Moving SCCM 2012 Server and DB to New Hardware

We're planning to move our SCCM 2012 SP1 installation to a new VM running Server 2012 R2. We're planning on keeping the same server name so the Site Backup and then restore looks like it will work for us. We'd also like to move the DB to a new, remote, SQL
2012 box. Does the DB need to be restored to a SQL box with the same name as well?
Orange County District Attorney

No sql does not need to be reinstalled on the same server but you might want to do it as a two step process. Move SQL then move the CM server.

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    Have them call CSS then.
    It's ultimately the result of the design of the product but not an explicit decision. To my knowledge, it relies on the domain name for certain things and this is explicitly embedded with no defined way to change this. Could it be changed? Probably.
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    I am at a loss, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I can try installing SQL express and use that as my database rather than WID, since the problem appears to be with WID installation?

    Another question then - is it okay to have WSUS reside on the same server as SCCM, but without using SCCM SUP role to manage updates?
    I would strongly discourage it. If you're using a single Configuration Manager instance, then most notably ConfigMgr installs an SSL-enabled Management Point website which has been known to interfere with a non-SSL standalone WSUS server.
    But perhaps more importantly, looking for the long term, if at some point you determined you wanted to enable a Software Update Point, you'd be backed into the corner with your standalone WSUS already installed on the Site Server.
    Converting an in-use WSUS Server to a SUP is fraught with complications, the least of which is being without a patch management environment for some period of time whilst you "convert" from standalone WSUS to ConfigMgr Software Updates.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile:
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

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    Thanks in Advance

    There are numerous ways to change the cache size.
    You could deploy a vbscript to a collection of the devices.
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim UIResManager
    Dim Cache
    Dim CacheSize
    Set UIResManager = createobject("UIResource.UIResourceMgr")
    Set Cache=UIResManager.GetCacheInfo()
    Or you could use a configuration item.
    You can also use the right click tools by Now Micro on a collection, if all the servers are on this would be the easiest / quickest way.
    select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name, SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion like '%6.2%'

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    Can someone please guide how can we add their server to our primary server and where can we give them access to manage their environment

    Nothing to guide, what they want is not possible: not only can you not change the domain membership of COnfigMgr site server/system but you cannot join a primary to another primary in 2012. It also makes no sense, that's what RBA is for in ConfigMgr 2012.
    Jason |

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    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum. 
    Have you check the timeout and reconnection setting for RDP?
    Does disconnection happens on active session or Idle session? 
    We can configure the setting by collection properties or by GPO setting.
    On collection Properties check the Timeout Tab and set the setting according to your requirement. On GPO we can find this setting on below mention path and check according to it.
    Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Session Time Limits 
    User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Session Time Limits 
    You can check Configuration 1 Part from below article.
    [Forum FAQ] Restrict number of Active Sessions in RDS 2012 and 2012 R2
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki

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    You can go into settings, mail, contacts and calendars, and set your mail to only download the last 50.
    When you actually set upthe account, you can go into any available advanced settings and see if that can be set to new mail only. Unfortunately, every mail provider had slightly different things they'll allow you to tweak, so you just have to play to see what you can do.
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    What is the best way to deploy Java updates using sccm 2012 SP1 and SCUP 2011?

    I didn´t find Kent´s blog useful when talking about Java. I can deploy Adobe products fine, but I have to import Java manually because not having Shavlik certificate. So with that said, I have the fallowing problem;
    I have full offline installer unpacked, .msi file and When I´m importing these binaries to SCUP, I only can point to .msi. Doing that, installation fails in client side fails because of lack of fine, which is the main file.
    Should I use some other downloaded files of Java? I couldn´t find any Java-update-file only type of files to download.

  • Suspend MDT, Sysprep for disk cloning, and resume with new hardware failure.

    I am able to successfully Sysprep for disk cloning after pausing the Deployment (via LTISuspend). The problem is when I attempt to resume the Deployment after duplicating the hard drive and placing in new hardware it fails immediately stating that it cannot
    open the TSENV.DAT (80090005). It works fine if you resume in the identical hardware it was built in. 
    The hardware is identical for all computers receiving the cloned drive with the Mac Address, Serial Number, and UUID being different. 
    Knowing that the TSENV.DAT is encrypted, is there a way to prep it for minor hardware (mac address, uuid, and serial number only) change prior to pausing and sysprep so it does not fail?
    Using MDT 2012 and Windows 7 OS. 

    Let me add to what Mr. Owen described.
    We have a complex MDT.  It has been used for years for a globally scaled corporate desktop.  
    What we are looking to do to is sysprep this machine 3/4 of the way through the process, clone the drive, and then use the cloned drive on like hardware models (we used PersistDrivers in the Unattend).  
    I initially ran sysprep outside of the MDT.  It ran successfully, however when we moved the syspreped (and cloned) drive to another hardware of identical type we got the error Mr Owen mentioned.  What we hoped would happen if we called Sysprep from
    the MDT directly is the TSENV would be cleaned/updated to remove any workstations specific identifiers and thus eliminate the error.

  • Moving SCCM 2012 R2 SQL 2014 Database to New Server

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    SQL 2014 on a new server and importing the database I get an error from the Configuration Manager Setup stating that I must upgrade the SQL server before I can modify the SQL Server configuration.  
    Does this mean I need to install SQL 2008 or 2012 on the new DB server and from there upgrade to SQL 2014?

    Thank you for your reply.  We have been having several issues with our current server, and have had performance issues with SQL and SCCM installed on the same server mainly during OSD deployments to several machines at the same time.  These servers
    wouldn't necessarily need to be separated since we can allocate more resources, but the overall goal is to move our primary site server to a new server running Server 2012 R2 (current server is 2008 R2).
    I have tried the site recovery option in the installer where you run the SCCM backup and restore maintenance task and I have renamed the new server to the name of the old server.  If I understand correctly, this is the correct method of switching out
    a site server machine?  I experience the same error as my original post when trying this, but I will try the hotfix Torsten provided as this seems to be the issue I'm having.
    Thank you.

  • Recently decomissioned old SCCM 2007 server and replaced with 2012 R2- How do I point everything to the new SCCM server?

    I've tried many things that I've found in articles. Gone as far as ADSI edit. Not sure what else I can do. The old server was setup by someone else and never really worked correctly. I'd basically like to start fresh with this new install.
    James A+, Network+, MCP

    Follow my R2 install guide to get your site up.
    You won't need to extend the schema if this has already been done for the 2k7 site. The System Management container could already exist. If so add in permissions for the new site server. If not create and follow the guide. Once done set up your boundaries
    and discovery methods accordingly. Once you start to populate the console with clients then installing the client will remove the old 2k7 client (if it was installed) as part of the 2012 client install.
    Paul |

  • Installation of SCCM 2012 R2 and SQL Server 2014 error

    Hello All,
    I am attempting to setup SQL Server 2014 and SCCM 2012 R2 but I keep running into an error stating that "Configuration Manager requires Microsoft SQL Server
    2008 SP2 w/ CU9........ all the way up to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with CU2 or higher." I am using all evaluation versions for this configuration as we are looking to test and evaluate the products. I was trying it with SQL 2014 because I was running
    into the same error with SQL 2012 and according to "" SQL
    2014 is supported with SCCM 2012 R2. SQL is installed locally on the same box. 
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Update: When running the Pre-Req check these are some of the failed returns.....
    SQL Server Edition: Failed: Configuration Manager primary site and central administration site don't support SQL Server Express Edition
    Not sure why it is recognizing SQL Express as this is a new machine.
    SQL Server service running account: Failed: The logon account for the SQL Server service cannot be a local user account, NT SERVICE\<sql service name> or LOCAL SERVICE.  You must configure
    the SQL Server service to use a valid domain account, NETWORK SERVICE, or LOCAL SYSTEM.
    For the SQL Service I am using a domain account created specifically for this.

    This has nothing to do with moving or restoring. The kb article says "This hotfix provides updated versions of the setup files and enables new installations
    of the System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager site database role and the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 site database role in Microsoft SQL Server 2014"
    Torsten Meringer |

  • Cannot publish Flash Updates Verification of file signature failed for file SCUP 2011, SCCM 2012 R2 and WSUS all on same Windows Server 2012 machine

    I am attempting to distribute Adobe Flash updates using SCUP 2011, SCCM 2012 R2, WSUS ver4 and Windows Server 2012.  Everything installs without error.  I have acquired a certificate for SCUP signing from the internal Enterprise CA.  I have
    verified the signing certificate has a 1024 bit key.  I have imported the certificate into the server's Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root CA stores for the computer.  When I attempt to publish a Flash update with Full content I receive the following
    2015-02-13 23:00:48.724 UTC Error Scup2011.21 Publisher.PublishPackage PublishPackage(): Operation Failed with Error: Verification of file signature failed for file:
    I have redone the certificates three times with no luck.  I can import metadata, but any attempt to download content results in the verification error.

    Hi Joyce,
    This is embarrassing, I used that very post as my guide when deploying my certificate templates, but failed to change the bit length to 2048.  Thank you for being my second set of eyes.
    I changed my certificate key bit length to 2048, deleted the old cert from all certificate stores, acquired the a new signing cert, verified the key length was 2048, exported the new cert to pfx and cer files, imported into my Trusted publishers
    and Trusted Root Authorities stores, reconfigured SCUP to use the new pfx file, rebooted the server and attempted to re-publish the updates with the following results:
    2015-02-16 13:35:44.006 UTC Error Scup2011.4 Publisher.PublishPackage PublishPackage(): Operation Failed with Error: Verification of file signature failed for file:
    Is there a chance this content was already created and signed with the old cert, so installing the new cert has no effect?  In ConfigMgr software updates I see 4 Flash updates, all marked Metadata Only (because they were originally published as "Automatic." 
    No Flash updates in the ConfigMgr console are marked as downloaded.  I can't find any documentation on how the process of using SCUP for downloading content for an update marked Metadata Only actually works. 
    Comments and suggestions welcome.

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