Muliple/PopUp window/pane help!

Hey I was wondering if when i click a button (say jButton1) how that can open up a different window with different options?
*for example you clicked options and it opened the options window.
Also, I was wondering how I can use multiple panes, for example - a tabbed pane. So when i click on one option, the panel below it changes.
Thanks - Kevin

Read the [url]Swing Tutorial.
There are sections on:
a) How to Use Buttons
b) How to Use Dialogs
c) How to Use Tabbed Panes
plus all other kinds of helpfull stuff.

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    Hello Everybody,
    today I stepped upon an issue regarding popup windows.
    I have created an application with popup windows for editing and inserting new records.
    I left the item label templates to "Optional with Help".
    When I now click upon an item label the help - popup window appears but it is hidden behind the popup window I am working in.
    Is there a workaround for that.
    Is there a possibility to modify the z-order either of the help popup or of the modal window ?
    Any advice is appreciated.

    There are lot of options to customize the behavior of jQuery dialog. You can set height as auto, however you need to specify some fixed width depending on the content.
    $( "#TEST_POPUP" ).dialog({ height: "auto", width:500 });Default for height is auto, so you may not need to specify it.
    See for more info.

  • Web sphere portal popup windows

    I used this forum before with great results maybe some one can help me this time also.
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    there are no logs generated in accessmanager or policagent.
    Edited by: sat on Jun 29, 2008 11:18 AM

  • Need help with a popup window problem

    I have this code within my certAppB.js page :
    function AppSubmit() {
         str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
         str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
         str3 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
         if((confirm(str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3))){
    Which produces a popup windows that says:
    Submitting this form will begin the approval process
    You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again
    Do you want to continue submitting this form?
    OK Cancel (these are 2 buttons)
    I want to change this to say:
    Submitting this form will begin the approval process. You will not be able to change this form once submitted. You also agree that the following statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief:
    "I, [User Name], hereby certify and state on behalf of [Company Name] that the energy use data contained on this form are accurately determined and stated in accordance with federal test procedures set forth in 10 CFR Part 430 or 431, or 42U.S.C.�6314, as applicable, including authorized waivers, as they currently exist on [Date]."
    Do you want to continue submitting this form?
    OK           Cancel
    So I have to pull the users [User Name], [Company Name], and the [Date].
    On the approverView.jsp login page ( which is the first login page users see after loggin) it shows
    the users full name, so I nabbed the code from that page:
    <jsp:include page="logo.jsp" />
    <jsp:include page="unav-navigate.jsp" />
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="info">
    <td width="25%" valign="top">
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="welcome">Welcome
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <span class="sm">If you are not this person, please click <html:link styleClass="norm" href="/fake_name/">here</html:link>.</span></td>
    <td width="2%"> </td>
    <td width="73%" valign="top"><jsp:include page="instruction.jsp" /></td>
    and made this code out of it to pull the username,companyname:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="User"> User
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="Company">Company
         <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.companyName" scope="session"/>
    This is the page that is referanced :
    * Created on Mar 28, 2003
    * To change this generated comment go to
    * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code Template
    import java.util.List;
    import org.gama.cafs.businessobjects.TorqueDb;
    * @author chris
    public class UserView implements Serializable {
         private int userId;
         private int memberId;
         private int companyId;
         private String role;
         private String firstName;
         private String lastName;
         private String companyTitle;
         private String emailAddress;
         private String phoneNumber;
         private String companyName;
         private String address1;
         private String address2;
         private String address3;
         private String city;
         private String state;
         private String province;
         private String postalCode;
         private String countryName;
         private List productTypes = null;
         private List productTypeAcronyms = null;
         private List productTypeIds = null;
         private List tradeNameIds = null;
         private List tradeNames = null;
         private TorqueDb torqueDb = null;
         public UserView() { }
         * @return String
         public String getAddress1() {
              return address1;
         * @return String
         public String getAddress2() {
              return address2;
         * @return String
         public String getAddress3() {
              return address3;
         * @return String
         public String getCity() {
              return city;
         * @return String
         public String getCompanyName() {
              return companyName;
         * @return String
         public String getCompanyTitle() {
              return companyTitle;
         * @return String
         public String getCountryName() {
              return countryName;
         * @return String
         public String getEmailAddress() {
              return emailAddress;
         * @return String
         public String getFirstName() {
              return firstName;
         * @return String
         public String getLastName() {
              return lastName;
         * @return int
         public int getMemberId() {
              return memberId;
         * @return String
         public String getPhoneNumber() {
              return phoneNumber;
         * @return String
         public String getPostalCode() {
              return postalCode;
         * @return Set
         public List getProductTypes() {
              return productTypes;
         * @return String
         public String getProvince() {
              return province;
         * @return String
         public String getRole() {
              return role;
         * @return String
         public String getState() {
              return state;
         * @return int
         public int getUserId() {
              return userId;
         * Sets the address1.
         * @param address1 The address1 to set
         public void setAddress1(String address1) {
              this.address1 = trimString(address1);
         * Sets the address2.
         * @param address2 The address2 to set
         public void setAddress2(String address2) {
              this.address2 = trimString(address2);
         * Sets the address3.
         * @param address3 The address3 to set
         public void setAddress3(String address3) {
              this.address3 = trimString(address3);
         * Sets the city.
         * @param city The city to set
         public void setCity(String city) {
     = trimString(city);
         * Sets the companyName.
         * @param companyName The companyName to set
         public void setCompanyName(String companyName) {
              this.companyName = trimString(companyName);
         * Sets the companyTitle.
         * @param companyTitle The companyTitle to set
         public void setCompanyTitle(String companyTitle) {
              this.companyTitle = trimString(companyTitle);
         * Sets the countryName.
         * @param countryName The countryName to set
         public void setCountryName(String countryName) {
              this.countryName = trimString(countryName);
         * Sets the emailAddress.
         * @param emailAddress The emailAddress to set
         public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
              this.emailAddress = trimString(emailAddress);
         * Sets the firstName.
         * @param firstName The firstName to set
         public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
              this.firstName = trimString(firstName);
         * Sets the lastName.
         * @param lastName The lastName to set
         public void setLastName(String lastName) {
              this.lastName = trimString(lastName);
         * Sets the memberId.
         * @param memberId The memberId to set
         public void setMemberId(int memberId) {
              this.memberId = memberId;
         * Sets the phoneNumber.
         * @param phoneNumber The phoneNumber to set
         public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
              this.phoneNumber = trimString(phoneNumber);
         * Sets the postalCode.
         * @param postalCode The postalCode to set
         public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {
              this.postalCode = trimString(postalCode);
         * Sets the productTypes.
         * @param productTypes The productTypes to set
         public void setProductTypes(List productTypes) {
              this.productTypes = productTypes;
         * Sets the province.
         * @param province The province to set
         public void setProvince(String province) {
              this.province = trimString(province);
         * Sets the role.
         * @param role The role to set
         public void setRole(String role) {
              this.role = trimString(role);
         * Sets the state.
         * @param state The state to set
         public void setState(String state) {
              this.state = trimString(state);
         * Sets the userId.
         * @param userId The userId to set
         public void setUserId(int userId) {
              this.userId = userId;
         * @return List
         public List getProductTypeAcronyms() {
              return productTypeAcronyms;
         * Sets the productTypeIds.
         * @param productTypeIds The productTypeIds to set
         public void setProductTypeAcronyms(List productTypeAcronyms) {
              this.productTypeAcronyms = productTypeAcronyms;
         public List getProductTypeIds() {
              return productTypeIds;
         public void setProductTypeIds(List productTypeIds) {
              this.productTypeIds = productTypeIds;
         private String trimString(String str) {
              String tmp = null;
              if (str != null)
                   tmp = str.trim();
                   tmp = str;
              return tmp;
         public List getTradeNameIds() {
              return tradeNameIds;
         public List getTradeNames() {
              return tradeNames;
         public void setTradeNameIds(List list) {
              tradeNameIds = list;
         public void setTradeNames(List list) {
              tradeNames = list;
         public TorqueDb getTorqueDb() {
              return torqueDb;
         public void setTorqueDb(TorqueDb db) {
              torqueDb = db;
         public int getCompanyId() {
              return companyId;
         public void setCompanyId(int i) {
              companyId = i;
    How do I insert the code I assembled:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="User"> User
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="Company">Company
         <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.companyName" scope="session"/>
    INTO the function:
    function AppSubmit() {
         str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
         str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
         str3 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
         if((confirm(str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3))){
    So that the popup window will show the [username], [CompanyName], [Date]. I can�t find any doc�s on how to insert logic into a function with str�s.
    Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Applications used by me: Sun solaris 8 server, Tomcat 4.1.24, pulling from postgresql 7.3, and I edit in Eclipse 2.11.

    These two tags:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    surround things you only want to happen if there is a userView object present.
    This tag:
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    is replaced with the value of userView.getFirstName().
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="User"> User
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    User Jim Steinberger !
    if the userView object is present and firstName == Jim and lastName == Steinberger.
    To insert those values into your JavaScript function:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    function AppSubmit() {
    str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
    str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
    str3 = "You also agree that the following statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief:";
    str4 = "";
    str5 = "I, <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>, hereby certify and state on behalf of <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.companyName" scope="session"/> that the energy use data contained on this form are accurately determined and stated in accordance with federal test procedures set forth in 10 CFR Part 430 or 431, or 42U.S.C.?6314, as applicable, including authorized waivers, as they currently exist on " + new Date().getDate() + "/" + new Date().getMonth() + "/" + new Date().getFullYear() + ".";
    str6 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
    if((confirm( str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3 + "\n\n\n" + str4 + "\n" + str5 + "\n" + str6 ))){
    Should become:
    function AppSubmit() {
    str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
    str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
    str3 = "You also agree that the following statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief:";
    str4 = "I, Jim Steinberger, hereby certify and state on behalf of Dynamic Edge, Inc. that the energy use data contained on this form are accurately determined and stated in accordance with federal test procedures set forth in 10 CFR Part 430 or 431, or 42U.S.C.?6314, as applicable, including authorized waivers, as they currently exist on " + new Date().getDate() + "/" + new Date().getMonth() + "/" + new Date().getFullYear() + ".";
    str6 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
    if((confirm( str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3 + "\n\n" + str4 + "\n" + str5 + "\n\n" + str6 ))){
    after being processed by Tomcat and Struts. (Note: the function will not appear if userView is missing)
    By the way, you might be missing the closing bracket to function AppSubmit() { which might throw a JavaScript error. Just FYI :)
    Good luck!
    Jim Steinberger
    [email protected]

  • Can't get popup window to work, could use code help.

    This is the first time I've tried to open a popup window in
    flash, and I can't get it to work. The site I'm building has the
    navigation buttons contained in an animated movie clip. All of the
    navigation buttons work fine. But there's a link that the company
    wants me to add that opens a window to another site who hosts a
    video commercial for the company (it has to be a link to the other
    site, it can't be added directly to the customers site).
    The link the other company sent me is for javascript (I'll
    include it in the attached code), and the code works great if I
    just insert the javascript in the html. But I wanted to try and get
    the link in the Flash menu. I've tried several versions of the
    code, from applying it directly to the button to naming an instance
    of it and attaching the actionscript in the movie clip. When I'm
    done, I get two different problems. On my XP machine, I get a
    warning error about the flash trying to open something to another
    server. On my Vista machine, nothing happens at all.
    Anyway, I'm including the original javascript and several
    versions of the actionscript I've tried (with the actual site
    information replaced with "", wasn't sure how these
    forums felt about including site info). Any help at all would be
    greatly appreciated. I've searched and searched for about a week,
    and I'm tempted to just do away with the Flash button and use a
    cheesy javascript button for this one link.

    In article <[email protected]>,
    [email protected] wrote:
    > All I want to do is have a Close Window link in my popup window that works.
    Select your text that you want to act as a trigger to close the window,
    just as if you were going to create a link.
    Then paste the following line of code into the link Inspector:
    That should do the trick.
    Cheers Martin

  • I upgraded to Mountain Lion (MacbookPro). Now when I open ical I get a popup window with a list I had added to Reminders app with the message 'Your calendar couldn't be refreshed' it won't go away-'delete' is greyed out-can't access calendar! Help!

    I upgraded to Mountain Lion (MacbookPro). Now when I open ical I get a popup window with a list I had added to Reminders app with the message 'Your calendar couldn't be refreshed' i--t won't go away-'delete' is greyed out--can't access calendar! Help!

    I upgraded to Mountain Lion (MacbookPro). Now when I open ical I get a popup window with a list I had added to Reminders app with the message 'Your calendar couldn't be refreshed' i--t won't go away-'delete' is greyed out--can't access calendar! Help!

  • Need help with as3 for popup window

    I am nearing the end of the semester in my Flash Animation class. I have learned very simple AS3 things, code snippets etc. I am trying to find the actionscript for coding a very simple popup window, but have not found a clue.
    Here's what I want to do...I have a white box with some type on the stage. When a person clicks on the white box, I want a popup to open that is larger, that will contain the same type but larger. That box will have an x so it can be dismissed. I don't want to do this in html, only in Flash CS5. I don't want a browser window, I just want a bigger version of the smaller box. I know how to build both boxes, just don't know how to write the code. I know there will be an on-click mouse event listener, and then I am lost.
    Can anyone help with the code I might use? It would be most appreciated.

    It would be something along the lines of... (using instance names relative to your description)...
    popup.visible = false;
    whiteBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showPopup);
    function showPopup(evt:MouseEvent):void {
         popup.visible = true;
    popup.popupX.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hidePopup);
    function hidePopup(evt:MouseEvent):void {
         popup.visible = false;

  • Change the popup window size in the "optional label with help" template?

    G'Day Apex/javascript gurus,
    I am using Apex 4.0 where I coded an HTML table for help text in one item. Now, when an user click for help in this item then the HTML table is bigger than the size of the pop up window so the client has to re size it a bit to see it fully. To fix this, I tried to create a new "optional level with help" template where I can control the size of the pop up window and make it bigger to fit my HTML table so the client does not have to resize but I could not find any parameter in the original template:
    <label for="#CURRENT_ITEM_NAME#"><span class="t9optionalwithhelp"> "javascript:popupFieldHelp('#CURRENT_ITEM_ID#','&SESSION.')" tabindex="999" that help me to achieve that
    I am not an expert in javascript but I appreciate greatly if somebody here could help me to create a new label (with help) template where I can control the size of the popup window.
    Kind regards
    Edited by: creyes on Aug 1, 2011 1:22 AM

    Hello Carlos,
    You can overload the APEX javascript with your own, on the page you want it to happen. You can do that in the Page Definition - Function and Global Variable Declaration.
    Copy the below code into there and change the width and height of the popup.
    function popupFieldHelp(pItemId, pSessionId){
        // Show jQuery div based dialog if not running in screen reader mode, if not fall back to old popup
        if (!$x('pScreenReaderMode')) {
            'wwv_flow_item_help.show_help?p_item_id=' + pItemId + '&p_session=' + pSessionId + '&p_output_format=JSON',
              var lDialog = apex.jQuery("#apex_popup_field_help");
              if (lDialog.length===0) {
                // add a new div with the retrieved page
                lDialog = apex.jQuery('<div id="apex_popup_field_help">'+pData.helpText+'</div>');
                // open created div as a dialog
                    title: pData.title,
                    bgiframe: true,
                    width: 500,
                    height: 350,
                    show: 'drop',
                    hide: 'drop' });
              } else {
                // replace the existing dialog and open it again
                  .dialog('option', 'title', pData.title)
        } else {
            popupFieldHelpClassic(pItemId, pSessionId);
    }; // popupFieldHelpHope that makes sense,

  • How to get F4 help in popup window

    Hi all,
    I have to show a popup window after I click on SAVE button of a standard transaction CV01n. I am using BADI for this purpose. I am able to display popup for taking input as "user name". But problem is that I need to provide F4 help to the input field of popup window. After I press F4 I need to display user names which I have stored in one Z table. As I am writing code in BADI i am not able to write any sub-routine or not able to call any sub-screen/selection-screen etc.
    Please tell me how can I provide F4 help to the input fields of popup window.
    Thank in advance.

    This can help you.
                retfield    = 'input field name'
                dynpprog    = 'progname'
                dynpnr      = 'dynnum'
                dynprofield = 'structure-inputfield name'
                value_org   = 'S'
                value_tab   = tbl_values_tab.(values u want to get while pressing f4)
    Reward if it is useful.
    Siva Kumar

  • I'm still getting all these annoying popups windows, although I followed every solution suggested(safari extentions,block the pop ups) it's really disturbing please help :(

    I'm still getting all these annoying popups windows, although I followed every solution suggested(safari extensions,block the pop ups) it's really disturbing please help

    There is no need to download anything to solve this problem.
    You may have installed one or more of the common types of ad-injection malware. Follow the instructions on this Apple Support page to remove it. It's been reported that some variants of the "VSearch" malware block access to the page. If that happens, start in safe mode by holding down the shift key at the startup chime, then try again.
    Back up all data before making any changes.
    One of the steps in the article is to remove malicious Safari extensions. Do the equivalent in the Chrome and Firefox browsers, if you use either of those. If Safari crashes on launch, skip that step and come back to it after you've done everything else.
    If you don't find any of the files or extensions listed, or if removing them doesn't stop the ad injection, ask for further instructions.
    Make sure you don't repeat the mistake that led you to install the malware. It may have come from an Internet cesspit such as "Softonic" or "CNET Download." Never visit either of those sites again. You might also have downloaded it from an ad in a page on some other site. The ad would probably have included a large green button labeled "Download" or "Download Now" in white letters. The button is designed to confuse people who intend to download something else on the same page. If you ever download a file that isn't obviously what you expected, delete it immediately.
    Malware is also found on websites that traffic in pirated content such as video. If you, or anyone else who uses the computer, visit such sites and follow prompts to install software, you can expect more of the same, and worse, to follow. Never install any software that you downloaded from a bittorrent, or that was downloaded by someone else from an unknown source.
    In the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences, select the General tab. The radio button marked Anywhere  should not be selected. If it is, click the lock icon to unlock the settings, then select one of the other buttons. After that, don't ignore a warning that you are about to run or install an application from an unknown developer.
    Still in System Preferences, open the App Store or Software Update pane and check the box marked
              Install system data files and security updates (OS X 10.10 or later)
              Download updates automatically (OS X 10.9 or earlier)
    if it's not already checked.

  • Need help with popup windows

    (I don't know if this is where I should post this, so if somewhere else is more appropriate, please let me know)
    I'm building a window (might say a popup window). What I need it to do is this. I'm working in the gui. When the user clicks the button "load", it launches this window. In this window, the user selects what they want to load. They can select their option and click load, they can double-click on their option, or they can click "cancel". When any of these three happen (and only then), I want this window to return a value of "long" in accordance with what they selected. (What it returns doesn't really matter). So, basically, it will work almost the same a JOptionPane. (However, I don't want to use JOptionPane).
    However, I can't figure out how to do this. In JOptionPane, the window pops up and doesn't return anything until the user clicks one of the buttons. How can I make it so it won't return anything until the user does one of the three choices I listed above.
    I tried to use wait() and notify() but that didn't work either. (I don't know how to use them). Anyway, I don't know that that's the best way.
    I looked at the source code for JOptionPane and tried to track down how it does it, but I couldn't narrow it down.
    Could anyone please help me?
    (If I need to explain better, let me know).
    Daniel Lorimer

    Yeah, I converted mine from using JFrame to JDialog and it does what it's supposed to. I didn't realize that JDialog has basically all the same features as JFrame. So, I guess I'll use JDialog for this one.
    However, I was hoping that the solution that I got would work for everything -- Which I don't think it will. JDialog is more like a popup window (which is fine), and JFrame is more like a main window. I want to figure out how to do in JFrame what JDialog does with setModal(). (I think I tracked it down to -- however, it didn't work when I tried to implement it on my own.)
    Do you know, is there already something like this (for JFrame), or would I have do it on my own?
    Daniel Lorimer

  • F1 help on a popup window

    Hi All!
    How to populate documentation on f1 help of a popup window.
    Please advise..

    hi Praneeth,
    data: it_pcfiles type filetable,
          wa_pcfiles like line of it_pcfiles,
          lv_rc type i.
    parameters: p_pcpath type localfile.
    at selection-screen.
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_pcpath.
      call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
                file_table = it_pcfiles
                rc = lv_rc.
      read table it_pcfiles into wa_pcfiles index 1.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        p_pcpath = wa_pcfiles-filename.

  • Calendar input help blinking on popup window

    Hi experts,
    I have strange behavior of input field with data element of type DATS assigned. Field is on popup window and when I try to pick a date value calendar input help blinks and hide, so it is not possible to pick a value. Any ideas why? Thank you.

    solved, when popup window is smaller than calendar input help it blinks.

  • Urgent help on opening a new popup window when clicking on h:comandButton

    Hi All,
    I am working on a JSF application.I got a requirement where i need to Open new popup window when the user clicks on <h:commandButton>. Here is my sample code.
    <h:commandButton onclick="'/gwp/pages/client/auto_id_card_proof.jsp','PrintIDCards','top=30,left=0,width=800,height=600, scrollbars=1')"
    value="#{ClientLabels['PrintAutoIdCard.PrintProofOfInsurance']}" immediate="true"/>
    Iam getting an error message in the new popup window as below when i click on the commandButton.
    JSP Processing Error
    HTTP Error Code: 404
    Error Message:JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource /pages/client/auto_id_card_proof.jsp
    Root JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource /pages/client/auto_id_card_proof.jsp     at     at     at     at
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

    Please, urgency is your own problem and thus irrelevant to us. This way you are seemingly putting pressure to us, which is rude.
    At any way, a 404 simply means that the URL is wrong.

  • Help with Flex based popup windows and data population.

    Hello, I need a bit of help with Flex popups. I have a flex
    application that uses a popup window when you click on a button and
    displays information about the image above the button the user
    clicked. I have about 4 images and I need to be able to display
    information about each of them through the popup window when users
    click on the buttons below the image.
    At this time, I am trying to do this from somewhat of a
    "static" point of view because I do not believe my hosting company
    supports Flex Data services. You will find my code below.
    First File.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--Application Initialization -->
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    layout="absolute" width="850" height="750"
    cornerRadius="10" borderColor="#000000"
    backgroundGradientColors="[#1b3434, #000000]">
    <!-- Popup-->
    import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
    private var win:IMSAI;
    private function init():void{}
    private function createPopup():void{
    win.title = 'IMSAI.Net';
    win.x = -500;
    win.y = 0;
    TitleWindow {
    <mx:Parallel id="customMove" target="{win}">
    <mx:Move duration="2000" xTo="{(stage.width - win.width)
    / 2}" yTo="{(stage.height - win.height) / 2}" />
    <mx:WipeDown duration="2000" />
    This is the code to trigger the popup when a user clicks on
    the button. The code below is the code for the popup.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=""
    layout="vertical" creationComplete="init()"
    showCloseButton="true" alpha=".8"
    headerColors="[#000000,#1F3F62]" color="#FFFFFF"
    minHeight="200" minWidth="300"
    backgroundColor="#000000" title="" width="520"
    height="394" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center">
    import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
    private function init():void{}
    <mx:Canvas width="470" height="338">
    <mx:Image x="10" y="10" width="140" height="103">
    Final Movie.swf</mx:source>
    <mx:Text x="10" y="121" text="Description:" width="75"
    height="25" fontWeight="bold" color="#ff0000"/>
    <mx:Text x="158" y="10" text="Client:" width="52"
    height="28" fontWeight="bold" color="#ff0000"/>
    <mx:Text x="196" y="10" text="IMSAI Microcomputers
    &amp; Fischer-Freitas Company" width="252" height="39"/>
    <mx:Text x="159" y="46" text="Industry:"
    fontWeight="bold" color="#ff0000"/>
    <mx:Text x="216" y="46" text="Computer &amp;
    Microcontroller Manufacturing." width="232" height="35"/>
    <mx:Text x="83" y="121" text=" is the front-end
    web application for IMSAI Computer " width="355"/>
    <mx:Text x="10" y="136" text="manufacturing, customer
    support, and order processing. Driven by a Microsoft database
    back-end, this application includes rich flash forms, site search
    capabilities, and flash content. Currently under phase II of a
    three phase development plan, the e-commerce logic and processing
    capabilities are under development. Once finished, this application
    will be able to process orders provide customers with instant order
    confirmation numbers, shipment dates, and payment processing."
    <mx:Text x="10" y="244" text="Technologies:"
    fontWeight="bold" color="#ff0000"/>
    <mx:Image x="100" y="244" width="50" height="50">
    <mx:Image x="244" y="244" width="50" height="50">
    <mx:Text x="53" y="290" text="Coldfusion 8 Enterprise"
    <mx:Text x="230" y="290" text="Adobe Flash 8"/>
    What I want to do is either be able to create a popup file
    for each button and photo, or find a way to pass a name like a
    button ID that corresponds to a XML data structure and then
    provides the appropriate data for the photo. I have tried altering
    the first page of code with the "public" declaration to allow for a
    second popup file for each button and image, but the IDE won't
    allow me to do such because it creates errors stating I can only
    have one public declaration of the kind and function above per
    application. Help resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    I have an idea of what I want to do. I am just having
    difficulty articulating how to go about such. I know I want to find
    a way so that if a user clicks on button 1, button 1 will send some
    kind of variable. For example, a user clicks Btn1 under a picture.
    Btn1 sends some kind of variable or binding to a data structure
    which returns the picture's description, price, etc. and calls the
    popup to display that data in a form like manner. Then the user
    click Btn2 which does the same thing. The only purpose of the popup
    is to display the data.
    Do I create a data structure with a related name to say a
    button name so when the btn is clicked, the a variable title btn1
    will prepend itself to the data structure like
    I want each btn to call a different set of data about each
    picture because right now, the code I have is allowing me multiple
    buttons, but is just displays the popup. Is there a way to create a
    separate popup window for each button? Thats seems as though it
    would be easier. Thank you for your help.

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