Multiple DCIM subfolders

When I connect my IPhone 5S to my computer to download my photos, I see multiple subfolders under DCIM. Why is that, and what can I do to get rid of them? I have trouble finding my most recent photos as there appears to be no rhyme or reason as to which folder the most recent photos are in. I am using IOS 8.1 - and it could be that this started happening when I upgraded to IOS 8 - I just can't remember when I did it. I waste a LOT of time trying to find the most recent photos so that I can copy them to my computer. Also, when I look at each subfolder, in addition to each photo contain in it, there are one of more "local disk" icons. Please help!!

The randomly hashed folder names are annoying. I have discovered that each folder contains 1 month's photos & videos. I.e., I have a gibberish folder name that contains all of 2013-06, the next is 2013-07, etc. If you view the contents of each folder showing the date info, you will find this.
This has me wondering why Apple doesn't just name each folder with the year-month (yyyy-mm) so we can actually find and organize our content.

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    I used to manually copy and paste newly taken photos from my iphone into my computer. Ever since I bought iphone 6, there is suddenly an onslaught of subfolders created, with seemingly no patterns how the photos and videos are sorted. I am now unable to download the photos from the iphone to my computer because i cannot find the most recent pictures taken. See screenshot of the multiple folders in my phone!
    help?!  On the related note, how does sync photos work? will that help solve my problem?
    Thank you in advance

    thank  you for the link. it is still quite confusing. Essentially, I am wondering how to continue downloading pictures/videos from the iphone to the computer, without duplicating those that already exist in my computer.
    Yes, because of the multiple subfolders in the iphone i do not know how to find the latest pictures and cannot copy and paste from my iphone to my computer. Any insights on how the subfolders are sorting my pictures will be greatly appreciated.

  • Multiple DCIM / Photo folders in Windows

    This has been a problem since iOS 3. For some reason one day my photos will start appearing in different folders when browsing for them while my iPhone is connected.

    What you are seeing by default is shown as 'My folders' view. It's a flat alphabetical list of the last level subfolders in which you have media files.
    Click on the little yellow icon just right of the 'My folders' title bar, and you switch to the 'Folders' view which reflects what you see in your explorer. The difference is that by default, you see only subfolders having image files; if you want to display subfolders without image files, right click on the master folder and choose to show empty folders; that choice is not sticky.

  • Multiple dcim files. Can I remove some of them?

    please help or post where this was already asnwered. Thank you
    If you have imported the photos or transferred the photos from the DCIM folders, you can delete the extra DCIM folders leaving the first. I don't think there will be any harm if you delete all existing DCIM folders that are empy after transferring the photos from the folders since a new DCIM folder will or shouild be recreated if you do when capturing new photos or when saving photos from a received email, from a webite or text message. I would leave the first folder.

  • Note: and Folders with Dovecot - Copying Folders w Subfolders

    I found a problem with Apple Mail regarding folder creation with the new Dovecot Server...
    Say you import some mail from Eudora or some other mail client, and you have folders with no messages, only subfolders (or mailboxes if you want to call them that). The mailbox on "My Mac" appears white instead of blue, and you can see the subfolders just fine and everything looks great. Drag that folder (the white one with subfolders) to your IMAP account to copy it to the server. It will copy just fine. Now try to rename or delete that white folder you just copied to the server. You will get the following error:
    For this example I will call the problem folder "TestFolder"
    The IMAP command RENAME (or DELETE if you try to delete) (to TestFolder) failed with the server error: Mailbox does not exist: TestFolder
    The problem is this:
    Dovecot creates folders and subfolders as separate directories on the server:
    In the above example, there is a folder (or mailbox) called TestFolder with two folders inside it, TestSubFolder1, and TestSubFolder2. This example is the correct way to create a folder with dovecot, or if not "correct", at least you can delete or rename the "TestFolder" without an error.
    What happens with Apple Mail (, is that when you drag a white folder to the server, it would create the following:
    Notice the root folder .TestFolder is missing. This is why you get the error message noted above. If you create .TestFolder in the directory, chmod 700 .TestFolder and chown <username> .TestFolder, you can rename or delete the problem folder (notice it turns blue as well). This gets rather annoying when dealing with multiple folders/subfolders, and is not a real graceful way of dealing with the situation.
    Apparently there is some intended difference with the white folders and blue folders, in that blue folders can contain messages but white folders can only contain other folders. Great, but needs to somehow create the folder on the server in a way that is compatible with Dovecot.
    If someone has a developer account (mine keeps complaining that there is missing information, but there is no missing information and won't let me log in), could you post this as a bug report? I'll deal with my developer account later...

    > It's not that they don't show up in Mail. In Mail, they are in their
    (manually) sorted folders. On the server they are in BOTH their
    sorted folder, AND the main inbox where they first appeared.
    Yes, but what I’m saying is that, according to your reports, even after rebuilding the Inbox of the .Mac account that has the problem, there are still messages in that mailbox on the server that don’t show up in Mail in that same mailbox. Is that correct? This is what doesn’t make sense to me...
    > Mac-mydotmacusername1
    [email protected]
    So you have two .Mac accounts and a POP account. You hadn’t mentioned this before, had you? I got the impression that you only had one .Mac account...
    Which account has the problem, i.e. for which account there are messages on the server’s Inbox that don’t show up in Mail even after rebuilding that mailbox? Are you moving messages from a .Mac account’s Inbox to custom mailboxes of that same account or to mailboxes associated with the other .Mac account?
    Try this to determine the scope of the problem:
    1. Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Accounts and create a new user account for testing purposes.
    2. Either log out of your main user account or just quit Mail so that it does not interfere with the other user account.
    3. Log in as the newly created user and set up Mail anew there.
    4. For spam-related security reasons, go to Preferences > Viewing and disable Display remote images in HTML messages if it’s enabled.
    5. If you set up a POP account, go to Preferences > Accounts > Advanced and disable Remove copy from server after retrieving a message if it’s enabled, to avoid messages being accidentally removed from the server while testing.
    6. Check whether the problem also happens when logged in as another user.

  • How can I select all images in a folder without subfolders?

    Either I am looking with my nose (as we would say in The Netherlands) or it is not possible:
    I have a folder A with images and in that folder there's a subfolder B. I want to rename all the images inside folder A so I want to select them all to begin with. However, clicking on folder A in LR also show all the images in folder B and therefore CTRL-A also selects them all. Now, how can I only select the ones in folder A?

    Winston's example certainly provides a method for the situation you described, but it doesn't help if you have multiple, nested subfolders. But my piece of advice is to be patient. Things will get better on this front.
    - Pierre

  • IPhone photo/video library glitch - wrong file extensions, name shift, lost files etc [LONG story - sorry]

    I have a 5s running 7.0.4. and my computer is running Windows 8.1.
    We had a baby and my phone filled up fast with pictures and videos, so I decided to offload them onto my PC. I connected my phone to the usb port, and directly copied from the DCIM folder to my hard drive.
    Something happened during the first attempt, and the process was interrupted. So I went into each of the sub folders, and selected all files, and started the copy process again. I told the computer to skip any existing files.
    So all the file counts matched in each folder, and I figured it was safe to start deleting from my iPhone.
    On my hard drive, I separated all the MOV files into my Videos folder. But in Windows Explorer, the thumbnail view showed several MOV files with no thumbnail - just the generic icon.
    As I sorted my photos into various folders, I also noticed a lot of generic icons instead of thumbnails for the JPGs. I started to feel concerned that my files had become corrupt during the transfer. But then I noticed a PNG file that was a few hundred megabytes. This was odd, so I added the MOV extension to it. Sure enough, it was a video with the wrong extension.
    I renamed every PNG and JPG file that had no thumbnail to add the MOV extension. Every one was a video with the wrong file extension.
    Then I went to the video folder, and all the MOV files that had the generic icon were actually JPG files.
    Well I was just happy to see that the files were not corrupt.
    One more time before I deleted things from my iPhone, I did a spot check to see that the largest videos were on my hard drive. I found a few videos that were not copied over, despite the file counts having been accurate. So I copied the videos again, and compared file sizes and date/times when there was an overwrite prompt. Most were matches, but several were the same file name with different sizes and dates.
    I didn't know what was going on, but I just wanted to get the files on my computer. So I renamed my local copy where there was a name collision, and copied the videos. I deleted the videos from my phone as I went along.
    I felt pretty confident that I had all the files copied now, so I began mass deleting my photos.
    I went to the Photos app on the phone, and watched the thousands of pictures disappear, and the glorious free space grow on my phone.
    But wait... there was still 1 video in the Photos app. I thought I had gotten all the MOV files off the phone...
    I have a photo info app installed, so I was able to see the file name of the video. I searched for that file name in the DCIM subfolders, but the folder that had that series of files (the IMG_3000-3999 files) listed the files with that particular video skipped. It was clearly still on my phone, because I could play it.
    Then I noticed it was a 45 minute long video of my baby. About 5 GB. So I figured it must be due to the file size that it wasn't visible from explorer. (Can't explain why that would be, but M$ keeps changing crap too. I never freaking know what to expect from them either.)
    After having deleted all the jpg, png and mov files from the DCIM folder, there were still about 26 files in my camera roll on the iPhone. And I could still view the video.
    I decided I wasn't concerned about the photos, I just wanted to figure out how to get the video onto my computer.
    So I selected all the photos in the photo app (skipping the 1 remaining video) and tapped the trash can.
    Poof! One item remained, and it was one of the garbage photos. My video is GONE! ^#@*&#($^@Q&%( And no, I didn't fat-finger it. I was very careful to select the correct thumbnails.
    Looking back, I know that I should have just started the entire file copy process from scratch when funny stuff started happening like mismatched file names. But I am a sleep-deprived new mom and just wasn't thinking clearly. It would be nice if I could have used my file/directory compare program to check the iPhone against my laptop, but it is not compatible with devices, only removable drives.
    And no, I don't use iTunes. I stopped using iTunes years ago when it would randomly decide to delete contacts from my phone just because they didn't exist on my computer or some sh-- like that. I have always just manually synced all my stuff and have never had an issue like this. To say I am sad to lose that video is an understatement.
    I googled "iPhone undelete" and "iPhone data recovery" and downloaded a trial for one of the likely candidates. It turned up a bunch of garbage, but not my video.
    Anyways... I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this type of scenario? Has anybody identified what could cause this to happen? I would like to avoid this in the future. (I will avoid this type of loss, because I know now what I could have done differently to be more careful. But it would be nice if I didn't have to get all neurotic about checking 60GB of photos/videos side by side each time I copy them to my computer...)
    I have seen other threads on the forum here regarding corrupted libraries and such, but I am not sure this is the same thing.
    One suspicion I have is that it might have to do with the iPhoto app being installed on the phone. I can't articulate why I think that is worth considering. But when I looked at my Video folder, I ended up with many duplicate videos, and all the duplicated videos' file names were 2 numbers apart. As if all the file names got shifted at some point. Very strange.
    Thanks for listening to my rant. If anybody has an idea, I am interested. If anybody else has lost precious memories due to this, we should talk. If it is a widespread problem, maybe we can all get together and pound down Apple's door?
    As an aside: Why am I unable to select Apple Support Community to post this question to?

    In my case number of weird things happen whenever I try to copy pictures/videos from my iPhone from direct USB...
    1. JPG files are wrongly named as MOV and vice versa.
    2. I copy only folders but in addition files with no extension are copied in the main folder, very strange.
    3. Whenever I open one of the folders, strange icons like this () start appearing which cannot be copied even.
    Unfortunately I used to delete a lot of files with wrong extensions in the past because I never new they could be fixed.
    Apple should answer this!
    Note: I am using Windows 8.1 and use a direct USB cable without iTunes to copy the media files directly from My Computer.

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    #1 - I understand the function of libraries/events/projects in the 10.1+ version of Final Cut X, so this is not a case of not being able to identify projects contained within an event.
    FCPX simply refuses to update projects created in an older version (which is unfortunate).
    Events are imported without issue.  
    Is there some type of workaround?  I am just getting an error that quits cancels the update process without giving me reason.
    40 minutes of searching through google lead me to posing this question.

    Solved the issue:
    I had multiple folders/subfolders which contained all of my old projects (this hierarchy was created through pre 10.1 file system organization).  the point is I just moved all of the project folders to the "Final Cut Projects" folder at the root of the drive and all was fine.

  • Moved Images After LR Import - How To Clear from LR Database?

    I moved some images and deleted others after
    I had imported them into LR. Now LR shows a little "?"
    in the top right of the image, because LR cannot find
    the image in its current location anymore.
    There are thousands of the them of them now and they are interleaved
    with valid images located in sub-directories.
    How can I get rid of all these question marks?

    >I had to move a big collection of photos to a larger hard drive and now I've got thousands of photos that Lightroom doesn't know where to find. So I'm hoping someone knows an alternative way to do this in bulk!
    As you've already observed, the ? click is fine for tracking individual files that may have been relocated, but not for large numbers, especially if the files are located in multiple folders/subfolders.
    If you look at the Folder panel (left side of Library module) you should find that the folder(s) containing the images you moved are shown in Red text. The red text is used to identify a folder/subfolder that contains files that Lightroom has lost track off (i.e. Missing Files). On the Mac you should Ctrl+click (right-click if using two button mouse) these folder(s) and choose the command "Locate Missing folder", a dialog should appear. The dialog gives you access to every hard disk connected to your computer or DVDs if they're in the tray. Use this dialog to navigate to the new folder location, then select the appropriate FOLDER (not the files). Finally, press the Choose button and allow Lightroom to do its stuff.
    The method described above also applies to the PC version although the dialog is called "Browse for Folder".
    You can avoid getting into a situation were Lightroom looses track of your folders/subfolders by using a variation of above. Actually, it's a hidden feature.
    Basically, you "push" the folders/subfolders from their original location using the OS tools such drag and drop to their new location (eg a second disk). Then in the Lightroom Folder panel press Ctrl+Opt (Mac) or Ctrl+right-click (PC) to expose the additional folder action command "Locate Missing Folders" (remember that its normally only available when you have missing files/folders). The Missing Folder/Browse Folder dialog will appear, and the steps described above can again be used to select the folder in its NEW location. Once satisfied that Lightroom is now referencing the files in their new location you can delete the files from their original location.
    I'll copy above into the Forum FAQ

  • How to share a folder including all elements?

    I am setting up a synchronization routine from a Windows PC and the iMac, both connected to the same LAN. To do this, if I have a folder that on its turn contains other files and subfolders in theory for that main folder I should select "Apply to all elements included" option in the information panel.
    My current problem however is that this is not working, i.e. I have to apply this setting to all single subfolders and even root files for the main folder.
    Am I perhaps missing a particular global setting?
    Thanks in advance

    Although I have purchased an iMac, my main computers are still PCs and the situation will stay so until the iMac is ready to become my main working computer. Further, I am running W7 under Parallels and are synchronizing to the iMac side all Windows documents so that I can use them with that very W7.
    The problem occurs when I try to synchronize some of these Windows files with the iMac's Document folder for a certain application (Windows mail application in this case). I am not sharing system files (and none of those files are locked), only mail data files and this operation just goes well when I do the same type of synchronization between all other Windows PCs.
    However a few minutes ago I tried to synchronize other Windows application's large folders with multiple-level subfolders (mostly Word, Excel and PDF files) and it went just fine. So may I presume at this point that this is the 'apply to enclosed items" bug in snow leopard you were mentioning?
    Kind regards

  • Multiple Folders in DCIM when using PC & USB...

    I have an Iphone 4 / 16GB / using 64Bit Windows 7 PC for USB connection...
    Note: This did not used to happen in version 4.X... Only after upgrading to 5.X this started happening...
    I take lots of photos and videos on a daily bases of my kids, work, etc...  when I connect my phone via USB and look into the DCIM folder; all photos and vidoes are being stored into different sub-folders randomly.
    Folders look something like:
    Looks like it saves images and videos up to 1000 counter in each folder; when thousand is reached it creates a new folder I'm currently at 5K since upgrade; so 5 diferent folders have been created... All older images and videos I had after upgrade are now split up into multiple folders which some only have 1/2 images...
    So I figured this would be uses; just short the folders by date / time stamp... well all folders have the same exact dates / time stamp so when looking for specific photos / vidoes I have to go into every single folder looks for them...
    In the past; when I hook my iphone up to the computer, it will only show the "DCIM" folder, then "100APPLE" sub folder.  Funny thing; when I hookup my Iphone to my work computer which is running on Windows XP; it shows normal only one 100APPLE...
    Any idea how I can fix this?  I have tried multple USB cables; this is very annoiging when I have to go hunting for images / vidoes?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, I think I have the same problem. I have multiple folders as well. I just want all my pictures in one and I guess it has a capacity because it creates a new one after every 12 pictures (in my case)I have a screen shot but cant figure out how to upload it. But my iPhone is 3G not 3Gs

  • Rename files in multiple subfolders

    I am looking for a way to do the following:
    I have different files in various folders and subfolders that I wish to rename.
    So I need automator to search for files in all folders and subfolders of my external drive and find all files ending in .doc.
    Then I need each file to be renamed as "report.doc". (there is only one file per subfolder so there is no danger of having two files with the same name.)
    Can someone show me how to do that? I found similar posts but it was not what I was looking for. I've even posted a similar question to applescript discussions in case automator doesn't have this possibility.
    Thank you very much for your time.

    It can get very confusing for people helping when you post the same question in multiple forums.  I have already posted some suggestions in your other thread:

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  • Multiple 'local disks' in DCIM folders

    I connected my iPad to my computer and I noticed that in the DCIM picture folders there are multiple local disks.
    The photos are sorted into 3 folders, the oldest one has 7 local disks; another has 4 and the most recent one has 5.
    Is this normal or should I try to remove them?
    Thanks a lot.

    I'm facing the same issue, but just one local disk at the moment as my phone is only 1 month old. I predict should have more when I use it futher. Anyone found solution or explaination to this?
    Never noticed this while running on iOS 5 till recently jumping to iOS 7.

  • Multiple directory into dcim

    Hello I have an iPhone 4, now with iOS 5.1.1
    I never jailbreaked this iPhone.
    When I connect the phone to my notebook (that have windows 7), I can access to my photo on the directory
    Computer\Iphone\Internal Storage\DCIM
    but when I get there instead of find my pics or just one directory now I found a lot of directories (18 in total) containing my over 2900 pics so it's very hard for me to find where are the latest pics I wanna manually copy on my notebook.
    the directory names are like
    and so on
    On the phone if i go to the camera roll and go up until reach my first pic, I cannot see my first pic but it seems like it cannot handle so much pics and placed a grey pic as my first pic (which I didn't take!)
    if I tap on it nothing happens.
    how to fix this annoying two problems?
    thanks in advance

    I have an IPhone 5 and the above is occurring as well.
    Previously before the multiple IOS updates, you could access your photos on your Windows 7 based computer
    by accessing the phone after the USB plug in similar to a removable drive and ALL the photos would be present on
    the screen. Now as above, instead of just one directory now I too found multiple directories (19 in total) containing
    my pics RANDOMLY grouped together
    My directory names are just like kappino's - 825SCNKV or 910OCJFE and so on.
    VERY frustrating in terms of locating photo's or even grouping them.
    HOW can I revert back to showing all pics on ONE screen?

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