Multi threaded web server

Hi does anyone have a solution to this old problem i found on the net? im very interested to see what the solution would be...

I was that close to opening a can-o'-whup-ass on you for so poorly concealing your desire for us to do your homework, when I opened the link and realised it was due 3 and a half years ago.
I then proceeded to print it out, and I'm gonna have a whack at it. I've always wanted to make a Java Web Server, but couldn't be stuffed doing the research for what it needs. Should be a good challenge.
If I ever finish it, I'll let you know....
BTW, there are plenty of Java web-servers, surely some will be open source, do a google for it

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  • Multi-threaded performance server using 2 ports to two-way communication

    Hi, I'm new in the forums so welcome everyone. I'm developing now an online computer game based on orginal Polish board-game, but it doesn't mean. Important is that I need to develope a high-performance multi-threaded server, which can serve... let's say few hundres of games, and a thousend of players simulateously. My server works on two ports/sockets.
    First one is represented by "ServerSocketChannel clientConSsc" in my code. The main thread in my server class which invokes the method "run()" (which You can see below), registers clientConSsc with Selector and then repeatingly accepts incoming connections from clients on this socket. When connection(channel) is estabilished and clients wants to write some request to this channel, the main thread on server creates a new instance of class "RequestHandler" which extends Thread and handles this request (reads the request from channel, makes some changes on server, spreads some new messages to other clients in the same game and so on... everything on the same socket/port/channel). Then the channel/connection is closed by the server - I call such connections: "a short connections". In the same time the main thread continues the loop and is still able to accept connections from another players. That's the idea of multi-threaded server, right? :) And to this point, everything works fine, but... what if the server wants to trigger some new command, write new information to client?
    Server could have tried to open a SocketChannel to client's IP address, but then the client programme would have to create and ServerSocketChannel object, bind it to some InetAddress and then... and then client becomes a server! - that breaks the idea of client-server cooperation and demands on players of my game to have routed some port on their machines. To resolve this problem I made some sort of "system" which, when some player/client is logging into my server, accepts second (this time constant, not "short") connection on the second port I mentoined on the beginning. This connection is held in variable "SocketChannel serverCon" of class "Player" - which reflects a player logged onto server. Server maintains every such connection till the client logs off. After the connection is accepted, the player whom connection it was is added to collection called "playersToRegisterToWrite". After the Selector.selectNow() is invoked (as You can see in the code below), each and every player's connection is registered in selector (with selection key - OP_WRITE and attachment pointing on owning player). In the same time client's code is trying to read some bytes from this connection and blocks on it until some bytes are written to this connection. When server wants to "tell" something to client, deliver some message/command, it creates a new instance of class which extends an abstract class called "ServerAction" (another new thread) and adds it to collection "actionsToDo". In ServerAction's method "run()" there are whole code to interact with client (e.g. send an update of players' list, an update of games' list, a chat message). Finnaly when Selector informs the server that some connection is writable (some client is waiting for commands), then server checks if there's any "actionToDo" involving this client/player. If there is, it unregisters the connection from Selector (so no other ServerAction (thread) can write on this connection) and starts the action. At the end of every "run()" method of subclass of ServerAction there's a code, which again adds the player to collection "playersToRegisterToWrite", so the player's connection can again be registered in Selector and the player can again receive informations from server - after it consumed THIS "ServerAction".
    It looks to me like it should be working fine, but it's not. When I test my server and clients on the same machine (no ping/latency) everything seems to be working fine. But when it comes to play my game with somebody even on LAN or through the Internet there comes the problems. My first socket I describe (and first type of connections - short connections) works perfectly fine, so the requests triggered by client are delivered and handled properly. But the second socket is cirppling. For example: the server triggers a command refering to an update of clients logged to server' list. It is triggered by Selector so the client should be ready to read data from server, so the server sends data! And the client never receives it... Why?
    It experimented a whole lot of time on SocketChannel's method "configureBlocking(boolean)", but it never helps. I think the client should always block it's listening thread on connection, contratry to server which is ment to be fast, so it should send the data through non-blocking channels. Am I right? Are there any rules refering blocking configuration of SocketChannels?
    I will be grateful for every answer. To help You out I attach also drafts from run()'s methods of my classes.
    Server's main method - main thread :
        public void run() {
           try {
                selector =;
                clientConSsc.register(selector , SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
                while(serverRunning) {
                    try {
                        Iterator it;
                        synchronized(playersToRegisterToWrite) {
                            it = playersToRegisterToWrite.iterator();
                            while(it.hasNext()) {
                                Player player = (Player);
                                player.serverCon.register(selector , SelectionKey.OP_WRITE , player);
                        Set keys = selector.selectedKeys() {
                        it = keys.iterator();
                        while(it.hasNext()) {
                            SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
                            if(key.isAcceptable()) {
                                clientCon = clientConSsc.accept();
                                clientCon.register(selector , SelectionKey.OP_READ);
                            if(key.isReadable()) {
                                new RequestHandler(this , (SocketChannel);
                            if(key.isWritable()) {
                                if(key.attachment() != null ) {
                                    ServerAction action = null;
                                    synchronized(actionsToDo) {
                                        Iterator aIt = actionsToDo.iterator();
                                        while(aIt.hasNext()) {
                                            ServerAction temp = (ServerAction);
                                            if(temp.getPlayer().equals((Player)key.attachment())) {
                                                action = temp;
                                    if(action != null) {
                    } catch(Exception e) {
                        statusArea.append(e.toString() + "\n");
            } catch(ClosedChannelException e) {
                statusArea.append(e.toString() + "\n");
            } catch(IOException e) {
                statusArea.append(e.toString() + "\n");
                A part of server's RequestHandler's class' method run() - the method which handles requests triggered by client on first port:
    public void run() {
            boolean served = false;
                try {
                    retry = false;
                    String command = ns.readText(channel).trim();
                    ns.statusArea.append("ktos przesyla komende: " + command + "\n");
                    if(command != null && !command.equals("ERROR")) {
                        String[] cmd = command.split("�");
                        ns.statusArea.append("komenda: " + cmd[0] + "\n");
                        if(cmd[0].equals("CHAT")) {
                            if(cmd.length != 5) {
                            } else {
                                if(cmd[2].equals("NOGAME")) {      // jezeli nie ma okreslonej gry czyli rozsylamy do wszystkich
                                    for(int i = 0 ; i < ns.loggedPlayersListItems.size() ; i++) {
                                        Player current = (Player)ns.loggedPlayersListItems.get(i);
                                        if(current.state == Player.CHOOSING && !current.equals(new Player(Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]))))   // jezeli gracz jest w okienku wybierania gry to wysylamy mu broadcast
                                            ns.actionsToDo.add(new SendMsg(ns , current , "CHAT�" + cmd[1] + "�" + cmd[3] + "�" + cmd[4]));
                                } else {
                                    Game game = (Game)ns.gamesListItems.get(ns.gamesListItems.indexOf(new Game(Integer.parseInt(cmd[2]))));
                                    for(int i = 0 ; i < game.players.size() ; i++) {
                                        Player current = (Player)game.players.get(i);
                                        if(!current.equals(new Player(Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]))))
                                            ns.actionsToDo.add(new SendMsg(ns , current , "CHAT�" + cmd[1] + "�" + cmd[3] + "�" + cmd[4]));
                                served = true;
                        } else if(cmd[0].equals("GETGAMEINFO")) {
                            if(cmd.length != 3)
                            else {
                                int gameID = Integer.parseInt(cmd[2]);
                                ns.statusArea.append("poproszono o informacje o grze nr: " + gameID + "\n");
                                Game checkedGame = new Game(gameID);
                                if(ns.gamesListItems.contains(checkedGame)) {
                                    Game game = (Game)ns.gamesListItems.get(ns.gamesListItems.indexOf(checkedGame));
                                    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(channel.socket().getOutputStream());
                                    ns.statusArea.append("wyslano informacje o grze nr: " + gameID + "\n");
                                } else {
                                    ns.statusArea.append("brak gry o nr: " + gameID + "\n");
                                served = true;
                } catch(IOException e) {
            if(!served) {
            try {
            } catch(IOException e) {
        }An example of ServerAction's subclass - the class which triggers server commands to client on second port:
    class UpdateLoggedPlayersList extends ServerAction {
        public UpdateLoggedPlayersList(NeuroServer ns , Player player) {
            super(ns , player);
        public void run() {
            try {
                ns.sendText("UPDATELOGGEDPLAYERSLIST" , serverCon);
                if(ns.readText(serverCon).equals("OK")) {
                    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(serverCon.socket().getOutputStream());
                synchronized(ns.playersToRegisterToWrite) {
            } catch(IOException e) {
    }A part of client's CmdHandler's class' method run() - the method which handles commands triggered by server:
    public void run() {
        try {
            while(works) {
                String command = nc.readText(nc.serverCon);
                System.out.println("Server przesyla komende: " + command + "\n");
                String[] cmd = command.split("�");
                if(cmd[0] != null && !cmd[0].equals("ERROR")) {
                    if(cmd[0].equals("CHAT")) {
                        if(nc.chooseGameDialog != null && nc.chooseGameDialog.isVisible()) {     // jezeli na wybieraniu gry
                            newChatEntry(cmd[2] , null , cmd[3] , nc.chooseGameDialog.chatPane);
                        } else if(nc.readyDialog != null && nc.readyDialog.isVisible()) {  // jesli na przygotowywaniu
                            Player sender = (Player)nc.actGame.players.get(nc.actGame.players.indexOf(new Player(Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]))));
                            newChatEntry(cmd[2] , sender.fraction , cmd[3] , nc.readyDialog.chatPane);
                        } else if( != null) {                   // jesli w grze
                            Player sender = (Player)nc.actGame.players.get(nc.actGame.players.indexOf(new Player(Integer.parseInt(cmd[1]))));
                            newChatEntry(cmd[2] , sender.fraction , cmd[3] ,;
                    } else if(cmd[0].equals("UPDATELOGGEDPLAYERSLIST")) {
                        nc.sendText("OK" , nc.serverCon , false);
                        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(nc.serverCon.socket().getInputStream());
                        DefaultListModel players = (DefaultListModel)ois.readObject();
        } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        } catch(IOException e) {
        } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
    }And two methods I used in codes above: sendText(String text , SocketChannel sc) and readText(SocketChannel sc) - they are my "utility" methods, which I use to send and receive Strings through specified SocketChannels.
    boolean sendText(String text , SocketChannel sc) {
        ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(BSIZE);
        boolean sendRetry;
        boolean sent = false;
        do {
            sendRetry = false;
            try {
                StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer();
                if(text.length()+4 < 100)
                if(text.length()+4 < 10)
                cmd.append(Integer.toString(text.length()+4) + "�");
                bbuf = charset.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(cmd));
                int n =;
                if(n == 1) {
                    Byte re = bbuf.get();
                    if(re == 1) {
                        sendRetry = true;
                    } else {
                        sent = true;
            } catch(Exception e) {
                try {
                } catch(IOException f) {
                return false;
        } while(!sent && sendRetry);
        return true;
    String readText(SocketChannel sc) {
        ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(BSIZE);
        int readRetryCount = -1;
        boolean readRetry;
        do {
            readRetry = false;
            StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer();
            try {
                while(true) {
                    int n =;
                    if(n > 0) {
                        CharBuffer cbuf = charset.decode(bbuf);
                        while(cbuf.hasRemaining()) {
                            char c = cbuf.get();
                            if(c == '\r' || c == '\n') break readLoop;
                    } else break;
                statusArea.append(Thread.currentThread().getId() + " readText() odczytuje: " + cmd.toString() + "\n");
                if(cmd.length() < 3 || Integer.parseInt(cmd.substring(0 , 3)) != cmd.length()) {
                    sc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {1}));
                    readRetry = true;
                } else {
                    sc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {0}));    // length OK
                    return cmd.toString().substring(4 , cmd.toString().length());
            } catch(Exception e) {
                try {
                } catch(IOException f) {
                return "ERROR";
        } while(readRetry && readRetryCount < 3);
        try {
        } catch(IOException e) {
        return "ERROR";
    }Edited by: Kakalec on Jul 23, 2008 11:04 AM

    You seem to be using a horrendous mixture of PrintWriters, BufferedReaders, ObjectOutputStreams, and no doubt ObjectInputStreams. You can't do that.
    Some rules about this:
    (a) Whenever you use a stream or reader or writer on a socket, you must allocate it once for the life of the socket, not every time you want to do an I/O.
    There are many reasons for this including losing buffered data in the old stream and auto-closure of the socket on garbage-collection of the old stream.
    (b) You can't mix stream types on the same socket. (i) If you're writing objects, use an ObjectOutputStream, you must read with an ObjectInputStream, and you can't read or write anything that isn't supported by the API of ObjectOutputStream. (ii) If you're writing lines, use a BufferedWriter and a BufferedReader at the other end. If you're writing characters, use a Writer and a Reader. (iii) If you're writing primitive data or UTF strings, use a DataOutputStream and a DataInputStream. (iv) If you're writing bytes, use DataOutputStream and a DataInputStream or an OutputStream and an InputStream. You can't mix (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv).
    (c) Don't use PrintWriter or PrintStream over the network. They swallow exceptions that you need to know about. They are for writing to the console, or log files, where you don't really care about exceptions.
    (d) Call flush() before reading.
    (e) Always close the 'outermost' output stream or writer of a socket, never the input stream or the socket itself. Closing any of these closes the socket and therefore makes the other stream unusable, but only closing the output stream/writer will flush it.

  • Oraclient9i.dll error in multi threaded delphi server application

    I created a multi threaded server application in delphi using oracle9i and indy server components. When I run my application, I am getting an error "oraclient9i.dll" error when executing my SQL statements. I have check communication between my server application and the client application without using oracle and its working fine, its only when I started executing SQL statements when I got this error.
    Can anybody help me with this problem or point me to the right direction on how to resolve this issue.

    > I have tried what you suggested. I have created a
    seperate TOracleSession on each thread that I create
    on the OnConnect event however I am having Problems
    using the oraclesession created on the OnExecute
    event. Somehow it is still executing the SQL that I
    have created on the main form where I first opened an
    oraclesession component created on the main form.
    It sounds then like the TOracleSession object in the thread is a copy of the one in the main thread/form.
    > Do you think that It would work if I create an
    instance of the TOracleDatasets and TOracleQuery on
    the OnExecute event and also at the same time create
    my TOracleSession on this event and continue
    processing the data receive from the client server.
    I've never used the Indy components for threading. The default TThread class worked just fine for me.
    What I used to do is define the session and database objects as privates in my new thread class (let's call it TThreadSQL) - which was subclassed from TThread.
    The constructor of this new TThreadSQL class did the following (writing here purely from memory - have not done Delphi for some time now): constructor TThreadSQL.Create( TNSalias, username, password : string );
    // constructor is called with the Oracle session connection details
      inherited Create; // call the parent class constructor
      CreateOracleSession; // call own private method to create an Oracle connection
    The CreateOracleSession method would then:
    - create a BDE Session (TSession) object
    - create a BDE Database (TDatabase) object, using the BDE Oracle native driver and an Oracle TNS alias plus username and password for connection
    The destructor would close the connection. The Execute method which is used to fire up the thread, would use a TQuery object (or whatever) to execute a SQL using it owns connection.

  • Highlight text not working in multi-thread client-server application plug-in

    I'm developing a plugin application for my dissertation research on multi-application environment. I have an application server that communicate with the PDF document via plugin.
    The plugin acts as both client and server, depending on the situation.
    - Plugin as Server
             I have a multi-threaded winsock2 IOCP running to catch client connections and when a client connected, get the data from the client (set of words), and highlight these words in the pdf document.
    - Plugin as client
               I use 2 procedures, one to collect all the text from PDF and send to the server using tcp win-socket connection and another to collect data from highlight tool and send these text. both these are not threaded.
    Here's my question, because I want to listen to multiple client connections, when the plugin is the server, I'm running this procedure in a thread and then wait for clients to connect and use IOCP to serve the client connections.  When the client is connected I use the data coming from client to highlight some text in the PDF document. All of these functionalities are already implemented, but when I receive data from client and try to highlight text in the PDF document my application freezes up and stop working. I think this is something to do with the thread. I'm using _beginthreadex to start the server and then another _beginthreadex inside the IOCP worker thread.
    I can post the code, but before that let me know if you can see any problem in this situation. What I see from other posts is that acrobat is not multi-threaded.

    Thanks a lot for the reply.
    I guess I probably need some sort of a notification when the data is received and do a callback to the main thread to run the acrobat API. Is there anyway I can create custom notifications? Something like this,
    AVAppRegisterNotification(AVDocDidOpenNSEL, gExtensionID, ASCallbackCreateNotification( AVDocDidOpen, (void *)DocIsOpenedCallback), NULL);
    or should I use a custom action listener?

  • Minimal single threaded web server?

    Is there a library or code samples to implement a minimal, single threaded server for accepting and responding to HTTP GET/POST requests?
    What I want to do is to accept a GET or POST request, run my own code which calculates something and send that back to the client as a response. The server only needs to accept and process one request at a time (the HTTP protocol is just used to make the interaction between a perl-written client and the Java algorithm simpler).
    I wonder what the minimum-effort solution to this is.
    PS: Sorry if this really belongs into the newbie-forum ...

    johann_p wrote:
    Is there a library or code samples to implement a minimal, single threaded server for accepting and responding to HTTP GET/POST requests?A library for this existing is rather unlikely, since it is such a small task. There are definitely some samples for this around, maybe Google can lead you to them.
    What I want to do is to accept a GET or POST request, run my own code which calculates something and send that back to the client as a response. The server only needs to accept and process one request at a time (the HTTP protocol is just used to make the interaction between a perl-written client and the Java algorithm simpler).Well, create a ServerSocket, accept that, get the InputStream, wrap it in a Reader, read the first line, check if it's one of the supported methods, read the rest until you get an empty line (i.e. end of request), do your calculation, get the OutputStream, wrap it in a Writer, write out your answer (be sure to include the correct HTTP response + headers).
    But everything (except for creating the ServerSocket) in a endless loop and you're set.
    I wonder what the minimum-effort solution to this is.Pay someone to do it for you.

  • SQL Server - Mult threading

    Hi ,
            We have requirement to execute a SQL Server 2008 R2 , stored procedure for 200 different input values ( 200 times calling the same procedure) . All these calculations can be executed independently. Currently, we
    are executing the same procedure for 200 different values SEQUENTIALLY. I feel this can be converted as parallel process / muti threaded , where i can initiate the execution of stored procedures for multiple values at the same time, so that i can reduce the
    total execution time.
    In SQL Server is there any possibility of handling this scenario ( parallel process / multi threading) . Please suggest.
    Thank you

    Its a web application and the request is initiated from web page ... and the user is exepecting a quick responce .. The procedure has to do lot of calcualtion based on the supplied parameters..
    There isn't much you can do except for tune the stored procedures or have an intermediate result set ready through something such as a indexed view. If there are multiple simultaneous queries on the same connections then I would look at the middleware tier
    if you're using one.
    SQL Server automatically decides (which can be influenced in several different ways) how to run the query. SQL Server itself is vastly multi-threaded and not every query benefits from parallelism. I feel as though you'd have more luck either tuning the stored
    Sean Gallardy | Blog |

  • Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP3 service-j2ee threads problem

    Sorry my english.
    I'm an intermediate Java programmer and a newbie in
    the Sun's web servers world.
    I'm doing an evaluation of an web applicaction
    written in Java Servlets that is
    supposed to have a leaking threads problem. We use
    SunOS 5.9 (... sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2) and
    JVM 1.5 Update 4 (the problem is presented too
    in SunOS 5.8 and JVM 1.4.2_04).
    We have seen, thanks to 'prstat' (PROCESS/NLWP) a
    increasing thread's growing in one of the process
    that correspond to our web server instance (I'm sure I'm
    looking the right process). I have checkout the source
    code and it seems like the app doesn't have threads
    problems. I have used the Netbeans Profiler and I see a
    high number of threads called service-j2ee-x that grows
    in congestion moments and never disappear.
    Anybody could help me with suggestions?
    Thank you very much.

    Thankyou, yes I am unfamiliar with debugging Java apps. I got the web server Java stack trace and I have passed this on to the developer.
    The web server finally closes the socket connection after the total connections queued exceeds 4096.
    There are several hundred entries like this... waiting for monitor entry.. could be a deadlock somewhere?
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "service-j2ee-506" prio=5 tid=0x04b62a08 nid=0x17a waiting for monitor entry [dd74e000..dd74f770]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - waiting to lock <0xe979b2b0> (a
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at Source)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "StandardManager[highlight]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f3530 nid=0x1e waiting on condition [e15ff000..e15ffc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "WebappLoader[highlight]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f3328 nid=0x1d waiting on condition [e16ff000..e16ffc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "StandardManager[]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f2b08 nid=0x1c waiting on condition [e1b7f000..e1b7fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "WebappLoader[]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f2900 nid=0x1b waiting on condition [e1c7f000..e1c7fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "StandardManager[sitesearch]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f1cd0 nid=0x1a waiting on condition [e23ff000..e23ffc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "WebappLoader[sitesearch]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f1ac8 nid=0x19 waiting on condition [e24ff000..e24ffc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "StandardManager[search]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x000f0a88 nid=0x18 waiting on condition [e317f000..e317fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager.threadSleep(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=10 tid=0x000ef840 nid=0x12 waiting on condition [0..0]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "Finalizer" daemon prio=8 tid=0x000ef638 nid=0x10 in Object.wait() [fa27f000..fa27fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - waiting on <0xe917fb10> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - locked <0xe917fb10> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "Reference Handler" daemon prio=10 tid=0x000ef430 nid=0xf in Object.wait() [fa37f000..fa37fc28]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - waiting on <0xe917fb78> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Object.wait(
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.ref.Reference$
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: - locked <0xe917fb78> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "main" prio=5 tid=0x000ee3f0 nid=0x1 runnable [0..ffbff200]
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "VM Thread" prio=5 tid=0x004ee328 nid=0xe runnable
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "VM Periodic Task Thread" prio=10 tid=0x004ee5d0 nid=0x16 waiting on condition
    [15/May/2006:22:01:51] warning ( 3196): CORE3283: stderr: "Suspend Checker Thread" prio=10 tid=0x004ee548 nid=0x11 runnable
    [15/May/2006:22:15:10] failure ( 3196): HTTP3287: connection limit (4096) exceeded, closing socket

  • Multi Thread Server over TCP/IP

    Multi Thread Server over TCP/IP. Does it work?
    In my box it works only over IPC protocol.

    S C Maturi (guest) wrote:
    : Mark Malakanov (guest) wrote:
    : : Multi Thread Server over TCP/IP. Does it work?
    : : In my box it works only over IPC protocol.
    : Mark,
    : Multi threaded server over TCP/IP will not work with
    : the current distribution of Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux.
    : This is corrected and a patch would be released soon.
    : Maturi
    tcp 0 0 bock.nettek-ll:listener bock.nettek- ESTABLISHED
    tcp 0 0 bock.nettek-
    ll:listener ESTABLISHED
    (I have serveral of these)
    TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 07-
    JAN-99 18:45:52
    (c) Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)
    OK (440 msec)
    ...and from my install log you see that I selected MTS:
    -[ YESNO
    Q> Would you like MTS (Multi-Threaded Server) configured
    and the SQL*Net$
    A> TRUE
    Please explain? Will TCP/IP MTS work via the loopback adapter
    only? So far I have not tried a remote TCP/IP connection.

  • Multi-Threaded server using  ThreadPool

    Dear friends,
    I am writing a client-server program in which the client and server communicate using SUN-RPC. The client reads a file containing some numbers and then spawns threads which it uses to request the server for a service. These threads are executed using a thread pool. Till this time, it's working fine. But when it comes to the server, the real trouble begins because it too needs to be made a multi-threaded one using thread pooling. The server has to capture the call information for each request for the service and then pass this information to a thread/runnable object in whose run() method the code for execution of the service would be present. Since the tasks(requests for the service) are not present already, i am unable to execute the server side threads in a loop using a thread pool. How to solve this problem? Kindly help.

    The server has to capture the call information for each request for the serviceWhy?
    and then pass this information to a thread/runnable object in whose run() method the code for execution of the service would be present.Why can't the run() method get the call information when it starts? That's what's normally done. The server's accept loop mustn't do any other I/O: otherwise a rogue client can block the server complete.y

  • Multi-threaded server programming

    Hello, I meet a problem and don't know how to solve it: I have created a multi-threaded server program which receives multiple users from their own PCs. The server program receives users'commands and echo it back to all users who are currently connecting to my server. I store every clientSocket connecting to my server into a vector. My question is: how the server broadcasts a user command to other users? And how the server knows to which user he will echo the command to since the hostName and port number are the same to every user currently connecting to my server? Thanks a lot.

    You should look at extending the Socket class to encorporate user details. Either use what peter suggested or make the user pass a username (or something) when they connect.
    When you want to broadcast to all users just enumerate through your vector and send each one the command. If you mean the user performs a task on their application and you want to produce the same results in all the other users apps then its down to you to code it. When user1 clicks on a button the app must send a command (eg. a string) to the server which sends the same string to all other users. When the user receives this string it performs some task.
    Is that what you mean?

  • Enterprise User and Multi Thread Server

    We are going to build a system which uses a configuration:
    Enterprise User
    Multi Thread Server
    Client apps accesses db over JDBC/SSL
    Could some please share experience about issues regarding
    using Enterprise User and Multi Thread Server ?
    Is MTS transparant for Enterprise User authentication ?

    If you build simpserv with -t, and set MIN and MAXDISPATCHTHREADS, you
    should have an example of a multithreaded server.
    Johan Philippe wrote:
    We have been going to the documentation on multi-threading and contexting in servers
    on Tuxedo 7.1.
    And the impression so far is that apart from the function definitions there is
    not much information around.
    Didn't even find a simple example of a multi-threaded server in the Bea refs yet.
    Does anyone know/have such an example?
    And is anyone using multi-contexting in a server, because the limitation that
    only server-dispatched
    thread get a context puts quite a limitation on its usefullness.

  • Thread number limitation on Sun One Web Server 6.1 on Solaris 9

    I am testing my servlet on Web Server 6.1 on Solaris 9 (SPARC). I am logging start of HTTPServlet.doPost() method and end of it, by calling GenericServlet.log() method for perfomance check.
    When I request more than two request(it takes long time) simultaneously from browser, my servlet logs like:
    doPost start
    doPost start
    doPost end
    doPost start
    doPost end
    doPost start
    :that is ,two requests is processed concurrent by threads, and another requests waiting, and after each running thread ends, waiting request is processed one by one.
    I think there is some limitation of thread or connections, so I checked magnus.conf. But RqThrottle is set to 128. And I cannot find any thread number settings.
    My magnus.conf is as follows.
    # The NetsiteRoot, ServerName, and ServerID directives are DEPRECATED.
    # They will not be supported in future releases of the Web Server.
    NetsiteRoot /export/home0/SUNWwbsvr
    ServerName test03
    ServerID https-test03
    RqThrottle 128
    DNS off
    Security off
    PidLog /export/home0/SUNWwbsvr/https-test03/logs/pid
    User webservd
    StackSize 131072
    TempDir /tmp/https-test03-8ac62f09
    UseNativePoll off
    PostThreadsEarly on
    KernelThreads off
    Init fn=flex-init access="$accesslog" format.access="%Ses->client.ip% - %Req->vars.auth-user% [%SYSDATE%] \"%Req->reqpb.clf-request%\" %Req->srvhdrs.clf-status% %Req->srvhdrs.content-length%"
    Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/export/home0/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/lib/" shlib_flags="(global|now)"Why web server do not process more than two requests concurrent? Which server configuration should I check?
    Thanks in advance.

    I don't think I ever ran into that kind of a limit. Does the servlet use database connections (maybe the connection pool is empty) or other critical sections / large synchronized blocks?
    Try a minimal servlet that takes a while to execute:
            log("sleep starting " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) { }
            log("sleep done " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            response.getOutputStream().println("good morning");

  • The threads increase and the iPlanet Web Server 6.1SP5 restart itself

    Hi all,
    i becoming crazy, with my web servers.
    I have 3 front-end balanced servers with the same configuration:
    SunOS 5.9 Generic_118558-22 sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240, 4GB RAM.
    iPlanet Web Server is 6.1 SP5
    Then the problem is:
    - When i start my Web Servers there arn't errors, but during the day, the threads (shown by "top" under under column THR) that in mornig are 300~400 increases until becoming 750~850 and one or more of them restart itself automatically; therefore my head has ordered to the society that supplies us the monitoring service to restart duning the night the web servers at a distance of little minutes in order to avoid the hang of the webs.
    How I can avoid the increment of the threads?
    Every suggestion is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
    ---// /log/errors
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:04] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: 56993093 [service-j2ee-389] ERROR - S
    ocQuotateStudiResultCache: Elements cannot be written to disk store because the spool thread has died.
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:08] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: 56997238 [service-j2ee-410] ERROR - S
    ocQuotateStudiResultCache: Elements cannot be written to disk store because the spool thread has died.
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:11] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: 56999997 [service-j2ee-93] ERROR com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.dow
    nload.DownloadRightNisDealingFree - L'avviso 2006/17681.pdf non ? valido.
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: 57001322 [service-j2ee-177] ERROR FWA - com.borsaitaliana.service.Di
    splayMTF2LevDif com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.BorsaException: - FATAL EXCEPTION DURING DAO EXECUTION
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: Caused by:
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.rvbusrv7.BusException: Bridge::com.icteam.Ifs
    Bridgerv7.rvbusrv7.BusException: submit: TibrvException[error=19,message=Out of memory]
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submitAndGetAnswers(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.AbstractManager2Lev.getData(Abs
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.AbstractManager2LevInt.getData(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.ManagerMTF2Lev.elaboraTemplate(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.AbstractDisplay2Lev.executeCommonServic
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.DisplayMTF2LevDif.executeService(Displa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.RequestHandlerModeler.loadModel(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.AbstractResourceModeler.getModel
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor73.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodA
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.VectorSortInterceptor.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proc
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDy
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at $Proxy1.getModel(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.schedastrumento.ETFBusinessMo
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.invok
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.execu
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.EventDrivenController.handle(EventDri
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractCommandController.han
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequ
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapte
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(Disp
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(Dispa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.serviceWrapper(F
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(FrameworkS
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletServic
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrap
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardCont
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostVal
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIP
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.rvbusrv7.BusException: Bridge::com.icteam.Ifs
    Bridgerv7.rvbusrv7.BusException: submit: TibrvException[error=19,message=Out of memory]
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submitAndGetAnswers(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.AbstractManager2Lev.getData(Abs
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.AbstractManager2LevInt.getData(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.ManagerMTF2Lev.elaboraTemplate(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.AbstractDisplay2Lev.executeCommonServic
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.DisplayMTF2LevDif.executeService(Displa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.RequestHandlerModeler.loadModel(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.AbstractResourceModeler.getModel
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor73.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodA
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.VectorSortInterceptor.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proc
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDy
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at $Proxy1.getModel(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.schedastrumento.ETFBusinessMo
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.invok
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.execu
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.EventDrivenController.handle(EventDri
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractCommandController.han
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequ
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapte
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(Disp
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(Dispa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.serviceWrapper(F
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(FrameworkS
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletServic
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrap
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardCont
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostVal
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIP
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: 57001323 [service-j2ee-177] ERROR com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.Re
    questHandlerModeler - Unable to load data from model DisplayMTF2LevDif
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.BorsaException: com.borsaitaliana.servi
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: Caused by:
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.rvbusrv7.BusException: Bridge::com.icteam.Ifs
    Bridgerv7.rvbusrv7.BusException: submit: TibrvException[error=19,message=Out of memory]
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submitAndGetAnswers(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.AbstractManager2Lev.getData(Abs
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.AbstractManager2LevInt.getData(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.ManagerMTF2Lev.elaboraTemplate(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.AbstractDisplay2Lev.executeCommonServic
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.DisplayMTF2LevDif.executeService(Displa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.RequestHandlerModeler.loadModel(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.AbstractResourceModeler.getModel
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor73.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodA
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.VectorSortInterceptor.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proc
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDy
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at $Proxy1.getModel(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.schedastrumento.ETFBusinessMo
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.invok
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.execu
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.EventDrivenController.handle(EventDri
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractCommandController.han
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequ
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapte
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(Disp
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(Dispa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.serviceWrapper(F
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(FrameworkS
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletServic
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrap
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardCont
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIP
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.rvbusrv7.BusException: Bridge::com.icteam.Ifs
    Bridgerv7.rvbusrv7.BusException: submit: TibrvException[error=19,message=Out of memory]
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submit(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.icteam.IfsBridgerv7.Bridge.submitAndGetAnswers(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.display.dao.DaoDisplayIFSImpl.getData(DaoDispla
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.AbstractManager2Lev.getData(Abs
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.AbstractManager2LevInt.getData(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.display.manager.ManagerMTF2Lev.elaboraTemplate(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.AbstractDisplay2Lev.executeCommonServic
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.DisplayMTF2LevDif.executeService(Displa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.RequestHandlerModeler.loadModel(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.AbstractResourceModeler.getModel
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor73.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodA
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.VectorSortInterceptor.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proc
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDy
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at $Proxy1.getModel(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.schedastrumento.ETFBusinessMo
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.invok
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.execu
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.EventDrivenController.handle(EventDri
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractCommandController.han
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequ
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapte
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(Disp
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(Dispa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.serviceWrapper(F
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(FrameworkS
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletServic
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrap
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardCont
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostVal
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.iplanet.ias.web.connector.nsapi.NSAPIProcessor.process(NSAPIP
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.service(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.service.DisplayMTF2LevDif.executeService(Displa
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.RequestHandlerModeler.loadModel(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.inferentiadnm.fwaext.service.AbstractResourceModeler.getModel
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor73.invoke(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodA
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.VectorSortInterceptor.invoke(
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proc
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDy
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at $Proxy1.getModel(Unknown Source)
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.service.schedastrumento.ETFBusinessMo
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.invok
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.compat.DelegateMapBusinessModel.execu
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at com.borsaitaliana.framework.EventDrivenController.handle(EventDri
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractCommandController.han
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequ
    [30/Nov/2006:12:48:12] info (19508): CORE3282: stdout: at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapte

    Try this:
    Hope it helps!

  • Found dead multi-threaded server

    hi all
    My database is not running in multithread mode.
    mts_dispatchers = "(protocol=TCP)"
    I am getting such error
    found dead multi-threaded server 'S000', pid = (8, 4)
    Pl guide me

    go on metalink
    Good Luck,

  • Found Dead Multi-Threaded Server Error!!!

    I am in the process of testing an application based on EJBs deployed on an Oracle 8.1.5 database.
    Some times the whole instance chashes without any obvious reason.
    The error reported in the Alert file is
    "found dead multi-threaded server 'SOOO',pid(8,1). Terminating Instance".
    I check my code and i think that there is no problem with cleaning up resources. I increased also the JAVA_POOL_SIZE and LARGE_POOL_SIZE size without any result.
    Can anybody give me a hint for the error cause?
    Thanks in advance.

    go on metalink
    Good Luck,

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