Multiple Output Planning (MOP) in mySAP SCM PPDS

Hi frnds,
We are presently implementing mySAP SCM at a major steel manufacturer in India and need some help in Multiple Output Planning in PPDS.
Scenario e.g
There is a requirement of 1200 mm width material.
Stock available is 1500 mm width.
Normally, an order for 1200 mm is created since the characteristic of the requirement and the stock available is not taken into consideration.
By MOP, an order to cut the 1500 mm stock is created to cover the 1200 mm requirement.
Has anyone worked on this?
If any one please reply

Hi Vaibhav,
can you please elaborate on your scenario and Industry you intend to use this functionality ?
Sandeep Mondkar
SCM Manufacturing

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    Dear Gurus,
    I have a requirment to have a functionality similar to that of Multiple Output Planned orders(MOP). My only limitiation is we will not have a SAP SCM(APO) to do that.
    I read a post on this forum IS-Mill: Multiple-Output Planning (MOP)
    Which simply says we cannot have Multiple Output planned orders with out SAP-SCM(APO) system.. I need to create multiple outputs, if having a production order with multiple output is possible, then I am more then happy.
    Any suggestions? All help is highly appreciated
    Thanks again.
    Edited by: Vaibhav Gupta on Oct 21, 2009 7:54 PM

    Hi Vaibhav,
    can you please elaborate on your scenario and Industry you intend to use this functionality ?
    Sandeep Mondkar
    SCM Manufacturing

  • Multiple Executions Plans for the same SQL statement

    Dear experts,
    awrsqrpt.sql is showing multiple executions plans for a single SQL statement. How is it possible that one SQL statement will have multiple Executions Plans within the same AWR report.
    Below is the awrsqrpt's output for your reference.
    Snapshot Period Summary
    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
    TESTDB          2157605839 TESTDB1               1  YES testhost1
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
    Begin Snap:     32541 11-Oct-08 21:00:13       248     141.1
      End Snap:     32542 11-Oct-08 21:15:06       245     143.4
       Elapsed:               14.88 (mins)
       DB Time:               12.18 (mins)
    SQL Summary                            DB/Inst: TESTDB/TESTDB1  Snaps: 32541-32542
       SQL Id      Time (ms)
    51szt7b736bmg     25,131
    Module: SQL*Plus
    TEST_BATCH_DT = (:B1 )
    SQL ID: 51szt7b736bmg                  DB/Inst: TESTDB/TESTDB1  Snaps: 32541-32542
    -> 1st Capture and Last Capture Snap IDs
       refer to Snapshot IDs witin the snapshot range
        Plan Hash           Total Elapsed                 1st Capture   Last Capture
    #   Value                    Time(ms)    Executions       Snap ID        Snap ID
    1   2960830398                 25,131             1         32542          32542
    2   3834848140                      0             0         32542          32542
    Plan 1(PHV: 2960830398)
    Plan Statistics                        DB/Inst: TESTDB/TESTDB1  Snaps: 32541-32542
    -> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided
       into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100
    Stat Name                                Statement   Per Execution % Snap
    Elapsed Time (ms)                            25,131       25,130.7     3.4
    CPU Time (ms)                                23,270       23,270.2     3.9
    Executions                                        1            N/A     N/A
    Buffer Gets                               2,626,166    2,626,166.0    14.6
    Disk Reads                                      305          305.0     0.3
    Parse Calls                                       1            1.0     0.0
    Rows                                        371,735      371,735.0     N/A
    User I/O Wait Time (ms)                         564            N/A     N/A
    Cluster Wait Time (ms)                            0            N/A     N/A
    Application Wait Time (ms)                        0            N/A     N/A
    Concurrency Wait Time (ms)                        0            N/A     N/A
    Invalidations                                     0            N/A     N/A
    Version Count                                     2            N/A     N/A
    Sharable Mem(KB)                                 26            N/A     N/A
    Execution Plan
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name            | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | UPDATE STATEMENT             |                 |       |       |  1110 (100)|          |
    |   1 |  UPDATE                      | TEST            |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL          | TEST            |   116K|  2740K|  1110   (2)| 00:00:14 |
    |   3 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ACCT            |     1 |    26 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | ACCT_DT_ACC_IDX |     1 |       |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Plan 2(PHV: 3834848140)
    Plan Statistics                        DB/Inst: TESTDB/TESTDB1  Snaps: 32541-32542
    -> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided
       into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100
    Stat Name                                Statement   Per Execution % Snap
    Elapsed Time (ms)                                 0            N/A     0.0
    CPU Time (ms)                                     0            N/A     0.0
    Executions                                        0            N/A     N/A
    Buffer Gets                                       0            N/A     0.0
    Disk Reads                                        0            N/A     0.0
    Parse Calls                                       0            N/A     0.0
    Rows                                              0            N/A     N/A
    User I/O Wait Time (ms)                           0            N/A     N/A
    Cluster Wait Time (ms)                            0            N/A     N/A
    Application Wait Time (ms)                        0            N/A     N/A
    Concurrency Wait Time (ms)                        0            N/A     N/A
    Invalidations                                     0            N/A     N/A
    Version Count                                     2            N/A     N/A
    Sharable Mem(KB)                                 26            N/A     N/A
    Execution Plan
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name         | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | UPDATE STATEMENT             |              |       |       |     2 (100)|          |
    |   1 |  UPDATE                      | TEST         |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEST         |     1 |    28 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | TEST_DT_IND  |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| ACCT         |     1 |    26 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   5 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | INDX_ACCT_DT |     1 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Full SQL Text
    SQL ID       SQL Text
                  NVL(ACCT_DR_BAL, 0)) FROM ACCT WHERE ACCT_TRN_DT = (:B1 ) AND PB
                 RN_ACC_NB = ACCT_ACC_NB(+)) WHERE TEST_BATCH_DT = (:B1 )Your input is highly appreciated.
    Thanks for taking your time in answering my question.

    Oracle Lover3 wrote:
    Dear experts,
    awrsqrpt.sql is showing multiple executions plans for a single SQL statement. How is it possible that one SQL statement will have multiple Executions Plans within the same AWR report.If you're using bind variables and you've histograms on your columns which can be created by default in 10g due to the "SIZE AUTO" default "method_opt" parameter of DBMS_STATS.GATHER__STATS it is quite normal that you get different execution plans for the same SQL statement. Depending on the values passed when the statement is hard parsed (this feature is called "bind variable peeking" and enabled by default since 9i) an execution plan is determined and re-used for all further executions of the same "shared" SQL statement.
    If now your statement ages out of the shared pool or is invalidated due to some DDL or statistics gathering activity it will be re-parsed and again the values passed in that particular moment will determine the execution plan. If you have skewed data distribution and a histogram in place that reflects that skewness you might get different execution plans depending on the actual values used.
    Since this "flip-flop" behaviour can sometimes be counter-productive if you're unlucky and the values used to hard parse the statement leading to a plan that is unsuitable for the majority of values used afterwards, 11g introduced the "adaptive" cursor sharing that attempts to detect such a situation and can automatically re-evaluate the execution plan of the statement.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Shipment have multiple output triggered on specific date and specific time.

    Hi Experts,
    We use a custom transaction for a specific customer/ partner shipments. the transaction work with help of batch jobs and idocs. we create a shipment through VT01N, after creation, we use the custom transaction to complete rest of steps - planning- execution- shipping off.
    the transaction is capable of producing an i doc for each output we trigger. outbound idoc goes to other party system through SAP PI. the third party system is a web based system.
    Output is configured to issue multiple output.
    we noticed a strange thing last week.
    Several shipment processed on the day had 7 outputs triggered each seperated by 3 seconds/ 4 seconds and 5 seconds. error doesnt show any patterns.
    when we see the outputs, 1st output doesnt have manually changed indicator tick. but rest of 6 has the indicator tick.
    i have checked all possible option from my side.
    need your opinion about what could be the cause.

    Question unanswered

  • Multiple output products in PPM

    I have a business requirement to have multiple output products in one PPM (ex. 100 input component A produce 3 output components - 70 X, 10 Y, and 20 Z). However, in product plan assignment it doesn't allow me to enter one PPM to more than one output product. How do I get this work?

    I am still confused by your requirement...
    A PPM is nothing more than a BOM/Routing.
    Consequently, its product specific.
    So what exactly are you trying to accomplish?
    Are you trying to minimize master data setup and have the same PPM be used for 3 different products?   Each can utilize the same PPM like a reference routing? 
    Or is it 3 products are produced at the same time by the same actions (production order)?
    Ken Snyder

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    Is this possible in oracle reports, is so how ?

    You can better post your question in the reports forum instead of this pl/sql forum.

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  • Multiple output types issue

    I configured two output types (Bill of lading & Packing list) for the application V7-transaportation. I am able to get both the outputs. Now, I am able to get a print for BOL and also a print preview. For Packing list I am able to see the screen view(print preview), but when I try to print it directly it gives me an error " output could not be issued" . When I go to Output-> screen it is showing me the output.
    I have maintained all the required print parameters and assigned the print profiles to the output types.Is there a problem with my configuration? can't I print two output types simultaneously?

    Is there a printer defaulted to your output types?  You can issue multiple outputs at the same time.
    If the output types have been determined in your document, then nothing wrong with the determination process.
    If the output can be previewed, nothing wrong with the SAPScript or Smartform.
    So maybe something to do with compatibility with the printer chosen.

  • Multiple output modules cause render to fail?

    Is anybody else having trouble with using multiple output modules in after effects?  Let me elaborate:  so I'm working on a 3d film, and my worflow is to simply work with the footage side by side in a single comp (we're at HD, so the comp size is 3840x1080).  Very often, I need to fire off a quick render to show to the director.  Most of the time, I just do the left eye by cropping to that 1920x1080 area in the output module.  Other times I need to deliver both eyes, so instead of cropping to 1920x1080, I resize the frame in the output module to 1920x1080.  Yea, we lose half of our horizontal resolution, but that's not such a big deal for us when just working on approvals.
    Here's the thing: sometimes I like to export multiple variations of this at once (ie one output module for the left eye, one for the right eye, and another for the squished side-by-side left-right video).  Whenever I try to output multiple modules with quicktime, it fails.  Every time.
    When it fails, I get two messages: the first (a warning) says "After Effects warning: last frame was written to one or more output modules, but not all! ( 26 :: 153 )"
    The second message (an error) shows up once for each output module: "After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file "C:\blahh blah blah\whereIputmyfiles\". An output module failed.  The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)."  Once it fails, I cannot output to quicktime AT ALL (multiple output modules, or not) without restarting After Effects.
    I tried outputting multiple modules as a PNG sequence... and that worked just fine (if "slow as hell" can ever be called "fine" .... but it worked! )
    I tried outputting to the multiple formats I wanted with one output module per render item (rather than having one render item with multiple modules) as quicktime, and that worked just fine (of course... it takes N times as long though... for N number of outputs).
    I am on Windows 7 64-bit... running After Effects CC 2014... I never had this trouble back when I was working on the CC version (the not 2014 cc version... that is too confusing...).  However, I just went back and tried it with the older version, and it no longer works there either!  What gives?
    When outputting quicktime, I'm using the h.264 codec.
    And before anybody suggests it, no I can't just use AME because that can't resize video (it forces you to keep the aspect ratio through letterboxing) or crop video.

    >The most likely culprit is the h.264 Quicktime. It should have never been included as an option. It doesn't even work well in Quicktime Pro or in Final Cut...
    I'll come to Apple's (partial) defense here:
    Their H.264 codec was written and released at a time when it was difficult to imagine that mainstream computers would have as many CPUs as they do now, so it's somewhat understandable that the severe failures that this codec has with large numbers of threads occurs. Of course, we may all wish that Apple hadn't decided to end development on the QuickTime platform, since this has meant that bugs like this are likely to persist.
    That said, this is why we increasingly recommend that people use other H.264 codecs and not use QuickTime for such things. See the H.264 options currently in Adobe Media Encoder.

  • Multiple output-parameters in a custom component

    Is it possible to develop a custom component that returns multiple outputs?
    I know that I can define multiple tag <output-parameter> in component.xml, but I don't know how the method of my class can return multiple Objects...

    You can have multiple getters and setters function that will set or return multiple parameters. Each output parameter can be set to a specific function.

  • How to map idoc segments to multiple output structures

    Dear experts,
    On Pi I need to map segments from an Idoc to 2 different outputstructures. My scenario is as follows:
    incoming Idoc on PI -> if segment eq 'X' then map to outputstructure '1'; if segment eq 'Y' then map to outputstructure '2'
    Idoc structure is as follows:
    - 1 header segment
    - 1..n detail segments (which I need to map to outputstructure 1)
    - 1 summarisation segment (which I need to map to outputstructure 2)
    Output needs to be a .txt file.
    I would like to use the graphical message mapping on PI, how can I map the Idoc to multiple output structures?
    Thanks in advance,

    You can do 1:n multimapping
    in message mapping in messages tab ..add both the structures in target tab and do the mapping
    and in operation mapping add both the message interface on the target side
    PLease go through this blog

  • How to view multiple output parameters from web services

    I have used the Labview tool to create a .NET assembly from a WSDL file.
    In the WSDL file the service has been defined to return 2 output parameters.
    In Labview, when I invoke the method for this service the first output parameter ends up as the return value of the method.  I can create an indicator for this and it gets updated properly when I run the VIS to use the web service..  The indicator is an integer value but recognizes the type defined within the WSDL file. 
    The second output parameter shows up as an output value.  When I right click on it and create an indicator for it I get a .NET icon on the front panel rather than an integer value. 
    How can I view the value for this second output parameter after running the web service?
    Is there a difference in how multiple output parameters handled in newer versions of Labview (I am using verison 7.1)?

    scrooge wrote:
    You can try this link .
    the link is dead... or i dont have access..

  • Multiple Output formats from Single Source File? (Like Squeeze)

    I'd really love to be able to batch process encodes in the following manner:
    Drop my source video file into AME CS5, select an MP4 preset, and then have it encode multiple bitrate versions while adding filename extensions [e.g. _High (700 kb/s), _Mid (550 kb/s), _Low (400 kb/s)].
    The simple answere is to drop, or duplicate, my input clip 3 times and just select 3 presets I could set up under the Hi, Mid, Lo parameters. But that's exactly what I'm trying to work around. I encode video ads for major web-video sites, and the volume is just manageable to batch process these (drag and drop large quantities, select multiple presets at once, hit Start.) To handle each ad we service would be far too time consuming, even for as simple as AME makes it to duplicate/choose new preset. (In the end, our ads jump onto our FTP via AME's FTP upload option, one of it's smartest features!)
    We have quite a bit of encoding resources here at work, but AME has been giving us the most favorable results. Other options, such as Sorenson Squeeze, let you import your source clips, then apply 2 or more presets to them, before encoding the whole batch. Is there any similar functionality in Media Encoder? (Really don't want to move our workflow into Squeeze, with it's inferior MP4 encoding.)
    Does anybody have any experience with this sort of high-volume multiple-outputs from individual source files? Any tips with scripts or Apple's "Automator" that could streamline this type of batch processing?

    Any update on this ability?  We create many in house videos that need to be encoded to 14 different
    bitrates for use with Flash Media Server as dynamic http streams.
    Currently when I am ready to export a finished sequence, I will pick my first preset and queue it in AME.  Then I duplicate that thirteen times, setting each of the new thirteen queued items to their appropriate bitrates.  Then I have to change each of the output names to be "filename_bitrate.flv".
    This process is much slower when queued in AME than if I exported each individually from PP.  I just don't have the time to manually export each version.
    I have also started noticing that some of the last few projects won't render beyond the quality of the first queued item.  Do I need to render the largest bitrate file first?
    Any indication from Adobe on the correct workflow to create multiple bitrate files to be consumed by FMS as dynamic http streams would be appreciated.
    The link above is dead.  Does anyone have an updated link to the document above?

  • Multiple Input Multiple Output Fuzzy Logic Controller

    I am designing an autotuning PID temperature control system whose PID gains are adjusted using a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Fuzzy Controller. I am unsure how to set up specific inputs and how to use specific outputs when there are multiple inputs and outputs. Specifically, my Fuzzy system has two inputs and three outputs.
    For the input, I have two 1D arrays of scalars (doubles) which I have used to build an array and concatanated the inputs to the array. How do I configure which values of this array are used as each specific input value to the fuzzy system?
    Similarly, for the output, the fuzzy system gives three output values which are used as the PID gains. How do I configure these such that they are in the right order to be used as the PID Gains of the PID VI?

    Hi natsmi,
    You can find some examples by navigating to:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW XXXX\examples\control\fuzzy
    Some of them are at least MISO systems and might be helpful to clarify some ideas. You can also find them using the Example Finder from LabVIEW (By going to help on the top menu, and then Find Examples). There you can go to the search tab on the left and type in fuzzy.
    Hope this helps.

  • One Input File Multiple output files.

    How to Generate Multiple Output (Target) files by using Single (Source File) Input file in File 2 File Scenario.
    Please help me to do this.
    With Regards,

    This is a scenario of 1 : N transporting right.. for this u shud use Multi-mapping then you need to change your logic because Multi-mapping is only be used by ccBPM. so use BPM (integration process) in IR to implement you logic in File to File scenario.
    oops.. i missed one thing ..
    in simple file to file scenario you can use Message patterns for duplicating the target fields if you getting from single file. You can use this pattern like in target field structure right click on root tag and then click on duplicate subtree, and then you are down.. above is the other way if u want to use bpm.
    Hope this will help you,
    Aashish Sinha
    PS : reward points if helpful

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