Multiple Legacy Planning

Hi All,
I have a requirement where I need to collect data from multiple legacy instance to ASCP. Each legacy system need to be defined as separate instance.
For example : - Legacy instance for Asia pacific should be defined as APC, legacy instance from North America is NUS and legacy from South America is SUS.
I am planning to collect the data using legacy collections for each instance.
Do I need to still define the DBlinks in order define the instance?
I tried to defined these instance without DBlink details and I am getting error that DBlink is already in use.
Is it compulsory to define the DBlinks even if I will be collecting data from flat files using Legacy collections?
Appreciate if someone can help me in this.

We have gone live with legacy collections. You do not need to define DBLINKS
Ensure you have the various source instances. And then use Legacy Collections.
Hope this helps.

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  • Multiple Executions Plans for the same SQL statement

    Dear experts,
    awrsqrpt.sql is showing multiple executions plans for a single SQL statement. How is it possible that one SQL statement will have multiple Executions Plans within the same AWR report.
    Below is the awrsqrpt's output for your reference.
    Snapshot Period Summary
    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
    TESTDB          2157605839 TESTDB1               1  YES testhost1
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
    Begin Snap:     32541 11-Oct-08 21:00:13       248     141.1
      End Snap:     32542 11-Oct-08 21:15:06       245     143.4
       Elapsed:               14.88 (mins)
       DB Time:               12.18 (mins)
    SQL Summary                            DB/Inst: TESTDB/TESTDB1  Snaps: 32541-32542
       SQL Id      Time (ms)
    51szt7b736bmg     25,131
    Module: SQL*Plus
    TEST_BATCH_DT = (:B1 )
    SQL ID: 51szt7b736bmg                  DB/Inst: TESTDB/TESTDB1  Snaps: 32541-32542
    -> 1st Capture and Last Capture Snap IDs
       refer to Snapshot IDs witin the snapshot range
        Plan Hash           Total Elapsed                 1st Capture   Last Capture
    #   Value                    Time(ms)    Executions       Snap ID        Snap ID
    1   2960830398                 25,131             1         32542          32542
    2   3834848140                      0             0         32542          32542
    Plan 1(PHV: 2960830398)
    Plan Statistics                        DB/Inst: TESTDB/TESTDB1  Snaps: 32541-32542
    -> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided
       into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100
    Stat Name                                Statement   Per Execution % Snap
    Elapsed Time (ms)                            25,131       25,130.7     3.4
    CPU Time (ms)                                23,270       23,270.2     3.9
    Executions                                        1            N/A     N/A
    Buffer Gets                               2,626,166    2,626,166.0    14.6
    Disk Reads                                      305          305.0     0.3
    Parse Calls                                       1            1.0     0.0
    Rows                                        371,735      371,735.0     N/A
    User I/O Wait Time (ms)                         564            N/A     N/A
    Cluster Wait Time (ms)                            0            N/A     N/A
    Application Wait Time (ms)                        0            N/A     N/A
    Concurrency Wait Time (ms)                        0            N/A     N/A
    Invalidations                                     0            N/A     N/A
    Version Count                                     2            N/A     N/A
    Sharable Mem(KB)                                 26            N/A     N/A
    Execution Plan
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name            | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | UPDATE STATEMENT             |                 |       |       |  1110 (100)|          |
    |   1 |  UPDATE                      | TEST            |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL          | TEST            |   116K|  2740K|  1110   (2)| 00:00:14 |
    |   3 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ACCT            |     1 |    26 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | ACCT_DT_ACC_IDX |     1 |       |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Plan 2(PHV: 3834848140)
    Plan Statistics                        DB/Inst: TESTDB/TESTDB1  Snaps: 32541-32542
    -> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided
       into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100
    Stat Name                                Statement   Per Execution % Snap
    Elapsed Time (ms)                                 0            N/A     0.0
    CPU Time (ms)                                     0            N/A     0.0
    Executions                                        0            N/A     N/A
    Buffer Gets                                       0            N/A     0.0
    Disk Reads                                        0            N/A     0.0
    Parse Calls                                       0            N/A     0.0
    Rows                                              0            N/A     N/A
    User I/O Wait Time (ms)                           0            N/A     N/A
    Cluster Wait Time (ms)                            0            N/A     N/A
    Application Wait Time (ms)                        0            N/A     N/A
    Concurrency Wait Time (ms)                        0            N/A     N/A
    Invalidations                                     0            N/A     N/A
    Version Count                                     2            N/A     N/A
    Sharable Mem(KB)                                 26            N/A     N/A
    Execution Plan
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name         | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | UPDATE STATEMENT             |              |       |       |     2 (100)|          |
    |   1 |  UPDATE                      | TEST         |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEST         |     1 |    28 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEST_DT_IND  |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ACCT         |     1 |    26 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   5 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | INDX_ACCT_DT |     1 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Full SQL Text
    SQL ID       SQL Text
                  NVL(ACCT_DR_BAL, 0)) FROM ACCT WHERE ACCT_TRN_DT = (:B1 ) AND PB
                 RN_ACC_NB = ACCT_ACC_NB(+)) WHERE TEST_BATCH_DT = (:B1 )Your input is highly appreciated.
    Thanks for taking your time in answering my question.

    Oracle Lover3 wrote:
    Dear experts,
    awrsqrpt.sql is showing multiple executions plans for a single SQL statement. How is it possible that one SQL statement will have multiple Executions Plans within the same AWR report.If you're using bind variables and you've histograms on your columns which can be created by default in 10g due to the "SIZE AUTO" default "method_opt" parameter of DBMS_STATS.GATHER__STATS it is quite normal that you get different execution plans for the same SQL statement. Depending on the values passed when the statement is hard parsed (this feature is called "bind variable peeking" and enabled by default since 9i) an execution plan is determined and re-used for all further executions of the same "shared" SQL statement.
    If now your statement ages out of the shared pool or is invalidated due to some DDL or statistics gathering activity it will be re-parsed and again the values passed in that particular moment will determine the execution plan. If you have skewed data distribution and a histogram in place that reflects that skewness you might get different execution plans depending on the actual values used.
    Since this "flip-flop" behaviour can sometimes be counter-productive if you're unlucky and the values used to hard parse the statement leading to a plan that is unsuitable for the majority of values used afterwards, 11g introduced the "adaptive" cursor sharing that attempts to detect such a situation and can automatically re-evaluate the execution plan of the statement.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Problem with multiple counter plan containing running hrs and no of months

    Hey gurus,
    In my project the preventive maintenance of compressor is such that it is performed after 500 hrs or 6 months whichever comes first. Now i ve created a cycle set cosisting of 500 hrs and 6 months. In the multiple counter plan i ve assigned a counter to the plan for calculating 500 hrs and chosen the link as OR. I scheduled the plan and given the start date as 01.05.09. Now I am facing the following problem:
    Suppose my counter value reaches the 500 mark on 01.08.09. Now a maintenance order is generated. My client now wants that the next order should be generated after the counter reading reaches 1000 or the date reaches 01.02.10, ie, the order should be generated for next 500hrs or NEXT 6 MONTHS from
    the date of completion of first cycle, whichever comes first.
    Pls help....

    If u have scheduled ur plan according to cycle set. It will take the Point of contact as 6 months.
    Ex : Cycle set : 500 hrs and 6 months, maintained OR functions
    i have entered the measurement reading as 500.. thats why, it gives the call for todays date...
    see the next date will be after 6 months... If u update the measuring point only, it will open a order... otherwise.. once u have scheduled it for 6 months.. once in 6 months it will give a order...
    1     11.05.2009               0     New start  Save to call
    2     07.11.2009     07.11.2009          0     Scheduled  Hold
    3     06.05.2010     06.05.2010          0     Scheduled  Hold
    4     02.11.2010     02.11.2010          0     Scheduled  Hold
    5     01.05.2011     01.05.2011          0     Scheduled  Hold
    6     28.10.2011     28.10.2011          0     Scheduled  Hold
    7     25.04.2012     25.04.2012          0     Scheduled  Hold
    Schedule for a long period.. u will be able to understand the scenario...
    - Pithan

  • Getting run time error for multiple counter plan

    Hi Friends,
    Its very critical issue,wherein i am getting run time error for multiple counter plan.
    Explanation:While try to change the Call horizon or scheduling period of the counter based plan through IP42 or IP15,systam allowing me to change the data but while saving also i am getting "Maintenance plan has changed" message and once come to the back of the transaction instantly i am getting pop up window saying that "Express document get terminated".However we have been maintaining copy of this data in another client wherein we are not getting any Run time error.
    Please find the screen shots for your reference and please let me know how to fix the issue.

         Please check reason for update termination in Transaction code SM13.

  • First time scheduling using IP30 for Multiple Counter plan

    I created a multiple counter plan with Cycle set as 6months/ 300 Operations.
    I intend to start the job early and updated the Planned Counter date as  1st Sep 2014.I maintained Lead Float as 10 days.
    When I run IP10, call is generated successfully. But when I execute IP30, no call is generated.
    We have not activated enhanced functionality of Multiple Counter plans.
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    I want to generate calls using IP30 only as there are lot of multiple counter plans. Can anybody suggest a solution to this issue?

    As you intended to use cycle set functionality please activate enhanced functionality of Multiple Counter plans

  • Multiple-Output Planning (MOP) Question

    Dear Gurus,
    I have a requirment to have a functionality similar to that of Multiple Output Planned orders(MOP). My only limitiation is we will not have a SAP SCM(APO) to do that.
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    Any suggestions? All help is highly appreciated
    Thanks again.
    Edited by: Vaibhav Gupta on Oct 21, 2009 7:54 PM

    Hi Vaibhav,
    can you please elaborate on your scenario and Industry you intend to use this functionality ?
    Sandeep Mondkar
    SCM Manufacturing

  • Multiple Output Planning (MOP) in mySAP SCM PPDS

    Hi frnds,
    We are presently implementing mySAP SCM at a major steel manufacturer in India and need some help in Multiple Output Planning in PPDS.
    Scenario e.g
    There is a requirement of 1200 mm width material.
    Stock available is 1500 mm width.
    Normally, an order for 1200 mm is created since the characteristic of the requirement and the stock available is not taken into consideration.
    By MOP, an order to cut the 1500 mm stock is created to cover the 1200 mm requirement.
    Has anyone worked on this?
    If any one please reply

    Hi Vaibhav,
    can you please elaborate on your scenario and Industry you intend to use this functionality ?
    Sandeep Mondkar
    SCM Manufacturing

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    ANyone one else do this and have the same issue?

    My husband was having this same issue on his iPhone 5S.
    I followed Ladybug2013's directions above (which had me very nervous)
    To resolve issue with iCloud Drive continuously upgrading:
    Sign out of iCloud account and confirm delete
    Choose keep on my phone (this way, you will not lose anything as you have selected to keep it on your phone.)
    Sign back into iCloud account
    Choose Merge
    iCloud Drive should be off
    I then turned it back on and saw the same upgrading wheel running again. I then (out of pure desperation) went back into the iCloud setting and scrolled all the way down to where it said "Advanced" and clicked on "share my location". This took me to another screen where "share my location was turned on and under that was an option labeled "from" --"this device". I clicked on that and it took me to another screen which said the phone's ID that was checked with another check mark. I clicked that same selection again (just for the heck of it) and then used the back arrow all the way back out and low and behold--- the upgrading was stopped! Nothing was lost on the phone

  • Multiple cycle plan order

    Dear Expert,
                          My clilent requirement for fleet equipments maintenance through both strategy(Timebased & Performance based) like that which earlier is first.we successfully started the multiple cycle plan for fleet equipment.but user want to know that how can we identify whose order came by which condition( timebase or performance order).while IP10 authorization can not give to client.
    So,Please suggest how can we overcome this problem.

    User can check the measuringdocument aganist the equipemnt. It will give information that how much hour it has run.
    If this is not reached as specified the it will be from the time based.

  • Multiple Legacy Exchange Forests - Single Office 365

    I currently have 2 legacy Exchange forests:
    Both of these organisations are being migrated to a consolidated Active Directory:
    The new organisation will use Office 365. There will be no On-Premise Exchange in this organisation.
    My challenge is to migrate to new AD and Office 365.
    I can't find much info on this so here is my proposed plan:
    Configure hybrid deployment in with Office 365 and migrate mail.
    Configure hybrid deployment in with Office 365 and migrate mail.
    Migrate AD user objects from to on-premises AD (use ADMT, retain SIDs etc.)
    Migrate AD user objects from to on-premises AD (use ADMT, retain SIDs etc.)
    Use new Azure Active Directory Sync (AADS) to sync from new AD user objects in AD to Office 365 (match on different attribute e.g. legacy mail address).
    Does anyone have any experience with a similar scenario? Any caveats? Any feedback?
    Should I maybe migrate the AD objects first (although the mail sync will always have to occur from legacy forests to Office 365 anyway).

    Hi SupCra,
    Your proposed plan seems technically right, but has some risks.
    Will aadsync actually match the dirsync objects
    Are all required attributes available in the new forest, probably you will still need to extend the AD schema to have some required Exchange properties (like
    ms-Exch-Hide-From-Address-Lists properties).
    If you can create a test setup I would be very interested in the results!
    A more safer approach will be the use of an external migration tool.
    Setup AADSync with the new forest and Office365
    Create user mailboxes
    Incremental sync of mailboxes
    Although there are limitations with this approach too!
    How many users do you have? Is a batched migration required?

  • Multiple currency planning and budgeting?

    Hi all
    We are having a requirement of planning and budgeting in same WBS with multiple currencies and also seeing reports in different currencies on single screen.
    Now has anybody explored this area and has anything to suggest.
    Thanks in anticipation

    Hi Raman
    The following is the literature from SAP on the subject. You may find it useful.
    Planning and Budgeting in Any Currency
    International groups often use one uniform company code currency (group currency) in CO. However, it may be necessary to plan and budget in the respective local currency as the majority of costs will be incurred in the local currency. The local currency is usually the corresponding company code currency.
    Previously only budgeting of jobs (orders and projects) was possible in the local currency.
    From Release 4.70, you can also budget investement programs in the local currency. In addition, it is possible to plan investment programs, appropriation requests and jobs directly in the local currency.
    As was previously the case for orders and projects, plan and budget values for investment programs and appropriation requests are also saved in both the controlling area and local currencies defined in the master record of each object. If you change or re-specify the exchanged rates used, it is now possible to recalculate the values in the local currency using the values in the controlling area currency, and vice-versa.
    In reporting for IM, it is even possible to calculate evaluations in any report currency (plan, budget and assigned values). If the values are available in the specified report currency, they are issued unchanged. If they are not available, they are converted from the controlling area currency into the report currency.
    Effects on Existing Data
    Before Release 4.70, the plan values for appropriation requirements, were only saved in the controlling area currency. This was also the case if a local object currency was specified in the master record for the appropriation requirement. From Release 4.70, the plan values for appropriation requirements are always saved in the controlling area and local currencies. Therefore, you must adjust appropriation requests that were created in an earlier release and use a local currency that varies from the local object currency. The easiest way to do this is to use the program RAIMCRC2 to recalculate the plan values in the local object currency for appropriation requests whose plan values are in the controlling area currency (transaction IMCRC2, menu path: Financial Accounting  -> Investment Management -> Appropriation Requests -> Tools -> Recalculate Currency Plan for Appropriation Requests). Before you run the program, select the relevant option in the Process Control section of the initial screen.
    Effects on Customizing
    Adjustment of Planning and Budget Profiles
    To enable the planning of investment programs, appropriation requests and jobs in a transaction currency different to the controlling area currency, you must adjust the relevant planning profiles.
    To enable the budgeting of investment programs in a transaction currency different to the controlling area currency, you must adjust the relevant budget profiles.
    In the planning currency (or budgeting currency) section of the planning (or budget) profile, you must define the transaction currency in which planning (or budgeting) is to be executed:
    Only in the controlling area currency (default),
    Only in the object currency
    (= local currency defined in object master record ) or
    In a transaction currency chosen at the start of planning/budgeting
    (this option is not possible for appropriation requests).
    In the planning or budget profiles, you must also define the exchange rate types to be used for the conversion of total values that are not dependent on the fiscal year.
    To adjust the planning profiles, use the process steps:
    Maintain Planning Profiles  (investment programs)
    Maintain Planning Profile for Cost Planning (appropiation requests)
    To adjust the budgeting profiles, use the process steps:
    Define Budget Profiles for Investment Programs   (investment programs)
    Exchange Rate Types
    In the fiscal-year-dependent data of the CO planning versions, you must also define the exchange rate types to be used for conversion of plan values that are not dependent on the fiscal year.
    For conversion of fiscal-year-dependent budget values and fiscal-year-dependent plan values of appropriation request variants not yet assigned to a plan version, each exchange rate type is taken from the fiscal-year-dependent data of the CO planning versions 0.
    As the plan or budget values are stored in the transaction, controlling area, and local currencies, the exchange rates used must enable the conversion of the transaction currency into the controlling area and local currencies. Where necessary, the exchange rates used must be extended.
    To enter the exchange rate types, use the process step:
    Define Versions  (investment programs)
    Change Planning or Budget Currency
    If you always planned or budgeted existing investment programs/measures in the controlling area currency, it is not subsequently possible to change the planning or budget currency to the object currency in the planning or budget profiles. This conversion is not prevented in Customizing, but leads to an error when you next plan or budget existing investment programs/measures. Alternatively, you can convert the planning or budget currency into the transaction currency in the planning or budget profiles, and set the object currency indicator as default.
    A similar restriction does not exist for appropriation requests. You can change the planning currency in the planning profile at any time.
    Use the process step under "Adjust the Planning and Budgeting Profiles".
    Detailed Planning
    When you call up detailed planning from structure-based cost planning or revenue planning, the standard SAP planning profiles are used, to which the standard SAP planning layouts are assigned. These planning profiles cannot be changed in the planning transactions. Import the standard SAP planning layouts 1-401-IM, 1-402-IM, 1-403-IM, 1-701-IM,  1-702-IM and 1-703-IM using the transaction OKBF from client 000 in your client.
    To execute the import, choose the process step:
    Import Standard Planning Layouts.
    Reporting Currency for IM Reporting
    In IM reporting, if you want to be able to specify a reporting currency that is different to the controlling area and object currencies used in the investment program items or subordinate appropriation requests and measures, another exchange rate type is required for the due conversion of plan, budget, or values into the reporting currency. You define this exchange rate type in Customizing for the program type for the investment program to be reported ( Group Reporting).
    To enter additional reporting currencies, use the process step:
    Define Program Types  (investment programs)
    you may also refer the following link in SAP help on the subject

  • Multiple Resource Planning in PPDS

    Hi Experts,
    We are running PPDS for our Production Planning. Business scenario is we have 2 PPM's , and in the PPM's input materials and Resource is different( So, we can not use different Mode) Now, when executing PPDS, system picks the PPM by which availibility date can be met, which is correct. So, if i am running PPDS for a month horizon, system always picks the same PPM always and as MRP run is infinite , system does not check the capacity of the resource also.
    Now while running scheduling heuristic ( SAP001), system schedules the orders on the resource to the full capacity and if in the time horizon orders are more than the capacity, system deallocates the orders, instead of shifting the orders to the other PPM.???
    So, in real scenario, i have one resource which is free and sitting idle and another resource is on full load and extra orders are de-allocated.
    Has anyone encountered this situation??? Please need your guidance and help.

    PPDS heuristic does not consider alternate source of sulppy (PPM & PDS) , try to meet the business requiremnt with resource classification in R/3 , means single production version with multiple resource.
    Lav Mishra

  • (QM) How To Insert Control Characteristic To Multiple Inspenction Plans

    Hello everyone,
    we created a new characteristic and want to add this characteristic to most of the inspenction plans.
    We have thousands of materials so we have to do it with a program.
    I searched the Bapi's FM's but i couldn't find such a bapi.
    We used the BAPI_INSPECTIONPLAN_CREATE before to create inspection plans and insert the characteristic into them but when we try to use it now, it gives an error and says "inspection plan already exists".
    Can anyone help me with this subject?
    Thanks everyone.

    Nobody has answered, thanks anyway...

  • AS3 loading multiple legacy AS2 accessing _level0..2

    I am building a Flex application that loads other Flex and Flash applications. The problem comes in with the legacy Flash applications, there are explicit references to _level0, 1, & 2 throughout the code base. Historically, the Flash application has a base container which is expected to be at _level0, then a middle layer and a top application referencing down to _level0.
    What I'm seeing is once a version 7 Flash app. is loaded by Flex the legacy Flash has no visibility to _level anything.
    I have tried SwfLoader and Loader with and without LoadContext ApplicationDomain.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Alright, I solved this problem, only to come up with many
    To solve this problem, I needed to point to the loaderInfo
    object of the UILoader's content. So:
    Now the proxy loads correctly, but I start getting errors
    immediately. Let me paste some code to show the next steps:
    First off. I immediately receive a StatusEvent error, though
    the path gets sent into the proxy and loads correctly.
    Next, when the complete event fires in the AS2 SWF - it sends
    a completion back up to let the AS3 SWF know that it finished (and
    any handling that needs to happen at that point.) I receive the
    following error:
    Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: was unable to invoke callback loadSwf.
    error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property loadSwf not found on and there is no default

  • Multiple (Legacy) Blur Effects plus various opacities cause file to crash upon Save. What to do?

    We have to work with designers' files and we have some that have many layered objects that use Gaussian Blur effects created in CS5 (we're in CS6), plus various opacities, opacity masks, etc. Pretty much the kitchen sink. The files can't be saved except by using the most powerful Mac in the office. I have a Quad-Core processor running Snow Leopard, with 6 GB of RAM, and it's not enough. Any tricks? Perhaps saving without Use Compression or something?

    Lots to be excited about. BUT...Just updated to 8.1 on one of my computers to test it out...
    Sadly, the following issue is NOT fixed for me. Is it with new projects only?  I haven't started a new project on 8.1 I've only opened an old project but the issue that I'm referring to which involves also a delay/freeze of anywhere from a few seconds to a MINUTE while the render bar goes from yellow to red and then back to yellow is still there. Boo.
    On the list above...
    Switching between sequences can turn the render bar red.
    This issue is incredibly easy to replicate. I really do hope it gets fixed. Here are the steps:
    1) Create two sequences with multiple short clips (the more clips the better)
    2) Make sure GPU acceleration is enabled.
    3) Add warp stabilizer to the clips in both sequences. Again, the more clips the longer the delay/freeze will be as the render bar goes from YELLOW to RED and then eventually back to YELLOW again.
    4) Hit SAVE.
    5) Now, toggle between sequences. You'll hit a short delay with a few clips stabilized and a LONG delay with lots stabilized. In my case this delay is around a full minute. The render bar will go from YELLOW to RED and then back to yellow...eventually.
    6) Toggle back to the original sequence and the delay occurs again.
    7) Once you've toggled between sequences and have gone through this delay, that's it, there is no longer a delay...UNTIL...(and here's the big kicker)...until the project is SAVED again. After that the issue returns when you toggle between sequences. Both saving manually and AUTOSAVING cause this issue. No way around it except not editing with GPU acceleration.
    Not sure what the issue is...caching issue when saving maybe? Either way, it stinks and it's still there in 8.1. Big bummer.
    Again, lots to be excited about with this release but I really was hopefully this specific issue was resolved.

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