Moving Report Objects Dynamically?

Hello Everybody,
I've created the Oracle Report in the Oracle Reports Developer 10g by placing some report objects into the "Body" portion of the "Main Section". Some of objects supposed to be displayed only on the First page and some of them on All pages. If I specify in the "Property Inspector" for the object to be displayed only on the First page, it does not show up on sequential pages, but the rest of report objects do not moving up (they remain at the same place). Looks like the first object just became not visible (not suppressed).
The question is how to move the rest objects up to replace a hidden object?
Thanks in advance,

Using icommand

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    The credential prompt window contains the following fields:
    - Server Name: <server name> (disabled)
    - Database Name: <database name> (disabled)
    - User Name: <empty> (enabled)
    - Password: <empty> (enabled)
    - Use Single Signon Key: false (disabled)
    The values in the prompt window which are disabled are the database connection values used during the design of the report in the SAP Crystal Reports 2011 designer.
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    The database connection is being set to use a DSN. It must be a DSN as the calling application is only aware of the DSN/Username/Password values. These values are being passed to the Crystal Report Viewer contained in a Windows form.
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    foreach (InternalConnectionInfo internalConnectionInfo in
        // Must set the UseDSNProperties flag to True before setting the database connection otherwise the connection does not work
        if (internalConnectionInfo.LogonProperties.ContainsKey("UseDSNProperties"))
            internalConnectionInfo.LogonProperties.Set("UseDSNProperties", true);
        // Supposed to set the database connection for all objects in the report (ie. main report, tables, sub reports)
        internalConnectionInfo.SetConnection(this.DSN, string.Empty, this.LoginName, this.Password);
    The SetConnection method's signature is as follows:
       SetConnection(string server, string database, string name, string password)
    As you can see from the code snippet above I am setting the DSN name as the server parameter, blank for the database parameter (a database connection using DSN should only require DSN name/Username/Password) and the database username and password respectively.
    Is this a SAP bug?
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    Thanks for the pointer to the database connection code generator. After taking a look at the output from the tool I was able to finally get the dynamic parameters to load and populate properly without prompting for credentials. I needed to tweak the outputted code a bit to match my requirements of using a DSN only connection.
    Instead of updating the database connection properties contained within the Report.Database.Tables collection from the CrystalReports.Engine namespace, I changed it to replace the database connection properties in the Report.ReportClientDocument.DatabaseController.Database.Tables collection from the CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel namespace. For one reason or another, using the RAS namespace solved the problem.
    Below is the updated code with the change made:
    using RAPTable = CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table;
    foreach (InternalConnectionInfo internalConnectionInfo in
        // Must set the UseDSNProperties flag to True before setting the database connection
        if (internalConnectionInfo.LogonProperties.ContainsKey("UseDSNProperties"))
            internalConnectionInfo.LogonProperties.Set("UseDSNProperties", true);
        // Sets the database connection for all objects in the report (ie. main report, tables, sub reports)
        internalConnectionInfo.SetConnection(this.DSN, string.Empty, this.LoginName, this.Password);
    // The attributes for the QE_LogonProperties which is part of the main property bag
    PropertyBag innerPropertyBag = new PropertyBag();
    innerPropertyBag.Add("DSN", this.DSN);
    innerPropertyBag.Add("UserID", this.LoginName);
    innerPropertyBag.Add("Password", this.Password);
    innerPropertyBag.Add("UseDSNProperties", "true");
    // The attributes collection of the tables ConnectionInfo object
    PropertyBag mainPropertyBag = new PropertyBag();
    mainPropertyBag.Add("Database DLL", "crdb_ado.dll");
    mainPropertyBag.Add("QE_DatabaseType", "OLE DB (ADO)");
    mainPropertyBag.Add("QE_LogonProperties", innerPropertyBag);
    // Pass the database properties to a connection info object
    ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
    connectionInfo.Attributes = mainPropertyBag;
    connectionInfo.Kind = CrConnectionInfoKindEnum.crConnectionInfoKindCRQE;
    connectionInfo.UserName = this.LoginName;
    connectionInfo.Password = this.Password;
    // Replace the database connection properties of each table in the report
    foreach (RAPTable oldTable in
        RAPTable table = new RAPTable();
        table.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
        table.Name = oldTable.Name;
        table.QualifiedName = oldTable.QualifiedName;
        table.Alias = oldTable.Alias;, table);;
    Thanks again Ludek for the help.

  • GPM Custom GPO-Settings: An error occurred while generating report: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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    which by my guessing would be located in the C:\Windows\sysvol directory.  Below is what I see there:
    C:\Windows\sysvol\staging areas
    I think the problem is that my custom GPO are not inside the default location, which I speculate is: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies (which I do see some objects there).
    But instead I also see items in this folder: C:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\JOHN.LOCAL\policies (while where I just typed 'JOHN.LOCAL' is my actual local domain).
    To further this, when I edit that custom GPO, then at the very top of the tree I right click on it and select Properties, I see a Unique Name listed there as a long string of numbers and letters, similar to a registry entry.  I searched my server for
    that same Unique Name and found it listed inside the folder: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies
    If I am correct with my assumption and basic knowledge, I should move all objects as follows:
    -Move FROM: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies
    -Move TO: C:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\JOHN.LOCAL\policies
    My concerns are that I am not correct at all, that I will break something, that there may be an easier fix than moving anything, or that I am overlooking something causing this error altogether. 
    Thank you for anyone's help and time with assisting me with this request.
    John Fester

    > top "Settings" I see the error: "An error occurred while generating
    > report: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
    That's due to a security setting (most possibly) your current OS does
    not understand. Hard to find out wich exact setting it is... To resolve
    this issue, we need the gtpptmpl.inf file residing in the policiy's
    sysvol folder. To open this folder, edit the policy, move to computer
    settings - policies - windows settings - scripts - startup, press "show
    files". Then move two folders upwards and back down to
    .\microsoft\windows nt\secedit. There you'll see the gpttmpl.inf - post
    its contents and we'll have a look at it.
    > location, which I speculate is: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies (which
    > folder: C:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\JOHN.LOCAL\policies (while where I just
    That's perfectly ok - JOHN.LOCAL in fact is a symlink pointing to "domain".
    > all objects as follows:
    > -Move FROM: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies
    > -Move TO: C:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\JOHN.LOCAL\policies
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

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    How do I pick up the latest available instance of a report within the publication ?
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    Any ideas ?

    See if using the id3 property of the Sound class helps you out.  There's no guarantee that your sound carries the id3 info you want.

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    CR Developer Version
    help us in this regard..
    Narasimha Murty

    The error message occurs because the user or group who created the LOV does not have the appropriate rights in Business View Manager.
    Try this hope its helps
    To resolve this issue follow the steps,
    1.Log on to Business View Manager as administrator.
    2.Click View > Repository Explorer.
    3.Right-click Dynamic Cascading Prompts. Click Edit Rights.
    4.Click the appropriate user or group receiving the error.
    5.Click the Granted option for the right to View, Edit & Set Security rights.
    6.Click OK. Close Business View Manager.
    The user or group is now able to save a report with dynamic parameters to Enterprise.

  • How to create a lock object dynamically ?

    Hi all,
    I have a report with  a selection screen having one parameter in which the user can put a table name(Custom table) and some other paremeters.Based on these parameters I need to delete records from table put on the selection screen.Before deeting I need to lock the table. As beforehand I dont know the table name how can I create lock object dynamically lock my table ?
    Please suggest some idea...

    check below link
    lock objects

  • I'm getting the below issue when I try to deploy a report with Dynamic parameters, when I deploy it with static parameters I'm not getting this issue.

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    “This error occurred: Adding Crystal Report "CrystalReport1.rpt" failed. The server with kind rptappserver returned an error result. Failed to copy the report file to the report object. Refreshing the report object properties might have failed. Failed to read data from report file CrystalReport1. Reason: Failed to read parameter object”.

    BO does not run dynamic params through the report as would happen without BusinessObjects (BO) or Crystal Reports Server (CRS).  When you publish a report with dynamic parameters to BO/CRS, the prompt is published to the repository so that it can be accessed through the Business View Manager (which can be installed as part of the client tools).  In order for this to work a couple of things need to happen:
    1.  You need to be sure that you check the "Update Repository" box on the Save As screen the first time you publish the report.
    2.  Your BO/CRS user needs to have "view" access to the Crystal2013ReportApplicationServer in the Servers section in the CMC - in fact, the Everyone group should be given view access to the server in order for dynamic prompts to work correctly.
    3.  In the Business View Manager, the Administrator user needs to give your user, or, even better, a Crystal Developers group full control access to the "Dynamic Cascading Prompts" folder.
    Best practice for dynamic prompts in a BO/CRS environment is to actually create the prompts in the Business View Manager.  This will allow you to create a single data connection that can be reused and also create lists of values such that the same list or prompt can be reused by multiple reports.  If you just create the prompts in Crystal, you will end up with multiple data connections to the same database, the prompts will use the whole query for the reports to get the dynamic values instead of just a focused query to the lookup table that contains the values, and there ends up being lots of duplication and chaos.

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    className = "";
    try {
         singleton = (Object) Class.forName(classname).newInstance();
         } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
                   System.out.println("SingletonRegistry - Couldn't find class "}
    Is there a similar procedure in ABAP OO to enable dynamically instantiating a ABAP object?
    I would appreciate any advice.

    You can instantiate an object dynamically,  here is a sample program.  Notice that we are creating an object passed on what class is named in the selection screen.
    report zrich_0001.
    *       CLASS lcl_car DEFINITION
    class lcl_car definition.
      public section.
        data: car type string.
    *       CLASS lcl_car IMPLEMENTATION
    class lcl_car implementation.
    *       CLASS lcl_truck DEFINITION
    class lcl_truck definition.
      public section.
        data: truck type string.
    *       CLASS lcl_truck IMPLEMENTATION
    class lcl_truck implementation.
    data: r  type ref to object.
    parameters: p_class(20) type c default 'LCL_TRUCK'.
      create object r type (p_class).
      check sy-subrc = 0.
    Rich Heilman

  • To get names of reports/objects, Object list from any log files..

    Hi All,
    I have a query, how does OBIEE allocate names to its objects like reports/dashboards dynamically which we see in Session queries. Is there a way that we could get this information from any system variables or any internal file ? This information is to get and run some automation testing post migration, so that validation and verification effort will come down.
    I have one more query, is there way to list of all the objects? Reports/dashboards/tables/variables/MV or any other which are part of our OBIEE reports.
    So that If we can get a list and any log which tells these are modified or that post migration validation/verification will be easy.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi user8732477,
    From my experience I noticed that OBIEE does not use internal identifiers for reports and dashboards. That is a bit of a pain point because if you had a Navigation Drill setup, and you change the name of the target report, your drill will fail. However, there is a "Smart Rename" in the Catalog Manager tool. That will go through the catalog and fix any reference. But in short, there are no internal identifiers for the reports and dashboards. Just the names themselves and the folder path are the unique identifiers.
    Secondly, you can easily run such a report using the Catalog manager tool. Just log into your catalog and go to Tools->Create Report. You have to run one report for Dashboards and any request part of a dashboard and a separate report for any Answer requests that didn't happen to be put into a dashboard. The report creation process is pretty straight forward. It lets you specify what data points you want and it does the rest. It generates a tab delimited file I believe (it could have been comma though, I can't quite remember). Easy to import it into Excel and work with.
    Hope this helps and if you found this post useful, please award points!
    Best regards,

  • Aligment of text & report objects on report

    I have report that fits into 4 pages due to large lenth of report. The report object thats on the report are aligned well for first page but as i go to page downwards i.e 2,3,4 the Text and report object that i have inserted get distorted
    and are not aligned in same way as on 1st page. Is there a setting for each individual page on the report ? or what setting should i check for the same?
    Thanks In advance

    There isn't any easy or elegant way in Crystal Reports to generate records dynamically but here are 2 suggestions;
    1) Concatenate the fields you want to display with a carraige return separator (Chr(13)) and assign this value to a variable. Use the replicatestring function along with the database field that outputs the number of copies needed.
    For instance
    stringvar d:= + chr(13) + + chr(13) + + chr(13)
    replicatestring(d, {field that outputs number of copies})
    Set this formula to can grow and it will repeat the appropriate number of times.
    2) Create a command object similar to the following;
    select top (10) -999 as linker from orders
    This will generate 10 dummy records.
    Link this command object to your table with a Not Equal join.
    This will cause each record from your table to repeat 10 times.
    Set up a counter formula and suppress the details section when the counter is greater than the number of copies needed field

  • Problems after creating report object

    I am using Crystal Reports Server XI R2 SP4. I created a report object from a simple Crystal report successfully. Even the thumbnail showed the report data even though the report does not save data.
    However when I view the report object in InfoView or schedule it there is no report data even though Crystal Reports Viewer displays data when run against the same DB with the same parameters.
    I get the same results with any report object I create in CMC but I was to able to successfully create and run report objects the first few(5) times after which I have been getting this result.
    Is there any kind of report or job limit?
    I made max records to retrieve unlimited and bumped # of jobs in every server from 5 to 50 and the age of oldest report to retrieve from cache to 0 mins.
    Please help!

    I'm not sure this is a JAVA problem, but if you're getting an ACCESS_VIOLATION exception from the JVM a method that provides more detailed information is to check for exceptions after every JAVA function called from the native code with (*jenv)->ExceptionCheck(jenv) and if true get information with (*jenv)->ExceptionDescribe(jenv) Making mistakes in native code constructing JAVA objects has been my most frequent cause of ACCESS_VIOLATION exceptions. I hope this helps.

  • How to Remove a Report Object from a Category Without Deleting It?

    I'm trying to "remove" a report object (in this case a Webi Report) from a Personal Category. However, I've found that when I right-click on the report within the Category and choose "Organize >> Delete", not only does it remove the report from the Category, it also deletes the "source" report from it's original location... not good.  (NOTE: If I try this as a user without rights to delete report objects, I don't even get the "Organize >> Delete" option, as would be expected based on the behavior I'm seeing.)
    Does anyone know if there is a way to "Remove" report objects from Categories without deleting the report from its original location?  The only option I can think of is to simply recreate (copy/paste) the whole category with all of its components (less the undesired report object) and then delete the original Category.
    Edited by: Josh Crawford on Sep 9, 2010 9:25 AM

    This is much easier than it looks like, although it's not intuitive.
    For example, when some webi is in a category, categories where the webi is linked are underlined in blue:
    If you click in those blue marked categories and click Accept, you're unlinking the webi/report/dashboard from that category:
    Hope it helps

  • Bex report to report interface dynamically based on Value in the query

    Is it possible to change the destination of the report to report interface dynamically based on the data of the bex query?
    For example my query has the below data
    Plant | KPI | Quantity
    P1 | A | 20.00
    P2 | B | 25.00
    When the user selects KPI A I want to navigate to Query 1, and when KPI B is selected to Query 2. Query 1 and Query 2 have completely different layouts, Instead of create to two destinations is it possible to pick one based on the KPI selected.
    Is this possible in Bex report to report interface or any other way.
    Please suggest
    Thanks in advance.

    we have RRI in sap bw. ( TCODE RSBBS.)
    Below article will enlighten you about this topic .
    hope this helps

  • Creating and Binding View Objects dynamically : Oracle Jdeveloper 11g

    We are trying to create and bind view objects dynamically to adf data visualization components.
    The view object is a result of multiple tables.
    We are using Oracle JDeveloper 11g Technical Preview. ( can't upgrade to TP2 or TP3 now).
    We have found this : on our search for the same.
    The sample application however, is in 10g , hence required migration.
    Also, it was a standalone application with the having a main() method.
    Our requirement is for Web Application; we use Adf+jsf .
    Guidance of any sort is very much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    -Anil Golla

    there also exist a forum for JDeveloper 11: JDeveloper and OC4J 11g Technology Preview
    What you are trying todo is not trivial because you need to not only dynamically create the VO, you would also dynamically need to create the binding meta data for it (assuming you use ADF). Not sure if the API to modify the binding is public, so posting it on the JDeveloper 11 forum bears a glimpse of hope for an answer
    In JDeveloper 10.1.3 you can't do this

  • Submit report with dynamic selections

    Hi All,
    I am trying to Submit a report with dynamic selections. I am using the option SUBMIT REPORT WITH FREE SELECTIONS.
    But the dynamic selections are not getting passed.
    Request you to kindly provide some inputs
    My code is
    DATA: trange TYPE rsds_trange,
          trange_line LIKE LINE OF trange,
          trange_frange_t_line LIKE LINE OF trange_line-frange_t,
          trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line LIKE LINE OF trange_frange_t_line-selopt_t,
          texpr TYPE rsds_texpr.
    trange_line-tablename = 'PA0002'.
    *trange_frange_t_line-tablename = 'PA0002'.
    trange_frange_t_line-fieldname = 'GBJHR'.
    trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-sign   = 'I'.
    trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-option = 'EQ'.
    trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-low    = '1987'.
    trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-high   = '1987'.
    APPEND trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line TO   trange_frange_t_line-selopt_t.
    APPEND trange_frange_t_line TO trange_line-frange_t.
    APPEND trange_line TO trange.
        field_ranges = trange
        expressions  = texpr.
    submit RPCADVQ0
                    WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar_tab
                    WITH FREE SELECTIONS it_texpr
                    and returN.
    Kindly provide your inputs

    Hi Reshma,
      data: trange  type rsds_trange,
              g_repid type sy-repid.
    g_repid = 'RPCADVQ0'.
      call function 'RS_REFRESH_FROM_DYNAMICAL_SEL'
          curr_report        = g_repid
          mode_write_or_move = 'M'
          p_trange           = trange
          not_found          = 1
          wrong_type         = 2
          others             = 3.
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
    " Do the changes to the trange
    field_ranges = trange
    expressions = texpr.
    submit RPCADVQ0
    and returN.

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