MS SCCM - using to deploy & install exe or msi files on various machines

Hi All,
I am looking into Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) as deployment tool to deploy exe/msi and install(automatically) on client machine
connected to network and manage update of it. 
Kindly provide some steps to do it or share some links having such info helpful. 

Hi Ravi_Kanasagra,
Visual Studio General Questionsforum is to discuss VS IDE issues. Your issue is more related to SCCM, I suggest
consulting your issue to System Center Configuration Manager forum: You will get better support there.
Best regards,
We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
HERE to participate the survey.

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    === Verbose logging started: 3-4-2009  9:33:00  Build type: SHIP UNICODE 4.05.6001.00  Calling process: d:\5ddfa356349ddf2e676c336d95c5\hotfix.exe ===
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: Resetting cached policy values
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: ******* RunEngine:
               ******* Product: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
               ******* Action:
               ******* CommandLine: **********
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:00:404]: Grabbed execution mutex.
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    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:01:747]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:01:747]: Grabbed execution mutex.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:02:029]: Resetting cached policy values
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:02:029]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:02:029]: ******* RunEngine:
               ******* Product: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
               ******* Action:
               ******* CommandLine: **********
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:02:685]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:03:450]: File will have security applied from OpCode.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:03:841]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: Verifying package --> 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi' against software restriction policy
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:03:841]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi has a digital signature
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:04:841]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:04:888]: End dialog not enabled
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:04:888]: Original package ==> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:04:888]: Package we're running from ==> C:\WINDOWS\Installer\3d3a713.msi
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:497]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{53F5C3EE-05ED-4830-994B-50B2F0D50FCE}'.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:497]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:685]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\2f1994e.msi 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Opening existing patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\e6ba0.msp'.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\e6ba0.msp 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Couldn't find local patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\e6ba0.msp'. Looking for it at its source.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Resolving Patch source.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: User policy value 'DisableMedia' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownMedia' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Media enabled only if package is safe.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Looking for sourcelist for product {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Adding {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}; to potential sourcelist list (pcode;disk;relpath).
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Now checking product {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Media is enabled for product.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Attempting to use LastUsedSource from source list.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:05:825]: SOURCEMGMT: Trying source \\NF04\d$\3db7739bf5c1bb9c50076c418420\HotFixSqlSupport\Files\.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: Note: 1: 2203 2: \\NF04\d$\3db7739bf5c1bb9c50076c418420\HotFixSqlSupport\Files\SqlSupport.msp 3: -2147287037
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: SOURCEMGMT: Source is invalid due to missing/inaccessible package.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: SqlSupport.msp
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing net source list.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: Note: 1: 1706 2: -2147483647 3: SqlSupport.msp
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:06:607]: SOURCEMGMT: Processing media source list.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:07:654]: SOURCEMGMT: Resolved source to: 'SqlSupport.msp'
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:732]: Note: 1: 1314 2: SqlSupport.msp
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:732]: Unable to create a temp copy of patch 'SqlSupport.msp'.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:732]: Searching provided command line patches for patch code {EE92F683-5F5C-4970-BB0B-9AC591B60268}
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:763]: Note: 1: 1708
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:763]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) -- Installation failed.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:763]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English). Product Version: 9.00.4035.00. Product Language: 1033. Installation success or error status: 1635.
    MSI (s) (28:CC) [09:33:37:779]: MainEngineThread is returning 1635
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:888]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
    This patch package could not be opened.  Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Cache\SQLSupport\x86\1033\SqlSupport.msi
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:888]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:888]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:888]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:904]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress 3: 2
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress 3: 2
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (s) (28:28) [09:33:37:919]: Restoring environment variables
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:37:935]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (c) (E0:88) [09:33:37:935]: MainEngineThread is returning 1635
    === Verbose logging stopped: 3-4-2009  9:33:37 ===

    This post should definitely help you
    Mark as Answer if it helps. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

  • With Windows Vista, the most recent Itunes update 1/30/2014 has caused Itunes not to work, with a Mscvr80.dll not found error. Uninstalled all Apple programs, and installed fresh Itunes. Same problem. Tried to reinstall using an older install exe nogo

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    Now that I have no way of accessing any of the products I have purchased from ITunes, I will most certainly never use ITunes again for any reason. Why throw good money after bad?  I will use another MP3 player that is not as cumbersome or proprietary.
    Lesson learned.

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    Just to be clear, the icon are scrambled in the Finder, not in any of the VMware sessions.

    I'm getting the same thing. When I look at the get info information they are associated with Windows explorer in Bootcamp, so I just changed them over to be associated with VMWare Fusion, which gives me nice plain icons.
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  • SCCM 2012 r2 - deploy aplication with script/configuration file

    I'm trying to install an application with a file that copies the basic configurations of the application.
    I've done this:
    step 1:
    create a aplication by msi
    step 2:
    create the script copy defs 
    "if not exist "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice\4\user\registrymodifications.xcu" goto startdefault
    goto verica_conf_user
    xcopy /d /y /e "\\server\REMINST\Source\OSD\Aplications\LibreOffice\4.2.4\Confs\Users\*.*" "c:\Users\"
    if not exist "%appdata%\LibreOffice\4\user\registrymodifications.xcu" goto startuser
    xcopy /d /y "\\server\REMINST\Source\OSD\Aplications\LibreOffice\4.2.4\Confs\registrymodifications.xcu" "%appdata%\LibreOffice\4\user\"
    step 3:
    in aplication properties on the "deployment types" tab add the following:
    step 4:
    step 5
    after deploy the aplication i get the error  0x87D00324(-2016410844)
    can you please help'me?

    xcopy /d /y "\\server\REMINST\Source\OSD\Aplications\LibreOffice\4.2.4\Confs\registrymodifications.xcu" "%appdata%\LibreOffice\4\user\"
    Reminst is the default share of WDS and it's not the best idea to place other files in there (if that is the same REMINST though). Plus it bypasses the use of DPs (content might get downloaded to the cache, will sit there unused, but the script copies the
    same content from a UNC share).
    Only one deployment type will be executed in the application model.
    0x87D00324 = The application was not detected after installation completed. So double check the detection method.
    Torsten Meringer |

  • Using OS X Install CDs/DVDs On Multiple Macs

    Using OS X Install CDs/DVDs On Multiple Macs
    The question of using system/software install CDs/DVDs on more than one machine is frequently asked.
    So, FYI:
    System software installation CDs/DVDs, that come with a particular Mac model, are hardware specific to that model, and not intended to be used on other Mac models. For instance, the CDs/DVDs that are shipped with an iMac are not to be used on an iBook or eMac.
    And the "Tiger" DVDs that are shipped with any new Mac, also are not to be used on other Mac models.
    If such an installation were possible, or somehow accomplished successfully, that action would constitute a violation of your license agreement, which limits installation to a single computer.
    The "Single User Software License Agreement" can be found here Software License Agreement.
    Similarly, any "Upgrade" CDs/DVDs for a particular Mac OS will ONLY work for that Mac & system. For example, if a new Mac that shipped with Jaguar/Panther, was purchased shortly before the release of Panther/Tiger, the user may have purchased "Upgrade" CDs/DVDs, for a lesser price than the full install set. These CDs/DVDs do not contain all of the necessary components for an independent installation of Panther or Tiger.
    The license agreement applies to single user retail versions of system software. The "Panther" or "Tiger" boxed set, for example.
    ali b

    Here are the requirements for Lion:
    In order to install Lion you have to have Snow Leopard and then update to 10.6.8:
    Personally I suggest that you stop at Snow Leopard.  It still is the most efficient OS that Apple has devised and it still works great.  Go to the Lions only if there are feature that you really need.  There may be a price to pay in slower performance though.

  • Convert sapgui.exe to .msi

    Dear Expert ,
    How i can Convert sapgui.exe to  .msi file. So that I can easlly diploy in all my client PC.

    > Via this method  GUI not installing.Basically we want to diploy SAP GUI in all my Client Workstation via
    > following method . For these method we required  .MSI  file.
    > Using Domain Level group policy in Windows environment.
    >                      or
    > Using SMS Server Software distribution method.
    >                        or
    > Using Windows deployment server as Application package with OS
    in all three methods you can use the above command to install the package.
    And you can create you .msi package out of the Administration tool.

  • How To Install Multiple OBIEE Instances On One Linux Machine

    OS: Red Hat ES 5.2
    OBIEE :
    We one development server(Linux) where one OBIEE was installed with os user as 'ora1a' (Deployed on Oracle Application Server
    and now I have installed OBIEE on same Linux Server with different user(ora2b) and different mount point (Deployed on Another Oracle Application Server )
    But My OBIEE was not working and I came to know that only one can be working by default.
    After following few notes i have update and odbc.ini with different ports ie from 9704 to 9725 and bounced BI server and presentation server
    But still its not working can any one tell me what are all needs to update to make it work
    Thanks in advance
    Bhanu Chander
    Reference's i used: HOW TO: Install Multiple OBIEE Instances On One UNIX Machine          (Doc ID 605582.1)

    I was not much clear about what you are telling
    See my first OBIEE instance URL is (As i deployed OBIEE on Application server 10g(OAS1))
    and second one is (As i deployed OBIEE on another Application server 10g(OAS2))
    Also My port for first OBIEE instance is 9704 and second one is 9725(Which i changed to this)
    Now tell me what are all i should update
    Bhanu Chander

  • Client Install Issue - SCCM 2012 R2 - Manual Deploy Installed ok

    Hello, I have sccm 2012 configured with 2,000 machine approx. It is been used mainly as a Software Deployment tool for now. On checking a recent IE10 upgrade, I noticed that there is a number of machines that do not have the client installed (and thus did
    not upgrade IE). I picked 1 machine, searched in SCCM - had no client. I checked all relevant settings:
    Boundary for Client in question - ok
    Local Client Settings (ip,dns,no firewall, ping sccm ok and vice versa etc).
    Once i right clicked to deploy the client, it installed no problem. I checked the ccmsetup log file and the only info it had was from the time that the client was manually deployed (I will attach the log below anyway). I am really puzzled as to why the client
    did not install and if this is the issue why IE is not upgrading (it is hard to pinpoint as there are 250 sites approx). The automatic install task works no problem on other machines once the machine goes online.
    Any help, would be great. Here is the log (I am fairly new to SCCM btw):
    SCCM 2012 R2 - Windows 7 SP1 32 Bit
    ==========[ ccmsetup started in process 7196 ]==========    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    4100 (0x1004)
    Running on platform X86    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    4100 (0x1004)
    Launch from folder C:\Windows\ccmsetup\    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    4100 (0x1004)
    CcmSetup version: 5.0.7958.1401    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    4100 (0x1004)
    In ServiceMain    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Running on 'Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise ' (6.1.7601). Service Pack (1.0). SuiteMask = 272. Product Type = 18    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Ccmsetup command line: "C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /runservice /ForceInstall /config:MobileClient.tcf    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Command line parameters for ccmsetup have been specified.  No registry lookup for command line parameters is required.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Command line: "C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /runservice /ForceInstall /config:MobileClient.tcf    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    SslState value: 224    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    CCMHTTPPORT:    80    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    CCMHTTPSPORT:    443    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    CCMHTTPSSTATE:    224    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    CCMHTTPSCERTNAME:        ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    FSP:    COLSCCM01.LC-UK.ORG    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    CCMFIRSTCERT:    1    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Config file:      C:\Windows\ccmsetup\MobileClientUnicode.tcf    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Retry time:       10 minute(s)    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    MSI log file:     C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs\client.msi.log    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
     ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Source List:    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
                      \\\SMSClient    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
                      \\COLSCCM01.LC-UK.ORG\SMSClient    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    MPs:    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
                ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    No version of the client is currently detected.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Folder 'Microsoft\Configuration Manager' not found. Task does not exist.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Updated security on object C:\Windows\ccmsetup\.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Sending Fallback Status Point message to 'COLSCCM01.LC-UK.ORG', STATEID='100'.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Failed to get client version for sending messages to FSP. Error 0x8004100e    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    Params to send FSP message '5.0.7958.1401 Deployment '    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:39    500 (0x01F4)
    State message with TopicType 800 and TopicId {19607F6A-0C46-488C-B28D-36640FB0DF94} has been sent to the FSP    FSPStateMessage    05/02/2015 16:28:40    500 (0x01F4)
    Running as user "SYSTEM"    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:40    500 (0x01F4)
    Detected 434753 MB free disk space on system drive.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:40    500 (0x01F4)
    Checking Write Filter Status.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:40    500 (0x01F4)
    This is not a supported write filter device. We are not in a write filter maintenance mode.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:40    500 (0x01F4)
    Performing AD query: '(&(ObjectCategory=mSSMSManagementPoint)(mSSMSDefaultMP=TRUE)(mSSMSSiteCode=COL))'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:40    500 (0x01F4)
    OperationalXml '<ClientOperationalSettings><Version>5.00.7958.1000</Version><SecurityConfiguration><SecurityModeMask>0</SecurityModeMask><SecurityModeMaskEx>224</SecurityModeMaskEx><HTTPPort>80</HTTPPort><HTTPSPort>443</HTTPSPort><CertificateStoreName></CertificateStoreName><CertificateIssuers></CertificateIssuers><CertificateSelectionCriteria></CertificateSelectionCriteria><CertificateSelectFirstFlag>1</CertificateSelectFirstFlag><SiteSigningCert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iteSigningCert></SecurityConfiguration><RootSiteCode>COL</RootSiteCode><CCM>
    <CommandLine>SMSSITECODE=COL SMSCACHESIZE=10240</CommandLine> </CCM><FSP> <FSPServer></FSPServer> </FSP><Capabilities SchemaVersion ="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState"
    Value="0" /></Capabilities><Domain Value="" /><Forest Value="" /></ClientOperationalSettings>'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500
    Unable to open Registry key Software\Microsoft\CCM. Return Code [80070002]. Client HTTPS state is Unknown.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    The MP name retrieved is '' with version '7958' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>'    ccmsetup  
     05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    MP '' is compatible    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Retrieved 1 MP records from AD for site 'COL'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Retrived site version '5.00.7958.1000' from AD for site 'COL'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    SiteCode:         COL    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    SiteVersion:      5.00.7958.1000    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Only one MP is specified. Use it.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Searching for DP locations from MP(s)...    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Current AD site of machine is Millbank    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Local Machine is joined to an AD domain    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Current AD forest name is, domain name is    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    DhcpGetOriginalSubnetMask entry point is supported.    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Begin checking Alternate Network Configuration    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Finished checking Alternate Network Configuration    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Adapter {743579BD-D66A-4BF9-B487-2AAC075B9473} is DHCP enabled. Checking quarantine status.    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Adapter {8F25ACE0-AE8A-45DD-BF3D-F1315E2B9974} is DHCP enabled. Checking quarantine status.    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Adapter {8AE4D673-90E8-4FCF-AE50-79474ADC6190} is DHCP enabled. Checking quarantine status.    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Adapter {9AA2CA9C-0C0A-48E3-B67E-F9E574AE9DB2} is DHCP enabled. Checking quarantine status.    LocationServices    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Sending message body '<ContentLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00">
      <AssignedSite SiteCode="COL"/>
      <ClientLocationInfo LocationType="SMSPACKAGE" DistributeOnDemand="0" UseProtected="0" AllowCaching="0" BranchDPFlags="0" AllowHTTP="1" AllowSMB="0" AllowMulticast="0"
        <ADSite Name="Millbank"/>
        <Forest Name=""/>
        <Domain Name=""/>
    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
    '    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Sending message header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1"><ID>{57972056-54D4-461F-B818-D3420A0B5C51}</ID><SourceHost>LCD14572</SourceHost><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:LCD14572:LS_ReplyLocations</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>600</Timeout><ReqVersion>5931</ReqVersion><TargetHost></TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2015-02-05T16:28:41Z</SentTime><Body
    Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="1084"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015
    16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    CCM_POST 'HTTP://'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Content boundary is '--aAbBcCdDv1234567890VxXyYzZ'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Received header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1">
    Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="2378"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/><Hook Name="authenticate"><Property Name="Signature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roperty><Property
    Name="AuthSenderMachine">COLSCCM01;;</Property><Property Name="MPSiteCode">COL</Property></Hook></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>'    ccmsetup  
     05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Received reply body '<ContentLocationReply SchemaVersion="1.00"><ContentInfo PackageFlags="16777216"><ContentHashValues/></ContentInfo><Sites><Site><MPSite SiteCode="COL" MasterSiteCode="COL"
    SiteLocality="LOCAL" IISPreferedPort="80" IISSSLPreferedPort="443"/><LocationRecords><LocationRecord><URL Name="$/COL00002" Signature="$/COL00002"/><ADSite
    Name="Millbank"/><IPSubnets><IPSubnet Address=""/><IPSubnet Address=""/></IPSubnets><Metric Value=""/><Version>7958</Version><Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property
    Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities><ServerRemoteName></ServerRemoteName><DPType>SERVER</DPType><Windows Trust="1"/><Locality>LOCAL</Locality></LocationRecord></LocationRecords></Site></Sites><ClientPackage
    FullPackageID="COL00002" FullPackageVersion="2" FullPackageHash="DB3D5D115FC93F6275817FB9791864D98D4AF6897339B9D4AB1C0DE456C240A8" MinimumClientVersion="5.00.7958.1000" RandomizeMaxDays="7" ProgramEnabled="false"
    LastModifiedTime="30376953;932870912" SiteVersionMatch="true" SiteVersion="5.00.7958.1000" EnablePeerCache="true"/><RelatedContentIDs/></ContentLocationReply>'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015
    16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Found local location '$/COL00002'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Discovered 1 local DP locations.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    PROPFIND '$/COL00002'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Got 401 challenge Retrying with Windows Auth...    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    PROPFIND '$/COL00002'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:41    500 (0x01F4)
    Using DP location$/COL00002    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    GET '$/COL00002/'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Got 401 challenge Retrying with Windows Auth...    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    GET '$/COL00002/'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ is Microsoft trusted.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Successfully extracted manifest file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.xml from file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Retrieved client version '5.00.7958.1000' and minimum assignable site version '5.00.7845.1000' from manifest    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Checking compatibility of site version '5.00.7958.1000', expect newer than '5.00.7845.1000'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Site version '5.00.7958.1000' is compatible. Client deployment will continue.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Location '$/COL00002' passed site version check.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Loading manifest file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.xml    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Successfully loaded ccmsetup manifest file.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Checking if manifest version '5.00.7958.1000' is newer than the ccmsetup version '5.0.7958.1401'    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Running from temp downloaded folder or manifest is not newer than ccmsetup.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'i386/vcredist_x86.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'x64/vcredist_x64.exe' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'i386/vc50727_x86.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'x64/vc50727_x64.exe' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'i386/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'x64/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'i386/msxml6.msi' is applicable. Add to the list.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'x64/msxml6_x64.msi' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'i386/msrdcoob_x86.exe' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'x64/msrdcoob_amd64.exe' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'pkgmgr.exe' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'dism.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'wimgapi.msi' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'i386/MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi' is applicable. Add to the list.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'x64/MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi' is not applicable.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 16:28:42    500 (0x01F4)
    Item 'i386/WindowsFirewallConfigurationProvider.msi' is applicable. Add to the list.    ccmsetup    05/02/2015 1

    Hi, Yes i had a look at the log yesterday. there are errors initially, but then the install completes. I can copy the whole log here, the machine in question is LCD14572. If you could take a look would be great. Still doesnt explain why i had to manually
    push the client though:
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushRequestMachineResource] 2097154539    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:05:58    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushMachineName] 2097154539    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:05:58    3648 (0x0E40)
    Received request: "2097154539" for machine name: "LCD15000" on queue: "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:05:58    3648 (0x0E40)
    Stored request "2097154539", machine name "LCD15000", in queue "Processing".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:05:58    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetPushRequestMachineStatus] 2097154539, 1    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:05:58    3648 (0x0E40)
    ----- Started a new CCR processing thread. Thread ID is 0x12d8. There are now 1 processing threads    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Submitted request successfully    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Getting a new request from queue "Retry" after 100 millisecond delay.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Found CCR "2097154540.ccr" in queue "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    ======>Begin Processing request: "2097154539", machine name: "LCD15000"    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    4824 (0x12D8)
    Execute query exec [sp_IsMPAvailable] N'COL'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\LCD15000\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    4824 (0x12D8)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushRequestMachine] 2097154540    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Successfully retrieved information for machine LCD14589 from DB    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushRequestMachineIP] 2097154540    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushRequestMachineResource] 2097154540    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushMachineName] 2097154540    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Received request: "2097154540" for machine name: "LCD14589" on queue: "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Stored request "2097154540", machine name "LCD14589", in queue "Processing".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetPushRequestMachineStatus] 2097154540, 1    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:00    3648 (0x0E40)
    ----- Started a new CCR processing thread. Thread ID is 0x1d10. There are now 2 processing threads    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Submitted request successfully    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Getting a new request from queue "Retry" after 100 millisecond delay.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Found CCR "2097154542.ccr" in queue "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    ======>Begin Processing request: "2097154540", machine name: "LCD14589"    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    7440 (0x1D10)
    Execute query exec [sp_IsMPAvailable] N'COL'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\LCD14589\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    7440 (0x1D10)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushRequestMachine] 2097154542    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Successfully retrieved information for machine LCD14571 from DB    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushRequestMachineIP] 2097154542    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushRequestMachineResource] 2097154542    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetPushMachineName] 2097154542    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Received request: "2097154542" for machine name: "LCD14571" on queue: "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Stored request "2097154542", machine name "LCD14571", in queue "Processing".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetPushRequestMachineStatus] 2097154542, 1    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:02    3648 (0x0E40)
    ----- Started a new CCR processing thread. Thread ID is 0x1768. There are now 3 processing threads    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:04    3648 (0x0E40)
    Submitted request successfully    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:04    3648 (0x0E40)
    Getting a new request from queue "Retry" after 100 millisecond delay.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:04    3648 (0x0E40)
    Sleeping for 60 minutes for queue "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:04    3648 (0x0E40)
    ======>Begin Processing request: "2097154542", machine name: "LCD14571"    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:04    5992 (0x1768)
    Execute query exec [sp_IsMPAvailable] N'COL'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:05    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:05    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\LCD14571\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:05    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:21    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> The device LCD15000 does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:21    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:21    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:21    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:23    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> The device LCD14589 does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:23    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:23    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:23    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:26    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> The device LCD14571 does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:26    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:26    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:26    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> The device does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\LCD15000\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> The device LCD15000 does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> ERROR: Unable to access target machine for request: "2097154539", machine name: "LCD15000",  access denied or invalid network path.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47  
     4824 (0x12D8)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetLastErrorCode] 2097154539, 53    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    Stored request "2097154539", machine name "LCD15000", in queue "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetPushRequestMachineStatus] 2097154539, 2    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetLatest] 2097154539, N'02/05/2015 16:06:47', 2    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    <======End request: "2097154539", machine name: "LCD15000".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> The device does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\LCD14589\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> The device LCD14589 does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> ERROR: Unable to access target machine for request: "2097154540", machine name: "LCD14589",  access denied or invalid network path.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51  
     7440 (0x1D10)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetLastErrorCode] 2097154540, 53    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    Stored request "2097154540", machine name "LCD14589", in queue "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetPushRequestMachineStatus] 2097154540, 2    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetLatest] 2097154540, N'02/05/2015 16:06:51', 2    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    <======End request: "2097154540", machine name: "LCD14589".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> The device does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> Trying the 'best-shot' account which worked for previous CCRs (index = 0x0)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> Attempting to connect to administrative share '\\LCD14571\admin$' using account 'LC-UK\VAdmin'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account LC-UK\VAdmin (00000035)    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> The device LCD14571 does not exist on the network. Giving up    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    ---> ERROR: Unable to access target machine for request: "2097154542", machine name: "LCD14571",  access denied or invalid network path.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55  
     5992 (0x1768)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetLastErrorCode] 2097154542, 53    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    Stored request "2097154542", machine name "LCD14571", in queue "Retry".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetPushRequestMachineStatus] 2097154542, 2    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetLatest] 2097154542, N'02/05/2015 16:06:55', 2    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    <======End request: "2097154542", machine name: "LCD14571".    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:06:55    5992 (0x1768)
    CCR count in queue "Retry" is 3.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:07:42    6564 (0x19A4)
    Sleeping for 634 seconds...    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:07:43    6564 (0x19A4)
    Thread has been inactive too long. Closing thread    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    --- This thread is terminating due to inactivity    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    ----- Terminated CCR processing thread. There are now 2 processing threads    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:47    4824 (0x12D8)
    Thread has been inactive too long. Closing thread    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    --- This thread is terminating due to inactivity    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    ----- Terminated CCR processing thread. There are now 1 processing threads    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:51    7440 (0x1D10)
    Thread has been inactive too long. Closing thread    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:55    5992 (0x1768)
    --- This thread is terminating due to inactivity    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:55    5992 (0x1768)
    ----- Terminated CCR processing thread. There are now 0 processing threads    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:16:55    5992 (0x1768)
    Sleeping for 1 seconds...    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:16    6564 (0x19A4)
    The Site Control File has not changed since the last parameter update.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:17    6564 (0x19A4)
    Updating Site Parameters    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    MP Ports: 80    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    IISPreferedPort: 80    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    MP SSL Ports: 443    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    IISSSLPreferedPort: 443    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Default MP:    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Default MP Type: 1    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Default MP: [None]    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Certificate Selection Criteria:    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Certificate Store:    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    SSL State: 224    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Select First Certificate: 1    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Certificate Issuers:    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Checking configuration information for server: COLSCCM01.LC-UK.ORG.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Checking configuration information for server: COLSCCM01.LC-UK.ORG.    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Fallback Status Point:    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Install on DC: False    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Option for installing using IP address: 0    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Sleeping for 1200 seconds...    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:18:18    6564 (0x19A4)
    Waiting for change in directory "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\" for queue "Incoming", (30 minute backup timeout).    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:23:39  
     2876 (0x0B3C)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_GetNewPushMachines] N'COL'    SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER    05/02/2015 16:28:09    2876 (0x0B3C)
    Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetPushRequestMachineStatus] 2097154468, 1    SMS_CLIENT_CONF

  • General advice on using SCCM (SMS) to deploy SAPGUI

    I was curious for anyone's opinion on the use of Microsoft's SCCM tool for deploying SAPGUI.  At our organization, I am hoping to take advantage of this capability so that the SAP technical team is not "too" involved in the day-to-day deployment activities.
    Some specific questions:
    1. The only way to do this is to create an SAP installation server so that you can then create the single installation package (and then hand it over to SCCM)? 
    2. Assuming I am correct on #1, to patch the GUI, youu2019d have to patch the installation server and create a new installation package and let SCCM advertise it out (i.e. not make use of any of the SAP techniques (e.g. the new automatic workstation updated).
    3. How have you managed the distribution/update of files (saplogon to the u2018newu2019 location, services, etc) on the PCs --- via the package scripting capability of the SAP installer (OSS 1035560)?  I had the idea to request this capability of the SCCM team as well!
    Thanks for any input!

    We have multiple agencies which have thier own method of deploying out to their end users.  Mostly through SMS (or whatever it is called now a days) but that is up to the agencies requirements.
    Here I will elaborate on your questions and divulge a little of our situation.
    1 - Correct.  Create a Installation server and build the package.  From that package it can be put into a SMS package and deployed. (we use this method)
    2 - Yes and also.  Yes, you can update the Installation server and re-create your package with the updated patch included.  I believe you would also need to remove the SAP GUI to re-install the new with the updated information.  My advice would be to  utilize SMS to push just the patch from SAP to your end users which will update the existing machines with the already installed SAP GUI. (We use this method)
    3 - We utilize the variable SAPLOGON_INI_FILE which you can point the machine to an area of your choice to where your saplogon.ini file is located.
    Our use:
    We use both the installation server as well as Wise Studio for our package.  Installation server creates the SAP GUI deployment.  Wise Studio comes in and allows us to set variables and allows us to have a predetermined INI laid on the machine. (We have low speed connections as well as disability users and General users etc.  Depending on switches used during the push install or manually, it will drop a copy of the INI as requested which is built into the Wise "wrapper" we created)  It also allows us to place SSO information and files, registry info, additional INI's which are specific to our landscape.  The Wise installation then calls the SAP GUI installer created from the Installation server.  At the end of the GUI install, it places the predetermined INI file over the one created at the point of install.  (Keep in mind this is just a brief overview)
    I am sure there are other possibilities but these are just from our experiences here.  I would have to let others speak to how they perform such operations.
    Edited by: Michael Zecher on Jun 10, 2011 10:39 AM

  • Install agent on solaris 10 using agent deploy application?

    Hi all,
    I have installed 10g grid control on solaris 10 with new repository database on same machine.
    The OMS, and agent is running on grid host.
    Now I want to add other hosts (targets) into grid. For this, I have to install agent on target hosts. I am using agent deploy application method for installation of agent.
    It is giving error
    Istall --> Failed
    "Pre-Install Script is Not Executed, Install is Failed, Run is Not Executed, Post-Install Script is Not Executed, Collection of Logs is Success"
    version for agent and OMS is and for repository database is 10.1.04
    any idea, how to troubleshoot this?

    Did you get answer? I had same problem on agent deployment on linux 2.6.9-55.ELsmp.

  • Publish a web deploy package using Deploy tool (msdeploy.exe) and *.PublishSetting file

    I have created a web deploy package (*.zip) file using Visual studio. Also I have created a website in Azure and got the publish settings file.
    Now say, I have only web deploy package and publish settings file. How can I publish this package to Azure website using the command prompt with msdeploy.exe command?
    Im trying something like the below:
    msdeploy.exe -source:package='D:\WebDeploy\' -dest:auto,computerName="",userName="$WebDeployTestSite",password="***********",authtype="Basic",includeAcls="False"
    -verb:sync -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension -disableLink:CertificateExtension -setParamFile:"D:\WebDeploy\WebProfile.SetParameters.xml"
    I'm getting the below error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Error: Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'http://webdeploytests'.
    Error: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a r
    Error: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection
     was forcibly closed by the remote host.
    Error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
    Error count: 1.

    As you are using http:// connection instead of https:// in your connection, check the below provide solutions:
    1. In the publish profile window, You need to check the "Allow untrusted certificate" checkbox and the publish should succceed
    You may refer following link for more information:
    2. Alternatively, add the –allowUntrusted flag on the command.
    And, we always recommend you to use 'PowerShell' to run the commands instead of normal 'CommandPrompt'. Also, you may temporarily disable the Antirvius in your computer for testing purpose and check if it might be blocking the connection.
    Manu Rekhar

  • I have a CD, Creative Suite 6, Education Edition, which I've used on my pc. Now I've changed to an Imac and can't install the CD. There is install.exe that can be used on a Mac. Could you please help me?

    I have changed from PC to an Imac and try to install the CD with Creative Suite6, design & web premium, Education Edition which I bought before the cloud appeared. I can't find the install.exe for mac on it, just for pc. What shall I do?

    The only cross grade option I know of is the one I linked you to in my original reply.
    Phone support | Orders, returns exchanges
    For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
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  • SCCM Office 2010 Deployment - "already compliant"?

    Hi, I am deploying Office 2010 successfully to a group of machines on our network. It looks like there are machines that state "already compliant" even though the install definetely has not gone through. I checked some of the logs no record. Also
    reinstalled the sccm agent.
    In Software Centre - Installed Software - under Size 0 it states "Less than 1 MB". Going around in cycles here.
    Any ideas?
    SCCM - 2012 R2 / Windows 7 Ent / Office 2010 Pro Plus

    Hi Paul, i dont have access to that info. Any idea how i get that it? CHeers
    Its Application deployment
    To check the detection method. Select the application and then choose the Deployment Types tab at the bottom of the console.
    Double click the Windows Installer msi deployment that appears. Then select the Detection Method tab. This will show you the detection method being used. 
    Paul |
    Hi Paul, sorry for the late reply. the deployment type is registry:
    I have checked the compliant list and its strange, some are compliant and some are not. I have removed the above, and set the detection to File System:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14
    Do i need to redeploy the software?

  • Deploying a Windows update MSU-file in SCCM 2007

    Hi all,
    we have SCCM 2007. I have a Windows Update file that i need to deploy via SCCM. Its a file with the extension msu. Do i need to convert it to an exe file? If so, how would i be able to do it?
    Please advice. Thank you.

    You don't need to convert the update, you use WUSA.exe with the MSU file eg. wusa.exe Windows6.0-KB934307-x86.msu /quiet
    Take a look at these two articles they explain how to distribute the file:
    Kent Agerlund

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