Multi-Folio for Student Account

Can I create a Multi-Folio custom viewer for personal testing only with a Student Account or do I need to upgrade to Professional?

If it’s just for your own use, just use the Adobe Content Viewer

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  • Creative Cloud member wants to publish multi-folios for a client...

    Hello everyone,
    I did send this question as a"private message" first and did receive some answers that I would like to share here. Big thank you to both Himanshu and Bob!!!  If someone feels like adding more info regarding the subject please do.
    "I’m the Adobe Creative Cloud member (one year subscription) and as such I’m entitled to publish a Single Edition app through my Digital Publishing Suite. Now, I have just been approached by one printed magazine, here in Vancouver, Canada, and I’m suppose to provide them with an estimate for adapting their publication for the iPad. Before I start thinking about my fee I would like to know what we have to pay to Adobe. They have four issues per year and I guess this goes under multi-folio applications category. Now, the questions:
    1. Can I prepare the folios with my Creative Cloud membership or I have to upgrade to Professional edition of the DPS?
    2. Does my client need to purchase the Professional Edition of DPS or not?
    3. Or, we need only one license of the Professional Edition and if so who’s is that license going to be?
    4. Or, I’m talking nonsense and you can just explain me how this works, please?
    Have a wonderful day."
    Dragan, Vancouver
    Himanshu Singh :
    You would need to upgrade to DPS Professional Edition for multi Folio Applications. DPS Pro is $495 per month + taxes. Also you have download fees applicable. You get 250 free downloads per month for the first year and  for any additional downloads, you need to purchase Folio Bundle. Approximately, each Folio Download will cost you $ .30, so you can charge you client that amount per folio download + DPS Pro contract fees.
    If your Customer purchases DPS Pro, you can read this article to know how to work with them : gency-dps-workflows.html
    Now regarding your questions.
    1. Can I prepare the folios with my Creative Cloud membership or I have to upgrade to Professional edition of the DPS?
    You need DPS Pro for creating Multi-Issue Applications. With CC, you can create Built in single apps. For Magazine with at least 4 issues per year, it’s best to go for Pro edition.
    2. Does my client need to purchase the Professional Edition of DPS or not?
    Either you or your client can purchase DPS Pro depending upon your contract with the client. You Client needs to get themselves Apple iOS Developer account.
    3. Or, we need only one license of the Professional Edition and if so who’s is that license going to be?
    4. You need one DPS Pro Contract. You can create unlimited number of apps and account using one License.
    Bob Bringhurst :
    In this case, I believe that your client would need to pay for DPS. Have you seen the DPS Getting Started Guide? There's a section about understanding IDs and roles. suite-family/pdfs/dps-getting-started-guide-april.pdf

    Priceless man, thank you so much!
    Have a wonderful day, and if you need anything, just let me know
    Kind regards,
    [email protected]

  • CO integration for student accounting

    Hi All
    We are currently thinking about intensifying our costing related to programms of studies and are setting up different options how to track corresponding fees and eventually costs in our CO module. I've learned in last years IHE 203 with Marlies in Paris that there is a possibility to use CO-PA for such a purpose (some related statements can be found in the training material). Allthough I've implemented CO-PA based on the core modules before, I'm having difficulties understanding how it would work together with SLCM (PSDC, FI-CA?).
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    - it has been done already?
    - it's really advisable?
    many thanks and best regards

    Hello Roger:
    The answer to your question is contained in the Student Accounting Cookbook that was posted on October 2, 2009. Could you take a look at Question 6(b) on Pages 27 and 28 ("How can we track revenue"?) The information in the answer should provide you with the details that you need.
    Hope this is helpful.  Please let me know if you require further assistance.

  • Multi Folio App for Educative Institution

    We are an educative institution and have an internal magazine which we view in iPad with Adobe Content Viewer.
    Now we want to publish to App store and we already have the Apple Dev Account, and all Certificates and Assets ready too.
    My question is: ¿What is the simplest, and, well, cheapest way to publish our multi folio app?
    I see that with a Creative Cloud Account you get the DPS but only single edition. Do we have to purchase the DPS Pro Edition in order to publish Multi Folio App or is there another way?
    We also have the CS5.5 license for education. Are there any special offers for Educative Intitutions?
    Thank you so much
    Eduardo Flores

    You can purchase DPS Professional Account either Monthly or Annual to create Multi Issue Apps. I do not think that there are any offers for DPS Pro edition.

  • DPS Pro account and a multi-folio app distribution + analytics

    Okay, here is the thing again.
    I have talked to my client and explained him about how complex it is to track each individual (out of 30) who views a folio.
    So now, he basically would be happy just to know the overall time, of how long a folio has been viewed, and also to see, which articles have been viewed the most and for how long.
    I believe, analytics can provide this data without any problems, am I right? The question is, can this be seen with baseline analytics or I would need SiteCatalyst for this?
    If I understand correctly, getting a Pro account would give me the possibility to create a single multi-folio app, which could contain many folios inside. I could delete and add them without the need to wait for some approvals from Apple?
    But the main question is, how can I distribute this multi-folio app to specific people? Can it be sent via some link or something? Because this app is not for public use.

    You need an enterprise account for private distribution.
    You could fake all this by using the Adobe Content Viewer and putting a web overlay on each page with a link back to a hidden web page with google analytics. That would give you very basic idea of what's being looked at assuming each user is on line. Beyond that you have to use enterprise.

  • What is the fee charged to the Digital Publishing Suite account owner, when folios are downloaded within a multi-folio published app?

    I am trying to determine for my client if we should use a single or multi folio platform to build an app for the business. content wise, we would be able to accommodate both types, but i am more concerned about the cost. I've researched and discovered the following:
    "Each time a user downloads a folio (makes an in-app “purchase” of free or retail content), a download fee is charged to the owner of the Digital Publishing Suite account."
    What is the cost of this fee? and how is it charged to the account?
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    What page did you find that line on? We no longer charge download fees per folio for customers who sign new (or renew) contracts.

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    Ask whom/wherever you got the redemption code from for one that has not already been used.

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    Hi boags2014,
    Please refer this link and know the work-arounds for the same:
    How do I complete a purchase when I get an incorrect "country" error?

  • Multi-folio iPhone Screen Shots for itunesconnect..

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    I am getting ready to replace my SE app with a Multi-Folio app, for the iPhone do I need to add screen shots for each device, 4.7", 5.5", 4" and 3.5"? Thanks.

    Yes, in iTunes Connect you need to upload the required screen shots. In App Builder, you need to specify additional app icons and splash images. See this page for App Builder requirements: Digital Publishing Suite Help | Checklists for custom viewer apps

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    What should I do?
    [personal information removed... Mod -]
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    Hi Stayki,
    Normally you just need to install the Creative Cloud app and products after signing in with your Adobe ID following the process described here:
    You might also want to ensure your computer is able to validate your membership and confirm using the troubleshooting described here:
    Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later
    Hope that helps,
    - Dave

  • Student Discount for Cancelled Account

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    Hey ! Welcome to the community ^^
    I suggest you to contact support here so they can help.
    The support usually replies within 24-48 hours.
    If you receive an automated email telling you to check the help section or the community, you need to reply back to it, even if it's from a no-reply address.

  • Professional Edition (multi folio) support for Education Models

    We are in the Education Sector and want to have a multi folio APP based on a Course. The Course would be based on the Year of study.  Business Studies 2013
    We would then deploy an APP  for Business Studies 2013 which will be free and have a FREE folio as an introduction. Then a subscriber to the course material will have access (at a cost) to the actual teaching material Marketing, Finance, Operations and they can elect which ones they would want.
    Realise that the Professional Edition supports the multi folio model but does it support it in this way or are we limited to models based on Free-subscription or Auto-renewable subscription which suggests newspapers or periodicals.

    You can do this and just make a viewer that does single issue purchases only via iTunes.

  • Empty Viewer on Test iPad for multi folio iTunes Free Subscription

    I'm trying to test a free subscription, multi folio newsstand app with renditions. However, the viewer opens without any folios - just the subscription tiles. I've triple checked the Apple product IDs, shared secrets and have all of the appropriate certificates. I'm at my wit's end! A few questions:
    Should free subscriptions folios be public/free or retail? I'm reading conflicting things.
    I'm a little unsure of the order in which I should publish folios in the folio producer. Should this step proceed or follow creating the .ipa for testing?
    Does this naming of the actual folios matter, as long as they are the same? I only need the same exact Product ID for iTunes Connect and the App Builder, correct?
    I've noticed that after you enter your shared secret there is a field to enter an iTunes url in the Admin Tool. Which url do we use? Do we enter this after the folio is public?

    Free subscriptions should be Public/Free, not Retail.
    It doesn't matter which order you publish the folios and create the .ipa for testing. When you publish the folios as Free and Public, they should appear in your testing app if (A) you specified the shared secret, (B) published the folios as Public/Free, (C) set up your renditions/folios correctly, and (D) specified the free subscription Product ID created in iTunes Connect in the DPS App Builder.
    When you set up renditions for a subscription app, the Folio Name, Product ID, and Publication Date values need to be the same for all renditions, and different for each set of renditions. Specify the Publication Date values by choosing from the calendar picker.
    Yes, the iTunes URL becomes available when you publish the app.

  • I popcorn maker safe for students in terms of age appropriate content? Is there a way to create classroom accounts?

    I am hoping to use popcorn maker as my students are working with Inanimate Alice and I know you all are partnered with the program. I need my students to be able to create mashup videos with text, images, video and sound to tell a story. I am concerned about how to create student accounts that I can monitor and the age appropriateness of content on the site and preloaded content available to pull into a popcorn creation.

    Hi kdoolin,
    Thank you for your question, I understand that you would like to use popcorn maker with student accounts that you can monitor content. Unfortunately there currently is not a feature that is capable of this, however suggesting it as an enhancement in the webmaker bugzilla venue is. []
    Please suggest the enhancement here. In the meantime it is possible to set a project to shared with specific people, ie list of student accounts.
    I hope this helps.

  • Advice on small gigabit network for students

    Hi Guys (and ladies)
    I am about to start planning a small network of macs for use by a local college. There are only 20 students. I plan to have a Mac Pro for server and 5 networked clients for use by the students. There will also be another client in the office for admin use.
    I plan to set up the student machines as follows:
    4x iMac (Intel) for general word processing, DTP and internet research.
    1x Mac G4 MDD for video editing using iMovie and iDVD.
    The Admin machine will use MS Office and Sage accounting software under Parallels.
    I planned on having the Student computers booting from the server so that they (the students) could not interfere with the setup of the OS and allowing any foul ups to be cancelled by a reboot. Each student would have a home directory on the main server.
    My query is this:
    The student need to use digital photos for their work - proably using iPhoto as their digital album. Would the uploading of photos into their respective home folders impact on the network or would everything be able to cope or would local storage be better?
    I figured that the home folders would be safer on the server (using a mirrored hard drive) rather than trying to implement a network back up system.
    Individual machines would be a nightmare to administer because each machine would need setting up manually and with all the user accounts duplicated on each machine and therefore a students work would only be available from that one machine.
    The G4 MDD would be used only for video editing so each student could save their iMovie projects on a mirrored HDD on that machine only. Do you think running iMovie or iDVD over the network would be problematic?
    So many questions!!!
    Finally, What is the best way, in your opinions, to police internet use by the students? I know that OSX client can limit the sites accessible by an account holder but each individual web address has to be configured for the account. Has OSX Server got a facility to allow access to only certain sites that is maybe not quite so restrictive but equally easy to set up?
    Your opinions on how you would set this up would be greatly appreciated.
    Kind regards

    >The student need to use digital photos for their work - proably using iPhoto as their digital album. Would the uploading of photos into their respective home folders impact on the network or would everything be able to cope or would local storage be better?
    Any network traffic has the potential to impact other users on the network. Whether or not you're generating enough traffic is the issue.
    If the users are running typical digital camera-based images of a few megabytes each you should be OK. If they're playing with multi-gigabyte images in things like PhotoShop then that would be a different issue.
    >I figured that the home folders would be safer on the server (using a mirrored hard drive) rather than trying to implement a network back up system.
    Mirrored hard drives are NOT a viable backup solution.
    A mirror drive won't prevent some user from acceidentally deleting a file and calling you for help.
    A mirrored drive won't protect users from file corruption.
    What a mirror drive will do is protect you from a single disk failure on the server, and give you a single point to backup (rather than multiple clients), but you still need some kind of backup plan.
    >Individual machines would be a nightmare to administer because each machine would need setting up manually and with all the user accounts duplicated on each machine and therefore a students work would only be available from that one machine.
    >The G4 MDD would be used only for video editing so each student could save their iMovie projects on a mirrored HDD on that machine only. Do you think running iMovie or iDVD over the network would be problematic?
    Am I missing something? Why does this need to be a MDD (unless you already have the MDD and are looking for some use for it).
    As for whether it's a problem or not, it comes back to the volume of traffic you're driving. Most iMovie projects tend to be small, so you may be OK.
    > What is the best way, in your opinions, to police internet use by the students
    How old are the students?
    Seriously. If they're high school or elementary, fair enough, but if they're college grade you're probably wasting your time.
    That said, the typical solutions tend to hinge around proxy servers that all web traffic has to pass through. Access controls on the proxy server limit which sites can and cannot be accessed. Mac OS X Server comes with a proxy server built into Apache, but there are other (better?) proxies available, both commercial and open source.
    If you're like many school districts you should probably check with the school network admins for policy referrals to make sure that whatever you do fits within district guidelines.

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