Multiple AM in CPX file - anyone got this to work ?

It seems impossible to use multiple application modules from the same CPX file.
For convenience reasons, I have many AM definitions in my CPX - (which the CPX wizard allows perfectly).
I can create a first app module and it works perfectly.
But when I create a second App Module (of a different class) using this :
pool = JUMetaObjectManager.getJUMom() .createPool("myCPX.secondModule", poolProps);
// ... create pool session cookie with a unique session ID
sessioncookie = pool .createSessionCookie(sessionId, sessionId, null);
// .. then use the AM
am = sessioncookie.useApplicationModule();
The AM I get is always of the same class (the first AM I created).
When decompiling the JUMom code, it appears that to create my pool, it only uses the first half of my definition (myCPX) instead of using the full definition (myCPX.secondModule).
Is this a bug ? or is there another method to use CPX files containing multiple App Modules ?

This has in fact nothing to do with the CPX file (surely, it was easy to blame it).
We finally tracked this down.
In fact the JUMetaObjectManager uses the Application Module configuration name to identify the AM pool.
If you have two application modules that both have a "TEST" configuration for instance, you will only ever instantiate the first module class.
Clearly, this seems wrong, the pool should be identified both with the full package name and the configuration name.
If this is not filed as a bug already, it would be good to see this fixed.
If this is a feature, then please why but why would anyone benefit from such an implementation ???

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    Ah, anti-destin that is exactly what was needed to be done.  ... Thank you!  Threw be off a bit, it did .
    Off-topic somewhere here now, Ok, a good deal off-topic.. looking at the wiki page for configuring I think the wiki under section, 'Disable interfaces' is erroneous.  Does NetworkManager really parse rc.conf?  I can't think of any reason it would need to.  I'm thinking that NetworkManager would naturally scan and then do dhcp on wired, followed by wireless.  And for those that do a static ip, they can configure the applet.  To test, I put this in my rc.conf:
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    Last edited by Gen2ly (2010-02-23 06:03:45)

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    Hi, I'm Not in the UK but have the Draytek vigor120 and LinksysE4200 set up,
    Don't quote me on this but I am pretty sure the UK and the New Zealand(where I am) have the same firmware.
    What I did was plug the draytek into the wall jack then I plugged the ethernet cable into my computer for a time,
    When plugged in launch your browser, navigate to unless you've changed it) then there should be a page there called Internet options with a PPPoa option, make sure it is configured PPPoA, enter your logon info(optional, doesn't make a difference uless you plan to use the draytek by itself sometimes) then select passthrough on WAN link(or something similar) which is located down the bottom of that page (will grey out pretty much all options, then save it.
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    <cfobject component="AmazonWebServices.amazons3" name="amazonS3">
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys = structNew()/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.accessKey = "<MyKey>"/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.secret = "<MySecretKey>"/>
    <cfset s3ServiceKeys.bucket = "<MyBucketName>"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.pdfContentType = "application/pdf"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.gifContentType = "image/gif"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.jpegContentType = "image/jpeg"/>
    <cfset s3serviceKeys.requestType = "cname"/>
    <cfset deliverDir = "<MyDeliverDir>"/>
    <cfset s3Service = amazonS3.init(awsKey="#s3ServiceKeys.accessKey#",awsSecret="#s3ServiceKeys.secret#")/>
    <cfdirectory action="list" directory="#deliverDir#" name="TheFileList" sort="dateLastModified" recurse="no" type="file">
    <cfoutput query="TheFileList">
    <cfset result = s3Service.putFileOnS3(localFilePath="#deliverDir#\",
    <cfdump var="#result#"/>
    This is the AmazonS3Service - more or less a direct copy from here
    <cffunction name="init" access="public" output="false" returntype="amazons3">
             <cfargument name="awsKey" type="string" required="true" />
             <cfargument name="awsSecret" type="string" required="true" />
             <cfargument name="localCacheDir" type="string" required="false"
                 hint="If omitted, no local caching is done.  If provided, this directory is used for local caching of S3 assets.  Note that if local caching is enabled, this CFC assumes it is the only entity managing the S3 storage and therefore that S3 never needs to be checked for updates (other than those made though this CFC).  If you update S3 via other means, you cannot safely use the local cache." />
             <cfset variables.awsKey = awsKey />
             <cfset variables.awsSecret = awsSecret />
             <cfset variables.useLocalCache = structKeyExists(arguments, "localCacheDir") />
             <cfif useLocalCache>
                 <cfset variables.localCacheDir = localCacheDir />
                 <cfif NOT directoryExists(localCacheDir)>
                     <cfdirectory action="create"
                         directory="#localCacheDir#" />
             <cfreturn this />
    <cffunction name="putFileOnS3" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct"
                hint="I put a file on S3, and return the HTTP response from the PUT">
            <cfargument name="localFilePath" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" required="true"  />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfset var gmtNow = dateAdd("s", getTimeZoneInfo().utcTotalOffset, now()) />
            <cfset var dateValue = dateFormat(gmtNow, "ddd, dd mmm yyyy") & " " & timeFormat(gmtNow, "HH:mm:ss") & " GMT" />
            <cfset var signature = getRequestSignature(
            ) />
            <cfset var content = "" />
            <cfset var result = "" />
            <cffile action="readbinary"
                variable="content" />
            <cfhttp url=""
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Date" value="#dateValue#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="AWS #variables.awsKey#:#signature#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="#contentType#" />
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="x-amz-acl" value="public-read">
                <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#content#" />
            <cfset deleteCacheFor(bucket, objectKey) />
            <cfreturn result />
    <cffunction name="getRequestSignature" access="private" output="false" returntype="string">
            <cfargument name="verb" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="dateOrExpiration" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" default="" />       
            <cfset stringToSign = "#trim(ucase(verb))#\n#contentType#\n#dateOrExpiration#\n/#bucket#/#objectKey#"/>
                <!--- Replace "\n" with "chr(10) to get a correct digest --->
                <cfset fixedData = replace(stringToSign,"\n","#chr(10)#","all")>
                <!--- Calculate the hash of the information --->
                <cf_hmac hash_function="sha1" data="#fixedData#" key="#variables.awsSecret#">
                <!--- fix the returned data to be a proper signature --->
                <cfset signature = ToBase64(binaryDecode(digest,"hex"))>
            <cfreturn signature>
    I don't appear to have any problems with what is being passed in - just the signature that is being created - All the code I've found is for earlier than CF9 and I'm therefore wondering if something has changed - although its more likely that I'm doing something I shouldn't be
    I need to be able to get stuff up there programatically before I start creating URL's so - this is a big first step to overcome

    I've actually found a work around for this problem - I took the Amazon S3 Library for Rest in Java and compiled the files below com into a jar - Which was dropped into the coldfusion server/lib
    I then used the examples to build the following coldfusion function
    <cffunction name="putFileOnS3" access="public" returntype="any">
            <cfargument name="localFilePath" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="contentType" type="string" required="true"  />
            <cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />  
            <cffile action="read"
                variable="content" />  
                s3conn = CreateObject("java", "");
                s3object = CreateObject("java", "");
                headers = createObject("java","java.util.TreeMap");
                contentTypeArray[1] = "#contentType#";
                response = s3conn.put(bucket, objectKey, s3object, headers).connection.getResponseMessage();
                return response;
    Which works perfectly - At last - I've just got to build the rest of the suite now so that we can upload, delete, create URLs etc
    Very relieved I found a work around and part of me is very pleased that good old Java provided the solution having spent 9 years as a Java programmer before starting work in Coldfusion

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    Default router settings Firmware version 8.0.2
    Get the dreaded 619 error.
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    ANy ideas HOW to make this work

    Error 619: -
    1. The port was disconnected ,.When using VPN to access a remote network, W2K clients mat get above errors but not win9x and ME clients. This issue occurs because the VPN server hasn't registered in Active Directory.
    2.You get this message when connecting via cable modems, dial up DOESN'T have any issues.
    Resolution: -
    1) This problem most likely is secure issue such as unsecured password. So, check the settings.
    2) It could be the hardware issue. Try to re-setup the device or download the new driver or just reset the devices such as modem and router.
    3) Reapply the service pack
    4) If the RRAS is in a domain network, add the VPN to the appropriate group. To do this, go to Active Directory Users and Computers>domain name>Users, double-click the RAS and IAS Servers security group. Select the members and add the VPN server to this group. 2) Type netsh ras add registeredserver at a command prompt (registeredserver is vpn server name), and then press ENTER.
    5) If the router is connectijg to a modem and setup DHCP to receive IP from the modem, you may try to assign static IP to the WAN port on the router.

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    Please kindly give me advice and help.
    Thank you!

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    NVrotate is not available as an option in Win98SE
    Display properties-->settings -->GeForce FX5200
    I temporarily moved a drive with WinXP Pro onto this machine.
    NVrotate is an available option in
    Display properties-->settings -->GeForce FX5200
    and works fine.
    But for various compatibility reasons this machine has to been running Win98SE.
    Has ANYONE got NVrotate to work under Win98 ??????
    MSI FX5200  TD128
    Gigabyte GA-7VAX
    AMD 2400+
    17" Analog LCD & 18.1" Analog LCD

    I managed to get it to work, you have to install two files
    the first for the actual python script files.
    the second for the user interface.
    you might have installed the user interface, but without installing python, and that's why its not loading up the application, also make sure you install python to phone memory.
    On my N96 I installed:
    Python for S60 1.4.4
    Python script shell 1.4.4
    if you get an 'update error' when installing its because you have not un-installed all of the old python stuff, open app manager on the handset and un-install all python relating files
    one last thing, install python and the shell to the phone memory (c drive)
    Hope it helps

  • Hotmail Plus' SMTP Server, anyone got it to work?

    HI All,
    Well, my gf just got a new macbook after I finally converted her to a mac, but now I am trying to set up her Hotmail plus account in Mac Mail. (because entourage is too slow)
    Since microsoft is now offering a pop3/smtp service for their plus members, I decided to upgrade her account and pay the 20 bux.
    so far so good.
    Obviously, when I try to set up her hotmail account in outlook on windows, or in entourage in mac, it works perfectly.
    Only thing is, I want to use it in mac mail.
    so I got the necessary info from microsoft (after 20 emails back and forth, and them pretending not to understand my question...)
    POP: (port 995)
    SMTP: (port 25)
    Note: make sure you check the box that indicates that your outgoing server requires authentication (in most mail clients this is not checked by default).
    Username: your full email address
    Password: your Windows Live ID password
    After setting up in mac mail with this info, I can now receive emails perfectly.
    The only problem is that I cannot send any.
    the smtp server seems dead, or non existent.
    So my question is, is there anyone out there who got this to work? in mac mail or any other pop3 program?
    I think its not a port problem, as I send my own mail on my own smtp server on the same router using port 25 as well.
    Lastly, I would like to clarify that I do understand that hotmail *****, but moving to gmail or anything like that is not an option for her, its too big a hassle atm, so please do not respond if that was going to be your response
    Ok, I really hope someone out there made this work.
    Cheers, and thanks for any help/suggestions in advance.

    I have exactly he same problem. Trust me, I know how you feel about switching. When I saw the green star I thought I finally stumbled across the answer. Don't know why you marked the question answered. I have tried all the different ports, none of which worked. I'm so looking forward to solving this one.

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    Eric Haskins

    please define your problem exactly. du you get a compile error? a runtime error?
    please use the code tags, and rename your static member Array to thomething else as a classname.
    kind regards

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    What do you have installed, in what form did you acquire it, and what kind of computer you're using please?
    So Bridge doesn't think you have any other Adobe programs installed properly.
    If this isn't a trial or cracked version you're using, you're entitled to free installation support from Adobe by phone.

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    Try this demo, it will just throw an security exception, in any other browser (even Opera 5.12) a certificate dialog will appear first.
    BTW: Anyone got the same problem with the <object> tag in opera 6, it always says Applet not found when you leave the parameter codebase=",3,0,0". If you remove it, the applet can be loaded.

    Got the same problem. I've just noticed it, so I can't offer any help yet. I am using a certificate that I created myself, using keytool and I placed the policy file in the applet directory. I use the archive tag to access the jar file.
    It works fine on IE6 and NN6. On opera - same problem yo got.
    Now I know that opera doesn't support the archive tag, but the embed tag. So I wonder if you have tried it with embed?
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    Yes, I created a PDF:
    And a video that shows you how to do this.
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  • WMG54G Music Bridge & Windows 7 - Anyone got it to work?

    I have been trying to install the utility program, which includes the driver, for the Linksys WMB54G Music Bridge. So far I have failed to make it work under Win7. After much research on many forums I seem to be able to get the utility to run and according to the Win7 hardware manager the driver is loaded and installed and working correctly. Unfortunately, when I scan for my device it does not appear in the utility and thus I cannot play music through it.
    I should say at this stage that the device control page is fully accessible on my network by using a browser on Win7 so it is 'seen' by the system.
    These are the things I have done:-
    1) Installed the Vista computable version of the utility and driver (V1.3).
    2) Tried to connect to the bridge both by ethernet and WiFi.
    3) Have tried setting all the executable files to run with WinXP (SP2) compatibility and as administrator.
    4) Have tried with UAC and the Windows Firewall off.
    5) Have tried setting a static IP address with other associated parameters.
    6) Have searched many forums but am unable to find anyone using (or failing) with this device on Win7.
    I know this is a long shot as this isn't a terribly popular piece of kit, but when it does work it is excellent. I'm wondering if anyone has heard any information or got this working, or not.
    Maybe I'll just have to content myself with the fact that this device (with the existing Vista driver) doesn't work with Win7.
    Thanks for reading.

    I tried compatibility mode, both XP and Vista, and it still crashes when starting up. Will try to re-install.
    I have an old laptop running XP and I was able to get it working. Here are the issues:
    - Client app won't start on Windows 7. It can't be that complex of an app.
    - Implementation of WEP 128 is bad. I can only get it to work with WEP 64. Hopefully WPA will work, but haven't attempted yet.
    - Crashes router's wireless connection after about 5 minutes of playing time.
    Really disappointed as this thing seemed so cool. I already spend way to much time on this. Will attempt again with a different router. If it fails, will have to RMA...
    Message Edited by bryawn on 06-05-2009 04:54 PM
    (Mod note: Edited for guideline compliance.)
    Message Edited by kent07 on 06-05-2009 05:19 PM

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