Multiple Desktop Suggestions

I love that Microsoft is finally bringing the feature to Windows. This is the main reason why, for the last 5 or so years, I have been using Linux as my primary work OS. A well designed multi-desktop experience can be very beneficial for productivity. However,
I its implementation in the Preview build isn't quite there yet.
Allow windows to be moved from desktop to desktop using a key combination. For instance while a window has focus a user could hold Win+CTRL+Shift and the Right Arrow and the window will cycle to the virtual desktop to the right as the user changes
Allow the desktops to be auto-managed. This is a feature of Gnome 3 that I find very nice. A virtual desktop will be automatically created when you shuttle a window off to it or navigate to it and conversely if you empty a virtual desktop of all windows
it will be automatically removed.
Allow users to change key mappings/shortcuts. One trick I always liked to do, when I ran Compiz on Debian/Ubutntu, was to map my virtual desktop interaction to the w, a, s, d buttons + the standard key modifiers. Being a programmer and working with
an IDE and terminal screens it is very convenient not to have to move my hand to the arrow pad. This is an edge case hence why I like the idea to allow people to edit the shortcuts to best suit their own needs.
Window always on active display. There needs to be the ability to give a window the option to be always be on the active desktop (meaning it wont go away when you switch desktops). I find I'm always working with multiple windows and it is very convenient
to always have a window displayed regardless of what desktop I'm looking at. My use cases for this are either having documentation on a second monitor that you're working off of or perhaps a video playing on Youtube/Netflix/ which you're watching
in the background.

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    Dear Eric ~
    Thank you very much for your reply and direction to a previous thread.
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    hi d
    here's a few to try:

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    Hey Eric,
    Thanks for taking the time. Unfortunately no that does not solve it. Same as swipe it will get me there and it will show separate programs spaced out. The issue I am having is that all my open word files are bunched up in a pile on top of each other. I can see the edges of each one but I want them to be separated from each other enough that I can visually identify what file is what.
    Again, thanks for trying, it is appreciated.

  • Multiple Desktops

    Really like the multiple Desktops.  @ 1st thought it was much like Alt-Tab or hovering across Taskbar, basically, another View/Select approach.  In 7 (& 8) would run more than one tabbed browser grouping related sites in each.  This
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    and can, still, not have to change screens for anything; just be 100% on the good ole Desktop.  All w/ hardly any 'learning curve'!  And it sure is speedy!  Certainly, non-touch PC Users should not have complaints w/ Windows 10.
    Drew MS Partner / MS Beta Tester / Pres. Computer Issues Pres. Computer Issues

    Thanks for your response. I think we might be talking about the same Desktop... If you close all your folders and applications and just have the Finder - I'm talking about that Desktop. The one that's called "Desktop" in Places. The one that in System Preferences is called "Desktop and Screensaver" and lets you place a picture of your choosing in the background. I think that's what you mean when you say it's "the background that all your windows and folder sit on." That's the Desktop I mean. (It is called the Desktop, isn't it?) The point isn't having different pictures there - that was hypothetical. At the moment I have a few folders and quicktime files sitting on my Desktop. If I create multiple Spaces - no matter which Space I open, the exact same folders and quicktimes remain on the Desktop. What I was wondering - and suspect isn't possible to do - is being able to create multiple Desktops: one that will have nothing but quicktime files waiting to be opened, one that will have nothing but folders waiting to be opened, etc. I hope this is clearer.
    Message was edited by: truffaldin

  • Yosemite consolidating multiple desktops on dual monitors,

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    This is possible using access restrictions in Universe designer based on user login.
    For eg. there is user A,B and C and three connections C1,C2 and C3.
    In Manage access restrictions you have to create a three restrictions(R1,R2 and R3): one using C1,second C2 and third C3.
    Apply these three restrictions to corresponding to the users. i.e. R1-->A,R2-->B and R3-->C.
    So based on user login the instance will be used for same report.
    In IDT , I think this can be done using Data Level Security, but the concept wil be same.

  • Use of Multiple Desktops

    Hi there,
    I was happy to read that there was such a thing as Multiple Desktops on the Mac but then was disappointed to actually see it in action.
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    I figured it out.  ^1 typed from the number keys is not equivalent to ^1 typed from the numeric keypad.  So, when you go into system prefs / keyboard / shortcuts / mission control, it may LOOK the same, but it is not.  You simply have to select each of your spaces and change them to ^1, ^2, ^3, etc., using the NUMERIC keypad.  It will look the same to you, but it will work properly after that.

  • Dual display, multiple desktops

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  • Webex and multiple desktops

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    Thanks in advance.

    I have the same problem and have not been able to find a solution.  Even trying to move the webex to a 2nd montitor connected to the Mac doesn't work. You have to be on the MacBook Pro Laptop Display and Desktop 1 only. 
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  • The multiple desktops are gone. Cntrl/right arrow no longer works

    The multiple desktops are gone. Cntrl/right arrow no longer works. Nor does dragging a window to the right.

    Spaces no longer exists in Mountain Lion. The replacement, Mission Control, has a different implementaion but allows similar results.
    Mac Basics: Mission Control
    About Mission Control | Macworld
    CNTRL RIGHT ARROW doesn't work: Apple Support Communities

  • Display multiple desktops on one monitor

    I have a 32 inch Hannspree HDTV connected to my Mac Mini via HDMI.
    I would like to create four quadrants on my screen and display a different desktop in each quadrant.
    I know how to create the multiple desktops in mission control, what I don't know is how to display them all at once!
    I am not looking for answers involving multiple monitors! I want to divide my 32 monitor up into four seperate "screens" and display a different desktop in each "screen"
    Thanks for the help!

    It can be done by using Server side code in Visual Webpart .Please check the below link.
    If you are looking for something different pls let me know..
    Don't forget to mark it as an Answer if it resolves your issue and Vote Me as helpful if it useful.

  • Are multiple desktops in 'Lion' totally pointless?

    Having multiple desktops for different activities or jobs seems pointless if you can't open a software application from the toolbar when it is already in use on another desktop. i.e. If I need my addressbook open on my personal desktop and also on my work desktop, I can't do it. If I try the desktops flip across screen 'wham! to the desktop where the application was originally opened! No good. The only thing that comes close is to open a new 'file' on the "main" desktop and move that individual file to another desktop whilst in the Mission Control position. That says it all! It's daft... and if you close it down you cant open it again without redoing the whole mission control thing. Am I missing something here apart from my patience?

    They way that I perfer to work, there are no cases where I want the OS to switch to another desktop simply because I choose to open an application that happens to already be opened on another desktop.  For me, I want the application to open in the current desktop, regardless if it is already open in another desktop.  I tend to have multiple applications open on a single desktop in windowed mode - where no single application consumes the entire screen.  For me, out-of-sight-out-of mind applies - I need to be able to see what I have to work with.
    However, some of my friends at work prefer to work in a full-screen mode, where a singe application takes up the entire screen.  They are constantly switching back and forth from one application to the other, typically by pressing CMD+TAB.  I guess in this context, having the OS switch from one desktop to another based on where the application is opened would make sense.  But, to me that seems like a big waste of a desktop - only showing one application.
    So, here is an example of my use-case.  I come to work and powerup my Mac.  I open  Finder and Excel so that I can start working on a report.  While I'm working on the report a friend comes over and asks me to help him with his report.  In this case, I would prefer to switch to an unused desktop and then proceed to open the applications that I need for this new task, such as  Finder and Excel (the same ones I was using for my report but now I need for my friend's report).  I already have context in those applications on Desktop1 and I don't want to lose that, hence my desire to use another desktop. So, I go to Desktop2 and click on the Finder icon in the Dock.  Instead of it opening a new instance of Finder on Desktop2, I'm jolted over to Desktop1 where Finder was already opened.  But I don't want that - I want to keep my place in Finder on Desktop1 and open a new one on Desktop2.  Sure, I can hold the CTRL key down while I press on the Finder icon in the Dock and tell it to open a new window.  However, instead of it opening a new window in Desktop2, it opens it in Desktop1 while leaving me in Desktop2 and wondering where the new Finder window is.  It seems that Safari works correctly in that it will open a new Safari window in Desktop2 if I hold the CTRL key down while I click on its icon in Dock.  However, if I forget that, I'm transported over to Desktop1 - which I don't want.
    How Firefox is handled is just weird.  Lets say that I am in Desktop1 and I have Firefox opened.  Then I switch to Desktop2 and now I want Firefox open in Desktop2 too.  While in Desktop2  I can  hold the CTRL key when clicking on its icon in Dock and tell it to open a new window.  Indeed, it will open a new window - but not in Desktop2.  Instead, it opens a new window in Desktop1 and I get tranported over to Desktop1.  Again, not what I want.
    Sure, you can blame the applications for this.  But to me, the OS is the coordinator of all the resource on the system, including the applications.  So, in my opinion, if it does not work consistently and and if it does not work how I expect  then it does not work well.

  • Multiple desktops keep switching order

    I use multiple desktops (not sure what the feature is called anymore) in 10.8.2.  I have about 4 of them, and for some reason, #2 and #3 keep switching places!  any ideas why?  I just have different browsers, a finder window, (simple stuff) in each one.  no full screen stuff, nothing fancy.  ARRG!

    They are automatically ordered by usage. You can disable that in the Mission Control prefs.

  • Multiple desktops/different icons?

    I am a student and I use my new mbp for lots of school related things, and it would be so easy and much neater looking if I could have all school related links and icons on one desktop, and personal things on another. But I can't figure out how; no matter how I try to move them, both desktops retain the same icons. Surely there is a way to do this? I don't keep programs running if I am not actively using them so the ability to have multiple desktops seems pointless if they are identical. Thanks.
    EDIT: doesn't it run down the battery faster to leave things running anyway?

    There's no way to do this out of the box. However there are 3rd party programs that provide that functionality. One I know of is called Desktop Tidy.
    There's no reason not to leave programs running. A program that isn't doing anything wastes no CPU cycles to speak of and if the OS really needs the memory for something else, the programs running in the background doing nothing will be auto-terminated.
    I keep my email, word processor, calendar, database, browser, Reminder, notes, and several other applications running all the time.

Maybe you are looking for