdb
    Backed up Saved Preferences.prc
    Backed up AddressStatesDB.pdb
    Backed up AddressTitlesDB.pdb
    OK Backup
    Last sync time and PC ID updated on handheld
    HotSync Complete 6/2/06 8:34:40 AM
    HotSync 3.2.1 started 6/2/06 8:38:20 AM
    Local Synchronization
    OK Install
    To Do List did nothing
    Tasks synchronization failed
    “Tasks” failed (error = #16397)
    OK Media
    OK Memos
    Memo Pad did nothing
    Date Book did nothing
    Contacts synchronization failed
    “Contacts” failed (error = #16397)
    Calendar synchronization failed
    “Calendar” failed (error = #16397)
    Address Book did nothing
    OK Install
    Backed up ConduitMonitor.prc
    Backed up psysLaunchDB.pdb
    Backed up Saved Preferences.prc
    OK Backup
    Last sync time and PC ID updated on handheld
    HotSync Complete 6/2/06 8:38:25 AM
    HotSync 3.2.1 started 6/2/06 8:38:52 AM
    Local Synchronization
    OK Install
    To Do List did nothing
    Tasks synchronization failed
    “Tasks” failed (error = #16397)
    OK Media
    OK Memos
    Memo Pad did nothing
    Date Book did nothing
    Contacts synchronization failed
    “Contacts” failed (error = #16397)
    Calendar synchronization failed
    “Calendar” failed (error = #16397)
    Address Book did nothing
    OK Install
    Backed up ConduitMonitor.prc
    Backed up psysLaunchDB.pdb
    Backed up Saved Preferences.prc
    OK Backup
    Last sync time and PC ID updated on handheld
    HotSync Complete 6/2/06 8:38:58 AM
    HotSync 3.2.1 started 6/2/06 8:43:14 AM
    Local Synchronization
    OK Install
    To Do List did nothing
    Tasks synchronization failed
    “Tasks” failed (error = #16397)
    OK Media
    OK Memos
    Memo Pad did nothing
    Date Book did nothing
    Contacts synchronization failed
    “Contacts” failed (error = #16397)
    Calendar synchronization failed
    “Calendar” failed (error = #16397)
    Address Book did nothing
    OK Install
    Backed up CSRecordOutSyncInboxDB.pdb
    Backed up Messages Database.pdb
    Backed up ConduitMonitor.prc
    Backed up psysLaunchDB.pdb
    Backed up Saved Preferences.prc
    OK Backup
    Last sync time and PC ID updated on handheld
    HotSync Complete 6/2/06 8:43:20 AM
    HotSync 3.2.1 started 6/3/06 5:38:16 PM
    Local Synchronization
    Installed AirSAM
    Installed AirSAMPrv
    Installed BgndService
    Installed IIDataLib
    Installed MIAttachLib
    Installed MIDataLib
    Installed MMConduit-asc6
    Installed MMConfigFPI
    Installed MMDiskLib
    Installed MMHtmlPlugin
    Installed VersaMail
    Installed MMNotify
    Installed Photo/Video
    Installed MMPluginMGR
    Installed MMPRCPlugin
    Installed MMSDCard
    Installed MMSmartAdd
    Installed MMTextPlugin
    Installed MMUnzipPlugin
    Installed MMUpgrade
    Installed MMVCal
    Installed MMVCardPlugin
    Installed MMWave
    Installed MMWizard
    Installed MMWordPlugin
    Installed MultiMail
    Installed PalmVMFontLibrary
    Installed PassThruSync
    Installed SAMgr
    Installed MM Text Lookup FPI
    Installed VMNetLogging
    OK Install
    To Do List did nothing
    Tasks synchronization failed
    “Tasks” failed (error = #16397)
    OK Media
    OK Memos
    Memo Pad did nothing
    Date Book did nothing
    Contacts synchronization failed
    “Contacts” failed (error = #16397)
    Calendar synchronization failed
    “Calendar” failed (error = #16397)
    Address Book did nothing
    OK Install
    Backed up CarrierProfiles2.pdb
    Backed up Queries.pdb
    Backed up CalculusDB.pdb
    Backed up MultiMail Messages.pdb
    Backed up MultiMail Disconnected.pdb
    Backed up MultiMail Attachments.pdb
    Backed up NetworkProfiles2.pdb
    Backed up 6-3-06-1-38-am-Vpad.pdb
    Backed up SMS QuickText.pdb
    Backed up Missing Sync.prc
    Backed up ConduitMonitor.prc
    Backed up SyncClient.prc
    Backed up IMPlus_Core.prc
    Backed up BtExgLibDB.pdb
    OK Backup
    Last sync time and PC ID updated on handheld
    HotSync Complete 6/3/06 5:39:18 PM
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

  • Treo 700p sync on Macintosh

    Has anyone been able to successfully sync a Palm Treo 700p (Verizon) with a Mac?

    I was able to successfully sync the Treo 700p (Sprint) on a MacBook Pro 15" by installing the latest Mac Palm Desktop Software (not available for 700p yet, so I downloaded the 650 version) and followed installation instructions, restarted, then opened iSync. In iSync, I enabled Palm OS Device under the Device Menu and then opened Hot Sync (in Applications folder) and in "Conduit Settings" double-click iSync conduit and check off enable for this device. Now your Treo will show in iSync and you can set your settings in iSync and click Sync (need to press hot sync button on Treo if using Bluetooth connection). Hope this helps!

  • Treo 700p, Looking to Download Java applicatio​n

    I need to download java onto my Treo 700p.  Is there a link where I can find the application?
    Thanks in advance.
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

    Click on the following link.
    For reference purposes, click on the following link for the support page for your device on the webpage.​n=treo&mn=700p&cn=verizon
    There are links on the page to the user guide, troubleshooting, how to's, downloads, etc.
    Post relates to: Palm i705

  • Treo 700p GSM

    I have a Treo 650 and a Treo 700p.  The 650 is not working and I have gsm phone service.  I have taken the phones apart and discovered that the SIM card module from the 650 fits on the 700 but, the 700 phone is locked by Verizon.  If I simply get the 700 phone unlocked can I use it as a GSM phone?
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Unlocked GSM)

    I don't want to sound rude, but I really don't understand what you did.  
    A Verizon phone is CDMA and has no spot for a SIM card.  CDMA phones in general have no SIM card slot.
    Where did you stick the SIM card? 
    Note the slot on top of the Verizon 700p is for a full sized SD card.  Is that where you stuffed your SIM card.
    (Yes, I have owned a Verizon 700p in the past so I know they don't have a SIM card slot.)
    Also note, 700p user guide is here:
    no note of SIM card slot

  • Treo 700p

    Hello,  I just hooked up a Palm Treo 700p on Verizon.  I use to be on Virgin with Android, so it is a step back.  Cost is the driving thing.  I also found that I could be in the middle of a tobacco field and not be able to make a call on Virgin due to signal issues.  Verizon coverage is much better.  
    My question is:  Are there any good sites to get applications for this phone?  I am looking specifically at email clients.  The one that Verizon provides does not seem to work and I just want to get my email from Google.  I also have an Outlook (formally Hotmail) account, I could use that also.  Please point in the right direction, if there is one!

    Hi and welcome to the HP Support Community.
    Back in the day, there were thousands of Palm OS apps.  There still are, but lots of them are no longer supported and some of the great ones are not even available for purchase any longer.
    Google will take you to various places, such as and
    The only email client I remember, other than the built-in email app that comes with Palm OS, is SnapperMail.  I used it with my Palm phones, but I'm not sure it was worth the cost.  I thought it was kaput, but it seems like it's still available here.
    Good luck, hope your Treo works out for you.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • Treo 700P and WiFi?

    I'm interested in getting a Treo 700P and from what I've read it seems like it'll do everything I need it to, especially when using The Missing Sync by Mark/Space.
    My only problem is I want to be able to connect to the Internet and check my email using a traditional wireless network found at most "technology savvy" hotels.
    I know I can sign up for this capability for an extra $40/month, but quite frankly I'm not willing to pay that for the little amount of time I'll use this feature. That said, what solutions are available to me? Does Palm make a seperate WiFi card for the 700P? Should I be looking at something else?

    The 700p will definitely do everything you want, but offer WiFi connectivity. The EvDO data connection is no where near as fast, though much faster than second generation technologies. Fourth generation network technologies are beginning to appear already to replace EvDO, and WiMAX will be available widely for client use is less than twelve months. WiMAX is real broadband speed using extended ethernet technology, though it will not be initially deployed as widely as cellular technologies like EvDO.
    What you want to do at the moment just cannot be accomplished with a Palm smartphone other than the Palm 700w or 700wx. It's too bad, because Entourage is not the only issue - you should take a look at the Windows Mobile Explorer browser before ever seriously considering the use of such a device. And Windows Mobile defeats AvantGo synchronization, internet sharing and synchronization via WiFi as a security measure, and even the Missing Sync for Windows Mobile cannot override this inherent limitation.

  • Treo 700P with contacts - need advice on synchronizing with new outlook user profile

    Hello Treo Experts.
    I have a Treo 700P.
    It is full of contacts.
    I have a new Outlook user profile and am unable to synchronize between the Treo and Outlook.
    I deinstalled Palm SW and reinstalled it
    I am about to 'syhncronize the Treo with my computer
    my question is: Is this safe to do? I don't want to lose all my contacts on my Treo. 
    Any suggestions - greatly appreciated!
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Verizon)

    Hi..  Welcome to the Palm forums.  You should be fine, the contacts on the device should write to outlook and combine with what ever is in outlook.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

  • Treo 700P external antenna jack

    I just recently purchased a Treo 700P and a external antenna adaptor, the adaptor does not fit my phone. When I was shopping for my phone I looked at a new Treo 700P at the Verizon store and saw that it had a external antenna jack. The jack on the new phone was much smaller than the one that is on my phone. Did Palm at some point in time change the dimensions of the external jack? My jack is gold colored and has the appearance of a mini rca jack with a center hole that takes a thick center conductor.
    Post relates to: Palm IIIc

    gjkozy, the fault is with the Vendor who sold you the phone and didn't give you a disk with it, not Palm's...
    Palm supplies a disk with every new phone that is sold.   Did the vendor lie to you when the phone was sold?  Or was it listed as "Phone and charger Only"?
    The disk cannot be downloaded for free due to the fact there are third-party, copywritten programs on each one.  These are not "free for the taking" by anyone wanting to click on a download link.  
    There are dozens of free Solitaire games available on  There are lots of Voice Dial programs for sale on the internet.  Instead of spending money for the old disk, why not just purchase an updated Voice dialing program? 
    BTW, I'm assuming you know that no PalmOS phone can Voice dial through a BlueTooth earpiece.  It's a limitation of the OS.  If that is the goal of getting Voice Dial software, save your money!
    I'm sorry about the antenna problem, I have no suggestions for that.
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
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  • Treo 700p issues

    I just purchased a Treo 700p(Sprint), it seemed to work fine, no noted issues or problems, until I HotSynch'd it. Now...
    1. HotSynch failed to backup PmTraceDatabase(handheld file could not be opened).
    2. The Treo reboots when I try to do some things, such as open my contact list, or HotSynch.
    - The reboot problem goes away after a hard reset, but returns as soon as I HotSynch again.
     - After research, it seems that I can use FileZ or a similar program to eliminate PmTraceDatabase from the HotSynch list. Problem is that I can't find FileZ in .prc, only .zip, and I can't find any unzippers that I can download directly to my Treo. So cleaning up the PmTraceDatabase issue may solve the reboot problem, but I'm in a loop where I can only get FileZ on to my Treo by HotSynching, which starts the problem, so I do a hard reset to clear up the problem, but it also removes FileZ. rinse-repeat
    Software is Treo700p-1.10-SPNT
    Any ideas?
    Post relates to: Treo 700p (Sprint)
    Message Edited by MitchFF on 11-11-2009 06:15 PM

    Sounds like there is some corruption of the Contacts Database on your phone.
    I would suggest you download and install "DBFixit" from Pimlico Software:
    The program will search your device for errors, and fix some for free. Others may require the purchase of a registration code, with the funds going to an animal rescue non-profit (Gorilla Haven).   Once the errors are gone on the device, attempt another HotSync.
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
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