Multiple Listings in iTunes

Help.  Quite a lot of stuff I've downloaded (and purchased) has each song showing up about 4-5 times in iTunes.  Anyone know how to clean this up please?  It's driving me nuts.  When I click on a song it either tells me it can't find it or I have to listen to a son 4-5 times.  Augh

Thanks, Ed. But, that still leaves the problem of having three, or sometimes even four, copies of a single song (each number Song A 1, Song A, 2, Song A 3, etc.) They are in the AAX a/k/a/ m4a format. I tried deleting all but one of each title, but when I went back in to view my itunes library, there were exclamation points next to all the songs I had deleted extra copies of. When I tried to open them, I was told they didn't exist. Very frustrating!!!

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    ME TOO.
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    iTUnes and app store
    turn off automatic downloads for apps
    Then what you buy on one device only goes onto another if you want it to

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    Hi AkMat.
    Have you actually opened these files to see what they are yet? The few Apps I've downloaded (not from iTunes) typically come with a few files. The actual app, the instructions/help/TOU and sometimes an uninstall.
    Message was edited by: much wiser now

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    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C1021)   < from your report
    The report indicates your Mac is running v10.9.2. So you need to update your OS X software.
    Click the Apple  top left in your screen. From the drop down menu click Software Update.
    That will update your Mac to OS X 10.9.4
    Restart your Mac after the update is installed then try Mail.
    Very important to keep your system software up to date for security.

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      Windows XP  

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    Apple's official advice is here... HT2905 - How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library. It is a manual process and the article fails to explain some of the potential pitfalls such as lost ratings and playlist membership.
    Use Shift > View > Show Exact Duplicate Items to display duplicates as this is normally a more useful selection. You need to manually select all but one of each group to remove. Sorting the list by Date Added may make it easier to select the appropriate tracks, however this works best when performed immediately after the dupes have been created.  If you have multiple entries in iTunes connected to the same file on the hard drive then don't send to the recycle bin.
    Use my DeDuper script if you're not sure, don't want to do it by hand, or want to preserve ratings, play counts and playlist membership. See this thread for background, this post for detailed instructions, and please take note of the warning to backup your library before deduping.
    (If you don't see the menu bar press ALT to show it temporarily or CTRL+B to keep it displayed.)

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    I don't have album art on the other 3000 songs and don't want to clutter it with my main library.
    Moreover, these 2000 songs are automatically synced with my iPhone. However, I sometimes need to move a couple of songs from the main list which I find it too tedious without a library.
    Can someone teach me how to create a second library in iTunes without affecting my main library and switch seamlessly (and copy files) between the two?

    One more thing, if you want a more efficient way to switch iTunes libraries without having to keep restarting iTunes, considering downloading free software

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    I have a library with about 26,000 songs and want to add out holiday music.
    I'd like to have a seperate library just for the holiday music and be able to switch between them.

    I must echo Matthew's recommendation of iTunes Library Manager. I am currently in the process of reencoding all of my CDs. I had ripped a substantial portion of them when iTunes first came out, and I did so without knowing what I was doing - some are ripped in low bitrate MP3, others were transcoded from AAC to MP3 and vice-versa. In some cases, there were problems with the rip and songs were truncated. I decided that rather than try to weed out the bad tracks, I'd just re-rip the entire physical library as Apple Lossless.
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    The utility is very easy to use - when you first open it, you should save your current library under two different names, and then load the version you are going to edit. iTunes Library Manager will ask you if you want to quit and load, and then it will prompt you for relaunch. You can have as many libraries as you need. The current version doesn't have a way of creating an empty library - if you want to start from scratch for any reason, but all you'll need to do is delete the songs from the Library, but NOT - REPEAT NOT - FROM YOUR HARD DRIVE.
    Definitely worth the $5 shareware fee.

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    Have you subscribed to iTunes Match? There is a bug that can sometimes create hundreds of duplicate empty playlists. I've two scripts which might help you clean up: KillEmptyPlaylists and KillTopLevelPlaylists. This post describes a technique for resetting iTunes Match to stop it happening again.

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