Ms office issue (y450)

helllo can some one help me my machine wont do a one key recovery and alsom y microsoft office dosnt work i have rang the people that i got the computerb but the software isnt coverd by the cauruntee and i am trying to do some collage work and aso dont know where to find the insulations wizard so i can put the microsoft office in and it is windows 7
subject edited. 

having issue with office?

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    Firstly, please check the two shared folder’s share permission between the two DFS server to see if they are the same.
    In the meantime, the issue is may be caused by restricted permission in Office documents, please refer to the articles below to see if it helps:
    Protect your document, workbook, or presentation with passwords, permission, and other restrictions
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    1. Do not clutter your desktop with icons. It will eventually cause slow start ups. You can make the dock smaller to accommodate the icons if you wish or not have them there or not have all of them there at all. When you drag an icon out of the dock it goes "puff" and disappears.
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    Hi tacie,
    This is a forum for discussion of issues and techniques with Apple's now discontinued productivity application, AppleWorks, an application written for Mac OS 9 then ported to OS X, and with a version for Windows. It's unlikely you'll find an expert on Microsoft Quick Office for iPad here. The best place to look would be Microsoft's site. Failiing that, you might try one of the iPad or iOS communities here.

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    if you have install the firmware second time and dont open it may be because it remebers the last settings
    which it may something happening in the register keys??that is because maybe you have done before an other instalation with it
    did you paid and downloaded from ovi before?
    i am not that expert but if i was you i will try the follow
    1) if you have paid before from ovi...send them email with your purcase number but they are very slow in reply may take days, cos it happened to me in the past
    2) if you have never paid for quick office from ovi before
    go from your mobile web to quick office web site (use the search of your phone web) and somewhere they have a free download for limited time trial and download it from there
    3) you can do hard reset First (so any previous bugs should remove and register keys return to their original) and then do the 13.012 update PR 1.1again via ovi suite at your pc
    you will loose any saved files and programs if you have paid, photos videos, text etc
    and also other programs may give you trouble like download again ovi maps or ovi store
    if you try hard reset send the pics, files, document, videos to pc (will take you some time)
    and later sloly slowly when you have time send back from pc to phone

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    Review this thread;
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    This issue was resolved, forgot all about this thread but figured I'd update it for others if they have the same issue.
    The mailbox databases were not pointed to OfflineAddressBook. 
    We had to set all the mailbox databases to an Offline address book using following steps. After you run the below changes please run IISRESET command on the CAS server.
    To associate the Offline Address Book with a particular mailbox store in Exchange 2007 or in Exchange Server 2010
          Start the Exchange Management Console.
          Expand Server Configuration(For me it was under Organization Configuration),
    and then click Mailbox.
          In the details pane, click the Database Management tab.
          Under the appropriate storage group (for example,First Storage Group),
    right-click Mailbox Database, and then click Properties.
          Click the Client Settings tab, and then clickBrowse next
    to Offline address book.
          Click the appropriate offline address book, and then click OK two
    Offline address book is not associated with a particular mailbox store
    Hope this helps!

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    Yes, running in IE’s compatibility mode is a temporarily workaround. Let’s wait for the update.
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    sysolari, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Follow these steps:
    Disconnect the computer from the network.
    Double-click the hard disk on which Mac OS X is installed, and then double-click Applications.
    Double-click Microsoft Office 2004, double-click Additional Tools, and then double-click Remove Office.
    Double-click Remove Office, press and hold down the OPTION key, click Remove Licensing Information Only, and then click Remove.
    Note The Continue command label changes to Remove Licensing Information Only when you press the OPTION key.
    Close the Remove Office window, and then click Quit.
    Start an Office 2004 for Mac program. When you are prompted, enter the correct licensing information.
    Microsoft support: Error message when you try to start an Office 2004 for Mac program: "Microsoft Office 2004 is already in use"

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    You need to reinstall Open Office. Download the installer from the Open Office website and simply set it up again.
    I hope this solves your question. I have had problems with Open Office like this in the past. It can sometimes be a tricky software.

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    Note Microsoft Office does not support server-based home directories. You can use portable home directories which syncs stuff down to the client (like a roaming profile but "better" )
    As far as errors with application launch, etc., check the permissions on the applications themselves. Office has an annoying habit of installing itself as the user who installs it (well, except Office 2008 which installs itself as user 502, always, lol). Ensure the permissions on the applications make sense -- this will take some command line use of chmod and chown.
    Also ensure that your home directory permissions are mapped to the user you're logged in as. If you move from local accounts to server-based accounts the UID on the home directory will not automatically change properly, and Microsoft stores its stuff in ~/Documents/Microsoft Office Documents which will have the owner/permissions of who initially created that directory.

  • Office 2013 patches not installing

    I am trying to install some updates for office 2013 through Windows update and I keep on getting the error message 80070663 when installing these (8 so far). Other windows patches
    install fine.  I am running Windows 7 Pro in a Domain environment and am a domain admin running these with full admin privileges.
    I have tried just about every fix suggested in every other post 
    - Rebuilding the Windows Update environment
    - Running Sfc (no errors)
    - Running the relevant Fixit's (no issues or repairs found)
    - Running Chkdsk Scan (no errors)
    - Downloading the patches and trying to run them manually (They error out with a applicability test error)
    - Running Antimalware and similar scans (nothing)
    - Running a repair on Office 2013 (errors out with a 5 error towards the end of the repair - faulting module msvcrt.dll fault offset 35e1
    - Downloading and reinstalling the C++ library re-distributables (i.e. msvcrt.dll)
    Not this is only on the Office patches and not any other patches which suggests an office problem rather than a Windows update issue.
    Anyone got any thoughts - There was a suggestion that this might be caused by missing update packages...

    Apologize for the late reply.
    Regarding Office issue, have you tried Repair Office programs from control panel?
    Follow this guide:
    Repair Office programs
    Change recommended update and diagnostic settings
    Further, since this is more related with Office, it is recommended to ask inthe office forum for a better assistance:
    Microsoft Office IT Pro
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Very slow responce when working with Office file on DFS-Share

    Very slow responce when working with Office file on DFS-Share
    We have implemented the following configuration
    Domain level Windows 2000. Two member servers with Windows Server 2008 R2, sharing the same DFS namespace with, at the moment, one folder target called Home.
    Users complaining that the access to different MS Office files is very slow. Even creating a new MS Word document using right click context menu takes up to 4 minutes to open. Saving, for example, one singe Excel sheet takes also few minutes.
    Tested with both, MS Office 2007 and MS Office 2010. Makes no difference. When using Office 2010 you can see the message like contacting:
    \\DomainName\Root\Home\UserName. Other files like TXT, JPG or PDF are not affected.
     What makes the thing really weird is the fact, that the behavior described above can absolutely change after client machine being rebooted, suddenly everything becomes very fast and this condition can revert back again just after the next
    Considerations until now:
    1. This has nothing to do with the file size. Even tiny files are affected.
    2. AD Sites are configured correctly and the client workstations see themselves in the correct sites.
    3. This is not an Office issue. If I map my folder target not as DFS, but directly as shared network drive
    \\ServerName\Root\Home\UserName , everything functions as expected
    What makes me suspicious: when using f.e. TCPView to monitor connections, I can see, that each time I make any operation on an office file, there will be a connection established to one of the domain controllers, sometimes to remote ones,
    located in other countries. But on the other side, even if the connection is established to the nearest DC, operations are still very very slow!
    Just forget to say. All clients are Windows 7
    Thanks to all who respond.

    Dear all,
    sorry for the delayed reply. The problem has been solved now and since September 19<sup>th</sup>. everything is functioning as expected.
    What was done:
    Deleted replication targets excepting the initial ones
    Carefully recreated folder targets
    Deleted and recreated  replication groups
    Disabled SNP features on both namespace servers
    Created EnableTCPA registry entry
    Checked that the following Updates are installed
    Concering Office File validation KB2553065 - This Update was already declined on our WSUS server
    Kind Regards

  • Issues with the Custom Filter in Datasheet View

    I'm seeing some odd, yet intermittent, behavior while trying to filter columns in datasheet view using a custom filter. After clicking to apply a filter to a column and choosing 'Custom Filter...' a pop-up with regular expressions should appear much like
    the following screenshot:
    However sometimes, usually on a page refresh, this pops up instead:
    I have been able to replicate this sporadically in both IE 8 and 9 against different columns but it's really inconsistent. I can't seem to find any configuration issues or commonality across the clients that might be responsible. Local installations of Office
    are 32bit. I know 64bit has been known to cause some issues. I wanted to see if anyone else has run into this issue at all or perhaps it has been addressed in a more recent CU than what I am running (14.0.6117.5002). Any insight would be much appreciated,
    thanks in advance.

    Hello all
    We get this as well on one computer in the office. It seems to be more of an MS Office issue than a Sharepoint issue specifically the "Microsoft Office List 14.0" ActiveX add in.
    On one computer that has Office 2010, when "Edit in Datasheet" is clicked within a Sharepoint list the MS office list 14 ActiveX is called and the custom filter options appear with the missing combo boxes like in the picture at the top. I've found this is
    reproducible by simply doing:
    1.  Visit a Sharepoint list
    2. Actions > Edit in Datasheet
    (If you click one of the drop downs at this point and choose Custom filter it will open as expected)
    3. Actions > Show in standard view
    4. Actions > Edit in Datasheet
    5. Click one of the drop downs, choose Custom filter and the problem will occur
    The only way to make the option reappear is to close down IE and reopen it. You'll then get one more go with point 1 and 2 above before the problem will reoccur again after changing the view using Actions.
    Anyone using Office 2007 doesn't seem to have this problem however this uses a different version of the control namely "Microsoft Office List 12.0"
    Uninstalling Office 2010 and reinstalling it seems to fix it for a bit but the problem will soon come back. Strangely it won't come back straight away but when it does its easy to reproduce following the above steps.
    Testing this on another computer that just happens to have Office 2010 and Sharepoint Designer 2007 installed the problem does not occur however when the ActiveX is called for the Sharepoint list it just happens to invoke the Office List 12 version despite
    the fact both versions are available on the machine.
    This probably happens because Sharepoint Designer was installed after Office 2010 was installed on the machine so has updated the registry to call the older version which seems to be problem free.
    ActiveX files
    Microsoft Office List 12.0 = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\STSLIST.DLL
    Microsoft Office List 14.0 = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\STSLIST.DLL
    Version 14.0.6015.1000 - came with Office 2010 with SP1
    I've tried patching version 14.0 STSLIST.dll to:
    14.0.6130.5000 (KB2589349)
    (KB2760804) - 9th April 2013 and is the newest I could find at the time.
    Edit as I'm typing this: Just found which is dated 11th June 2013 but doesn't mention any fix for this problem.
    I've tried installing the Sharepoint services support components using the Sharepoint Designer installer package as below:
    This includes the STSLIST.dll version 12.0 and updates the registry accordingly so that this component is referenced and does seem to fix the problem.
    Unfortunately for me, when I checked back later the browser had reverted back to using the 14.0 component for reason I can't explain. Perhaps a Windows update came through and "adjusted" the registry settings to use the newer version. Unfortunately any attempt
    at deleting the 14.0 file simply recreates it when "Edit in Datasheet" is choosen.
    It would be great to get a proper fix for this instead of having to try and force the computer to use the older component!

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