Moving libraries

My iTunes library is on my old laptop that doesn't work anymore. I have just ordered a new iBook G4. How can I move my music library to my new computer?

It's probably because the 3rd drive has a different name. Therefore it has a different volume name, therefore it has a different mount point, therefore it has a different path.
I think you'll be ok if you select the images in question, then use the Referenced File Manager to reconnect them to the images on the 3rd drive. It should be enough to reconnect just one and Aperture will find the rest of them.
Good luck.

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    Log into the old account. Drag the Libraries to the Users/Shared folder.
    Switch to the new Account. Drag the Libraries to the Pictures or Music folders as appropriate.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    You're going to need to explain things a little better.
    Are you running a Managed or a Referenced Library?
    If you're running a Managed library, then it's the default setting, and iPhoto copies files into the iPhoto Library when Importing
    If you're running a Referenced Library, then you made a change at iPhoto -> Preferences -> Advanced and iPhoto is NOT copying the files into the iPhoto Library when importing.
    To choose between Libraries:
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    Hi dostoelk,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    Clips, projects, and events should still be managed within Final Cut Pro X.  For more information, read our Managing Media with Final Cut Pro X Libraries white paper (PDF) at:
    I hope this information helps ....
    Happy Holidays!
    - Judy

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    More simple.
    Wait until you get the new machine. Copy the two libraries to the new machine. Open them, this will upgrade them to the same version. Then merge them.
    Obviously, don't move them to the same folder, or rename one, so they don't overwrite each other.
    To move an iPhoto Library to a new machine:
    Link the two Macs together: there are several ways to do this: Wireless Network,Firewire Target Disk Mode, Ethernet, or even just copy the Library to an external HD and then on to the new machine...
    But however you do choose to link the two machines...
    Simply copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder on the old Machine to the Pictures Folder on the new Machine.
    Then launch iPhoto. That's it.
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    Copy the entire _iTunes folder_ from \My Documents\My Music\ on XP to \Music\ on Vista.
    You can use an external/flash drive, network the computers or burn to CD/DVD.

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    Move your music back from the separate HD and get iTunes all sorted out on your new computer. Then plug in the Shuffle. It may ask if you want to associate the Shuffle with the new computer and when you say yes it will clean the Shuffle out and you can reload it from the iTunes library on your new computer.
    iTunes first, then the Shuffle.

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    Hi and welcome....
    Just sync from his iTunes library on the computer.
    Just like you did his Nano.
    It would help if you clicked *My Settings* on the right side of this window and tell us which computer model you use and which operating system. Thanks!
    The help we suggest often depends on whether it's Windows or Mac.

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    My feeling is there isn't much you can do about it since standard things such as changing file permissions won't work if you can't write to the drive.  You could try formatting the drive to FAT so both the PC and Mac can use it (as long as you don't have any huge files).  Alternatively, if you have a smaller flash drive formatted FAT you can move the library in groups of folders as long as you make sure it all goes back together properly again.
    Here's my standard post on moving libraries:
    If you use iTunes' default preferences settings:  Copy the entire iTunes folder (and in doing so all its subfolders and files) intact to the other drive.  Open iTunes and immediately hold down the option (alt) key (shift on Windows) so you get a prompt to select a library, then guide it to the 'iTunes Library.itl' file in the moved iTunes folder.
    If you put the copied iTunes folder in the default location of Macintosh HD > Users > *User Name* > Music  then you don't even need to start with the option key held down, iTunes will automatically look for it there.  (Make sure there isn't anything already in the iTunes folder there that you want to keep since you will be replacing it with the one you are moving.)
    Longer answers if for any reason you do not think all library files are inside your iTunes folder (changed preferences settings at some point):
    iTunes: How to move [or copy] your music [library] to a new computer [or another drive] - - a somewhat bewildering and not always easily understandable set of options.
    For the record there's this reference for iTunes 11 but it really doesn't strike me as having the specifics you need. iTunes 11 for Mac: Move your library to another computer -
    2011 ilounge article: Transferring your iTunes library - -a-new-hard-drive/  - An article with good background information (similar to the links above), particularly if you are not sure your media files are all grouped for quick answer above. Unfortunately under the single term "transferring library" it describes two very different moves; relocating just your media (not  really transferring your library and not recommended unless you really need this configuration), and relocating media+database (really your whole "library").  Make sure you understand the difference before electing to move only media.
    Windows users see tip at:

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    Once we transfer her files, we plan to cancel her Apple ID account since it wouldn't be authorized on any computers anymore.
    You can't cancel the iTunes account.
    Besides, you still need it to authorize your computer to play the songs she purchased.
    To get the music onto your computer, just copy it over to yours, then File -> Add folder to library and select the folder whwenre you put the music.

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    So I recently installed a 120 gb ssd to be used for my startup files. I installed leopard, upgraded to 6.8, downloaded and installed lion, couldn't properly back up from a time machine back up or a migration so just started over and moved all my files over, (applications, libraries, system and bootup), keeping my music, movies and pictures on my main 500 gb.
    Don't quit understand your configuration, you mean you did manage to build 2 HD in your MacBook?? or do you use the SSD in the MacBook and the 500 GB as external?
    However, moving libraries and system software instead of install again is usually not the best idea...
    You should first try to back up custom settings for PS like tools, actions and other presets. Then use the PS help menu to deactivate permanently and use the uninstaller for PS to uninstall it. Maybe even use the clean tool for PSCS:
    And it would not be a bad idea also to use the leopard install disk again to restart from and then use the option to install and archive the system again. This does not take long and creates a whole new library while making a back up of your old one. Use the software update (it will present you the combo update to 6.8) to get the latest updates.
    Then try again to install PS and I would think you should be OK.

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    Hi all,
    I know there are many posts here on moving libraries, but my situation is where I unclicked the "copy files to iphoto library" in preferences, so my files are on one drive while my "iphoto library" is on my main mac drive. Any way I can move my files and "point" my present library file to look in the new direction for these files? It would save me having to do a new library and all the time re-organizing. Using iphoto '09

    In other words, where would iphoto prefer these files be?
    In the iPhoto library
    If your library is still intact and the path to your referenced photos is still the same then Alias Herder - - has proven successful to converting to a managed library - make a backup of your library and run Alias Herder to bring your photos into the library - check the preference to copy imported items to the iPhoto library and now you can move the iPhoto library where ever you want and point to it by launching iPhoto while depressing the option key and selecting the iPhoto library location
    This will eliminate many future problems

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    Are you moving the itunes library?? That is entirely different to moving just music.
    Apple have specific instructions for moving libraries..
    And there is no need to use the TC.. other than as a switch and router.. share the folder in one Mac to copy to.

Maybe you are looking for

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