можно вернуть ПО

Здравствуйте неделю назад я скачал ios 7 beta на iphone. Мне не понравилось. Можно вернуть ПО ios 6.1.3?

Вы не можете сделать этого, нет никакой возможности для этого

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    Give full permisson in to below given location also inherite the permission to sub folders and files.
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    Windows (32 bit OS) : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\caps
    MAC :  /Llibrary/Application support/Adobe/caps
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    It is possible that there is a problem with the file(s) that store the extensions registry.
    Delete the files extensions.* (e.g. extensions.sqlite, extensions.ini, extensions.cache) and compatibility.ini in the Firefox profile folder to reset the extensions registry.
    New files will be created when required.
    See "Corrupt extension files":
    If you see disabled, not compatible, extensions in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions" then click the Tools button at the left side of the Search Bar (or click the "Find Updates" button in older Firefox versions) to check if there is a compatibility update available.
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