Moving tables to a new default tablespace

I want to move all the tables owned by a user (OUTLN) to a new tablespace.
I know that if I make an export file of that schema and then I make an import after deleting the tables and changing the default tablespace of that schema I should solve the problem (as suggested from documentation), but it isn't so.
The tablespace of the tables after the import remains the same.
Thank you

I want to move all the tables owned by a user (OUTLN) to a new tablespace.
I know that if I make an export file of that schema and then I make an import after deleting the tables and changing the default tablespace of that schema I should solve the problem (as suggested from documentation), but it isn't so.
The tablespace of the tables after the import remains the same.
Why? If you are concerned about importing large number of tables to a different tablespace, you can do it in this way. After exporting the tables, import them to a .sql file. In other words, tables does not get imported by this method to the database but the "create table" script is generated for the tables. Then you can edit this .sql file using any text editor, replace all the tablespace names with the tablespace name you want. Then run the script. Remember to remove the "Rem" comment words. The following syntax will help you to do this.
c:\>imp80 scott/tiger file=c:\tabledump.dmp indexfile=c:\tablecreate.sql full=y
Here, though we say "indexfile", it generates full create table script.
In order to import the data, re-run the import without indexfile option and with ignore=y option.
Hope this will help.
R. Magesh.

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    instead of moving your table after the import you could:
    1)execute an import with the parameter ROWS = N
    2)move the empty tables to the correct tablespace
    3)execute an impot with ROWS = Y and IGNORE = Y
    This way you will only have to move empty tables which will probably be much faster also there is no need to rebuild the indexes.

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    DGP DG
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    username VARCHAR2(14),
    groupname VARCHAR2(100),
    ip VARCHAR2(15),
    command VARCHAR2(15),
    directory VARCHAR2(300)
    PARTITION BY RANGE (entry_time)
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    Yes, i tried using the schema login adn creating the table as well as system with schemaname prefix....
    this is what i get from the below
    SQL> select def_tablespace_name from dba_part_tables where table_name ='AUDITLOG_P';
    SQL> select partition_name, tablespace_name from dba_tab_partitions where table_name='AUDITLOG_P';
    P_20100101 DG
    P_20100102 DG
    P_20100103 DG
    P_20100104 DG
    P_20100105 DG
    P_20100106 DG
    P_20100107 DG
    P_20100108 DG
    P_20100109 DG
    P_20100110 DG
    P_20100111 DG
    P_20100112 DG
    P_20100113 DG
    P_20100114 DG
    P_20100115 DG
    P_20100116 DG
    P_20100117 DG
    P_20100118 DG
    P_20100119 DG
    P_20100120 DG
    P_20100121 DG
    P_20100122 DG
    P_20100123 DG
    P_20100124 DG
    P_20100125 DG
    P_20100126 DG
    P_20100127 DG
    P_20100128 DG
    P_20100129 DG
    31 rows selected.

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    Option 2
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    Many Thanks in advance.

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    simple query:
    SELECT C536870916,COUNT(T2179.C536881135)
    FROM aradmin.T2179
    WHERE ((T2179.C536871037 = 'Trouble') AND ((T2179.C536870944 = 'New')
    OR (T2179.C536870944 = 'Assigned') OR (T2179.C536870944 = 'On Hold')))
    GROUP BY C536870916
    ORDER BY C536870916
    Explain plan for simple query is:
    Also, on this table of 520 columns, there are already 61 indexes, of which 20 are LOB indexes, and one FB index. All others are normal indexes.
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    That's right. Additionally, you can use assistant to perform this task. In the near future you may want to have the SQL Reference handy:
    As well as the specific XE Reference manuals:
    HR Madrid

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    PS. I use JDeveloper

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    Thanks & regards,

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    2) Also, plz tell me the Syntax of when creating a table specifying the tablespace name also.

    1) Alter table <table_name> move tablespace <tablespace_name>
    2) example of create table is given below
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    ( employee_id NUMBER(6)
    TABLESPACE <tablespace_name>
    NEXT 600
    MAXEXTENTS 100 );
    Read following doc for more details

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    Hi, thanks for your help - ive created a full test case, code below. I have reworked the code so I dont need to do a removeAll() but the issues remaining are:
    1. If I override validate() with an empty method nothing is displayed in the grid
    2. The renderer is alot slower than the using default renderer even though ive removed stuff like borders.
    The code below has validate without the empty method.
    (My real renderer is a bit more complicated, and I do require to use a JPanel)
    import com.jthink.jaikoz.settings.LAF;
    import com.jthink.jaikoz.table.ID3Cell;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class SlowColumnMoveTest
        public static void main(String args[])
            new SlowColumnMoveTest();
        public SlowColumnMoveTest()
            Vector colNames = new Vector();
            Vector data = new Vector();
            for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
                Vector v = new Vector();
                for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++)
                    v.add(String.valueOf((i + 1) * (j + 1)));
            JTable table = new JTable(new DefaultTableModel(data, colNames));
            table.setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, new SlowRenderer());
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("SlowColumnMoveTest");
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
        static class SlowRenderer extends JPanel implements TableCellRenderer
            private static String PROPERTY_TABLE_BGCOLOUR = "Table.background";
            private static String PROPERTY_TABLE_FGCOLOUR = "Table.foreground";
            private static String PROPERTY_TABLE_SELECTION_BGCOLOUR = "Table.selectionBackground";
            private static String PROPERTY_TABLE_SELECTION_FGCOLOUR = "Table.selectionForeground";
            protected static Color tableBGColour = null;
            protected static Color tableFGColour = null;
            protected static Color selectionBGColour = null;
            protected static Color selectionFGColour = null;
                tableBGColour = UIManager.getColor(PROPERTY_TABLE_BGCOLOUR);
                tableFGColour = UIManager.getColor(PROPERTY_TABLE_FGCOLOUR);
                selectionBGColour = UIManager.getColor(PROPERTY_TABLE_SELECTION_BGCOLOUR);
                selectionFGColour = UIManager.getColor(PROPERTY_TABLE_SELECTION_FGCOLOUR);
            protected JTextField text;
            public SlowRenderer()
                text = new JTextField();
                this.setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
            public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(final JTable table,
                                                           final Object value,
                                                           final boolean isSelected,
                                                           final boolean hasFocus,
                                                           final int row,
                                                           final int column)
                if (isSelected)
                return this;
            public final boolean isOpaque()
                return true;
            public void invalidate()
            public void validate()
            public void revalidate()
            public void repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height)
            public void repaint(Rectangle r)
            public void repaint()
            protected final void firePropertyChange(final String propertyName, final Object oldValue, final Object newValue)
            public final void firePropertyChange(final String propertyName, final boolean oldValue, final boolean newValue)
            private static final class UIResource
                extends DefaultTableCellRenderer
                implements javax.swing.plaf.UIResource

  • Default tablespace problem

    I created a new user. I wanted to attach this user to a default tablespace. After I gave the command, "ALTER USER DEFAULT TABLESPACE rent QUOTA UNLIMITED ON rent;", the Oracle SQl Developer gave a command succeeded message. But when I tried to access a table within that tablespace, I couldn't. I was only able to access the table in the tablespace using the full qualification.
    1) SELECT * FROM rent; -- failed
    2) SELECT * FROM; -- succeeded
    1) should work, since I attached the default tablespace to that user. How to overcome this problem?
    I use Oracle SQL Developer version and Oracle 10g Standard Edition.

    I assume that you have given quota to that user using sysdba user only.
    1) SELECT * FROM rent; -- failed
    2) SELECT * FROM; -- succeeded
    1 one has to fail because rent table exist in halibut schema.Giving quota unlimited doesn't mean you can access everything in that tbs owned by other user also.It just allow to use all space on that tbs.This is basic of oracle DBA dear.

  • Things to do after move tables and indexes to another tablespace

    dear friends.
    last night i move indexes and tables from tbs1 to tbs2.
    I checked:
    - valid objects, everything is ok.
    - indexes and tables was move ok.
    Anything else that i must to check ???
    Pls, could you help me ???
    Really thanks.

    thanks to answers my friends
    is correct, i was moved tables: alter table <OWNER.TABLE> move tablespace <NEW TBS>; and my indx: ALTER INDEX <OWNER.INDEX> rebuild tablespace <NEW TBS>...
    i wanted to know what things i must to do after i applied that movement.
    I forgeted recollect statistics, but i recently do it, thanks to you.
    So... its appears that i did it ok. !!!


    I have exported database into a dump file ,the exported database was using the system table space.
    Now i am trying to import database from the above dump file into the new user which has default table space specified, but its the import is happening in system table space rather then the default tablespace.
    On the command prompt command i am running this command to import:
    imp user/password@netservicename file=filename fromuser=x1 touser=xyz ignore=y

    You have to create the table in the tablespace you want before importing the datas in.
    Do you know the ALTER TABLE MOVE command to move a table from one tablespace to another ?

  • How can I make the GRID lines more bold within a table in the new Pages?  (Not the outline of a table)

    I can't find where to darken GRID lines on a table in the new Pages.  I can make the outline more bold, but not the grid lines within the table.  Is there a way to do this?  The default grid lines are far too faint.

    Yeah, the Help is missing a little.
    If you select the block of cells that you want to change, then in the Format inspector:
    Select the Cell tab
    Expand the Border section
    Set a line type
    Set a line width
    Choose a line color
    Choose one of the nine options for which borders get the new settings

  • Use of DEFAULT tablespace while re-enabling constraint

    While trying to re-enable a constraint on a table, we hit a ORA-01630. According to the error message, Oracle was trying to use the DEFAULT tablespace (USERS) instead of the TEMPORARY tablespace (TEMP) to do the work.
    Why would Oracle use a tablespace other than TEMP to do work that needed temporary space?
    [email protected]

    What is the 'temporary_tablespace' value when you query user_users as this user?
    Oracle will use the tablespace that is specified as the users TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE for all sorts. If that tablespace does not exists, it uses SYSTEM.

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    "The Portal Configuration Assistant has halted because it has detected that the amount of free space available in the Default tablespace is less than 150M...."
    How could I do in next step?
    Thanks in advance!

    To fix the problem, log into SQLPLUS as MANAGER
    increase the table size by giving
    ALTER TABLESPACE <name> ADDFILE '<fullpathfilename>' SIZE <value e.g 50M>

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