Mp4 conversion for use in screenflow

Good Afternoon, Im hoping you can help.
Im an amateur, so i'll tell you off the bat that im not experienced in compressor. I am however a very quick learner but to save time i thought i'd ask you guys.
I have Mp4 video that i want compressor to adjust so that its editable in Screenflow for my youtube channel. I have recently upgraded to HD capture but im unsire on the process or export settings to get HD editable footage with sound.
If theres any info that i can give you guys to help out then please ask and i will supply.

Here's what I'd suggest.
Open Compressor and drag your movie into the source well.In the Settings pane, where all the presets are listed, hit the plus button and choose Quick Time movie. Drag that into the Batch Window where your movie is. Enter a destination – where you'd like the output file saved,
Open the Inspector. Click on the Encoder tab. Open Video Settings, From the dropdown menu for Compression Type, choose H.264. Leave Restrict Data Rate at Automatic and click OK. While still in the Encoder, check that Audio is Enabled.
Open  the Geometry tab. For Frame Size, set to 100% of Source, Click Save As and give it a name. This is a custom preset that (hopefully) you'll use in future encodes.
Open the Preview window, Select a short selection by setting in and out points.
In the Batch window, hit submit. Another window will open; hit submit again.
When the  processing is complete, open in QT Player to check for quality (and audio). If everything seems OK, bring that into Screenflow. Hopefully, it will work with Screenflow.

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    Hi aphill - welcome to the forum!
    Have a look here:

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    Hi Video Dude
    here's a good article I posted on the DVDSP forum as well. It tells a bunch about workflow and the problems the author faced. I hope you know that this is kind of a new technology - so much so that I would frankly say it's in the beta stanges at this point even though you can buy players and authoring software - problems might come up that you have no control at this point. Just so you & your client relize this. Check for plyer updates as well.
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    For my conversions, I use DigitalMedia Converter 2.7, and it does batch conversion very well. Now for the caveat (you knew one was coming, right?), Deskshare has introduced "new and improved" software, but I have not tried it yet. I do not know how it will handle your footage, so the trial might be in order.
    Good luck,

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    What version of Premiere Elements and on what computer operating system is it running.
    Please look at the .mp4 export opportunities in your version....if you have Adobe Flash Video choice, then you do not
    have Premiere Elements 13/13.1 (Adobe Flash Video dropped from that version).
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    and Presets for MP4
    or for other .mp4 exports, please see
    Mobile Phones and Player
    Apple iPod, iPad, and iPhone
    For customizing the export settings, see Advanced Button/Video Tab, Audio Tab, and, if applicable, Multiplexer Tab for your choice in the
    Presets field.
    Please review and consider, supply for more information so that we can customize a response.
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    The file does play back in 4:3 in QT player. Evidently, the 2.1 firmware either disabled 1440X1080 video or added a check to refuse playback with no anamorphic expansion flag set.
    In a way it kinda makes sense that QT would play it because it has to support odd sizes such as that, whereas 1440X1080 non-anamorphic would not be a standard HD format.
    I opened the file in QT-PRO and scaled the horizontal width as follows:
    window-->show movie properties-->select video track-->visual settings-->uncheck "preserve aspect ratio" -->revise horizontal "scaled size" to 1920 -->file-export mp4-->options-video format "passthrough"-->save
    The file now plays in 16:9 in QT, but still shows as "unsupported data" on the PS3.
    from searching the web, I get the impression that the mp4 specification for horizontal scaling has somehow diverged from the original QT method. From there it seems to digress to people resorting to low level HEX editors to sort things out (good grief!).
    Actually, I am not sure why a scaling flag would even be required for true HD since there is no legitimate 1440X1080 4:3 aspect ratio format in the AVCHD spec

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