MPEG playback

Dear All,
I need to edit mpeg files acquired with Adobe Premiere Pro CS3. (Canon HV20 - HDV)
I have to use Final Cut Express 4 for editing this video but I can't import this format and I can't read it in Quicktime (PRO & QuickTimeMPEG2 package installed).
Can someone help me?

try this nice piece of software:
you could try VLC also
both are free

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  • MPEG playback component

    Greetings. How can I tell if I have the MPEG2 playback component installed on a Mac? Is there an associated list of installed plug-ins and components for any given machine? I need to check several Macs to see which (if any) have the component.
    Ron B

    Is there an associated list of installed plug-ins and components for any given machine?
    Well, you could either open the start-up drive "System > Library > QuickTime" folder and check to see if it contains the "QuickTimeMPEG2.component" file or you could simply double-click a short MPEG (MPEG2/MP2) or other MPEG-2 type file and see if it opens and plays in the QT Player.
    Message was edited by: Jon Walker

  • MPEG playback/editing in CS4 terribly broken.

    I have a Sony DSC-T200 camera (still camera, but shoots crappy video too--Bonus!), and I've never had trouble cutting the MPEG files it produces in Premiere before. Now, with CS4, even playback of these files in Premiere doesn't work correctly; sometimes it jumps back to previous frames, sometimes it just goes totally crazy, and the audio and video get out of step. I have the latest updates installed.
    Rendering the timeline results in the same glitches being in the final product, too. This happens even without any cutting, effects, or anything. Just drag MPEG to timeline and it's already broken.
    The only solution I've found is to convert the MPEG first to AVI using, e.g., Corel Video Studio (or anything non-Adobe), which doesn't suffer from this bug. The resultant AVI then behaves well in Premiere.

    While this may not be the answer to your problem, one thing to try would be to check your project's Sequence\Settings. CS4 works a little differently and this change seems to be causing confusion. The other would be to use a program called GSpot to check your camera's MPEG codec against Premiere's MPEG codec.
    To call premiere Pro/AME CS4 a Porsche is even more ludicrous!!!
    Harm, why don't you get a life and stop posting here if you have nothing positive to contribute but can only put people down.
    There are numerous experienced people coming to this forum to voice their complaints and dissatisfaction with CS4 and all you do is naysay their experiences without giving any possible solutions to their problems.
    There are also inexperienced users who would appreciate some guidance as they wrestle with problems that do not make sense to them.
    Unless you are willing to actually attempt to give some assistance that is meaningful, try not to make everyone feel as though they are stupid and shouldn't bother coming to this forum, just keep your opinionated comments to yourself.
    I don't know you or your history here and perhaps you have been a solid contributor for a long time, but perhaps also you have grown tired of answering the same "stupid" OE questions again and again. If that's the case, then perhaps it's time for you to rethink your relationship with this forum as your present attitude of snide putdowns is, IMHO, tiresome, boring, ineffectual and inappropriate.

  • Help needed for unusual .mpeg playback.....

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    Are there ways to re-encode it to .wmv? I saw that because all the .wmv files played fine on both systems.

    That problem usually occurs with mpegs that have been incorrectly merged from shorter segments, resulting in an incorrect timecode. Most of them can be fixed by the "fix timecode" menu choice in this freeware: Mpeg StreamClip
    Another option is to use this freeware video viewer that is not as picky about the timecode and will play most of these mpegs without stops: VLC

  • QT Pro - mpeg Playback Problems

    I bought Quicktime Pro 7 last night, and entered my code into Quicktime, which worked fine.
    Ever since, whenever I try to open any mpeg file (Videos, .mpg / .mpeg) there is no audio and only plays 8 seconds of video, before the video freezes. The slider continues to move though.
    This happens in Quicktime, RealPlayer, VLC, Windows Media Player and even on Front Row.
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    Any ideas...?
    iMac G5 (iSight)   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Is it a big movie? Codec? Details?

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    The dmg icon is on my desktop but when I click it all it wants to do is download again and restart my computer.First make sure you have the correct file -- "QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg". If correct, I would then "file info" the icon (i.e., open the "get File Info" window) to make sure "DiskImageMounter" is set as the "Open with" application. If correct and the image file still won't mount a window containing two folders ("For QuickTime 6.3" and "For QuickTime 6.4 and later & Intel Macs" then you can hope it is only a corrupted download. In this case, sign on to the Apple account under which you made the purchase, go to the software purchases area, and download the file again.

  • MPEG-2 stutters upon PC Playback

    I'm using Final Cut Pro to edit together 30-60 min shows that I then want to playback on a PC via an optibase video plex pro card triggered by a software program called Scala.
    Since DVD's were my backup playback system, I got into the habit of exporting Quicktime movies of the finished shows (not self-contained) and importing them into Compressor. In Compressor, I then used the 90 min best 4x3 settings (6.2 variable bitrate) to create seperate m2v and aiff files. I then MUX them together using BitVice Helper. Once I had the MPEG, I loaded it onto the PC playback system and put them on the air.
    Recently, I've noticed a playback problem. The videos play a few seconds, pause a beat, play a second, pause again, giving the audio and video playback a stuttering quality (however, at least the audio and video were in sync).
    The only MPEGS giving me trouble are the ones I've compressed on my dual 2Ghz G5, either using Compressor and BitVice Helper or using Cleaner.
    Can anyone dignose the problem? Other MPEGS on the system, encoded using a very expensive PCI card on a PC, seem to playback perfectly. However, I don't know if this is because of the encoding or because I didn't give them enought time to fail.
    I'm trying to figure out if this is a corrupt file problem, encoding problem, video card problem, MAC to PC problem or a driver problem.
    Any ideas? This is problem is plauging me and effecting the quality of the TV station I am running (single handedly, waaahh).
    I'm based in the Bay Area and would entertain bids on an MPEG consultant.
    Editing System Info
    Dual 2.7 Ghz PoerPc G5
    2 GB RAM
    OS 10.4.3
    Final Cut Pro 5.0.4
    Compressor 2.0.1
    Sony DVCAM DSR-45
    Playback System Info
    Intel D915GAVL Motherboard
    P4 3.2 LGA 775 Prescott w. 1mb cache CPU
    2 GB (2 x 1GB) DDR400 Memory
    eVGA Geforce MX6600 256MB PCIExpreess Graphics
    Optibase VideoPlex Plus MPEG Decoder
    Scala InfoChannel Player

    actually, i think you're right. i switched from compressor to a hardware encoder (WinTV). at the same time, i switched from vbr to cbr. i'm not sure if it was the switch from sowtware to a capture card or variable to constant, but it's working now. thank god.
    why is it so difficult to make a program stream on a mac? isn't mpeg playback a common function?

  • Mpeg-2 won't play

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    What do I do?? I can't lose these videos.

    I spent $20 on quicktimempeg2.dmg but it own't let me install it on the hard drive, saying it's for an older version of Quicktime.
    Actually, what it probably says is "This software is intended for an earlier verson of Mac OS X."
    I've got tons of old home videos that I transferred from camcorder to Mac when I had my old Mac mini. I've got a new iMac and the videos won't play. They're mpeg-2 format and when I double-click one to watch, it says there's a missing codec.
    The QT 10.1 Player has built-in support of "muxed" MPEG-2 file, including those with AC3 audio but is more touchy regarding file extensions. For instance, it won't play "muxed" MPEG-2/AC3 content with an MOV or VOB extension. Moreover, this support is limited to the QT 10.1 player, so if you want to play the files in the QT 7 Player or MPEG Streamclip you will have to install the purchased QT MPEG Playback component.
    What do I do?? I can't lose these videos.
    Since you already purchased the QT MPEG Playback component, my recommendation would be to install it in order to maximize various playback options. Basically, you have three options here:
    1) You can install the component on an older system and then transfer the codec to your Lion system.
    2) You can download the MPEG Streamclip "Beta" package which includes a utility that will open/install the component directly on a Lion system.
    3) You can use an app like Pacifist to extract/install the component directly to the Lion system.

  • MPEG2 Playback Component gone

    Hi Folks-
    I have posted this on the Quicktime forum, but thought there might
    be more help here.
    I have extracted from a DVD using Mac the Ripper (legally-
    it's for a client who shot the original footage himself, and
    built a DVD out of it). I have then opened MPEG Streamclip
    to convert to QT so it can be edited in FCP. However, somehow
    I have lost MPEG2 Playback component from QT Pro 7.1.3
    (did I lose this when I upgraded from 6?). Am trying to DL from Apple
    website, but even as I log in, Apple keeps screwing up my address
    info (says I'm in US, when I'm in Canada) and won't let me check out.
    A call to Apple and I hear that possibly MPEG2 Playback component
    is now not available in Canada (!#@$@#).
    Anybody have any experience with this cross border availability issue? Anybody have any suggestions for another workaround?
    Did I lose MPEG2 Playback Component just by upgrading to 7.1.3?
    (I know other things get lost when upgrading from 6 Pro to 7 Pro, but since MPEG2 Playback Component is an add-on, it didn't occur
    to me that it would be lost...
    Also- further to the above, I cannot play any m2v files on my box...
    G5 2.5 4 RAM   Mac OS X (10.3.8)  

    [(I know other things get lost when upgrading from 6 Pro to 7 Pro, but since MPEG2 Playback Component is an add-on, it didn't occur
    to me that it would be lost...!/b]
    Pretty sure everything from a Pro Key in 6 gets wiped out when going to 7, including add ons such as the MPEG Playback
    What software are you running? Final Cut Studio? Playback component is included. Can you roll back your system? (Do you have a pre-QT 7 system back up?)
    You can try backtracking your QT install, such as this one - ml

  • Problems with QT 7.03 and Mpeg files

    QT 7.0.3 won't play any Mpeg file on my computer. It will play all other files but not the MPEG files???? why? Also, I was getting a bluetooth audio error when I tried to play a MPEG file. Which is really wierd, I don't use any bluetooth device on my G5 iMac.

    So do I !! Smooth playback is a bit of a laugh at the moment !! For MPEG 4 that is MPEG2 is fine and dare I mention it MPEG 1 is OK
    I have a copy of Player 6.5.1 still on my system and they play smoothly thru this player but not the 7.03 Player and defintely NOT thru iTunes since I installed 7.03
    am going back to 7.01 and see what happens
    ( yes I have the official Apple MPEG Playback Component added on )
    they seem to play alright in VLC but out of sync in MPlayer

  • TI4600 Stability

    I have a MSI GF4 TI 4600 in my PC and I have just recently upgraded my processors to use the full capabilities of the card.
    Current Setup:
     - Gigabyte - GA6VTXD - Motherboard Running Dual PIII 1.4's
     - MSI 8872
     - 756Mb Ram (PC150)
     - Seagate Barra IV's
     - OS Win XP  with NVidia 29.42 drivers
    Hence I would like to play the games at reasonable resolutions (1024x768 and up) but I am finding that when I up the resolution from 800x600 (or lower) the machine simply is locking up.  
    I have been running SETI for hours, and no lock ups, but when going into Nascar 2002, it will lock immediately at 1024x768, but runs fine on 800x600 (x16), and will lock after a while on 800x600x32.
    It is very strange, if anyone has any suggestions of what to try it would be appreciated.

    I have a similar problem with my MS-8872.   :(  I have, however, spent a week carefully isolating the problem.
    Problem symptoms:
    1) During DVD playback (using the bundled MSIDVD (InterVideo WinDVD) 3.1 or a copy of InterVideo WinDVD 4.0), the machine totally locks-up after 0-40 minutes of playback.  The only remaining operating interface is the power/reset buttons.  It has been repeatedly observed that after ~15 minutes of being locked up, the machine reboots itself.
    2) During looping MPEG playback in Apple QuickTime 5 and 6, the above described lock-up is generated.
    3) During play of the bundled games (AquaNox, sacrifice, and No One Lives Forever (1)), the above described lock-up is generated.
    Relevant Hardware:
    Gigabyte GA-7VRXP V.2.0 (with F11 BIOS -- disabled all USB, serial, parallel, IDE RAID, Ethernet, audio, 2nd IDE)
    Athlon XP 1800+
    2 x 512MB DDR/266 ECC registered SDRAM DIMMs
    MSI GF4 Ti 4600 (MS-8872)
    Relevant software:
    DirectX 8.1b
    (media players and games as listed above)
    Relevant drivers:
    Via 4-in-1 v. 443v
    Adaptec FMS v. 3.0.3
    nVidia 30.82 (and earlier)
    Although additional hardware is present and different BIOS versions and software drivers were used in isolating the problem, in the fully configured machine, the isolation process reduced the machine to this configuration in the process of identifying which component was causing the failure.
    With the above configuration, failure was *not* observed by replacing the video card with:
        Diamond V770 Ultra (TNT2 Ultra, 32MB),
        Eagle GeForce3 Ti 500 (64MB), or
        ChainTech GeForce4 Ti 4600 (128MB).
    In all these cases, the machine was able to loop DVD playback, MPEG playback, and idle the above games for >40 consecutive hours.
    Therefore, the problem with Ti4600 playback has been isolated to the MSI card.  Further, it has been demonstrated that this is not an issue of interaction with other hardware (none was present).  Finally, it has been shown that substantially similar hardware (the ChainTech card) was able to successfully operate without difficulty.
    The following additional remedies were taken:
    1) Underclock the MSI video card to its minimal settings.
    2) Replace the HD and reinstall the OS and abovementioned software in a minimal configuration.
    3) Remove the DVD player and only play back content from the HD (in case the DVD player was causing trouble).
    4) Move the MSI card to another machine and observe that identical failure is observed.  (This last was performed as follows: for 13 repetitions, randomly assign the MSI card and the ChainTech card to two substantially different machines.  Start both machines looping the same content.  Observe which machine failed first.  In all 13 cases, the machine with the MSI card failed first.  The probability of this occurring if both cards were equally likely to fail first was 1/8192 ~= 0.012%.)
    5) Configured motherboard to be maximally conservative: slowest RAM timings, underclocking the processor and RAM, various combinations of AGP aperture, PCI write combining, et c..., and whatever Gigabyte thinks "Fail-safe" settings are. AGP compensation values were not manually adjusted (as there is no documentation about the effect of this setting from Gigabyte nor the ideal range of this setting from MSI).
    Thus, despite extraordinary isolation efforts (not available to most home video enthusiasts), no method was found to eliminate the failure of this card under heavy video load.
    Miscellaneous items:
    Note that this motherboard (GA-7VRXP) is known to require significant current at 3.3V.  Most GeForce4 Ti cards also require substantial 3.3V peak current.  The power supply in this machine is easily rated to 130% of the stated peak current requirements of all the components at each supplied voltage.  (The original 400W P/S was found to be more suited to driving large HD arrays and was replaced for this reason.)
    Question (finally!):
    So, how do I make this rather expensive video card outperform the $40 TNT2Ultra I've got lying around as a spare part?

  • ILife '08 iMovie import question

    About 2 years ago I got a Sony DCR-SR45 digital hybrid camcorder. At the time, I was using iLife '06 and iMovie would not import the video files from the camcorder. I periodically copied the video files from the camcorder to a folder on my G5 iMac 2.1 gHz via USB and then deleted the files from the camcorder to make room for more video. Now I have iLife '08, and I have discovered that all the video I recently took on vacation, whether on the camcorder HDD or the camcorder Memory Stick, is recognized and downloadable via iMovie, and I have successfully imported all of it into iMovie. However, iMovie will not accept the video files that are saved to a folder on my iMac. I tried clearing the HDD on the camcorder, transferring the video files from the iMac back to the camcorder, but iMovie will still not accept them. The file names show up, but they are greyed out and not selectable for import. I even tried importing these video files into iPhoto first, but after spending a lot of time importing, each file was listed as not imported due to incompatible file format. Any ideas about what I can do? Oh, also, MPEG Streamclip says I need Apple Quicktime MPEG playback component in order to deal with the files, and VLC will play the video clips in the iMac folder.


  • How to Import DVD content to FCP for editing

    My clients always bring us DVDs (both PAL and NTSC formats) for us to insert certain segments into the FCP project.
    1. We can import the PAL VOB file into FCP PAL project, but the images seems to be broken up in thick horizontal lines. It seems to be related to the interlace but we cannot fix it in FCP, not matter using deinterlace, switch field, de-flicker.
    2. No audio can be import in this way.
    We cannot digitally import those DVD files into FCP and we can only bring the DVD into FCP using component signals and analog audio through a DVD player.
    Any suggestion on how to import the DVD digitally into FCP, both audio and video?
    Thanks in advance.
    (rem: those DVDs are most created by other post facilities, they are not encrypted movie DVDs, so this problem is not related to encryption or region codes.)

    Did you search the forum for DVD ripping? This is a very common problem and discussed all the time
    You have to rip the DVDs to a format that FCP understands like, for instance, DV video
    You can use software like DVxDVD a decent commercial product or MPEG Streamclip which is free but requires Apple MPEG Playback Component to make it work

  • Recording from a DVD

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    Because it's free I'm partial to MPEG Streamclip. It works well. You do have to have the QuickTime MPEG playback component. If you don't already, it's $20 I think.

  • Need a simple way to view a professionally made DVD.

    I'm new to Macs (2 weeks) after 13 years in Windows. I have a DVD a professional made for me for our 25th Wedding anniversary. I have been able to play it on my Windows notebook but it freezes after about 40 seconds on the Mac.
    It starts with a still photo in which there is a small frame with script running. You click on it and the main series of photos and music start.
    I copied the folders and files from the DVD to a folder on the Mac. There are two folders: AUDIO_TS (which is empty) and VIDEO_TS.
    VIDEO_TS contains the following files: VIDEO_TS.BUP, VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.VOB, VTS010.BUP, VTS010.IFO, VTS011.VOB, VTS020.BUP, VTS020.IFO, and VTS021.VOB.
    I purchased and installed QuickTime MPEG2. I can view the .VOB files, but there is no music and I can't make it run as a complete video.
    I have absolutely no experience with any video editing and know nothing about handling these types of files.
    I have a DVD that I can view on my Windows laptop and in a standard DVD/TV player. I was just hoping to be able to have it stored on my Mac and be able to view it.
    Is there a simple way to accomplish this?

    I'm new to Macs (2 weeks) after 13 years in Windows. I have a DVD a professional made for me for our 25th Wedding anniversary. I have been able to play it on my Windows notebook but it freezes after about 40 seconds on the Mac.This may be normal. It could be your Mac DVD Player simply doesn't like the disc brand or a dirty lens interrupting the continuous throughput.
    I copied the folders and files from the DVD to a folder on the Mac. There are two folders: AUDIO_TS (which is empty) and VIDEO_TS.This is normal. The AUDIO_TS folder is just there for compatibility with earliest models of DVD players.
    I purchased and installed QuickTime MPEG2. I can view the .VOB files, but there is no music and I can't make it run as a complete video.This is normal also. The QT MPEG-2 Component only supports the video portion of the VOB's MPEG-2 audio/video stream. While your Mac will now support MPEG2/MP2 (.mpeg) playback, your DVD likely contains an AC3 audio data which is not QT supported at all in "muxed" compression formats and only partially supported in "frame-to-frame" compression formats when a third-party component is installed.
    I was just hoping to be able to have it stored on my Mac and be able to view it. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?You have three basic options here:
    1) Since you have already copied the VIDEO_TS folder to your hard drive, you could try opening the Apple DVD Player, use the "Open DVD Media" File command to navigate to/select the VIDEO_TS folder. Then press the controller "Play" button to see if the content plays normally. (Since files are copied using handshaking error correction and data rereads, you may have a good playable copy of you disc saved already.
    2) Since you can view the video in QT, I assume all you need to do is use an MPEG based third-party application to regain the audio. As you already have the QT MPEG-2 component installed, my preference would be MPEG Streamclip (free) here. You can use the "Convert to MPEG" File menu option to change your MPEG2/AC3 main title file to MPEG/MP2 (.mpeg) file which is playable on your Mac. This conversion is very fast since the video is not re-compressed. Alternatively, you can convert the main title to a more efficient codec which is compatible with your Mac and takes up less space. Unfortunately, this requires re-compression which may take much longer to accomplish. In either case, be sure to use the "Fix Timecode Breaks" option before performing either type of conversion.
    3) Lastly, you can use an alternate media player like MPEG Streamclip or VLC for playback. Both will play the VOB AC3 audio, but only VLC has "device encoded" output support to an external decoder/powered speakers if your computer is equipped with such hardware.

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