Multicam editing question

When editing in multi-cam mode, how can I select which audio tracks I want to appear in the timeline? If I shoot with 3 cameras, can I have all the audio tracks from all the cameras appear in the timeline... And then turn off the ones I don’t want to hear?

#3) There's no automatic way to do it. What I do is after I've added the main multiclip to the timeline, before I adjust the start of the clip, I drag the individual clips into the timeline (same in points) onto separate audio tracks. Then I unlink the video tracks and delete the individual video tracks. Now you have your multiclip video on track 1, multiclip audio on 1 and 2, and each individual audio clips on 3/4, 5/6, etc. You can even unlink the audio from your multiclip video and delete it, leaving just the individual audio tracks.
(This was cut and pasted from a previous post of mine. In other words, a basic search would have found this answer.)

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    I'm new at using Multicam editing. I have one camera that I need to add sharpness to. Should I do that first before I begin my multicam editing process?

    I agree with Michael, it's ideal to do it before - here's why -
    If you do it ahead of time, you are applying it once to the master clip. If you wait, what you end up with (via multiclip editing) are a large number of clips that will each have to have the filter applied. It's not impossible or even all that hard, but certainly more time consuming (and room for error) than just doing it once and being done with it.

  • Multicam Editing reloaded

    I do understand and have used grouping multiple clips into a multiclip to use the multiclip editing feature of FCP or in my first life Avid.
    You sync up a bunch of camera angle by timecode or inpoints. If all the cameras rolled all the way trough the event and the clip from each cameratape is roughly the same lenght its a breeze and fun to edit a concert or live event. So far so good.
    A few weeks back someone dumped a heap of tapes onto my desk. Live footage from five 1,5h gigs with up to 12 cameras. My obvious choice was using multiclips until I found out how fragmented all the cameraclips were. Apart from having to change tapes in the middle of the gig, the cameramen switched on and off all the time, so syncing with multiclip is not an option.
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    Exporting all the camera-tracks and reimporting and multiclipping is not an option, because I don't have enough discspace and loose the ability to batch-capture.
    thanx for any help

    I will add that a 12 camera gig isn't much different from a 3 camera gig. You can look back a few weeks and see four or more similar threads involving broken streams from many cameras. There are at least two ways to fix that, nest sequences or build self-contained movies that have slugs between the camera footage to replace the stops and restarts.
    did you mention the cutting pace? MTV-style 60 cuts a second or more lyrical? I'd start with figuring out who is the best photographer in the lot, assume you're using his/her stuff for most of the prime coverage.

  • Multicam Editing: Not usable, choppy preview

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    The system runs on the SSD Disk, also Premiere.
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    Every angle = a new hdd?
    2. Project Setting -> Video / Audio Recording, Video / Audio Preview?
    3. I found out something which is maybe interesting:
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    'm getting more and more desperate....   :-)
    Excuse my english, i hope i could explain the problem good enough, so that you understand and maybe help me.
    Thank you very much

    I have the exact same problem. I used to be able to edit multicam sequences, HD footage, 2-3 cameras at about only 17 mbps or so, with ease. NOw the PC chokes on it. It plays for several seconds, then stops for about ten seconds. I hear my fan spinning faster. It happens if I have the multicam monitor on, but lately it seems to happen for single camera editing as well.
    I'm going to check my nVidia drivers, but I think they're all up to date. I'll check for dust in my PC. Not sure what else to try. Bypassing my USB3 hub? Copy project to a different (new) USB3 hard drive?

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    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for the bump! At least my "open-format" question seems like something someone with FCS2 should be able to answer.
    Anyway, your questions regarding my setup are good ones. (Just added some of that to my profile)...
    I currently am using a G-RAID2 1TB external drive, connected via FW800 to the iMac, as my scratch drive ( (The iMac also has a FW400 port which I use to import video from camera). If necessary, I could always add another G-RAID2 (or something similar), if having two scratch drives would help (it would either have to be daisy-chained to the existing drive, or plugged in via FW400--not sure which would work best for multicam).
    Honestly, I'm not sure about the exact formats. I'd have to look into it. But I can tell you the HD footage is from Canon HV20 camcorders, which use mini-DV tape to record HDV. This I have imported into FCE4, using, I believe AIC as required by FCE4. The footage is 1080i, I believe. If FCP6 handles the importing differently or uses a different codec (It doesn't, does it?), I can always re-import, if necessary.
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    All NTSC, no PAL.
    And, yes, I'd like to avoid having to "upscale" the footage from the SD cameras, for time, pain-in-the-arse, and storage space reasons. (I read somewhere on the web that this was a suggested workaround for FCP5 users). The SD footage will mainly be used for occasional cut-away/alternate angle shots. Would prefer not to have to go thru THAT much trouble for that footage.

  • Switching audio in multicam editing

    I need to switch to the audio on a second camera while doing multicam editing. I can't seem to get the audio off of the fixed camera. Any ideas?

    With the Multicam Viewer open (CMD-SHIFT-7), you will see 3 icons in the top left of the viewer pane.
    Select the third icon to edit audio only.
    That said, if you are trying to delete a portion of the audio track, you can only do this in the Angle Viewer. Double click the multicam clip in the Event Browser. It will open up a new timeline with angles for each camera with audio attached, or individual audio clips. You should be able to mute selections of audio in the master clip with the range tool.
    Does that answer your question?

  • Maintaining Letterbox (1.85) Throughout Multicam Edit

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    I have a situation that's probably not in the realm of the ordinary, but I'd appreciate any suggestions. Due to client request, I have several multi-cam shoots to edit that need to be delivered in 1.85. To avoid any framing problems, I'd like to edit with 1.85 letterboxing in place. Originally I just dropped a template in a new video layer over my sequence, but that doesn't stick when editing in multi-cam mode. I've now moved on to applying a 4 point matte to the original clips, which thanks to Premiere CC, does stick in multi-cam editing; the drawback with this is that I lose the letterboxing for any clips that need to be scaled.
    Any ideas? The first method would be preferable in my mind, but from the look of things, Premiere doesn't display multiple layers in multi-cam mode once you start cutting.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your help Mark. The first solution wouldn't work because I'm trying to maintain 1.85 in the midst of multicam editing - and for whatever reason, in multi-cam view Premiere doesn't display a letterbox layer once you make your first cut.
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    Hi,  I imagine this question has been asked already but... anyone know how open up the multicam editor from the project timeline and have the playhead land at the point in the multicam timeline where it was in the project editor timeline?

    What do you mean with "There were cuts made, but they did not show up in the browser"? The cuts are not supposed to show up in the browser. Did you mean the timeline (your sequence)?
    Have a look at this excellent article at Ken Stone's Final Cut Pro Web Site
    The Essentials of Multicam Editing in Final Cut Pro, by Steve Martin

  • Multicam editing: Can't get blade to show in angle viewer when trying to edit in Timeline

    This problem just appeared. I have done lots of multicam editing in FCPX, it works great.
    But, today I started on a new video and:
    - I created the first multicam clip, it looks fine.
    - I created a Project and appended the multicam clip into the Project, it looks fine.
    - I see all the Angles in the Angle Viewer, it looks normal.
    - I select the Event Browser and hit play, all angles play. I move the curser over an angle and I see a hand, just as I should. everything fine so far.
    - I click in the Timeline and hit the space bar and the selected angle and audio start to play..........BUT the angles in the angle viewer do NOT play. Not right.
    - With the Timeline still selected, I move the curser over an angle in the angle viewer, and i see the hand, NOT the Blade.
    So, FCPX thinks I am still in the Event Browser, even though when I click in the Timeline, the Timeline background color changes to light grey, which says I am in the Timeline. FCPX is not letting me go into the Timeline (even though the background color changes).
    I have to be doing something dumb, but I don't see it.
    Any suggestions?

    Turns out that was EXACTLY the problem --- I kept looking around and finally discovered the problem was that I was NOT in a project (although I thought I was).
    Nevertheless, thank you for responding.

  • Multicam Edit/Can't See Video on Canvas

    I'm doing a six-cam multicam edit. Everything was going perfect until my hand accidentally hit the keyboard. I don't know which key(s) I hit.
    Not I can't see my video on the Canvas and my multiclips clips won't play in synch in the Viewer. I do hear the audio when I play the Timeline.
    I opened another clip and it won't play. Nothing will play in the Canvas.
    What the heck did I hit and how do I fix it? I'm working on a MacBook. All my video is on an external G Drive connected with a FireWire 800 cable.

    Thank you. I can't believe that. After so many projects I didn't even know that could happen.
    What a relief. I'm an hour into this 90 minute musical. I was dreading having to start again.
    Again... thanks.

  • CS6 Multicam Edit - Is there a way to turn off some camera angles when the system gets strained?

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    I'm not aware of any way to do this. You might want to invest in a battery case if this is a problem for you; our users here all have them.
    Please submit your feature request to Apple at this link:; I agree it's a good idea.

  • How to extend clips after multicam editing.

    I recently learned how to use multicam editing and I think it is such a fantastic tool. One of the things that I struggled with, however, is the ability to extend/shorten one of the clips because the footage was too shaky during the transition to another clip.
    For example: Clip A is playing and recording on the timeline. But Clip A becomes shaky so I switch to Clip B. After everything is done, and I play it back, I see that shaky footage towards the end of Clip A.
    How do I extend Clip B so that it extends over Clip A to get rid of the shaky footage?

    The "Roll" tool. Click between 2 clips and roll the edit left or right.

  • Multicamera Edit Lags in PPro CS4

    I am experiencing cumulative delays when making multicamera edits using the multicamera window in CS4.  I am about halfway through a 2 hour video, and with 2 or 3 streams of HDV 23.976 (Canon) video everything plays fine in the Multicamera window when starting up PPro fresh.  As soon as I press a key to switch active streams, the video starts playing very jerky, and it takes 2-3 seconds for the red highlight box to switch to the selected stream.  If I continue on without stopping and continue to keyboard select the active multicam window, the delay becomes longer and longer before the red highlight switches to the active stream. And the playback remains jerky.  If I stop playback, and start again everything is smooth until I select a different stream in the multicamera window.
    Playback of the completed multicam edited sequence from the timeline is fine - no issues at all.
    I am running a Core i7 3.0GHz processor with 3GB RAM and multiple SATA 7200K hard drives.
    Any thoughts on what may be causing this?  I don't remember having this type of multicam edit performance degradation with CS3 on a less powerful machine.

    Does any of this help?
    System Info:
    Drives: (1 of 2)
    Drives: (2 of 2)

  • FCP 5.0 Multicam editing and main sound

    I have 3 angles shots. How do I leave a main sound from camera 1 in the time line when when I do multicam editing?
    Do I first do only video cuts and bring the main sound in or it can be done differently?

    I didn't feel like going through the manual either on this one --- here's what I do, which is by no means the easiest automatic thing.
    After I drag my multiclip to the timeline, I grab the track I want audio from and place it with the multiclip. A couple locks & unlocks, a couple of deletes, and I've got the multiclip video with the audio from the track I want audio from.
    It's not the automatic thing, but I generally am working with 2+ hour long multiclips, and only have to go through this once per project.

  • How do I do multicam editing in final cut pro 10.2?

    I updated to FCP 10.2 and when I right click on my videos that I want to use for multicam editing it shows nothing

    I think you're selecting clips in the timeline… not in the browser, which is where you need to work when you create multi clips. .

Maybe you are looking for