Mplayer - GTK2

There's a patch which makes Gmplayer use gtk2.
It's really good - stable, even supports the new file selector.
I suggest to include it in official arch mplayer package.
Here's my PKGBUILD:
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.50 2004/07/23 20:18:11 judd Exp $
# Maintainer: dorphell <[email protected]>
# (gtk2 support added by rehcra)
pkgdesc="A movie player for linux"
depends=('libmad' 'libungif' 'gtk2' 'libvorbis'
'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'libtheora')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/MPlayer-$pkgver
patch -p1 < ../mplayer1.0pre5-gtk2-20040730.patch
## needed because of stupid coreutils messup
sed -i 's/(head|tail) -1/1 -n 1/' configure
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-gui --enable-linux-devfs --disable-arts
--disable-external-faad --enable-runtime-cpudetection --disable-smb
--enable-x11 --enable-theora --confdir=/etc/mplayer
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/Skin
cp etc/{codecs.conf,input.conf,example.conf} $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer
rm -rf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/font $startdir/pkg/usr/etc
mv $startdir/src/font-arial-iso-8859-1/font-arial-{14,18,24,28}-iso-8859-1 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/
cd $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer
ln -s font-arial-24-iso-8859-1 font
mv $startdir/src/Blue $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/Skin/default
(sorry above has some dependencies stripped; i don't like windows codecs and such)

contrasutra wrote:We were all fed up by the hacky patching Debian, Gentoo, et al do.
mplayer-gtk2 patch doesn't look like a hack... Good patches should be included even though devs doesn't want to include them in vanilla sources (eg. Xmms devs don't want to move to gtk2 only because they think it would add bloat to xmms. Hardly anybody agrees with them)
We just want the vanilla source, in its compatible glory.
Mplayer-gtk2 is just as compatible as Mplayer-gtk1 is. This patch is a cosmetic change.
Take into account that kernel development model changed recently. Kernel developers put the responsibility of patching the kernel on distribution maintainers. So if we don't patch the kernel, Arch will be very unstable.
I don't want my mplayer patched.
You can always recompile it with ABS yourself
Arch is about simplicity, and when you patch everything, you lose that.
Is it simplicity to compile mplayer with obsolete gtk frontend?
But I (a) don't use the kernel package, (...)
There are people who use it. And don't say it's not a big deal - mplayer with gtk2 is even smaller deal.
EDIT: GTK1 is still used by MANY packages. It is not obsolete. The Arch philosophy also seems to be "don't mess with working things". If the package is unmaintained, it's actually LESS work for the devs .
Which packages need gtk1 that don't have gtk2 equivalent? Note gmplayer's gtk support is optional.
Original developers of gtk don't support it anymore so it's obsolete.
Unmaintained packages are bad, because free software environment is ever-changing and everything looses compatibility.
Actually it's not my intention to patch Arch's current version of mplayer. All I'm asking is to split mplayer into two packages: mplayer and gmplayer.

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    I am sure at least some apps can compiled to use gtk2 instead of gtk3 The new transmission is gtk3 but I managed to compile on Ubuntu 10.04 with the flag --with-gtk=2. The easiest thing is to stick with a gtk2/gtk3 theme. Radiance, Ambiance and Sonar all get updated versions to work with each new iteration of gtk3 and stay compatible with gtk2. Adwaita Cupertino is not a "distro-specific" theme but it was just recently updated to work gtk 3.4. One of the downsides of a rolling release distro is that the widgets toolkits are frequently updated. It's not the fault of Arch though but rather the gtk devs who're not providing backwards compatibility.
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    AUR: for Xfce 4.4 | GNOME  2.16
    It's in my repository ("xfce4-macmenu-plugin" and gnome-macmenu-applet):
    Server =
    You also need gtk2-aqd >= 2.10.6-2 from my repo and xfce 4.4 from shadowhand's or gnome 2.16
    To move or remove the applet, move mouse pointer to the rightmost place of the menubar, where you will see something appearing like a flat button, then: (for Xfce) right-click on it, or (for GNOME) left-click on it, don't release button until you select the menu item.
    You can right-click to get the panel menu (for restart/quit) if there is no window focused.
    Problems and solutions: · GNOME/GTK2 apps' menubars cannot be restored to the original state once you use this applet. However, they wouldn't die even if the applet/panel crashes - restarting panel will catch them back.
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    :: gtk2 conflicts with gtk2-aqd. Remove gtk2-aqd? [Y/n] y
    Remove: gtk2-aqd
    Targets: gtk2-2.10.6-1
    Total Package Size: 6.8 MB
    Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] y
    checking package integrity... done.
    error: this will break the following dependencies:
    gtk2-aqd: is required by acroread
    gtk2-aqd: is required by azureus
    gtk2-aqd: is required by beryl-manager-svn
    gtk2-aqd: is required by beryl-settings-svn
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    gtk2-aqd: is required by gconf
    gtk2-aqd: is required by geany
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gftp
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gimp
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gkrellm
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gkrellweather
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gnokii
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gnome-keyring
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gqview
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtk-engines
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtk-qt-engine
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtk-theme-switch2
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtk-xfce-engine-svn
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtk2-perl
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtkmm
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtksourceview
    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtkspell
    gtk2-aqd: is required by libgksuui
    gtk2-aqd: is required by libglade
    gtk2-aqd: is required by libgpod
    gtk2-aqd: is required by libnotify
    gtk2-aqd: is required by librsvg
    gtk2-aqd: is required by libsexy
    gtk2-aqd: is required by libvisual-plugins
    gtk2-aqd: is required by libwnck
    gtk2-aqd: is required by libxfcegui4-svn
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    gtk2-aqd: is required by streamtuner
    gtk2-aqd: is required by thunar-svn
    gtk2-aqd: is required by vte
    gtk2-aqd: is required by wireshark
    gtk2-aqd: is required by wxgtk
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    gtk2-aqd: is required by gtk-engine-murrine
    gtk2-aqd: is required by firefox2

  • Apple's trailer site crashes Firefox w/ mplayer plugin

    Okay, this is beyond weird. Basically, I can go and watch a video in high quality or otherwise pretty much anywhere that isn't Apple's website... If I go there, Firefox just crashes without an error or explanation. This is pretty unfortunate since I view the bulk of my streaming video from there. I know some people had this issue before, but it effected all videos with them... This is just effecting this one site with me.
    Running Firefox from the terminal is completely unhelpful as it provides no useful info.
    I've got the latest versions of Firefox and mplayer plugin and am running KDEmod 4.2 with the qt-gtk-engine thing.
    Anyone have a solution to this annoying little issue?

    I have the same problem...
    [13:46:30][vudu@vudumachine Desktop]$ yaourt -Qi mplayer-plugin
    Name : mplayer-plugin
    Version : 3.55-1
    URL :
    Licenses : GPL
    Groups : None
    Provides : None
    Depends On : gtk2>=2.12.10 mozilla-common>=1.2 mplayer libxpm
    Optional Deps : None
    Required By : None
    Conflicts With : None
    Replaces : None
    Installed Size : 2157.91 K
    Packager : Jan de Groot <[email protected]>
    Architecture : x86_64
    Build Date : Sun 29 Jun 2008 10:25:23 PM WEST
    Install Date : Wed 04 Mar 2009 01:01:31 PM WET
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : Yes
    Description : mplayerplug-in is a browser plugin that uses mplayer to play
    videos from websites.
    [13:46:54][vudu@vudumachine Desktop]$
    and it happens on any browser (firefox, epiphany or midori), well... opera doesn't crash but I see the new pop-up window showing and disappearing very quickly.
    Anyone knows why or has a fix that doesn't imply using a different player?
    Last edited by VuDu (2009-04-09 12:47:18)

  • Mplayer-svn with dvdnav patch - testers needed

    This was getting a bit OT here, so here's a new thread.
    I've added the dvdnav patch, which provides support for DVD menus, to the existing mplayer-svn PKGBUILD. It compiles successfully, but I don't have a DVD drive, so I can't test it. Here's the PKGBUILD:
    Added unset CFLAGS, as advised by kth5.
    # Contributor: lucke <lucke>
    # Contributor: Tom K <tomk>
    pkgdesc="A movie player for linux"
    depends=('libmad' 'libungif' 'cdparanoia' 'gtk2' 'codecs' 'sdl' 'xvidcore'
    'libjpeg' 'lame' 'libtheora' 'esd' 'faad2' 'ttf-bitstream-vera'
    'libxxf86dga' 'fontconfig' 'libxinerama' 'libxv' 'libpng' 'libxxf86vm')
    md5sums=('371fa9457f0f23295ddaa93b57d862a0' 'cd75eb8942b2f15c653188d2df216e57')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src
    msg "Connecting to mplayer SVN ...."
    svn co $_svntrunk/ $_svnmod --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver
    msg "Copying files to build directory ...."
    cp -r $_svnmod $_svnmod-build
    cd $_svnmod-build
    # Apply files and patches for dvdnav
    cp ../mplayer-dvdnav-patch/mplayer-add/libmpdemux/* libmpdemux
    cp ../mplayer-dvdnav-patch/mplayer-add/libmpcodecs/* libmpcodecs
    cp -r ../mplayer-dvdnav-patch/mplayer-add/libmpdvdnav .
    patch -Np0 -i ../mplayer-dvdnav-patch/navmplayer.patch || return 1
    patch -Np0 -i ../mplayer-dvdnav-patch/navgui.patch || return 1
    unset CFLAGS
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-gui --disable-arts --disable-smb
    --enable-sdl --enable-x11 --enable-theora --confdir=/etc/mplayer
    --with-win32libdir=/usr/lib/win32 --enable-external-faad --enable-menu
    --enable-tv-v4l --enable-tv-v4l2 --disable-liblzo --enable-largefiles
    --disable-libdv --disable-aa --enable-xvid --disable-divx4linux
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
    cp etc/{codecs.conf,input.conf,example.conf} $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer
    ln -s /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/subfont.ttf
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/font
    mv $startdir/src/Blue $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/skins/default
    rm -rf ../$_svnmod-build
    <edit> Supplied package removed, as it was too specific to the build machine.
    The link above gives full details of what this patch can and cannot do.
    I'll run the package here to make sure existing functionality is OK, but I'd be grateful if others could try out the DVD stuff and report back. If it's good enough, I'll include it in the AUR package.

    MAC!EK wrote:
    tomk wrote:MAC!EK - every mplayer config option, including directfb, is autodetected, so if it's there, mplayer will use it - if it's not, it won't. That does not mean mplayer depends on them. This PKGBUILD provides a package that is identical to the stock Arch package, apart from functionality that is only available in the newer code, so the options that are specifically enabled are the ones chosen for that package.
    OK but...
    $ sudo pacman -R directfb
    removing directfb... done.
    $ mplayer Batman.wmv
    mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Mayby I didn't understood somethin fro myour post, but this doesn't look like autodetection.
    I guess he meant autodetcted by the configure-script before compiling...

  • [SOLVED] Missing some important Mplayer codecs?

    I've used 'genkipseudo's PKGBUILD of Mplayer to enable CoreAVC support, but it seems I'm lacking some of the codecs I used to have when I used the normal install of Mplayer. I can no longer play quicktime files in firefox (only sound). For normal playback (not using firefox) WMV doesn't work and some avi's won't play either. I tried to install the win32codecs from aur, but that didn't fix the problem.
    Can anyone see what codecs I'm missing by looking at the PKGBUILD? I'm still kinda noob so I don't understand compiling completely yet. This is the build I used:
    # Mplayer-svn-coreavc
    # mplayer-svn patched with support for coreavc
    # Modified : me
    # Original PKGBUILD by below-----
    # Maintainer: Tom Killian <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: lucke <lucke at o2 dot pl>
    pkgdesc="A movie player for linux"
    depends=('libmad' 'libungif' 'cdparanoia' 'gtk2' 'sdl' 'xvidcore'
    'lame' 'libtheora' 'faac' 'libxxf86dga' 'libxv' 'libgl'
    'smbclient' 'aalib' 'lirc-utils' 'x264>=20071202-1'
    makedepends=('subversion' 'pkgconfig' 'libcaca' 'unzip' 'live-media' 'libdts')
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src
    svn co $_svntrunk $_svnmod --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver
    cp -r $_svnmod $_svnmod-build
    cd $_svnmod-build
    unset CFLAGS
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mplayer --with-extraincdir=/usr/lib/live-media \
    --enable-gui --enable-runtime-cpudetection --enable-largefiles --enable-menu \
    --enable-x11 --enable-gl --language=all \
    --disable-libdv --disable-liblzo --disable-speex --disable-fribidi --disable-arts \
    --disable-dvdnav --disable-openal --disable-musepack --disable-esd --disable-mga
    [ "$CARCH" = "i686" ] && sed 's|-march=i486|-march=i686|g' -i config.mak
    # Lines for coreavc-for-linux
    cd $startdir/src
    svn co $_coreavctrunk $_coremod
    cp -r $_coremod $_coremod-copy
    cd $_coremod-copy
    make -C dshowserver
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
    cp dshowserver/dshowserver $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
    cp loader/registercodec $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
    cd $startdir/src/$_svnmod-build
    patch -p0 < $startdir/src/$_coremod-copy/mplayer/dshowserver.patch
    # End of lines for coreavc-for-linux
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
    cp etc/{codecs.conf,input.conf,example.conf} $startdir/pkg/etc/mplayer
    ln -s /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/subfont.ttf
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/font
    mv $startdir/src/Blue $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/skins/default
    rm -rf ../$_svnmod-build
    What codecs do I need?
    (And is a lack of the correct codecs my actual problem?)
    Last edited by Perre (2008-05-27 20:58:05)

    Nope, didn't work. Get this message:
    "Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x44495658"
    Edit: Nvm... I commented out some "tweaks" in my mplayer config file and now everything works as it's supposed to, even quicktime in firefox.
    I guess my capabilities are somewhat lower than my eagerness to try new things out.
    genkipseudo, thanks for all the help, both here and on mail. Your willingness to help out a noob really exemplifies the spirit of linux and open source.
    Last edited by Perre (2008-05-27 20:08:51)

  • Mplayer freezing at start of playback

    I suddenly find mplayer freezing at the start of playback when using the -stop-xscreensaver option:
    /media/stuff/tv > bluray
    MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.3.2 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (Family: 6, Model: 15, Stepping: 11)
    CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
    Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 SSE SSE2
    115 audio & 237 video codecs
    AVI file format detected.
    [aviheader] Video stream found, -vid 0
    [aviheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
    VIDEO: [XVID] 512x384 12bpp 23.976 fps 944.9 kbps (115.3 kbyte/s)
    Clip info:
    Software: VirtualDubMod (build 2540/release)
    xscreensaver_disable: xscreensaver wid=27262977.
    It pauses here for a good 10-12 seconds, then continues to play okay:
    Opening video filter: [screenshot]
    Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
    Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
    Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
    AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000->176400)
    Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
    AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
    Starting playback...
    VDec: vo config request - 512 x 384 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
    VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
    Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
    [swscaler @ 0x8950f70]SwScaler: using unscaled yuv420p -> bgr24 special converter
    VO: [xv] 512x384 => 512x384 Planar YV12 [fs]
    A: 1.2 V: 1.2 A-V: -0.001 ct: 0.001 29/ 29 7% 0% 0.6% 2 0
    Exiting... (Quit)
    What could be causing this? I recently removed mplayer and installed mplayer-dvdnav from AUR, but I removed it and reinstalled regular mplayer via pacman again, same problem.
    TIA for any help

    This is the mplayer-svn PKGBUILD that I use, but it's heavily modified to use as much of FFmpeg as possible (no external FAAD, anything Vorbis, anything MPEG 2, Xvid, so on). My version of FFmpeg is never more than a few days old, so some of the features that I rely on may not be in the repo build. It may work just fine though; Mplayer uses runtime detection. You can always pull the configure line out of the ABS tree; That should work. Also, the GUI is disabled. I use Gnome-Mplayer with the gecko-mediaplayer plug-in:
    # $Id: PKGBUILD 356 2008-04-18 22:56:27Z aaron $
    # Maintainer: Tom Killian <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: lucke <lucke at o2 dot pl>
    pkgdesc="A movie player for linux"
    depends=('libungif' 'cdparanoia' 'gtk2' 'codecs' 'sdl' \
    'libjpeg' 'esd' 'faac' 'ttf-bitstream-vera' \
    'libxxf86dga' 'fontconfig' 'libxinerama' 'libxv' 'libpng' \
    'libxxf86vm' 'libgl')
    makedepends=('subversion' 'pkgconfig')
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src
    svn co $_svntrunk $_svnmod --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver
    cp -r $_svnmod $_svnmod-build
    cd $_svnmod-build
    unset CFLAGS
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mplayer --win32codecsdir=/usr/lib/win32 \
    --enable-runtime-cpudetection --enable-largefiles --enable-menu --disable-gui --disable-faad \
    --disable-libdv --disable-aa --disable-liblzo --disable-speex --disable-fribidi --disable-mp3lame \
    --disable-arts --disable-smb --disable-dvdnav --disable-openal --disable-faad-internal \
    --disable-x264 --disable-jack --disable-musepack --disable-libamr_nb --disable-libamr_wb \
    --disable-lirc --disable-lircc --disable-enca --disable-pulse --disable-directfb --disable-nas \
    --disable-xvid --disable-theora --disable-libvorbis --disable-libmpeg2 --disable-mad
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
    install -m644 etc/{codecs.conf,input.conf,example.conf} $startdir/pkg/etc/mplayer
    ln -s /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/subfont.ttf
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/font
    # mv $startdir/src/Blue $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/skins/default
    rm -rf ../$_svnmod-build
    Last edited by skottish (2008-09-16 18:56:15)

  • Problems compiling Mplayer

    I followed this guide to enable xvmc for Mplayer on my laptop, but when doing makepkg to compile it into an Arch linux package I get this error message:
    GTK-2 devel packages were not found, trying GTK 1.2
    Checking for GTK version ... gtk2 2.10.11-2
    Error: The GUI requires GTK devel packages (which were not found).
    Check "configure.log" if you do not understand why it failed.
    sed: can't read config.mak: No such file or directory
    Makefile:7: config.mak: No such file or directory
    make: *** No rule to make target `config.mak'.  Stop.
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.  Aborting...
    My laptop is a Dell 9400 Inspiron with nVidia GeForce GO 7900 GS
    Has anyone had any luck with this HOWTO?
    This is my version of gtk:
    pacman -Q gtk2
    gtk2 2.10.11-2

    Snowman wrote:try installing pkgconfig then rerun makepkg
    I installed pkgconfig but running makepkg still failed. This is some of the output from the terminal:
    lirc.c:2:21: error: lirc-dl.h: No such file or directory
    lirc.c: In function 'mp_input_lirc_init':
    lirc.c:23: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    lirc.c:24: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    lirc.c: In function 'mp_input_lirc_read':
    lirc.c:31: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    lirc.c:32: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    lirc.c: In function 'mp_input_lirc_close':
    lirc.c:38: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    lirc.c:40: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    make[1]: *** [lirc.o] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/abs/extra/multimedia/mplayer/src/MPlayer-1.0rc1/input'
    make: *** [input/libinput.a] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.  Aborting...
    I am a newbie at compiling, so a bit lost here. Any help is appreciated.
    This is a fresh install btw. I installed it yesterday (replacing Ubuntu Feisty).
    Last edited by alphahsk (2007-03-20 19:24:08)

  • [SOLVED] Can't play H.264 (720P) on Mplayer

    The title says it all.
    This is the output of mplayer (using umplayer/smplayer)
    /usr/bin/mplayer2 -noquiet -v -nofs -nomouseinput -vc coreserve, -lavdopts skiploopfilter=all -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo gl:yuv=2:force-pbo -ao alsa -nokeepaspect -framedrop -dr -double -input nodefault-bindings:conf=/dev/null -nostop-xscreensaver -wid 35651627 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -noass -subfont-autoscale 3 -subfont-text-scale 2.5 -subcp enca:es:ISO-8859-9 -subpos 100 -volume 16 -cache 2048 -osdlevel 0 -idx -vf-add yadif=1 -vf-add pp -autoq 6 -vf-add screenshot -noslices -channels 2 -af scaletempo -softvol -softvol-max 110 -aspect 4:3 /files/Video/Movies/Mean.Girls.2004.BluRay.720p.H264.mp4
    MPlayer SVN-r36285-4.8.0 (C) 2000-2013 MPlayer Team
    CPU vendor name: GenuineIntel max cpuid level: 13
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (Family: 6, Model: 58, Stepping: 9)
    extended cpuid-level: 8
    extended cache-info: 16801856
    Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
    CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNowExt: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1 SSE3: 1 SSSE3: 1 SSE4: 1 SSE4.2: 1 AVX: 1
    Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
    get_path('codecs.conf') -> '/home/axelectrik/.mplayer/codecs.conf'
    Reading optional codecs config file /home/axelectrik/.mplayer/codecs.conf: No such file or directory
    Reading optional codecs config file /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: 205 audio & 424 video codecs
    Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay
    get_path('fonts') -> '/home/axelectrik/.mplayer/fonts'
    Configuration: --prefix=/usr --enable-runtime-cpudetection --disable-gui --disable-arts --disable-liblzo --disable-speex --disable-openal --disable-libdv --disable-musepack --disable-esd --disable-mga --disable-ass-internal --disable-cdparanoia --enable-xvmc --enable-radio --enable-radio-capture --language=all --confdir=/etc/mplayer
    CommandLine: '-noquiet' '-v' '-nofs' '-nomouseinput' '-vc' 'coreserve,' '-lavdopts' 'skiploopfilter=all' '-sub-fuzziness' '1' '-identify' '-slave' '-vo' 'gl:yuv=2:force-pbo' '-ao' 'alsa' '-nokeepaspect' '-framedrop' '-dr' '-double' '-input' 'nodefault-bindings:conf=/dev/null' '-nostop-xscreensaver' '-wid' '35651627' '-monitorpixelaspect' '1' '-noass' '-subfont-autoscale' '3' '-subfont-text-scale' '2.5' '-subcp' 'enca:es:ISO-8859-9' '-subpos' '100' '-volume' '16' '-cache' '2048' '-osdlevel' '0' '-idx' '-vf-add' 'yadif=1' '-vf-add' 'pp' '-autoq' '6' '-vf-add' 'screenshot' '-noslices' '-channels' '2' '-af' 'scaletempo' '-softvol' '-softvol-max' '110' '-aspect' '4:3' '' '/files/Video/Movies/Mean.Girls.2004.BluRay.720p.H264.mp4'
    Using nanosleep() timing
    Terminal type `unknown' is not defined.
    Parsing input config file /dev/null
    Input config file /dev/null parsed: 0 binds
    Setting up LIRC support...
    mplayer: could not connect to socket
    mplayer: No such file or directory
    Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
    get_path('.conf') -> '/home/axelectrik/.mplayer/.conf'
    Playing .
    get_path('sub/') -> '/home/axelectrik/.mplayer/sub/'
    File not found: ''
    Failed to open .
    get_path('Mean.Girls.2004.BluRay.720p.H264.mp4.conf') -> '/home/axelectrik/.mplayer/Mean.Girls.2004.BluRay.720p.H264.mp4.conf'
    Playing /files/Video/Movies/Mean.Girls.2004.BluRay.720p.H264.mp4.
    get_path('sub/') -> '/home/axelectrik/.mplayer/sub/'
    [file] File size is 875863037 bytes
    STREAM: [file] /files/Video/Movies/Mean.Girls.2004.BluRay.720p.H264.mp4
    STREAM: Description: File
    STREAM: Author: Albeu
    STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
    CACHE_PRE_INIT: 0 [0] 0 pre:419430 eof:0
    Cache fill: 0.00% (0 bytes)
    libavformat version 55.7.100 (internal)
    Configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-postproc
    LAVF_check: QuickTime / MOV
    libavformat file format detected.
    [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x7f4745215900]ISO: File Type Major Brand: M4A
    [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x7f4745215900]File position before avformat_find_stream_info() is 875863037
    [h264 @ 0x7f4745223040]no picture
    [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x7f4745215900]All info found
    [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x7f4745215900]File position after avformat_find_stream_info() is 2773137
    ==> Found audio stream: 0
    ======= WAVE Format =======
    Format Tag: 20557 (0x504D)
    Channels: 2
    Samplerate: 48000
    avg byte/sec: 8069
    Block align: 1
    bits/sample: 16
    cbSize: 5
    Unknown extra header dump: [11] [90] [56] [e5] [0]
    [lavf] stream 0: audio (aac), -aid 0, -alang und
    ==> Found video stream: 1
    ======= VIDEO Format ======
    biSize 201
    biWidth 1280
    biHeight 720
    biPlanes 1
    biBitCount 24
    biCompression 875967048='H264'
    biSizeImage 2764800
    Unknown extra header dump: [1] [64] [0] [29] [fe] [e1] [0] [18] [67] [64] [0] [29] [ac] [d9] [80] [50] [5] [bb] [1] [10] [0] [19] [74] [f0] [4] [c4] [b4] [8] [f1] [83] [19] [a0] [1] [0] [7e] [68] [e9] [7b] [cf] [8] [47] [10] [a3] [84] [44] [85] [6] [d] [5] [10] [61] [8] [8] [82] [2] [14] [28] [14] [85] [41] [50] [50] [2a] [4] [68] [8] [4] [41] [a2] [88] [51] [6] [9c] [20] [63] [85] [21] [a8] [50] [90] [c0] [81] [23] [6] [46] [82] [40] [a0] [54] [16] [41] [63] [15] [31] [48] [4e] [29] [a6] [85] [15] [59] [11] [51] [a] [c8] [63] [cd] [3c] [c9] [90] [c7] [2a] [21] [84] [44] [9c] [40] [c1] [2] [46] [84] [2] [10] [88] [50] [60] [d0] [c4] [3d] [88] [91] [a4] [ad] [24] [da] [4a] [da] [49] [36] [c8] [91] [25] [6c] [84] [21] [a] [52] [98] [84] [94] [a6] [21] [a] [51] [6] [9c] [60] [81] [21] [8] [4b]
    [lavf] stream 1: video (h264), -vid 0
    LAVF: 1 audio and 1 video streams found
    LAVF: build 3606372
    VIDEO: [H264] 1280x720 24bpp 23.976 fps 1175.4 kbps (143.5 kbyte/s)
    [V] filefmt:44 fourcc:0x34363248 size:1280x720 fps:23.976 ftime:=0.0417
    Clip info:
    major_brand: M4A
    minor_version: 0
    compatible_brands: isomavc1M4A mp42
    ID_CLIP_INFO_VALUE2=isomavc1M4A mp42
    creation_time: 2012-04-17 19:31:49
    ID_CLIP_INFO_VALUE3=2012-04-17 19:31:49
    Load subtitles in /files/Video/Movies/
    get_path('sub/') -> '/home/axelectrik/.mplayer/sub/'
    [file] File size is 127642 bytes
    STREAM: [file] /files/Video/Movies/
    STREAM: Description: File
    STREAM: Author: Albeu
    STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
    SUB: Detected subtitle file format: subviewer
    ENCA supported languages: be bg cs et hr hu lt lv pl ru sk sl uk zh __
    ENCA detection failed: fallback to ISO-8859-9
    SUB: opened iconv descriptor.
    SUB: closed iconv descriptor.
    SUB: Read 1642 subtitles, 0 bad line(s).
    SUB: Added subtitle file (1): /files/Video/Movies/
    Could not find a UTF-8 locale, some keys will not be handled.
    X11 opening display: :0.0
    vo: X11 color mask: FFFFFF (R:FF0000 G:FF00 B:FF)
    vo: X11 running at 1366x768 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
    [x11] Current fstype setting doesn't honour any X atoms
    [gl] using extended formats. Use -vo gl:nomanyfmts if playback fails.
    [gl] Using 0 as slice height (0 means image height).
    Opening video filter: [screenshot]
    Opening video filter: [pp]
    [screenshot] query(Planar YV12) -> 3
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=0, chromMode=0
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=2, chromMode=0
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=3, chromMode=0
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=3, chromMode=2
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=3, chromMode=3
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=7, chromMode=3
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=7, chromMode=7
    Opening video filter: [yadif=1]
    Opening video filter: [hqdn3d]
    Opening video filter: [pp=de]
    [hqdn3d] query(Planar YV12) -> 3
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=0, chromMode=0
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=2, chromMode=0
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=3, chromMode=0
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=3, chromMode=2
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=3, chromMode=3
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=7, chromMode=3
    pp: de
    pp: de::de
    pp: hb::hb
    pp: option: a
    pp: vb::vb
    pp: option: a
    pp: dr::dr
    pp: option: a
    pp: lumMode=7, chromMode=7
    Forced video codec: coreserve
    Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
    libavcodec version 55.12.100 (internal)
    Configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-postproc
    INFO: libavcodec init OK!
    Selected video codec: [ffh264] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg H.264)
    [PP] Using external postprocessing filter, max q = 6.
    AutoQ: setting quality to 6.
    Audio: no sound
    Freeing 0 unused audio chunks.
    Starting playback...
    [ffmpeg] aspect_ratio: 0.000000
    [ffmpeg] aspect_ratio: 0.000000
    [h264 @ 0x7f4745223040]no picture
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    [ffmpeg] aspect_ratio: 1.777778
    VDec: vo config request - 1280 x 720 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
    [PP] Using external postprocessing filter, max q = 6.
    Trying filter chain: pp hqdn3d yadif pp screenshot vo
    VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
    Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
    VO Config (1280x720->1280x960,flags=4,'MPlayer',0x32315659)
    REQ: flags=0x6CB7 req=0x0
    REQ: flags=0x6CB7 req=0x0
    REQ: flags=0x6CB7 req=0x0
    REQ: flags=0x64B7 req=0x0
    SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 1 -> 4
    SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 1 -> 4
    SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 5 -> 4
    SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 5 -> 4
    [swscaler @ 0x7f4745232a00]BICUBIC scaler, from yuv420p to rgb24 using MMXEXT
    [swscaler @ 0x7f4745232a00]1280x720 -> 1280x960
    [swscaler @ 0x7f4745232a00]lum srcW=1280 srcH=720 dstW=1280 dstH=960 xInc=65536 yInc=49152
    [swscaler @ 0x7f4745232a00]chr srcW=640 srcH=360 dstW=640 dstH=960 xInc=65536 yInc=24576
    REQ: flags=0x64B7 req=0x0
    VO: [gl] 1280x720 => 1280x960 Planar YV12 [zoom]
    VO: Description: OpenGL
    VO: Author: Reimar Doeffinger <[email protected]>
    [gl] GLX chose visual with ID 0x97
    X11 error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
    Type: 0, display: 0x7f4746d59fa0, resourceid: 5000001, serial: 2f
    Error code: 8, request code: 2, minor code: 0
    [gl] Settings after autodetection: ati-hack = 0, force-pbo = 1, rectangle = 0, yuv = 2, ycbcr = 0
    [gl] Creating 2048x1024 texture...
    [gl] Resize: 1078x606
    *** [pp] Exporting mp_image_t, 1280x720x12bpp YUV planar, 1382400 bytes
    *** [hqdn3d] Allocating mp_image_t, 1280x720x12bpp YUV planar, 1382400 bytes
    [postproc @ 0x7f4745210ae0]using npp filters 0x7/0x7
    *** [yadif] Allocating mp_image_t, 1280x720x12bpp YUV planar, 1382400 bytes
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: video)
    EOF code: 1
    Uninit video: ffmpeg
    Drawn 0 frames, 0 using DR, DR refused 0
    vo: uninit ...
    Exiting... (End of file)
    It works fine with VLC using the codec avc1 , so the fix might be to use coreavc codec with mplayer, unfortunately mplayer-coreavc-svn from AUR does not compile :S
    Thank you
    Last edited by axelectrik (2013-06-09 22:00:22)

    It actually worked!
    Can't see what was the problem with mplayer but now it plays perfectly
    Thank you!

  • Mplayer/Vlc hard lock ups

    Hello forum,
    i have been using Archlinux for some months now and so far the only issue is that Mplayer/Vlc seems very unstable. For some time i didn't have any problems but I guess that after upgrading glibc or glib that I experience hard lock ups in the kernel (flashing lights on the keyboard). Only happens when watching movies in mplayer/vlc. No error logs indicating what the problem could be. Anyone experiencing the same?
    Running Arch64 (duh...) on a dual opteron 250, xfce4/e17, quadro-fx 1100
    Thanks for help,

    Well i figured it was due to glibc, it happened before and i was already building/trying a new distro. Luckily the arch linux guys posted a message about the mplayer/flash/firefox/zlib/glibc bug. After the updates it worked again but then there was yet another release of glibc and it broke things again...Guess i should be more carefull with updating.
    If i experience more crashes i'll try recompiling zlib, ffmpeg, vlc and mplayer (in that order).

  • Resizing an apps window interrupts mplayer

    Hi all,
    I use mplayer to play music from internet radio but when I resize another apps window, the music is interrupted. I have an AMD Athlon 64x2 2.4GHz machine and this seems rather unacceptable to me... ;-) I have always used a custom-compiled kernel on my Arch x86-64 installation but this problem seems to have started with using a custom 2.6.24.x kernel.
    Any hints on what kernel config item(s) could produce this problem? Is it a matter of unfair multitasking resource allocation?
    My thanks in advance.

    On the mini, try booting into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up after waiting 10 seconds. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear and again when you log in. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don’t do them all at once.
    Safe Mode - About
    Safe Mode - Yosemite
    Apple doesn’t routinely monitor the discussions. These are mostly user to user discussions.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
    Feedback via Apple Developer

  • Trouble upgrading to gtk2-2.6.0

    Hallo, i had just upgraded libglade and gtk2, during the installation i've had this error:
    Targets: gtk2-2.6.0-1
    Total Package Size: 6.7 MB
    Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]
    checking package integrity... done.
    loading package data... done.
    checking for file conflicts... done.
    upgrading gtk2... done.
    usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    After the upgrade a lot of apps didn't works anymore (nicotine, downloaderx ecc), everytime giving the same error:
    ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    I've solved downgrading to the old version of gtk2 and libglade, anyway, i've looked for around and i've found something intresting here:
    It seems that only exist in xorg 6.8.1 but  i cannot upgrade my xorg because of the ati driver, and, probably, xfree86 users will have the same problem.
    Does someone know how to solve it??

    Ops... i haven't done it, and i don't know how to do it!  :oops:  :oops:
    morphus: have u had trouble with ati-driver upgrading to kernel 2.6.10?? i've just found a patch that  make everything works and i've added it to the PKGBUILD from Link Dupont, you can find that patch and more infos here:
    ...ok i know... i'm just trying to speak about something else ...
    Is there a form to fill or i only have to send an email to the package mantainer??? 
    Let me know (and sorry for my english)
    greetings and happy new year!!

  • How can I force Firefox to open webm files in a external application like mplayer?

    I want to open webm files from browsing sites (for example in mplayer through 'xterm -e' where I set a specific placement of the window and other parameters. Setting media.webm.enabled to false only disabled internal player, but does not open any option under Preferences -> File Types. Playing with advanced configuration I tried creating media.webm.handler{,default,application} according to other file type that are set to external applications. No luck. I have set mp4 files to use the same script (with execution permission) and it works exactly as I want.
    FILENAME="`basename "$@"`"
    xterm -fs 24 -bg black -fg white -title "$FILENAME" -geometry 96x8 -e "echo \"$FILENAME\"'\\nfrom\\n'\"$@\" && \
    mplayer -geometry 100%:100% -vf dsize=400:-3 -volume 80 \"$@\" "</nowiki></pre>
    The script itself works when I feed it a webm url (or any other media for that fact).
    Linux 3.9.9-1-ARCH x86_64 GNU/Linux

    I don't know about linux cos i'm win user. But you may start with disabling internal webm support. about:config -> media.webm and then I think you should install greasemonkey addon and custom script for playing content in 3rd partys players. (At least that is my configuration. I'm using VLC for youtube)

  • Multiple instances of mplayer with jack

    "_R_ealtime software mixing ?!?! wtf thats awesome--actually im not a studio junkie, i just need sound on one of them"
    i understand that the casual nature of my involvement with jackd suggests a less-than-appropriate level of respect and diligence for what this almighty app is capable of serving up.  i just need to level audio volume on multiple instances of mplayer with software mixing (my sound card is cheap).
    all my jackd configs are vanilla from the wiki as stated below.  if anyone has another solution or a request for information in regard to this solution please reply.  as always, thanks in advance
    --here is some err... background
    i have a some files that i would like to run with mplayer and a video file [with its own audio] that i would like to run concurrently.  it should be possible to use jackd to let one instance of mplayer show video with no sound while permitting the audio from the other instance to play at arbitrary volume.  without jack, i cannot control sound independantly since both instances seem to use the same device (PCM0).  furthermore i have found that starting multiple instances of mplayer leads to weird artifacts which persist after all running instances of mplayer concurrent with artifact appearance have been closed. 
    so i installed jack-audio-connection-kit following the wiki verbatim.  then i installed qjackctl.  starting jackd as root and qjackctl with sudo allowed me to see the first instance of mplayer but not the second.
    what is the difference between running mplayer through alsa and running mplayer through jack through alsa (not sure if the objects are accurately laid out there but whatever)?  the wiki basically provides an out of the box solution for software mixing a bunch of inputs (i have friends who do sound professionally though not with linux and im envisioning way more complicated stuff than my humble pair of mplayers
    Last edited by poopship21 (2010-09-25 15:20:56)

    ngoonee wrote:
    karol wrote:
    ngoonee wrote:And running mplayer through alsa won't be able to do what you want, simply because the mixing is fixed. JACK and pulseaudio are sound servers which allow you to control the mixing, both can do what you want.
    If you run one file with '-ao null' and the other one with '-vo null' you can manipulate them independently, there's no sound mixing involved, it just allows you "to add visuals to an audio feed spontaneously". They can both be run with 'af scaletempo' to speed up / slow down etc.
    Hmm, wonder if that's what the OP was looking for?
    From his first posts:
    poopship21 wrote:it should be possible to use jackd to let one instance of mplayer show video with no sound while permitting the audio from the other instance to play at arbitrary volume
    Also, read his second post. <shrugs>

  • Mplayer can't play files with spaces in their name

    After scratching my head and reinstalling codecs several times without luck, and old memory resurfaced of this occuring before and I managed to solve the problem.
    The thing is that if you doubleclick a file in Nautilus, and said files has spaces in its name, mplayer won't be able to play it, and gives a very cryptic error message, ie "cannot play file a%20b.avi" if the name of the file is "a b.avi".
    The trick is mentioned in this thread -- you edit /usr/share/applications/mplayer.desktop and change 'Exec=gmplayer %U' to 'Exec=gmplayer %F'.
    The bug has been around forever, and hasn't been fixed yet. Perhaps the mplayer devs don't want to fix it. In any case, I would propose that either we fix this in the mplayer Arch package, or that someone more knowledgeable than I get in touch with the devs about it.
    Just a suggestion, but I think it's kind of important. It's really confusing to new users.

    In my opinion, it it's not arch's job to fix bugs from upstream, no matter if it's mplayer or gnome's fault. Of course there are exceptions, eg if a bug in a critical package hardlocks the whole system, or adds a huge security risk.
    I would like to belive that the general arch user is smart enough to find one of the 30 threads about this bug (or the entry on the bugtracker) and fix it themselves. Personaly I would put this in the same category as packages that don't have a .desktop file at all from upstream.
    Oh, and as a small sidenote:

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Cannot make mp4´s into mp3´s. I´ve registered, and payed goddamn 18.50 euro for it.

    I want to download mp3 from youtube. I´ve bought alicence for it, to convert mp4 to mp3, registered it and all. But still no acceptance. When I want to download and convert it tells me that I need aregistered versin of the converter. But I bloody wel