Mp3 or Podcast?

I want to create a site where I can post stories read in my
voice and I want friends to be able to download them to play on
their computer or ipod type device. Someone suggested podcast but I
am thinking that is too involved. They don't need to be able to
play the story on my site, just download for themselves. I am
totally ignorant in this area. Can I just upload an mp3? I am using
MX2004. Can anyone help me?

.oO(Susan O'Rourke)
> I want to create a site where I can post stories read in
my voice and I want
>friends to be able to download them to play on their
computer or ipod type
>device. Someone suggested podcast but I am thinking that
is too involved.
>They don't need to be able to play the story on my site,
just download for
>themselves. I am totally ignorant in this area. Can I
just upload an mp3?
Sure, a simple link to the MP3 would be enough for the
beginning. To
allow streaming you could also setup M3U files as described
Streaming audio/video from a web server
If you think you need to offer them as a podcast as well, you
can simply
do this as an addition. A podcast is just a special text file
with links
to the actual files, quite simple. There are tools for
creating it.

Similar Messages

  • Converting mp3 to podcast iTunes, iPhone 7.0.3

    I would like to convert mp3's to podcasts. In the past if I dragged the mp3 into music, then right clicked the file>options and changed media kind to podcast it would move that file into podcasts and when I synced it would move the file onto my iPhone as a podcast. This procedure no longer works. The new update to 7.0.3 no longer has podcasts in Music so I downloaded the Apple Podcast App. Does anyone have a solution?

    I am experiencing the same issue. I regularly change mp3 to podcasts within iTunes (change type to podcast and remember position).
    Immediately following my update to 11.1.3 (Mac, Mavericks), the files that are created no longer function on my iPhone. iTunes says that they are transferring, but when I open the podcast app, they are not there. All of my downloaded podcasts work fine, but the converted ones are no longer visible or playable.
    When I do a spotlight search on the phone, the files show, but the official podcast app and a few other podcast apps that I downloaded cannot see them. These files worked fine after the latest iOS update. It wasn't until getting iTunes 11.1.3 that this problem surface.

  • ITunes 11 convert mp3 to podcast

    Not bashing (yet!)  I have learned to give software changes a few days to win me over.
    However, I have not been able to convert mp3 to podcast since the update.  I like to listen at double speed and I do seem to be able to convert to audiobook so that could be a workaround.  I'd rather use podcast.
    I've tried converting multiple files at the same time and one at a time using "Get Info"
    Any ideas?

    And it appears we have a winner!
    Re: Cannot change media kind in iTunes 11 
    Dec 1, 2012 2:56 AM (in response to jonwilliamcarr)
    Sorry – I didn't mean to suggest that my solution was a good solution, just that it might be a temporary fix for some of you until Apple fixes the bug (if indeed they consider it a bug).
    skirsman: I'm not sure why you say ID3 Editor needs to be compiled. Go to and look for the download options under ID3 Editor. However, you're right about it being trial software. For me this wasn't a problem, because I'm not looking for a long-term solution, and I was able to change the metadata for 140 MP3s. If you're interested in this approach, it'd be worth searching for other apps that do this – ID3 Editor was simply the first thing I found, and its trial period was sufficient for my needs. I believe it's also possible to write AppleScripts or Python code (or whatever) to do this automatically, and I might attempt something like that if this problem sticks around.
    7smcb: Sorry I didn't give more detailed instructions. Here are instructions for the Mac version (Windows version is probably similar):
    Run ID3 Editor.
    It will ask you to open a file. Choose the MP3 you want to modify.
    Go to the Podcast tab (see screenshot).
    Enable the "podcast tag" by checking the box (see screenshot).
    Give an identifier, feed location (optional), and description (optional). See info further below.
    Click Update.
    Import the file into iTunes.
    As far as I can tell, you don't need to give both an identifier and a feed (just one is sufficient), but I gave both. I also added a description as well, but this seems to be optional. If you leave all the fields blank iTunes will not accept the file as a podcast.
    If you want to do this with a whole bunch of files at once, go to File > Open Group in ID3 Editor, which allows you to modify the metadata for many files at once.
    As far as I know, the identifier should be set to something unique for each file, so that iTunes can treat it as a separate episode or whatever. I didn't experiment with giving loads of files the same identifier – not sure what iTunes will do in this case.
    The location should point to the RSS feed where new episodes can be downloaded. For many of you, you won't need to bother setting this.
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks to you JohnWilliamCarr for a simple, if not cumbersome, solution.
    This worked for my files and I was even able to do groups of files (separate file for each hour of the show)

  • Purchased, mp3 and Podcasts won't sync to 160 gig classic

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    I can't help but wonder if this is something related to the latest updates to iTunes, seeing as how it's a such a new phenomenon, and there seem to be several similar posts (although not exactly my situation) in discussions.
    I welcome any and all suggestions!
    - Paul

    Paulza wrote:
    ... iTunes tells me that 109 tracks won't sync, with the error message "because they cannot be played on this iPod." Some of them ... are ... podcasts downloaded through the iTunes store
    Podcasts are completely independent of Apple and iTunes, they're not from iTunes itself. All iTunes does is list the podcast and tell iTunes where to go and find it if you ask to download it. There are other (non-iTunes) Podcast catchers which do the same thing for other MP3 players. So I think that when listing podcasts on iTunes, Apple/iTunes does not consider it's playablity - because it's a podcast and that's the way of Podcasts! Also, the podcaster has probably not produced these podcasts specifically for the iPod and so has not realised that they don't work on our iPods as you and I expect them to.
    You could try sending feedback to the podcast creator, explaining that their Podcasts don't play on the iPod itself. They may +_or may not_+ do something about it.
    I've had this problem with both audio and video Podcasts. There is an option to convert selections for the iPod which I have tried for the videos, (click on the top menu and *Advanced/Convert selection for iPod/iPhone*. However, this process takes forever and I gave up trying it. I simply watch them in iTunes. I cannot actually remember what I did for the audio Podcasts, but if I right-click (in Windows that is..) on an audio Podcast, I see the option to *convert selection to AAC*. I don't promise that it will work, but you could give it a try.
    As for the Sheryl Crow album , if it was purchased from iTunes, I would expect it to play on the iPod without converting it. The same goes for tracks ripped using iTunes on your PC. I can't explain that, perhaps someone else can?

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  • How to convert mp3 to podcast

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    Here is the answer that works well. The instructions may seem long, but it really isn't hard to do once you've tried it.
    To make mp3 files into podcasts:
    First, in itunes, find the mp3 file(s) in the music section, and hit edit, then delete. It will tell you that
    it will remove it from itunes and the iphone, click OK.
    Then it will ask you if you want to put the file in the trash or keep the file
    in the music folder. Keep the file. This will remove it from itunes, and the iphone, which is what you want.
    Second, open up a finder window on the mac. Navigate to the itunes music folder,
    which is in machd/users/johnsmith/music/itunes/itunes music. Then open another finder window alongside the one that is showing the itunes music folder. In that finder window, create a unique named new folder on the desktop, such as "movedmusic". Now, go to the itunes music folder and drag the mp3 file over to the "movedmusic" folder and drop it there. Now, the mp3 file is no longer in itunes at all.
    Third, go back to itunes main screen, click File, then "add to library". It will open a mini finder window of it's own. Navigate to the "movedmusic" folder you created on your desktop and select the mp3 file, and let it import into itunes.
    Don't worry about where itunes puts it. iTunes will put it in "songs", but that is ok. It is still seen as "new" to itunes.
    Fourth, go to the "music" at the top left of itunes menu. Find the newly imported mp3 file. Right click and select "get info". Open "options" and change it from "music" to "podcast" and hit OK. Now, you will see it disappear from the main screen in music. Go to podcasts on the left menu, and it will now be in podcasts. But WAIT! There is one more step to do or it won't sync to your iphone. Now go to the iphone on the left hand menu and select it under "devices". Then go to the iphone's "podcasts" tab, and you'll see the mp3 file you just added as a podcast. Make sure you put a check in the checkbox, that will tell itunes to sync your newly added mp3 PODCAST to your iphone. Then go over to File at the top of itunes and select "sync iphone". After the iphone syncs, your mp3 will be on your iphone in the podcast menu, and not in the songs menu!

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    thx in advance.

    If it is any consolation, you are not alone.
    My direct download podcasts end up in my music directory, and so do some of the iTunes podcasts. Worse yet, my audiobooks end up in my music directory, including the ones I downloaded from iTunes.
    I have not yet found a way to move the audiobooks or the podcasts.
    Perhaps with two queries here, someone will notice this problem.
    Does anyone out there know how can to get these files in their proper locations?
    PC   Windows XP Pro  

  • I can't find a recent post on transferring mp3 to podcast.

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    It used to be really complicated, but possible as outlined in this post:
    I remember, though, reading about this recently and there was mention newer iTunes (which I cannot run) have simplified this, probably through changing "kind" in the get info window for a track.

  • Problems with Importing MP3s Into Podcast

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    The audio comments arrive as WAV files but I use iTunes to convert them to MP3 format. This time when I tried importing them into my podcast GarageBand shows an error message that "this format is not supported by GarageBand." I find that hard to believe.
    When I try to import the WAV files, they import but sound like the chipmunks -- and turn the rest of the recording into a chipmunk-like sound.
    Any ideas?

    You shouldn't convert them to Mp3 to begin with, use AIFF instead.
    As for what your problem is:
    --HangTime [Will Compute for Food] %-|>

  • Mp3 to podcast - one possible solution

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    I tried this applescript (found in the macosxhints website) and it worked well for me.
    Check it out!

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    All media you sync from your comptuer to your iphone goes through the iTunes app.

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    I can't seem to find an option for creating an
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    You can't produce an enhanced podcast as MP3. It doesn't allow for the additional data, and images. You can only use AAC. There is no reason not to use AAC since anyone can play it on PC and Mac.

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    I used to do this on my PC with no problems.
    Thank you for your help.

    Please see this page:
    which says:
    'Although Mac OS is NOT a supported operating system, the Sansa player can still be recognized if the Sansa player is only plugged in MSC mode.
    Mac computers do NOT support MTP
    A Sansa player in MTP mode when plugged into a Mac computer will NOT be detected or recognized.'
    and links to instruction pages.

  • What is the best way to move multiple formats of songs/photos/podcasts to a new computer?

    For most of my life, I have used my family's home Windows desktop to establish my iTunes account with my iPod Classic (5th gen). On this computer I have:
    iTunes store purchases
    CD imports
    Other MP3 files
    Photos downloaded from online
    Now I am in college in another city, and I won't be able to come home much, so I'm setting up iTunes on my laptop as my new "home base", as it were. I've already authorized it under the same account that I use on my desktop. What is the best way to move all of this stuff from my old computer to my new one? I'm thinking an external hard drive is the best decision, but I want the input of the Apple community. You guys are much more knowledgable than I am! Thanks!

    Hey Alayna,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities, and thanks for the question! I'm not really in a position to recommend a "best" option, as there are several different ways to go. You can read over your options in the following document and decide which one works best for you:
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    Have a good one,

  • How to listen to an audio file (that's not a podcast) in this app

    I have some foreign language learning audio files that I'd like to use the "back 15" button feature of this app. They're not part of a podcast. I haven't found another app that does has this "back 15 seconds" feature, so I'd like to play these files using the iOS Podcast App.
    I found a thread that said to use iTunes to change "media kind" of an mp3 to "podcast", but my drop-down just has "music", and following others suggestions to hold "shift" when pressing "Get Info" didn't change that to include other options unfortunately. It was also suggested in old posts that in this case the file permissions may be read only, but that's not the case with my file.
    Looking for how to play my files in Podcast App, or info on another app that has the "back 15" feature. Thanks!

    Duh... found my error... I was attempting to access the data by referencing the created "root" element.  Since <test> is the very first element tag, it's setup as the root element, which you don't need to reference.  Changing the alert to alert(; fixed it.
    Now I just feel dumb, lol...

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