MSI Wind kernel question

Is there any Arch package of kernel compiled for Wind?

I downloaded CPUz but it shows Specification as 1.6Ghz and core speed as approximately 926mhz.    The power on button changes from blue to orange, but other than that i have no idea if it is OCing.
Yes, you're overclocking. The CPU only runs at full speed when its under full load (to save power). Normally when idle, the CPU speed drops to 800mhz, so the fact that yours is idling at 926mhz means the OC is active. Put the CPU under heavy load, using something like SuperPi or Prime95, and you'll see the CPU speed will exceed 1600mhz.

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    lucke wrote:Here's the newest driver which compiles under 2.6.27.
    Thanks a lot, thay worked fine.

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    I downloaded CPUz but it shows Specification as 1.6Ghz and core speed as approximately 926mhz.    The power on button changes from blue to orange, but other than that i have no idea if it is OCing.
    Yes, you're overclocking. The CPU only runs at full speed when its under full load (to save power). Normally when idle, the CPU speed drops to 800mhz, so the fact that yours is idling at 926mhz means the OC is active. Put the CPU under heavy load, using something like SuperPi or Prime95, and you'll see the CPU speed will exceed 1600mhz.

  • Recommended Kernel For The MSI Wind U100

    Hi folks,
    I am currently running the -ck kernel, the same as I have on my laptop, but I am currently thinking that a more specialised kernel may give me better performance on my MSI Wind U100 netbook. I reckon that the Aspire One kernel may fit the bill because of the similar hardware, but I wanted to hear about anyone's experience with this kernel (or any other) on the Wind. Recommendations welcome!

    To the nutshell: Seems we understand, great
    Regarding the defaults:
    Well most of the kernel options have a little help text associated that *may* give an idea what it's about... But I guess you rather look for a good place to start.
    You could either use the config of your running kernel: look inside /proc/config.gz. Or you could start with the one that comes with the AUR. If you already run the -ck kernel now, you unknowingly used the config it provides and the above will be the same of course.
    I still recommend kernel26-ice with enabled -bfs patch but I guess -ck will in the end use the same scheduler...? Whatever
    So in -ck look for this section:
    # get kernel version
    make prepare
    # load configuration
    # Configure the kernel. Replace the line below with one of your choice.
    #make menuconfig # CLI menu for configuration
    #make xconfig # X-based configuration
    #make oldconfig # using old config from previous kernel version
    # ... or manually edit .config
    # stop here
    # this is useful to configure the kernel
    #msg "Stopping build"
    #return 1
    Activate "load configuration" (hopefully that uses /proc/config.gz automatically) and either "menuconfig" or "xconfig" so you later get a menu/gui to edit that file.
    The commented "stop here" part irritates me, though... I would think the msg and return 1 line should be uncommented as well but - not sure at the moment. Try it, you will see if it stops building while you see the config. It should do...
    In -ice-kernel you'd look for
    ### User/Environment defined variables
    and replace "0" with "1" for bfs_scheduler, menuconfig and use_config_gz and maybe also enable_fastboot.
    (optionally look for something like this:
    # configure kernel
    if [ "$menuconfig" = "1" ]; then
    make menuconfig ## <-- this one
    yes "" | make config
    and replace the "make menuconfig" with "make xconfig"or whatever. I prefer gconfig)
    Save the PKGBUILD and run makepkg
    After some downloading, extracting and patching you should finally SEE the menu/gui. Tada.
    To make sure you can now load the config file you saved above but it *should* allready be done...
    Now look at "General Setup->Local Version". The -ck kernel will most likely say -ck there, standard arch says -ARCH. It may be wise to give your kernel a uniqe name so you don't overwrite your working one... (Remember to add an entry for it in /boot/grub/menu.lst to be able to start it later.) You will need to take care of updates manually then, though. 
    And at last:  "Processor-type and features" seems to be the most interesting region for you
    (For the other options - well there are LOTS of them. Some will also influence performance.... So I guess best advice is take your time and only fiddle with options you understand.)
    If you are done save the setting and exit the program. Now "the real work" should start. If you do it on the netbook - you will probably need SOME patience for that too!
    When it's done install the kernel with pacman -U </patch/to/directory/where/I/just/build/the/kernel.tar.gz
    If you changed menu.lst you can select YOUR kernel on next boot and try if it does what it should.
    Good look
    Oh and you may need to (re)install some modules for graphic cards, wifi or whatever for this kernel too...
    [Edit: Me needs antiverbose-switch! just wanted to give a *short* answer:) ]
    Last edited by MAroco (2010-02-25 21:14:25)

  • MSI Wind DC110 not recognising keyboard

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    I found that someone listed the same problem but I could not see any answers!

    There are multiple users with this problem. Did you in the meantime find an answer to your question? Could you please post it for our benefit? Thanks

  • Conky vs gnome applet [CPU @ Msi Wind]

    Hi! This is most probably not an arch issue, but I dare to ask for what you think.
    I'm using laptop-mode-tools with cpufreq on my Msi Wind netbook to limit CPU frequency when on battery. LCD brightness control works fine and HDD APM also. But when it comes to CPU - conky shows that it's still running with its maximal 1.6GHz (well, actually it shows various values between 1575 and 1602 MHz) while gnome panel applet shows 800MHz.
    So my question is - which of them should I believe? Or maybe some other way to check that?

    Are you using freq or freq_dyn in your conky config? If you are using freq, it is just taking the same value displayed in /proc/cpuinfo, which is what the Gnome applet is showing. If you are using freq_dyn, it is making some calculations and figuring out the frequency on its own, which is much more accurate.
    Speedstep isn't really changing the real clock speed, it does some other kind of voodoo.
    I've actually found that on my Asus EeePC 901 (also Atom powered), underclocking with the FSB gives much better battery life than Speedstep, I get about an hour more by disabling Speedstep and underclocking to 1.25Ghz.
    Last edited by elliott (2008-11-13 19:51:10)

  • MSI Wind Top AG2712 i7-3630QM 1TB 128GB SSD 12GB W8

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    I'm from Poland and my English isn't very well.
    I have a question:  I have MSI Wind Top AG2712 i7-3630QM 1TB 128GB SSD 12GB W8   and I have gaphic card GTX 670MX. Would i have a NVIDIA  GTX 970M on thic AiO PC?  Please write back!
    Good be!

    With AiO I guess it's similar to notebooks: it might work, but there are few factors that might have to be changed. For example you would most likely have to modify heatsink for the GPU. Also custom BIOS might also be needed.
    As long as these can have their GPUs removed/swapped around. So even if you buy 970M, make sure you will be able to return it in case it don't work.
    I would ask MSI as they have all the details about each AiO version and graphics cards, so they should be able to answer this straight away, simple as "Yes or No", as currently on the forum we can only guess whether it will work or not.
    >>How to contact MSI.<<

  • MSI Wind as NAS

    I've decided to set up a NAS for my house. Presently it's so I can share key data and have access to that key data from 2 desktops and wirelessly by a laptop. I figure I'll run either WHS, linux or even possibly XP Pro on the NAS.
    I have a few basic questions at the moment:
    0. I'm wondering how worth it it would be to get the MSI Wind with the dual core Atom 1.6 GHz processor (N330) over the N230 Atom 1.6 GHz processor. Is it worth the extra ~$32? My own immediate plans are to use it as a file server.
    1. WHS, Linux, XP Pro? I could even run Vista (I have Vista Ultimate, currently not used and could use it... will the MSI Wind run Vista?)
    2. If I decide to run Linux, can I install it without having a DVD drive in the MSI Wind barebones, assuming that's what I get (the MSI Wind machines only support SATA and my DVD drives are all IDE)? I suppose that would mean I would be installing it from a USB flash drive, or even a USB external HD (I have one). Is that possible and not too hard to do or would I need that DVD drive to install Linux?
    3. If I decide to use Linux for the NAS OS, what flavor of Linux would I want to use?
    4. Would there be any difficulties in using Linux as a file server OS from PCs running XP Pro? Could I actually run some of my "Windows" applications right on the NAS, running the executables (residing on the NAS's HD) from the local machines?
    5. One of my main concerns is low power usage. I plan on 24/7 accessibility for the file server. Does the choice of OS impact power usage and how?
    6. Also, if and when I install a 2nd HD (e.g. another WD 1TB Green) in the MSI Wind, would this impact the power consumption? Can the HDs be configured (e.g. in Linux or WHS or XP Pro) to spin down when reasonably idle)?

    Quote from: Stu on 10-August-09, 05:14:00
    I presume you're referring to the Wind nettop series?
    SATA DVD writer drives are very inexpensive nowadays, but you can just as well install your OS from a USB flash drive.
    If you want to try Linux, you can run Ubuntu as a server OS, or you could try a dedicated fileserver OS like SME.
    I think the nettop has the dual core Atom 1.6 GHz processor. The barebones systems with this cost roughly 25% more than the ones with the non dual core Atom 1.6 GHz processor. One of my questions is "is the extra cost worth it to get the nettop barebones?"
    Yes, the SATA DVD writers can be had for ~$25 it appears, but I have no need of one other than to install the NAS OS, so that's why I'm looking for a workaround. FreeNAS, it appears, needs to be installed from CD. I hear that I can install WHS from a USB flash drive, but creating that flash drive is not trivial. The only instructions I've encountered so far require a Vista machine and I don't have a Vista machine. I do have a laptop that supports Vista, and a copy of Vista Ultimate but don't welcome the hassle of "upgrading" my laptop. I have issues enough to deal with right now!

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    is there a bios-fix to reverse/swap the keys functions of the "Fn" key with "Left Ctrl" for the MSI Wind U110. I don't know why this keyboard is still that disfunctional. I think this is a well known issue, people complaining about for a long time. I am really hoping that you can help me.
    Thank you, CyberKlabauter.

    Quote from: Henry on 08-December-09, 10:47:03
    Have you tried using the 'Search' function up there.
    I did. But maybe I'm to stupid to do it right. I found this thread but there is nothing about the U110. If I'm searching for U110 I get only three topics (one is this one). I guess I shouldn't use any bios hack from a other model.
    May you're willing to help me a little bit more. Thank you.

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    I have installed the xf86-video-intel driver.
    Last two lines from log file:
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    (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.
    Last edited by havkajak (2014-08-03 09:07:36)

    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    # exec gnome-session
    # exec startkde
    # exec startxfce4
    # ...or the Window Manager of your choice

  • Can't start MSI Wind DC110

    Hi, I have an MSI Wind DC110 as a media centre in my living room. Today when I attempted to start it up it stopped on a screen saying "Press F3 to run Recovery Tool". There is no way I can find to get past this screen. I have a wireless keyboard, and the box does not respond to any key-press. I plugged in a USB keyboard, and no lights come on and no keys work. I am completely stuck and unable to boot the box.

    In my opinion this is a defective product, as without reading a manual you should be able to get ANY video, no matter of cable. Unless you have bought a proper barebone (which I believe are being sold too). However before you RMA, did you have everything connected? i.e. keyboard, mouse, power and video cables. Not sure (didn't have a pleasure to read manual yet) but does it have some reset button anywhere? Also did you try spamming Delete key when trying to boot in order to get to BIOS?
    Ahh one more thing: did this come with anything else? Such as USB drive, or drivers on something? Because when I had trouble with my motherboard(had asus before), inserting CD that came with it, restored BIOS settings. Not sure how this one works, but all I see it doesn't have any CD/DVD Rom..

  • Can not sync centro with MSI Wind

    I just purchased a new netbook (MSI Wind) and I want to use my Centro for internet (via PdaNet).  I have done this in the past with my MacBook Pro (running Windows XP Pro in boot camp) and with my Latitude D630 (also Windows XP Pro).  For some reason, however, I can't even get hotsync to work with the MSI Wind (running Windows XP home). 
    I started out by installing the latest version of PalmDesktop (downloaded from  During the point in time where the installation calls for syncing, I tried to sync and it would not work.  There was no error on the PC.  No hotsync window opened.  Eventually the centro just gave me a generic "can not connect" message: 
    "The connection between your handheld computer and the desktop could not be established.  Please check your setup and try again." 
    Of course I tried the online support first:,Kb=PalmSupportKB,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(2630)
    I did everything I could: disconnect Plam device, soft reset, clean the connector, check the ports, etc.  I used the developer's back door.  I tried rebooting the MSI Wind and trying again.  (Yes, the Palm Desktop application is running.)  I tried plugging my Centro into the Dell Latitude I have laying around.  It synced.  I plugged it back into the MSI Wind.  No die.  I tried multiple ports on the MSI Wind.  The only thing I didn't do is check the HotSync configuration because the link from the KB article is broken:,Kb=PalmSupportKB,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(28536), but I did check all the settings that I could see from the PalmDesktop installation on the Dell (where it works) and the MSI (where it doesn't) and everything looked identical to me.  I also haven't re-installed the PalmDesktop softare (yet) because it doesn't make sense that there would be left-over files from a previous installation given that this is a fresh installation of Windows and the first time I've installed PalmDesktop.
    I don't know what the problem is.  Any further suggestions?  It's really a bummer.  The MSI Wind is pretty much useless to me if I can't get internet to it via the cell phone, and I can't do that if I can't even get hotsync to work.
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

    I managed to get the hotsync to work eventually.  I had tried the USB port on the right and the one on the left closest to the battery.  Neither worked.  I figured if 2 didn't work, the third wouldn't either, but when I plugged it into the USB port on the left farthest from the battery it suddenly started working.
    I have no explanation for this.
    Now if only I could figure out the darn Bluetooth...
    Post relates to: Centro (Sprint)

  • [SOLVED] MSI Wind card reader -- no filesystems detected on devices

    Had this issue since I bought my netbook (MSI Wind U120) several months ago. 
    At first I could not mount memory cards until I rebooted the netbook--now card filesystems aren't being detected at all.  The card reader itself appears as /dev/sdb at all times, regardless of whether a card is present.  Inserting a card results in...nothing.  No dmesg updates, no filesystems listed under /dev/sdb*, nothing.
    My Nokia E71 smartphone is experiencing similar behaviour.
    Solution: The devices can be mounted directly via /dev/sdx (vs. /dev/sdb1, etc.)
    Last edited by thayer (2009-12-16 21:54:45)

    tomk wrote:
    Can't help you with the memory card thing, but my Nokia 5800 shows up as /dev/sdb - with no numbers - but it works fine i.e. I just mount /dev/sdb and everything's there.
    Also.. would you two get a room ffs?
    Hah! Wouldn't you know it, it does mount with /dev/sdb! I never would have thought to try that.   
    And *ahem* times being what they are we can't really afford a room =]
    Last edited by thayer (2009-12-16 21:55:06)

  • MSI never answers questions

    Our company have bought a lot of MSI boards over the years, but now we are going to start buying boards elsewhere.
    MSI boards are usually good boards, but whenever there is a problem with a board, MSI never answer questions that we may have.
    I understand that thousands of people are writing them emails everyday, but Asus, Gigatech, Epox etc. always answers our questions, even if it take a week or two or three.
    As of this date we have never recieved 1 (not 1) reply from MSI ever, and that is not acceptable.
    For instance - the last month we have tried to get an answer to why Adaptec RAID and MSI k7D Master do not work - but as always MSI do not answer.
    My advice - do not go for MSI, but buy from Asus, Epox or someone else.

    Yes, I understand your frustration. Personally, I've had an ok experience with MSI so far. As it stands, I've had one board go bad on me and I had it replaced from the supplier no problem. It took about a week.
    However, I can see why you're fed up with MSI. They have been nothing but distant in relation to the many suggestions that have been repeated ad nauseum on this message board, for instance, such as was the case with the PCI speeds. It took many months for MSI to even try to fix that problem. With BIOS 2.6, I hear the problem has been slightly corrected but still needs a lot more in order to join the ranks of other more worthy boards.
    I too am disappointed in MSI. With the millions of $ they possess, you would think that they would set a decent customer help line with a bunch of English-speaking people. Instead, we are met with people who do not even understand one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and therefore cannot even fix whatever problems or conflicts arise.
    Abit, Asus and other board makers have proven that the PCI bug can easily be fixed. However, MSI engineers have done absolutely nothing in good faith until now. After being a witness to their amazingly blatant indifference to the message board members' complaints, I have no choice but to agree.
    What is more, Asus does publish beta BIOSes while MSI does not. So if one major bug is the process of being corrected, anybody at Asus can enjoy the fixes right away, while we have to wait an eternity ro reap the benefits.
    Even though my personal experience so far has been good, I have to admit that I have not experienced the frustration you have unfortunately encountered due to the fact that I haven't used any RAID or SCSI cards. I did not see how poor the scores were or which improvements were needed. In fact, I don't have a single card plugged into my motherboard right now.
    However, with my next upgrade, that will most likely change and since I cannot seem to rely on such a big company as MSI to correct the problems for which they are responsible on their own products, I can't see this as being an encouraging sign for me to spend more of my hard-earned money on faulty products that I'm beta-testing, as well as non-existent customer support and late or non-existent patches/BIOS updates.
    It is never too late for a company to change its image, but in reality, MSI screwed themselves over by deciding to ignore the public, which has been paying MSI employees during all this time. It is sad that the state of certain company ethics is poor.
    The differences between each nForce board were minimal at best. I will therefore see no problems with switching products. I'll definitely return to MSI if and only if they ever change their ways. For now, I'm disappointed and will be shaking my head in disgust until the situation improves to my satisfaction, if that ever occurs.
    Harsh, yes. But also true.

  • Rtl8187se (MSI Wind) netcfg wpa_suplicat (eduroam) not working

    Hello boys and girls,
    I try to connect to wifi on school with my MSI Wind.
    I try to connect with this driver
    and then with ndiswrapper this windows drivers (ndiswrapper not working "scan nothing")
    and i have this error
    sudo netcfg eduroam
    :: eduroam up - wpa_supplicant did not start, possible configuration [FAIL]
    my /etc/wpa_suplicant.conf (its configuration from wicd "working" )
    identity="[email protected]"
    my /etc/network.d/eduroam
    I don't know where is mistake.
    Last edited by zajca (2008-11-26 10:36:31)

    I try manual wpa_suplicant (same configuration)
    and this is issue
    [zajca@netbook ~]$ sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
    Line 565: unknown EAP method 'SIM'
    You may need to add support for this EAP method during wpa_supplicant
    build time configuration.
    See README for more information.
    Line 565: failed to parse eap 'SIM'.
    Line 568: failed to parse network block.
    Line 575: unknown EAP method 'PSK'
    You may need to add support for this EAP method during wpa_supplicant
    build time configuration.
    See README for more information.
    Line 575: failed to parse eap 'PSK'.
    Line 579: failed to parse network block.
    Line 611: unknown EAP method 'FAST'
    You may need to add support for this EAP method during wpa_supplicant
    build time configuration.
    See README for more information.
    Line 611: failed to parse eap 'FAST'.
    Line 617: failed to parse network block.
    Line 622: unknown EAP method 'FAST'
    You may need to add support for this EAP method during wpa_supplicant
    build time configuration.
    See README for more information.
    Line 622: failed to parse eap 'FAST'.
    Line 628: failed to parse network block.
    Failed to read or parse configuration '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'.

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