MRP Planning strategies

can you please advice if SAP Business one supports the MRP environment where the Forecast is maintained on subassembly level and the real demand comes for Finished product with the S/O or demand requirements upload.
It is used for industries where the final product has multiple variants, but there is set of components which are same for all variation.
So is there any possibility to have in SAP B1 anything like Planning strategy 63 in R3? Something like Make to order environment with planning material at a phantom level in BOM?

How about:
1. MRP strategies: 40;
2. having an Order BOM with component of Phantom HALB.

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  • Planning Strategies to Stock - Consuming the forecast (PIRs)

    I want to use planning strategies 10 or 40 (to Stock) but I have a doubt about the funcionality of "Consuming Forecast"
    What happens in strategy 40 or 10 when the sales orders/Goods Issues will not consume the total forecast in a specific month (PIRs) ?
    What happens to the PIR of that month?
    How does this effect the planiing funcionality in the upcoming months?
    Thanks for any reply,

    The consumption of the PIRs is controlled by definition in MRP View of the consumption logic.
    There you can say if it consumes in the past and/or future, and how long into each direction.
    Unconsumed PIRs in the past need to be adjusted (there's a transaction for that).
    Since both 10 and 40 are MTS, so if at the end of the month there are PIRs left that were not consumed, normally you should have the relevant quantity against that plan as stock. So, as I said, you adjust the unconsumed PIRs, and the stock is carried to the next period, and covers (in part) the next month's PIR (plan), and so on.
    This way, if you sold less than was planned, but produced it to stock, it is not wasted, but will be used to produce less in the following periods.

  • MRP Planning

    We have an issue where the part created the purchase requistion and gets rescheduled daily and thus the Release date in the purchase requistion gets Changed daily.As of result of which, the PR is not falling within a varint which is used to convert PR into PO.
    Part is not used in any BOM and there are no open orders or sales orders for this part. MRP considered this part and created a PR as the safety stock has been consumed. Now whenever MRP runs(MRP runs daily), the requirement date gets Changed automatically, though there is no entry observed in planning file.Backward scheduling is applied in this case.
    Your thoughts on this issue is appreciated!
    MRP type for the part is PD - MRP
    Safety stock is in negative
    Planning mode 1 - Adapt Planning data (Normal) in MD03.
    Planning file entry - no MRP planning type is checked
    let me know if I am missing anything!

    On the tab "Quantities/dates" you should check the flag "Fixed ID" so that MRP won't change the requisition anymore.

  • User Exit or BADI For MRP Planning

    Dear all ,
               I want to Control the MRP Planning ( MD01 ) only for Demand Orders..
    Tell me any User exits / Badi for that Issue..
    i checked in this enchancement M61X0001, this is correct or wrong ,,,,
    With Regards ,

    Possible exits
    LMDR2001  User exits restr. profiles of opt. pur.ord.-based load bldg
    LMDZU001  User exits in additional planning.
    I hope there are no BADi's for this try for implicit enhancements if u r using ECC 6.0
    Edited by: Rasheed salman on Dec 20, 2008 9:54 AM

  • Planned order for MPS items can be unfirmed in MRP plan

    Hi All,
    I'm using SCP functionality (not ASCP) in MRP module. I run a global MPS first and then use it as supply schedule to drive mrp plans. I noticed that some planned orders (for MPS items) loaded into MRP from MPS can be unfirmed in MRP and I can enter new quantity and new date for them, whereas other planned orders for MPS cannot be unfirmed.
    What is the logic behind it? How to control it?
    thanks in advance,

    Hi Ram,
    I don't think that there should be any issue due to the planned order created in the system against the PIR for the next month ....& it will not lead to improper planing even if the demand changes still we are not going for the firmed planned order....... if the PIR changes during the next MRP run then it will adjust the planned order accordingly .....
    Still you want to  restrict the planning to the current month then the simplest way that  I can think of is planning horizon....

  • Question : Different planning strategies in  SAP PP

    Hi PP gurus ,
    Help me in understanding purpose with suitable example different planning strategies say  Strategy 10 , 11 , 20 , 30 , 26 , 40 and 50 . Find below an
    example for which how the above said strategies will act wrt .
    Ex :  You have  Unrestricted stock of  say X  = 100 pcs  and stock in quality
             inspection  is X = 10 pcs .
             You have  PIR ( X ) = 100 pcs , Production order( X ) = 50 pcs ,
             Sales order( X )  = 150 pcs , Production order against sales order (X) =150
             pcs , Inprocess (X) = 30 Units , sales order stock (X) = 25 units .
           Thanx in advance

    Have you gone through the help doc for planning strategies:
    In overall terms:
    In make to stock - 10, 11, 40
    In MTS the general stock and general prod orders in warehouse are considered incalculating the net requirement. The diff between 10 and 11 is that in 11 irrespective of Warehouse stock prod takes place as per Planned Ind requirements. But in 10 the warehouse stock is considered.
    In MTO (20/ 50):
    The sales order stock and prod order sales order aone is considered.
    Hope this will give you an overall idea.

  • MRP planning improved delivery date

    Hello you all,
    I have a question regarding the MRP planning of improved delivery dates. Let me schedule the scenario.
    As material is ordered, the expected delivey date is indicated by delivery rules. If for some reason the supplier can deliver earlier, this is mentioned in the PO tab Confrmations confirmation catagory AB.
    As we run the MRP via transaction V_V2, the updated delivery date is not shown in MD04.
    What do i need to do to see the correct data in MD04?
    If this is all a bit fuzzy, please ask for further details. I am not a SD consultant.
    Thanks in advance for your reply.
    Best Regards,
    Peter Lans

    Run the program SDRQCR21 in SA38.
    This will correct the data in MD04.
    Hope this helps.

  • MRP plans sales orders outside planning horizon

    MRP plans Sales order for Finished Goods Outside planning horizon even when using NETPL. Strategy 40 is in use with 3 level BOMs. Planning horizon - 200 day. How could it be prevented?

    Please check have you assigned any MRP group to your material masters in MRP1view? Then check the planning horizon maintain in MRP group in OPPR also check same for your plant in OPPQ.
    If you define it as 200 days then system will only plan the requirement which falls under 200 days with processing key as NETPL.
    If we set planning horizon as 200 days then in the material in which MRP relevant changes happened in last 200 days will only be planned. Planning horizon is the period beyond it, requirements don't generate planned orders
    Please check and revert back.

  • MRP: Planning horizon & opening period

    hi MM Experts,
    please, explain what is "MRP planning horizon" and what is the impact on MD03 ?
    please expalin elso "the MRP Opening  period" and what's his utility ?
    both of them are in the OMI8 tcode.
    thanx in advance.

    Hi. Hope this helps.
    Planning horizon is the Time period in days, MRP will consider the requirements for Planning. We can define this in number of days in OPPQ and/or in OPPR.
    Simply it is = Cumulative lead time + Longest batching period.
    You can define the Planning horizon in OPPQ/OPPR as mentioned above
    & under MRP group then we assign this MRP group to material master in MRP1 view.
    NETPL ( Net change planning in planning horizon) you will get it in MD02, MD01: With this processing key only material where the indicator NETPL has been set in planning calendar are planned.For example if we set planning horizon as 30 days then in the material in which MRP relevant changes happened in last 30 days will only be planned. This planning restricts the scope of planning or number of material which reduces the runtime of planning run. Planning horizon is the period beyond it, requirements don't generate planned orders.
    Opening Period is...
    Opening period is like a "release window". The length of the opening period is the window of opportunity a planner has to convert the planned order to a purchase req.
    For example - Component A has a lead time of 14 days and opening period of 5 days. Requirement on 12-22-03
    Opening Date - 01/12/09
    Start Date - 08/12/09
    Finish Date - 22/12/09
    Now the planner can convert the order starting Dec. 1st, instead of Dec. 8. It basically is a buffer in the lead time to get things on order a little sooner than needed.

  • Query MRP Planning (MD02)

    During MRP planning with T code MD02 after all the necessary entry when i want to proceed the erroe message is MRP PARAMETER FOR PLANT **** HAVE NOT BEEN MAINTAINED.
    Inputs awaited
    Thanks in advance

    Dear Rupesh,
    maintain plant parameters for ur plant in OPPQ
    do one thing, take the existing plant 1000
    use compy function to copy 100 plant to ur plant
    the monent u enter OPPQ, down u can find copy
    here give from plant as 1000 & to plant as ur plant

  • MRP Plan Error

    Dears All
    I'am testing the MRP to Release a PO as follows:
    1.  Create sourcing rule
    2.  Assign sourcing rule 
    3.  Create quotation or create blanket PO
    4.  Create Apporve Supllier List 
    5.  Set MRP: default Sourcing Assignment Set
    6.  Run MRP and release planned order
    The MRP plan is going well.
    But as soon as i set the sourcing rule separately(ex. supplier A:60% rank 1,supplier B:40% rank 1),  the MRP launch concurrent process(Memory-based Snapshot) is performed with errors.
    And when i set the sourcing rule with whole one back(ex. supplier A:100% rank 1, or supplier B:100% rank 1),  the MRP launch concurrent process is performed well again.
    So i am do sure that this error is related with sourcing rule.
    Can someone help to resolve this?
    Best Regards

    Error log :
    Master Scheduling/MRP: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    MRCNSP module: Memory-based Snapshot
    Current system time is 24-JUL-2013 18:32:03
    Page Length = 93, Page Width = 132
    Debug Mode :        Disabled
    Output to Terminal : No
    Argument Method :   Database Fetch
    Trace Mode :        Disabled
    Argument 1 (ORG_ID) = 141
    Argument 2 (COMPILE_DESIG) = THMS_MRP4
    Argument 3 (LAUNCH_CRP_PLANNER) = 2
    Argument 4 (SNAPSHOT_WORKER) = 0
    Argument 5 (MON_PNAME) = 0
    Argument 6 (MON_REQUEST_ID) = 0
    The value of profile option 'MRP_RETAIN_DATES_WTIN_CAL_BOUNDARY' is N
    SELECT  TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(MIN(calendar_date),'j')),
    FROM    bom_calendar_dates
    WHERE   calendar_code = :calendar_code
    AND    seq_num IS NOT NULL
    AND     exception_set_id = :exception_set_id
    Loading workday calendar. Please wait ..
    SELECT TO_CHAR(calendar_date, 'j')
    FROM   bom_calendar_dates
    WHERE  calendar_code = :calendar_code
    AND    exception_set_id = :exception_set_id
    AND seq_num IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY calendar_date
    Loading workday calendar. Please wait ...
    Loading workday calendar. Please wait .                                     0:00
    args->default_demand_class = 
    args->demand_class = 
    args->sched_desig = THMS_MPS4
    args->request_id = 632499
    args->current_date = 2456498
    args->min_date =  = 2456447
    args->max_date = = 2460098
    args->first_date  = 2456447
    args->plan_type = 1
    args->part_include_type = 1
    args->reservation_flag = 1
    args->wip_flag = 1
    args->po_flag = 1
    args->cutoff_date = 2456682
    args->sched_type = 2
    args->demand_tf_type = 2
    args->overwrite_option = 1
    args->operation_schedule_type = 2
    args->plan_safeyt_stock = 1
    args->assignment_group_id = 0
    args->include_mds_days = -23453
    args->category_set_id = 1
    args->user_id       = 1150
    args->snp_worker   = 0
    args->org_id  = 141
    args->in_pipe_name = snp_ORA$PIPE$011611500001
    args->out_pipe_name = mon_ORA$PIPE$011611500001
    args->compile_desig = THMS_MRP4
    args->hour_uom = HR
    args->plan_capacity = 2
    args->unit_eff_enabled = 2
    CONCURRENT MRP MRCMON "ORG_ID=141" "COMPILE_DESIG=THMS_MRP4"             "REQUEST_ID=632499" "IN_PIPE=mon_ORA$PIPE$011611500001" "OUT_PIPE=snp_ORA$PIPE$011611500001"
    APP-FND-01406: Cannot find a printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style 1099RPORTRAIT
    Cause: A printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style 1099RPORTRAIT does not exist
    Action: Check that print style 1099RPORTRAIT is supported on printer type HPLJ4SI and a record exists in FND_PRINTER_INFORMATION
    APP-FND-01406: Cannot find a printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style LANDWIDE57
    Cause: A printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style LANDWIDE57 does not exist
    Action: Check that print style LANDWIDE57 is supported on printer type HPLJ4SI and a record exists in FND_PRINTER_INFORMATION
    APP-FND-01406: Cannot find a printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style ERW2Potrait(2001orlater)
    Cause: A printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style ERW2Potrait(2001orlater) does not exist
    Action: Check that print style ERW2Potrait(2001orlater) is supported on printer type HPLJ4SI and a record exists in FND_PRINTER_INFORMATION
    APP-FND-01406: Cannot find a printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style W2PAPER(2001orlater)
    Cause: A printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style W2PAPER(2001orlater) does not exist
    Action: Check that print style W2PAPER(2001orlater) is supported on printer type HPLJ4SI and a record exists in FND_PRINTER_INFORMATION
    APP-FND-01406: Cannot find a printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style ERW2Paper2001orlater
    Cause: A printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style ERW2Paper2001orlater does not exist
    Action: Check that print style ERW2Paper2001orlater is supported on printer type HPLJ4SI and a record exists in FND_PRINTER_INFORMATION
    APP-FND-01406: Cannot find a printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style RL1PAPER
    Cause: A printer driver for printer type HPLJ4SI and print style RL1PAPER does not exist
    Action: Check that print style RL1PAPER is supported on printer type HPLJ4SI and a record exists in FND_PRINTER_INFORMATION
    Launched concurrent request 632501 for workers
    Selecting Items                                                        9    0:00
    Flushed all buffers into MRP_SYSTEM_ITEMS                              9    0:00
    Selecting Discrete Job Info                                            7    0:00
    Selecting repetitive schedules info                                    0    0:00
    Selecting line capacity info                                           0    0:00
    Selecting BOM                                                          4    0:00
    APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 1426 in mrllis_load_item_sourcing
    Cause: mrllis_load_item_sourcing failed due to ORA-01426: numeric overflow
    The SQL statement being executed at the time of the error was: begin :l_sourcing_history := MRP_SOURCING_API_PK . mrp_get_sourcing_hi and was executed from the file 6676358/mrp/lib/mrlnex.pc.
    APP-MRP-22075: An internal error has occurred (mrnspxt, 14, 10005,  )
    @ERRORTEXT            Cause:        The current routine encountered the specified@ERRORTEXT  x        Action:        Contact your customer supportrepresentative.
    APP-MRP-22075: An internal error has occurred (mrnspgpt, 14, 202 , 10005,  )
    @ERRORTEXT            Cause:        The current routine encountered the specified@ERRORTEXT  x        Action:        Contact your customer supportrepresentative.
    APP-MRP-22075: An internal error has occurred (main, 13,  ,  )
    @ERRORTEXT            Cause:        The current routine encountered the specified@ERRORTEXT  x        Action:        Contact your customer supportrepresentative.
    Statement with the error:
    begin :l_sourcing_history := MRP_SOURCING_API_PK . mrp_get_sourcing_hi
    SQL Error Code: -1426
    ***** End Of Program - Memory-based Snapshot *****
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Output file size:
    Output is not being printed because:
    The print option has been disabled for this report.
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent program returned no reason for failure.
    Exceptions posted by this request:
    Concurrent Request for "Memory-based Snapshot" has completed with error.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 24-JUL-2013 18:32:57

  • Production order status and MRP planning - CNF and DLV

    I am confirming a production order using CO15. I have a single operation. The control key of the operation says that there will be no goods receipt. The GR will be done seperately using MIGO to order. My order is for 24000. I do a GR for 23000 using MIGO and then do a final confirmation using CO15. The order is now in status CNF and PDLV. Now for planning in MD04 it still shows a pending qty of 1000. If I TECO the order or mark it 'delivery complete' then it is wiped out of planning.
    My question is if there is a configuration setting where if a order is in CNF but not delivered it should get wiped out of MRP planning?
    thanks a lot

    The problem is that doing so would lead to (business) inconsitencies and I do not advise you to TECO or DLV the order just to get rid of it.
    Whilst it may not be "nice" to see it appear in MD04 it is there for a purpose - to reflect the fact that a quantity is going to be goods receipted.
    You have an order for 10  --> MD04 shows an expected GR of 10.
    You do a final confimration for 7 --> MD04 now shows an expected GR of 7.
    When you do the MIGO for the order for a qty of 7 , the order will disappear form MD04 - which is right.
    If that order was to disappear from MD04, during yur next MRP, SAP would generate another procurement proposal to cover any requirements you may have.
    As Vivek said, I would investigate doing an AUTO GR.
    Hope it helps.
    Edited by: Pascal on Jul 31, 2009 3:28 PM

  • MRP Planned Percent

    Hello Gurus,
    Please can somebody help in understanding the MRP Planned Safety stock calculations
    There are "Bucket Days" and "Percent", please help me in unederstading these options and how should i set the "Bucket Days" and "Percent"

    the below statement is pick from oracle inventory user guide.
    hope its help.
    Safety Stock Bucket Days
    Enter the number of days to dynamically calculate safety stock quantities. The planning
    process multiplies the Safety Stock Percent by the average gross requirements and
    divides by the number of days you enter here. See Overview of Material Requirements
    Planning, Oracle Master Scheduling / MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning User's Guide.
    Safety Stock Percent
    Enter the percent to dynamically calculate safety stock quantities for the item. The
    planning process multiplies this percent by the average gross requirements and divides
    by the Safety Stock Bucket Days.
    *6-48 Oracle Inventory User's Guide*
    The planning process uses this attribute when you set Safety Stock to MRP planned
    percent. See Overview of Material Requirements Planning, Oracle Master Scheduling /
    MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning User's Guide.

  • MRP Planned % Safety Stock Not Generating Supply in R12 ASCP

    Playing with MRP Planned Safety Stock in an unconstrained plan. See safety stock in the horizontal plan. See safety stock in the pegging tree. Yet this type of safety stock is not generating any supply recommendations. However with "regular fixed quantity" safety stock the plan is. Thanks in advance.

    If I understand your qn correctly., user defined SS is working and MRP planned % is not. Have you setup MRP planned % such that you gave the SS method., bucket days and % for the item attributes?
    Also make sure that you have demand for the item since it looks at your demand in future,adds up demand within the bucket days and applies the % .

  • Quota Arrangement in MRP Planning

    Dear All,
    I am facing problem in foll Scenario:
    I am trying to use Quota arrangement in MRP Planning.
    I have maintained foll values:
    Quota Usage in Material Master.
    Quota for the material against 3 vendors in Percentages.
    I have not maintained any Lot size procedures cause we are not using any batch management or Lot sizing in our company.
    MRP Type is reorder type planning.
    PIR is maintained for all the 3 vendors against the material being used.
    No source List is maintained.
    But during MRP Run only 1 PR is getting generated against a single Vendor - which is appearing 1st in the Quota arrangement.
    Kindly please suggest me why is this happening... and whether there is some note of configuration missing.
    Jyotsna Loomba

    It is easier to use an example.
    Lets say we have two vendors that we want equally used and they have been set up in a quota arrangement for a long time. The quota base qty will show how many have been ordered from each. So lets say that at the moment we have the two vendors both set up with a quota of 1 (to keep them equal) and the quota base qty is the same for each (lets say 10,000).
    We now want to add a third vendor and they too should get an equal share of the orders. If we just add them the system will see that vendors A and B have each had orders for 10,000 and the new vendor has had 0 and so the system will give every order to the new vendor until they too have a total of 10,000.
    By manually entering 10,000 to the quota base qty of the new vendor we are tricking the system into thinking that the new vendor has had the same number of orders as the existing vendors and so from now onwards they WILL all get an equal share.
    I hope this helps with the clarification of the use of quota base qty?
    As for the data you have just provided, the system would give the next few orders to Vendor V2.
    the reason is that the other two vendors get a quota rate of 1 each and V2 has a quota rate of 8 and so V2 should get 8 times the qty of V1 and V3. The quota base qty of 80 against V2 and 20 against each of V1 and V3 means that V2 will get the next orders until their qty reaches 160 (at the proportion of 1, 8, 1).
    So if V1 is getting all of the orders at the moment then there is something wrong with the set up of the quota arrangement. This could only really happen if you have set some maximumquantities or lot sizes etc. If you have not done this then I would check that V2 and V3 have valid info records etc.
    Steve B

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