MSI GX623 Resolution

My laptop native resolution is 1680x1050, i want it change to 1440x900. With old MSI VGA drivers laptop supported 1440x900, but when i instaled nevest drivers from ATI resolution dsnt show in windows 7, it changed to 1400x1050 and when i use this res on sides appear black lines.. How can i change it to 1440x900?

I found solution in another forum.. It's worked for me
Just add a line to one of the DALNonStandardModesBCD lines within the following path.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Video\{28EB637D-0B05-40E2-9B10-67836FF468A5}\0000]
(The big number at the end before the 4 zero's is random but you should be able to find yours, if you have installed multiple versions of catalysts you will have loads of different ones so make sure you modify the correct one by looking in your catalyst control panel at the "2d driver file path" entry within "information center").
For example I have just edited the DALNonStandardModesBCD1 entry to look like the following example which added 1280x900 at 60hz.

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    Quote from: Mark on 11-January-11, 05:54:26
    Could be heat related. Do you know what temperature your CPU and GPU are running?
    Just to be sure on the driver front, uninstall your current graphics card drivers, run >>Driver Sweeper<< to clear any driver traces, reboot and then install the ones from the MSI website:

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    Hey! I have made some improvement on this matter. You mast disable power play in your drivers and tray installing ati tray tools. Create a profile for each game and add 3D settings to the profile in the manager of the tool. Run the game from the manager.
    This shut help you to stabilise the game a bit.

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    Quote from: modder on 12-August-10, 11:31:50
    Updating the video driver wont help, because the res depends on the monitor driver and that is included in win7. I'm 99.5% sure you have a 1280x800 res screen. You can upgrade the screen, if you're interested I can give you a great link to a guide.
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    Quote from: killercarrot on 24-August-10, 03:41:19
    Something is wrong then, aint it?
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    What can be a solution to my problem?
    Please help

    Thank you for answer darkhawk-
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    Not plugged: works just fine on battery mode.
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    I am on Windows XP PRO SP3 and i want to switch to Win 7 PRO SP1 but i am not willing to do that yet because of this problem.
    If you switch to Windows 7, the driver is already included, so nothing to worry about there.
    I got the CD with the driver but is from 2006 when i bought the PC and you can figure... driver is damn old.
    Your board is old too. Doesn't matter if the driver is 'old', you can still install and use it.

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    There is no other bios. Furthermore your notebook is not verified to be update-able for Windows 8:
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    Quote from: Choub890 on 03-October-09, 03:27:45
    My GX620 battery light indicator changed orange when 10%>.
    I've just done quick simulation to different one :D /* With 100% charged battery */
    Just to test what how they will light if my battery is going bad or low discharged level.{which i don't want to do in reality}
    [i also changed the color a bit]
    Forced battery LED On,{which normally means that battery is charging, but that's not the case,{my battery is already charged to the max}
    i've done battery led light test simulation}[not related to battery status]
    Battery led is marked in blue, right led is numlock led which glow in green i leave it to compare with battery led light since my webcam is bad}:
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    I've force it to light again without battery installed, then force it to blink if you have bad battery:
    Battery taken out,[shown below, sorry for the bad quality its taken with crappy webcam] forced simulation to shows that my battery is bad:
    [Which can't be true since i don't have any battery installed, {i've removed it temporary just for the simulation}
    its just simulation to check how the led will lights if i really have a bad battery and to see how will blinks]
    And yes i also follow the sticky for properly battery usage:
    And my battery{which is year old}, its in perfect condition
    Listed above is just test simulation{patched temporary my notebook a bit} to check how the lights will works in opposite condition
    In reality i don't want to do that, i've simulated dead battery process instead.

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