Moving scenes around within an event?

Can you rearrange scenes within an event in iMovie? I was able to import video from a mini DVD-r with an external DVD drive, but mysteriously some of the scenes got rearranged in the event. I'd like to "fix" the event so that the scenes run as they were shot.

Can you rearrange scenes within an event in iMovie?
Yes and no. If you mean by the common method of simply grabbing a clip and dragging it to a new position and dropping it, then no. Event clips are automatically arranged in a "time" sequence. If imported directly from a camcorder and if the camcorder stores the DTG (Date Time Group) in a manner correctly read by the application, then the files show in their correct order in the event which itself shows up under the correct year. On the other hand, files imported from a camcorder wholse DTGs are misread tend to show up in a randowm order whose Event may even be placed under and incorrect year heading. And lastly, all files imported at the "Finder" file level are sorted by their "File Creation" date. So to get back to your initial question, yes, it is possible to rearrange the files within an Event and to keep the Event under the correct year heading by simply modifying the the file creation date. This can be done in may ways but use of a simple and free utility like "A Better Finder Attributes" is probably the easiest way to do this.

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    In the Photos section, is the only way to organize the headings by the year??
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    first this is posted in the iPhoto 06 forum but since you discuss events I assume that your question is about iPhoto '08 - If I'm right, it would be better to post it there - - to avoid confusion and answers that do not apply to your situation
    The SLOWness you are seeing is probably caused by viewing your library in photo view with no event titles - this causes a lot of extra processing as you open iPhoto and as you scroll through the photos - turning event titles on or going to event view probably will improve your scrolling speed a lot (as you have noticed)
    I would like to have a certain photo at the beginning, so it will show in the Event window
    This is easy - event view place your mouse over an event and move it sideways until the photo you want as the "event Photo" show up - let loose of the mouse and hit the space bar -- or open the event, select the photo and go to the events menu ==> Make key photo
    I would like to be able to put the photos in ANY order I like within the Event window
    You can not - events are displayed time based - you can make albums and put them in any order you want
    You can manually sort the library in photo view with event titles turned off (but as you see that makes things slow)
    But you can not "put the photos in ANY order I like within the Event window" -- that is the way iPhoto is designed and the way you have to use it
    To request enhancements go to the iPhoto menu ==> provide iPhoto feedback

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    You can drag them in the iMovie project to wherever you want them.
    Also, if you drag in from an iPhoto event, it seems to import in chronological order or something. However, if you create an iPhoto album, you can arrange the order in the album. When you import the album into iMovie through the iMovie Photo Browser, it will retain the order of the iPhoto Album.
    Message was edited by: AppleMan1958

  • Moving photos around in an event

    I was reading some other posts but want to make sure I've got it straight. I've been wanting to move some photos around in an event and now my understanding is that I CAN'T do that. I cannot move the photos around in the event but will have to create an album of that even and then move the photos around in the album. Is that correct?

    the EVENTS are a 'list' or Library of any import into iMovie, listed in chronological order.
    the PROJECTS now allow you to 'sort' and arrange any content from that Library - in total or just parts, in any order and as often as you like (=same lip again and again or in as many projects you like).
    understanding this concept of iM comes to conclusion: you can not 'move' any content in Events.
    you don't 'arrange' Events, you arrange Events or parts of it on Projects.
    have you read the Tutorials of iM?

  • Moving photos within an event

    How do I move the photos within an event so that they are in the order that I desire?

    that is not a feature of iPhoto - events are basically time/date based
    Use albums for custom order of photos

  • WPF UI running in seperate runspace - able to set/get controls via synchronized hash table, but referencing the control via the hash table from within an event handler causes both runspaces to hang.

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    to see if anyone had a suggestion.
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    1.) Set control properties from the primary runspace (Completed)
    2.) Get control properties from the primary runspace (Completed)
    3.) Respond to WPF form events in the UI runspace from the primary runspace (Kind of broken).
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    In the example below, the form is loaded and the following steps occur:
    1.) Update-Combobox is called and it populates the combobox with a list of service names and selects the first item.
    2.) update-textbox is called and sets the Text property of the textbox.
    3.) The Text value of the textbox is read by the function read-textbox and output using write-host.
    4.) An event handle is registered for the SelectionChanged event for the combobox to call the update-textbox function used earlier.
    5.) If you change the selection on the combobox, the shell and UI hangs as soon as $SyncHash is referenced. I suspect this is causing some sort of blocking condition from multiple threads trying to access the synchronized nature of the hash table, but I am
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    $UI_JobScript =
    Function New-Form ([XML]$XAML_Form){
    $XML_Node_Reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $XAML_Form)
    Add-Type –AssemblyName PresentationFramework
    Add-Type –AssemblyName PresentationCore
    Add-Type –AssemblyName WindowsBase
    Throw "Unable to load the requisite Windows Presentation Foundation assemblies. Please verify that the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 or later is installed on this system."
    $Form = New-Form -XAML_Form $SyncHash.XAML_Form
    $SyncHash.Form = $Form
    $SyncHash.CMB_Services = $SyncHash.Form.FindName("CMB_Services")
    $SyncHash.TXT_Output = $SyncHash.Form.FindName("TXT_Output")
    $SyncHash.Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    $SyncHash.Error = $Error
    write-host $_.Exception.Message
    #End UI_JobScript
    #Begin Main
    add-type -AssemblyName WindowsBase
    [XML]$XAML_Form = @"
    <Window xmlns=""
    <DataTemplate x:Key="DTMPL_Name">
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
    <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
    <Label Name="LBL_Services" Content="Services:" />
    <ComboBox Name="CMB_Services" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DTMPL_Name}"/>
    <TextBox Name="TXT_Output"/>
    $SyncHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
    $SyncHash.Add("InitialScript", $InitialScript)
    $Normal = [System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority]::Normal
    $UI_Runspace =[RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
    $UI_Runspace.ApartmentState = [System.Threading.ApartmentState]::STA
    $UI_Runspace.ThreadOptions = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSThreadOptions]::ReuseThread
    $UI_Pipeline = [PowerShell]::Create()
    $UI_Pipeline.AddScript($UI_JobScript) | out-Null
    $Job = $UI_Pipeline.BeginInvoke()
    $SyncHash.ServiceList = get-service | select name, status | Sort-Object -Property Name
    Function Update-Combobox{
    write-host "`nBegin Update-Combobox [$(get-date)]"
    $SyncHash.CMB_Services.Dispatcher.Invoke($Normal,[action]{$SyncHash.CMB_Services.ItemsSource = $SyncHash.ServiceList})
    $SyncHash.CMB_Services.Dispatcher.Invoke($Normal,[action]{$SyncHash.CMB_Services.SelectedIndex = 0})
    write-host "`End Update-Combobox [$(get-date)]"
    Function Update-Textbox([string]$Value){
    write-host "`nBegin Update-Textbox [$(get-date)]"
    $SyncHash.TXT_Output.Dispatcher.Invoke("Send",[action]{$SyncHash.TXT_Output.Text = $Value})
    write-host "End Update-Textbox [$(get-date)]"
    Function Read-Textbox(){
    write-host "`nBegin Read-Textbox [$(get-date)]"
    $SyncHash.TXT_Output.Dispatcher.Invoke($Normal,[action]{$Global:Return = $SyncHash.TXT_Output.Text})
    remove-variable -Name Return -scope Global
    write-host "End Read-Textbox [$(get-date)]"
    #Give the form some time to load in the other runspace
    $MaxWaitCycles = 5
    while (($SyncHash.Form.IsInitialized -eq $Null)-and ($MaxWaitCycles -gt 0)){
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
    Update-Textbox -Value $("Initial Load: $(get-date)")
    Write-Host "Value Read From Textbox: $(Read-TextBox)"
    Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $SyncHash.CMB_Services -EventName SelectionChanged -SourceIdentifier "CMB_Services.SelectionChanged" -action {Update-Textbox -Value $("From Selection Changed Event: $(get-date)")}

    Thanks again for the responses. This may not be possible, but I thought I would throw it out there. I appreciate your help in looking into this.
    To clarify the "Respond to control events in the main runspace"... I'm would like to have an event generated by a form object in the UI runspace (ex: combo box selectionchanged event) trigger a delegate within the main runspace and have that delegate in
    the main runspace update the form in the UI runspace.
    1.) User changes selection on combo box generating form event
    2.) Event calls delegate (which I have gotten to work)
    3.) Delegate does some basic processing (works)
    4.) Delegate attempts to update form in UI runspace (hangs)
    As to the delegates / which runspace they are running in. I see the $synchash variable if I run get-var within a delegate, but I do not see the $Form variable so I am assuming that they are in the main runspace. Do you agree with that assumption?

  • How do you reposition photos within an event

    How do you reposition photos within an event? I've tried dragging them over to the spot I want them in, but they do not stay where I put them. Yet, when I want to reposition photos within albums I have made, they drag over without a problem.

    cynthiafromfreehold wrote:
    How do you reposition photos within an event? I've tried dragging them over to the spot I want them in, but they do not stay where I put them. Yet, when I want to reposition photos within albums I have made, they drag over without a problem.
    That is correct - events are basic and time based and photos can not be manually moved within them - albums are logical grouping and photos can be moved manually - that is exactly how it works

  • Changing order of photos within an event

    What are the steps to moving photos within an event? I have tried the drag and drop. I have even tried the view>sort by but the manual option is grayed out. Can anyone help?

    That may be the answer but it is not helpful. Many people use events to organize their photos and it makes absolutely no sense not to be able to sort them manually within particular events. This is a design flaw.

  • Organizing photos within an event

    Is it possible to move around or relocate photos in an event. Example, I have a lot of old family photos I have copied both sides of and would like to keep them next to each other, front side photo & back side names on photo. Thanks

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    Not within an Event, no. Events are strictly based on date and time. However, make an Alnum from an Event and you can organise things as you prefer.
    You can make a Album simply by dragging an Event to the word 'Albums' in the iPhoto Window. Albms take up no extra disk space. As the simply reference photos in the Library, a pic can me in many albums with no duplication.

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  • Order of Photos within an event

    Hey all,
    I've been scanning in a lot of loose photos I had laying around lately and organizing them into events, but I have some photos that are out of place within the event and I would like to group those photos together (I.E. Graduation photos: would like to keep all the marching ones next to each other and all the ones with friends/family posing together).
    I thought that previous versions of iPhoto allowed me to drang and drop photos to re-order them but can't seem to figure out how to do that in iPhoto 08.
    Within the event I've tried to go to View/Sort Photos/Manually, but Manual is greyed out.
    Thanks for any help.

    Events are meant to be a chronological. If you want free reign to move photos around, you should create an album. Albums allow you total flexibility to rearrange photos and delete some (while keeping them in the original event in the library).
    There is a workaround, though, if you only want to reorder a few photos: edit the date & time the photos were taken. You can do this on any number of photos, but it's tedious. So if you have a lot of rearranging to do, then albums make way more sense. But for 1 or 2 misplaced pictures, it's worth the effort.
    I, for one, don't bother with albums because I almost always want my events/rolls to reflect chronological reality. Sometimes, however, I miss a shot and go back later in the day to get it, causing it to be logically misplaced in iPhoto.
    For example, when visiting a national park I always take a photo of the park's entrance sign. But sometimes the sign is obscured by a huge RV or in shadows, or sometimes I simply miss it. If I can get a good sign shot on the way out of the park, then back home in iPhoto I edit the time that shot was taken and pretend the shot was taken earlier in the day, because the sign photo makes way more sense at the beginning of the event, rather than at the end.
    Let's say you want to move a photo C to fit between two other photos, A & B. You have to first look at the times A & B were both taken, and then edit C to have a date & time in between both A & B.
    To edit a photo's date & time, use the "i" info pane at the lower left of iPhoto.

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    Are you trying to do this with a BizTalk app?  2000/2002?

  • How do you rearrange photos in an album or within an event?

    How do you re-arrange photos in an album or within an event?

    Wtih the View ➙ Sort menu option:
    In an Event:
    In an Album:

  • How can I sort photos within an event? When I follow the Help instructions, I can sort manually in Photo format, but when I return to Event format, the original order is restored.

    How can I sort photos within an event? When I follow the Help instructions, I can sort manually in Photo format, but when I return to Event format, the original order is restored.

    Events are organisation for those who can't really be bothered. They are automatic - based entirely on Date and Time the camera records the photos as taken.
    You can move photos between Events, you can Merge Events, you can Rename them and sort them in various ways except one: You cannot manually sort in an Event as Events are all automated.
    If you want to manually sort in an Event then you've outgrown Events as an organising tool. Now it's time to look at albums (Where you can manually sort) which are much more flexible than Events as an organising tool.

  • Problems moving files around in finder

    Does anyone else have the same problem I do when moving files around in finder. It almost always says you do not have sufficient access privileges and each time I have to go to the destination folder info box and change access permissions. It is now getting really annoying. At work I can not copy files off my laptop to the network as again it says I do not have permission though if I log on from a machine using tiger I can move the files easily. Moving files to my Lacie drive causes the same problem. If anyone out there has and easy fix or explanation I would be grateful

    I decided to go the long way and move everything where I wanted it to be.  I moved everything around in Bridge, I then synchronized the folder to reflect how it should.  So far so good!
    Thank you all for your help and interest, I really appreciate everything!
    I do have one more question now, I will also start a new thread to see what else I can get, but again thank you!
    I have syncroniced the folder after making the changes, and due to the problem I was having last time I did it again just to double check.  It said there were over2k photos missing so I clicked sync, let it do its thing.  And just to tripple check I ran it again and it is saying the same thing, missing over 2k photos.  What does this mean?

Maybe you are looking for