Moving to more rural house, speed/infinity questio...

We are moving to a village soon which has poor but not terrible internet at the moment, about 1/2mb d/l at best.
This will be my new exchange, you can just see my new village Fiskerton.
Infinity is due to be upgraded at that exchange in March next year, how accurate are BT usually with their estimations for these dates?
Even though the connection is currently not the greatest once Infinity is installed at that exchange, will it then be how far i am from a green box?
Is there a minimum for this, as in once its installed should i see a pretty decent increase in speed even though it might not be the full 40mb? Because i'm not right next door to the box, (i will be living in a small estate around the corner from the main road where i think the box is)
I'm tempted to order BT once i move in, in preparation for Infinity next year however, if the speed wont increase at all then there is no really much point is there?
Many thanks for any advice

jezthomp wrote:
We are moving to a village soon which has poor but not terrible internet at the moment, about 1/2mb d/l at best.
This will be my new exchange, you can just see my new village Fiskerton.
Infinity is due to be upgraded at that exchange in March next year, how accurate are BT usually with their estimations for these dates?
they are estimates and if past is anything to go by then it is more likely to be later
Even though the connection is currently not the greatest once Infinity is installed at that exchange, will it then be how far i am from a green box?
it is the distance from the green roadside box but not all boxes will get a new infinity box next to it.  if you do then at present your line test must show 15mb connection at least.  by the time you get infinity there will be a package for <15mb
Is there a minimum for this, as in once its installed should i see a pretty decent increase in speed even though it might not be the full 40mb? Because i'm not right next door to the box, (i will be living in a small estate around the corner from the main road where i think the box is)
as above
I'm tempted to order BT once i move in, in preparation for Infinity next year however, if the speed wont increase at all then there is no really much point is there?
Many thanks for any advice
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    Thanks for your reply via email/msg. He wrote:
    If you are interested in the actual design data for the Xeon processor, go to the Intel site and the actual CPU part numbers are:
    Xeon 4 core - E5.1620v2
    Xeon 6 core - E5.1650v2
    Xeon 8 core - E5.1680v2
    Xeon 12 core - E5.2697v2
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    (8-63 characters)
                       01                   06                   11                
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    Post Moved to Infinity board​ange-To-BT-Infinity/td-p/660450
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

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    I have asked a moderator to provide assistance, they will post an invite on this thread.
    They are the only BT employees on this forum, and are a UK based team of people, who take personal ownership of your problem.
    Once you get a reply, make sure that you are logged into the forum, then click on their name, you will see a screen like this. Click on the link as shown below.
    Please do not send them a personal message, as they cannot deal with service issues that way.
    For your own security, do not post any personal details, on this forum. That includes any tracking number you are give.
    They will respond either by phone or e-mail, when its your turn in the queue.
    Please use the tracked e-mail, to reply, not via the forum. Thanks
    This is the form you should see when you click on the link. If you do not see this form, then you have selected the wrong link.
    When you submit the form, you will receive an enquiry number, so please keep a note of it
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

    How old is your Airport? It's not uncommon for a router to die after 5 years or so.
    This article should help with resetting it:

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    Post moved to Infinity board
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

    I can see exactly what your saying & in no way disagree.
    I do think however the wording of the current BT television advertising campaign for Infinity requires modifying as these so called 'personalised estimates' gave me a completely different perception of a speed estimate.
    When I received my personalised estimate of 80/20 sadly I actually believed this, maybe becuase I live very close to my FTTC cab, & was a little dissapointed after the installation to see I hadn't got what I was told by BT as a result of my 'personalised estimate'.
    Im still happy with my download/upload speeds but am very dissapointed with ping/latency tests conducted through BT's fibre network.
    Perhaps the words 'UpTo' should make a return to BT's advertising campaign.

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    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

    Yes but I have had no reply, I have looked at some stuff and what seems to be common is its either a wireless issue which is not relevant to me as I use wired or being restricted by the router I do assume they are talking about the firewall which I have disabled. I have set up my DMZ again and enabled always use this ip address on the router to give my PS3 a static ip and left everything on my PS3 network settings all on auto. I hope it works.
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    Do you every empty your browser's cache? It's a good idea to do that daily, and also to close the browser and reopen it periodically. Browsers tend to eat CPU and can end up hogging most of it when they're been running for a while.
    512 is about the minimum RAM yoo can get away with, adding another GB would speed things up noticeably. Make sure you get a lifetime warranty with the new memory, a good place to look is [].
    Message was edited by: MGW

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    Thanks for any advice

    Hi there
    The only thing that might cause you trouble is if your workshop is over a month long. While using applications downloaded from Creative Cloud, internet access is required once a month for a routine license check. Here's a snipet from the Creative Cloud FAQ:
    Do I need ongoing Internet access to use my Creative Suite applications?
    Because your Creative Suite applications are installed directly on your computer, you will not need an ongoing Internet connection to use them on a daily basis. However, you will need to be online when you install and license your software, and at least once every 30 days thereafter. The software will alert you when you need to connect to the Internet for a license status check.
    A quick note: if the product is unable to verify your license at the 30 day mark, a 7-day grace period will begin. However, if you are not able to access internet within those 7 days, your applications will be blocked (Soucre:
    Regarding your second question - as long as you are using the same device you already have your applications installed on, you'll still only have one device registered to your account.
    If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to post here again.

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    I have tried resetting the capsule with the 10seconds hold on the reset button etc as seen on other posts but the orange light remains. 
    Thank you for your time and assistance,

    The question is, does the orange blinking light matter and or is it indicating that I am improperly using the machine?
    The amber light is like the "Check Engine" light in your car. It blinks for a reason......the Time Capsule has a message for you.
    That message might be that there is a firmware update available for the Time Capsule that needs to be installed....or....that AirPort Utility has detected that the Time Capsule is not configured correctly to work with the Xfinity router that you are now using.
    To see the Finder > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Click on the amber dot
    Then look for a Status setting, and click on the small amber dot there
    A message will appear to tell you why the Time Capsule is whining, along with a suggested action to fix the issue.
    If you are still having difficult, we for you to post back with the exact message that you see.

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    I'm currently running Mac OS X 10.4.11. If I upgrade to 10.5.8 (which I believe to be the final version of Leopard) do people feel that overall my Mac will run (& feel as if it's running) more quickly or more slowly?
    My experience with Macs (17 years worth) tells me that, other things being equal, a newer OS normally slows down a given set of hardware. Also, according to the graphic on this page, the guts of Leopard appear to be very similar to Tiger. However I'm hoping against the odds that in this case Leopard might give me a speed boost.
    I can't think of any features that Leopard has that Tiger doesn't that I'd like to use or that I feel I'm missing out on. It's just a possible speed boost I'm after, along with compatibility with the odd utility etc. that requires 10.5 or higher.
    My main application usage at the moment is as follows: Microsoft Entourage 2008 (version 12.2.7) for email (although this may change - see my Topic here), Safari 4.1.3 for web browsing (& also occasionally Firefox 3.6.12), iTunes 9.2, QuickTime Player 7.6.4, and also more demanding creative software - primarily Adobe's Creative Suite CS2 (although I'll probably be upgrading to CS3 in the next few months) and occasionally things like Final Cut Pro 5.0.4.
    Many thanks.

    Leopard makes a few improvements in performance over Tiger especially in the graphics and video area. Otherwise you would not notice any changes in speed.

  • Does more iPhone memory speed processing?

    Does buying an iPhone with more memory speed processing?

    No, not really.
    'Memory' or 'RAM' would allow more temporary storage for processing which could improve processing, however I think you are confusing memory with 'storage'.
    Apple only offer the same memory capacity for each model but offer different 'storage' sizes.
    More storage simply allows you to store more apps, music, photos etc on the device.  You can't buy an iPhone or iPad with more memory, only the storage sizes differ.

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