Unable to view TIFF image in BSP page

Hi ,
I have put in the URL of a TIFF image in the BSP code to display the image but the image refuses to appear. I found out that a TIFF image does not appear even in a normal HTML page. Is there any way to make this possible.

we had the same problem. As far as I know there is no "build in" way to display tiff-images with a browser.
We use a Java-applet to do this. We use ViewOne from Daeja image systems. Look at <a href="http://www.daeja.com/">http://www.daeja.com/</a>. That works very good.
Hope that helps.
Best regards

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    Too long

    This had no affect on my problem. Sorry, but no help at all. I can enter safe mode with nothing checked in the dialog and the problems go away. Any further ideas?

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    It stated that:
    No spatial data to render...
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Spatial Data Cache opened. Region=SDOVIS_DATA.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2]      max_cache_size=32 MB.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] sub region sdovis_subreg_ias_spatial_jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbdev:1521:orcl created in cache.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache] Loading SRS information from MDSYS.cs_srs (srid=8307).
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.DBSRSCache] Registering srs 8307, isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-8
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Bands: Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue - 1
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-10
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-12
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-14
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: -Infinity,-Infinity,NaN,NaN
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.CacheMgr2] Creating/replacing a geometry cache group: sdovis_subreg_ias_spatial_jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbdev:1521:orcl : NYP_IMAGES_IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT_PDT_GEOM.
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 16ms, total time loading 1 features: 78ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] mbr of all themes: java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Double[x=-330.05,y=-206.35000000000002,w=3308.6025,h=2565.5175]
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 78ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 0.15474460805665913 0.0 0.0 -0.15474460805665913 185.0792593502091 365.0684501275084
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 16ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 31ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-16
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = -1196.0304250629722, maxX=3844.532925062972 minY=-206.3499999999999, maxY=2359.1675 w=5040.563350125944, h=2565.5175
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 0.0, maxX=360.0 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=5040.563350125944, h=2565.5175
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.SRS] Resizing query window to be within valid bounds.
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-18
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 0.0,-90.0,360.0,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 859ms, total time loading 1 features: 859ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 859ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.1666666666666665 0.0 0.0 -2.1666666666666665 0.0 198.5
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 16ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 16ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-20
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 3.173803526448353,-90.0,356.82619647355165,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 0ms, total time loading 1 features: 0ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 16ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.2055555555555553 0.0 0.0 -2.2055555555555553 -6.99999999999992 198.50000000000003
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 15ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 31ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] adding predefined theme [name=GEORTHEME]
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] key_column using default: ROWID
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-22
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Bands: Red - 1 Green - 1 Blue - 1
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-24
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] GeoRaster SRID can not be 0.
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] *** isGeodetic=true, unit=DECIMAL DEGREE
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] before adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.SRS] After adjusting: minX = 3.173803526448353, maxX=356.82619647355165 minY=-90.0, maxY=90.0 w=353.6523929471033, h=180.0
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-26
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: 3.173803526448353,-90.0,356.82619647355165,90.0
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ]: SELECT rowid, tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, 'dbdev_NYP_IMAGES_render', null, 'null', -1 FROM NYP_IMAGES tb_prv WHERE MDSYS.SDO_FILTER(tb_prv.IMAGE.SPATIALEXTENT, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(?, ?, ?, ?)), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.pgtp] [ NYP_IMAGES ] sql exec time: 765ms, total time loading 1 features: 765ms.
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on loading features: 765ms.
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.RE] xfm: 2.2055555555555553 0.0 0.0 -2.2055555555555553 -6.99999999999992 198.50000000000003
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to render theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 31ms
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.VectorRenderer] time to label theme NYP_IMAGES with 1 styled features: 0ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] **** time spent on rendering: 125ms
    INFO [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] clearing internal theme list and cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.DBMapMaker] adding predefined theme [name=GEORTHEME]
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] Got SRID for base table NYP_IMAGES from data source cache
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.ThemeTable] key_column using default: ROWID
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.ltd] LoadThemeData running thread: Thread-28
    FINEST [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] Theme definition SRID: 8307
    DEBUG [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] [Query] select grt.IMAGE from NYP_IMAGES grt where grt.IMAGE.rasterid = ? and grt.IMAGE.rasterdatatable = ?
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.theme.grtp] java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:589)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    ERROR [oracle.sdovis.ltd] Message:GeoRaster load Exception: null
         at oracle.sdovis.theme.GeoRasterThemeProducer.prepareData(GeoRasterThemeProducer.java:855)
         at oracle.sdovis.GeoRasterTheme.prepareData(GeoRasterTheme.java:90)
         at oracle.sdovis.LoadThemeData.run(LoadThemeData.java:66)
    WARN [oracle.sdovis.MapMaker] null MBR resulted from buildDataMBR.
    For the image i want to view, the data i got for the image that is being stored in the georaster object are:
    1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180, -90, -180, 1073, -180, 2237, 1320, 2237, 2821, 223
    7, 2821, 1073, 2821, -90, 1320, -90, -180, -90)), 'NYP_IMAGES_RDT', 131, XMLTYPE
    (<georasterMetadata xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/spatial/georaster">
    May i know whether the image is georeferenced?
    If it is successfully georeference, why does it stated that no spatial data to render?

    161 TIFF
    1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180, -90, -180, 1073, -180, 2237, 1320, 2237, 2821, 223
    7, 2821, 1073, 2821, -90, 1320, -90, -180, -90)), 'NYP_IMAGES_RDT', 131, XMLTYPE
    (<georasterMetadata xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/spatial/georaster">
    <dimensionSize type="ROW">
    <dimensionSize type="COLUMN">
    <spatialResolution dimensionType="X">
    <spatialResolution dimensionType="Y">
    <polynomialModel rowOff="0" columnOff="0" xOff="0" yOff="0" zOff="0" rowScal
    e="1" columnScale="1" xScale="1" yScale="1" zScale="1">
    <pPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
    <polynomialCoefficients>-479.9329824561403 0 0.03508771929824561</polyno
    <qPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
    <rPolynomial pType="1" nVars="2" order="1" nCoefficients="3">
    <polynomialCoefficients>43256.28210526316 -0.03508771929824561 0</polyno
    <sPolynomial pType="1" nVars="0" order="0" nCoefficients="1">
    <cell value="0" blue="0" red="0" green="0" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="1" blue="20" red="20" green="20" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="2" blue="36" red="36" green="36" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="3" blue="48" red="48" green="48" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="4" blue="52" red="52" green="52" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="5" blue="72" red="72" green="72" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="6" blue="121" red="121" green="121" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="7" blue="133" red="133" green="133" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="8" blue="153" red="153" green="153" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="9" blue="178" red="178" green="178" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="10" blue="178" red="178" green="186" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="11" blue="186" red="186" green="186" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="12" blue="198" red="198" green="214" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="13" blue="230" red="230" green="234" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="14" blue="242" red="242" green="242" alpha="255"/>
    <cell value="15" blue="255" red="255" green="255" alpha="255"/>
    Is this being georeferenced?

  • Unable to view uploaded images

    apex 4.0 using embeded listener
    oracle 11g
    as soon as i upload an image it doesn't display in the "shared components > images > edit image attributes" page.
    the url looks fine:
    is something wrong with my xdb permissions?

    This won't be helping - your path to images is not correct:
    file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Cindy Knight/My
    Custom Homes/Website/Design/Website Live/images/home.gif
    "cindy__" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fg5jun$dht$[email protected]..
    > On this website www.actionmarketers.com/cch.html, I am
    unable to view the
    > images when the website is uploaded to the server, and
    also an extra space
    > appears after the navigation bar in Firefox (not IE).

  • I am unable to view some images sent by email or on certain websites.  How do i fix this.

    I am unable to view some images sent by email or on certain websites.  How do i fix this.

    Hi. I'm not technically skilled, but based on the reply from the other guy re. AdBlock Plus being the common denominator to everyone's problems, I checked my Filter settings (ABP version 2.0.3) and deselected 'Fanboy's List (English)'. With this deselected and ABP still 'enabled' the messages work as usual.
    I only had this problem using Virgin Mail, so must be the way they now present their mail that conflicts with 'Fanboy's List (English)' filter. I guess I'll need toi choose another filter.

  • Viewing TIFF Images

    Hi All,
    how to view TIFF images(or any images in different format) in java
    please reply,

    Right, its the JAI-IO package you need:
    JAI is not required, but useful:

  • Can we code to import MIME object(Image)  on bsp page

    can we code to import MIME object(Image)  on bsp page
    i have one bsp webpage like employee page , in which i have option to attach image so , i want that user attach image and image shuld be go in sap mime object.

    save the image into ur system.
    Right click on object name->create->MIME object->import.
    Then select hte image which u want to import and save it.
    Then in the layout write code as
    <img height="130" src="image.bmp ">

  • I am unable to view thumbail images in google search results page

    When performing a search on Google I am unable to view thumbnails on the main search page. If I click on the placeholder the image will open, I am also able to view thumbnails on the images / videos results page.
    Firefox version 3.6.13
    Running Windows 7, 32 bit professional.
    Addons: Adblock Plus
    Googlehancer (used to prevent autocomplete.)
    Web of Trust (WOT)
    All addons updated today.
    Cleared cache, cleared history, cleared cookies.
    Able to view results thumbnails on Bing and other search providers.
    Tools > Content > Load Images checked, exceptions are cleared, so all sites should be available.
    Tools > Content > Enable Javascript also checked.
    I suspect, though cannot be sure, that something I did to disable the forced autocomplete function in Google searches also disabled the thumbnail view.

    If you use extensions (Tools > Add-ons > Extension) like <i>Adblock Plus</i> or <i>NoScript</i> or <i>Flash Block</i> that can block content then make sure that such extensions aren't blocking content.
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    See also http://kb.mozillazine.org/Images_or_animations_do_not_load

  • Display image in BSP page,images are on a web server outside of SAP

    I am creating a BSP page for employee profile.The page needs to show an emp picture along with other info.The images are not in the MIME repository,they are stored in a separate web server.I am able to display the page using
    <img border="0"                     src="http://.com/xyz/xyz.bmp" >
    However this is a non secured test server. If the images are on a secured server,I am assuming,an id ,pswd authentication will be required.Can I get the authentication done automatically so that the page is rendered seamlessly for the end user?
    Would SSO help if this web server is a portal server?what if the web server is not a portal server?

    Hi Manidipa,
    The Http class in SAP can also be used in passing the required authentication information to the non-SAP portal system.
    There is an article written by Angeli Axel which does the same. The article has got ABAP HTTP classes and methods to get and post the parameters to the non-SAP portal system.
    The same solution can be done by passing the credentials in the url. The custom solution would be to pass the required credentials in the url and the receiving application should grab those information from the url and confirm the authentication. After that it should be able to provide you the image. After getting the image it can be simply displayed in your BSP using iframe tag.
    For eg if the receiving side is in java, then the following code can be used to receive the username and password. Once you get this you can verify the validity depending on the datasource whether LDAP(MS-ADS, Sun one, Novell edirectory) or ordinary database(Oracle, MS SQL Server .. etc) is used for storing the credentials.
    try {
              String userName = request.getParameter("username");
              String password = request.getParameter("password");
              if (validateUser(userName, password)) {
    The main page here you display the image
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    The above code should be considered as pseudo code for any server side language.
    Please let me know if this helps.
    With regards,
    Rajesh Khanna Venkatesan.

  • How to validate image at the time of uploading image in BSP page

    I have created a BSp page in which i have created attachment option with browse button , so please tel me that how to validate at the time of clicking save button , attachment should me image (jpeg,gif)

    To provide f4 help for the input field, we have to add showHelp and onValueHelp attributes to the inputField tag. Provide the values to those attributes as shown below.
    You need to check after transferring the value fo object if the object  contains .jepg then return = true else return = false and call the error page and display the error message 'choose only the .jepg image' and on the error page also give the button to return to the previous page.
    hope this will help u.

  • [SOLVED] Unable to view .dng images with geeqie

    Both my work computer and home computer have geeqie installed, running 1.1-3. I recently attempted to view a .dng file on my work computer and it briefly opened and then closed. I've been able to do so before, and my home computer is able to view them just fine. I just installed f-spot (googled around for other .dng-capable viewers), and can successfully open a .dng file with it. I can open them as usual with darktable as well; so I don't think it's something inherently missing regarding dealing with digital negatives, or at least that's the theory.
    Starting geeqie from the command line yields:
    $ geeqie /path/to/file.DNG
    ERROR:filedata.c:1101:file_data_new_group: assertion failed: (fd)
    Aborted (core dumped)
    I get some pretty old bugs when googling that error. I installed geeqie-git just to check, and it opens the file, but with a ridiculously small resolution, despite it being a ~13mb digital negative.
    Something seems borked, but I'm at a loss about what it is, especially since f-spot seems to work and geeqie is doing fine on another computer. Suggestions of what to check?
    Last edited by jwhendy (2014-12-31 02:47:00)

    If it helps, I found geeqie has a debug option. Here's some output if it offers any assistance:
    Non-functioning laptop
    $ geeqie --debug ~/Downloads/IMGP6063.DNG
    debugging output enabled (level 1)
    0.003009 (+00000.003009) main: gtk_init
    0.008827 (+00000.005818) main: pixbuf_inline_register_stock_icons
    0.009370 (+00000.000543) main: setting default options before
    commandline handling
    0.009440 (+00000.000070) main: parse_command_line
    0.009874 (+00000.000434) main: mkdir_if_not_exists
    0.010353 (+00000.000479) main: load_options
    unknown attribute image.use_clutter_renderer = false
    loader reported [GdkPixdata] [The GdkPixdata format] [.gdkp]
    loader reported [png] [The PNG image format] [.png]
    loader reported [gif] [The GIF image format] [.gif]
    loader reported [pcx] [The PCX image format] [.pcx]
    loader reported [ani] [The ANI image format] [.ani]
    loader reported [svg] [Scalable Vector Graphics] [.svg;.svgz;.svg.gz]
    loader reported [xbm] [The XBM image format] [.xbm]
    loader reported [qtif] [The QTIF image format] [.qtif;.qif]
    loader reported [ico] [The ICO image format] [.ico;.cur]
    loader reported [jpeg2000] [The JPEG 2000 image format]
    loader reported [wbmp] [The WBMP image format] [.wbmp]
    loader reported [ras] [The Sun raster image format] [.ras]
    loader reported [jpeg] [The JPEG image format] [.jpeg;.jpe;.jpg]
    loader reported [tga] [The Targa image format] [.tga;.targa]
    loader reported [xpm] [The XPM image format] [.xpm]
    loader reported [tiff] [The TIFF image format] [.tiff;.tif]
    loader reported [pnm] [The PNM/PBM/PGM/PPM image format family]
    loader reported [bmp] [The BMP image format] [.bmp]
    loader reported [icns] [The ICNS image format] [.icns]
    0.012899 (+00000.002546) layout_new: start
    0.019859 (+00000.006960) layout_actions_setup: start
    0.087028 (+00000.067169) layout_actions_setup: add menu
    0.087256 (+00000.000228) layout_actions_setup: add toolbar
    0.087287 (+00000.000031) layout_actions_setup: marks
    0.088005 (+00000.000718) layout_actions_setup: editors
    0.088044 (+00000.000039) layout_actions_setup: status_update_write
    0.088059 (+00000.000015) layout_actions_setup: actions_add_window
    0.088074 (+00000.000015) layout_actions_setup: end
    Setting stereo mode 0000 for imd 0x1358c70
    0.121302 (+00000.033228) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x18fc180, img: 200x70
    0.121332 (+00000.000030) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x18fc180, img: 200x70
    0.121343 (+00000.000011) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x18fc180, img: 200x70
    0.121353 (+00000.000010) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x18fc180, img: 200x70
    update size: 0x18fb3c0 0 0 499 498
    0.132118 (+00000.010765) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x18fc180, img: 200x70
    0.135638 (+00000.003520) layout_new: end
    ERROR:filedata.c:1101:file_data_new_group: assertion failed: (fd)
    Aborted (core dumped)
    Functioning laptop, same file
    $ geeqie --debug ~/Downloads/IMGP6063.DNG
    debugging output enabled (level 1)
    0.001597 (+00000.001597) main: gtk_init
    0.005138 (+00000.003541) main: pixbuf_inline_register_stock_icons
    0.005524 (+00000.000386) main: setting default options before
    commandline handling
    0.005574 (+00000.000050) main: parse_command_line
    0.005915 (+00000.000341) main: mkdir_if_not_exists
    0.006295 (+00000.000380) main: load_options
    loader reported [GdkPixdata] [The GdkPixdata format] [.gdkp]
    loader reported [png] [The PNG image format] [.png]
    loader reported [xbm] [The XBM image format] [.xbm]
    loader reported [ani] [The ANI image format] [.ani]
    loader reported [icns] [The ICNS image format] [.icns]
    loader reported [wbmp] [The WBMP image format] [.wbmp]
    loader reported [svg] [Scalable Vector Graphics] [.svg;.svgz;.svg.gz]
    loader reported [bmp] [The BMP image format] [.bmp]
    loader reported [ras] [The Sun raster image format] [.ras]
    loader reported [xpm] [The XPM image format] [.xpm]
    loader reported [jpeg] [The JPEG image format] [.jpeg;.jpe;.jpg]
    loader reported [pnm] [The PNM/PBM/PGM/PPM image format family]
    loader reported [tiff] [The TIFF image format] [.tiff;.tif]
    loader reported [pcx] [The PCX image format] [.pcx]
    loader reported [gif] [The GIF image format] [.gif]
    loader reported [ico] [The ICO image format] [.ico;.cur]
    loader reported [tga] [The Targa image format] [.tga;.targa]
    loader reported [jpeg2000] [The JPEG 2000 image format]
    loader reported [qtif] [The QTIF image format] [.qtif;.qif]
    0.008107 (+00000.001812) layout_new: start
    0.015016 (+00000.006909) layout_actions_setup: start
    0.097918 (+00000.082902) layout_actions_setup: add menu
    0.098246 (+00000.000328) layout_actions_setup: add toolbar
    0.098305 (+00000.000059) layout_actions_setup: marks
    0.099741 (+00000.001436) layout_actions_setup: editors
    0.099794 (+00000.000053) layout_actions_setup: status_update_write
    0.099827 (+00000.000033) layout_actions_setup: actions_add_window
    0.099856 (+00000.000029) layout_actions_setup: end
    Setting stereo mode 0000 for imd 0x215c050
    0.152497 (+00000.052641) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x270c150, img: 200x70
    0.152544 (+00000.000047) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x270c150, img: 200x70
    0.152566 (+00000.000022) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x270c150, img: 200x70
    0.152588 (+00000.000022) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x270c150, img: 200x70
    update size: 0x270a7c0 0 0 467 500
    0.169640 (+00000.017052) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x270c150, img: 200x70
    0.176282 (+00000.006642) layout_new: end
    Register realtime 0 /home/jwhendy/Downloads
    0.178768 (+00000.002486) vflist_refresh: read dir
    0.178922 (+00000.000154) vflist_refresh: sort
    0.178943 (+00000.000021) vflist_refresh: populate view
    0.179287 (+00000.000344) vflist_refresh: done
    0.179347 (+00000.000060) image reset
    0.179376 (+00000.000029) image begin
    new image loader 0x289b240, bufsize=4096 idle_loop=1
    exif read /home/jwhendy/Downloads/IMGP6063.DNG, sidecar: -
    Usable reduced size (preview) image loaded from file
    Thread pool num threads: 1
    Using custom tiff loader
    Register realtime 0 /home/jwhendy/Downloads/IMGP6063.DNG
    0.256969 (+00000.077593) read ahead cancelled for :null
    added Xmp.dc.subject /home/jwhendy/Downloads/IMGP6063.DNG
    Loading options from /home/jwhendy/.config/geeqie/geeqierc.xml ... done
    0.292692 (+00000.035723) layout_editors_reload_start
    0.292810 (+00000.000118) main: gtk_main
    image_load_size_cb: 4288x2848
    image activate focus_in 0
    update size: 0x270a7c0 0 0 1027 699
    0.297291 (+00000.004481) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x270c150, img: 4288x2848
    0.327126 (+00000.029835) image load completed
    "/home/jwhendy/Downloads/IMGP6063.DNG" (current)
    0.327167 (+00000.000041) pixbuf renderer done 0x270c150
    0.342615 (+00000.015448) layout_editors_reload_idle_cb: get_desktop_files
    Couldn't load icon /usr/share/feh/images/feh.png: Icon
    '/usr/share/feh/images/feh.png' not present in theme
    Couldn't load icon /usr/share/feh/images/feh: Icon
    '/usr/share/feh/images/feh' not present in theme
    0.360668 (+00000.018053) layout_editors_reload_idle_cb: setup_editors
    0.361192 (+00000.000524) layout_editors_reload_idle_cb: setup_editors done
    0.421111 (+00000.059919) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x270c150, img: 4288x2848
    0.421162 (+00000.000051) pixbuf renderer updated - started drawing
    0x270c150, img: 4288x2848
    0.435589 (+00000.014427) image done
    freeing image loader 0x289b240 bytes_read=1174512
    Notify pane_histogram: /home/jwhendy/Downloads/IMGP6063.DNG 0004
    0.640242 (+00000.204653) pixbuf renderer done 0x270c150
    collection manager flushing
    collection manager is up to date
    Unregister realtime 1 /home/jwhendy/Downloads/IMGP6063.DNG
    1.737830 (+00001.097588) image reset
    1.737857 (+00000.000027) read ahead cancelled for :null
    Unregister realtime 1 /home/jwhendy/Downloads
    Miscellaneous info:
    $ uname -a
    Linux arch_840 3.17.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 21 21:14:42 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    $ pacman -Qi geeqie
    Name : geeqie
    Version : 1.1-3
    Description : A lightweight image browser and viewer
    Architecture : x86_64
    URL : http://geeqie.sourceforge.net/
    Licenses : GPL2
    Groups : None
    Provides : None
    Depends On : exiv2 gtk2 lcms desktop-file-utils
    Optional Deps : librsvg: SVG rendering [installed]
    Required By : None
    Optional For : None
    Conflicts With : None
    Replaces : None
    Installed Size : 5106.00 KiB
    Packager : Andreas Radke <[email protected]>
    Build Date : Fri 24 Jan 2014 05:48:31 AM CST
    Install Date : Mon 01 Dec 2014 09:11:28 PM CST
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : Yes
    Validated By : Signature
    Some of the post-failure debug stuff on the successful computer mentions pixbuf; both have the same version installed: gdk-pixbuf2 2.31.1-1. Checked other gtk/gnome/icon related libraries and they appear to match. Lastly, I freshly updated both and rebooted just to check that my home computer wasn't lagging behind on some library that might have caused the issue.
    I'm happy to try more things/post more information as needed.
    The test picture is here if anyone would like to try it:
    - https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7zvnjm2duapv … 3.DNG?dl=0

  • Unable to View the Images in OBIEE Title view

    Hi All,
    I am trying to add a image in the title view of Answers interface.
    I placed my image in jpeg format in the following 2 paths.
    I restarted oc4j , biserver & presentation server..
    But I am not able to view the image. It shows a Red X botton.
    I checked my Internet explorer settingg. Everything is fine.
    Please guide me.
    Mehaboob Jaan

    Ok here is my instanceconfig.xml file and i dont see anything called style.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <JavaHome>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16</JavaHome>
    <CredentialStorage type="file" path="C:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml" passphrase="secret"/>
    <!-- other settings ... -->
    <!-- To configure a limited set of languages to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLanguages> tag below and choose a subset set of language tags from the list. Values must be comma separated. -->
    <!-- <AllowedLanguages>cs,da,de,en,es,fi,it,ja,ko,nl,no,pt,pt-br,sv,zh,zh-tw</AllowedLanguages> -->
    <!-- To configure a limited set of locales to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLocales> tag below and choose a subset set of locale tags from the list. Values must be comma separated. -->
    <!-- <AllowedLocales>cs-cz,da-dk,de-at,de-ch,de-de,de-li,de-lu,en-au,en-ca,en-cb,en-gb,en-hk,en-ie,en-jm,en-nz,en-ph,en-us,en-za,en-zw,es-ar,es-bo,es-cl,es-co,es-cr,es-do,es-ec,es-es,es-gt,es-hn,es-mx,es-ni,es-pa,es-pe,es-pr,es-py,es-sv,es-uy,es-ve,fi-fi,fr-be,fr-ca,fr-ch,fr-fr,fr-lu,fr-mc,it-ch,it-it,ja-jp,ko-kr,nl-be,nl-nl,no-no,pt-br,pt-pt,sv-fi,sv-se,zh-cn,zh-mo,zh-sg,zh-tw</AllowedLocales> -->
    <!-- <Disconnected><ArchiveIbots>true</ArchiveIbots><DisconnectedDir>disconnected</DisconnectedDir></Disconnected> -->
    Please let me know how to add this and where to add.

  • View tiff image

    I download the sample:Image Controls for long raw,Blob and interMedia Image Content on http://otn.oracle.com/sample_code/products/jdev/files/images/sample.html, this sample work fine, but only work with gif & jpeg images.
    My Database use longraw column and tiff format, and this image no display, but i can save in my hard disk in gif, jpg or jpeg format
    How i can change the sample, for work with tiff images?
    Jdeveloper 3.2.3

    Sorry, the BC4J interMedia control only supports GIF and JPEG. There is no way to display TIFF by using this control.
    The reason is that the control uses Swing ImageIcon class to display images. ImageIcon only supports GIF and JPEG. To display TIFF, the control needs to use Java Advanced Imaging(JAI). You may file a feature request to ask for TIFF support.

  • Unable to Preview TIFF images

    I used to be able to in earlier releases of 10.4. By that I mean I could click on the icon for a TIFF file and it would open up in Preview.
    Then at some point on, with all the various updates etc, I could no longer preview TIFF files. I did post about this problem a long time ago and the final consensus was to re-install. This I have now done but still cannot preview TIFF files.

    I am having a similar problem with some of the TIFF files I created using Microsoft Document Imaging on my Windows-based PC.
    I get the same message from Preview ("Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that Preview doesn't recognize.") The files will not open in Preview, iPhoto, or Quicktime. I don't have Photoshop.
    Some of the files I created WILL open in Preview, some will open with missing pages, and some will not open at all (generating an error message in each of the three programs I have tried).
    I would appreciate any ideas....my plan is to go back to Windows and start re-saving the images in another format since I would like to move totally to Mac soon.
    iMac 24"   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Unable to view PDF in Apex UI Page using google Chrome

    Hi All,
    We are unable to see the pdf in Oralce apex UI page using googlre chrome broswer. but it is coming fine with IE/Firefox. In Google chrome when we open any document, it just shows grey box, document is not shown, any settings need to change to make it work from Apex.
    Google Chrome ver: 17.0.963.38 beta-m
    Thanks in advance

    See the solution at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2716529
    However, that Fix-it won't work on Windows 7; you will need to make the registry change manually.  Download, unzip, then run the attached registry script to change that registry value.

Maybe you are looking for