Multiple outgoing mail servers

Does anybody know if it is possible to visualize/change outgoing mail server instead of using preferences/accounts settings?
It would be nice to choose one of the outgoing mail servers in the new message window.
Any suggestion of mail-add on tools to facilitate this operation is welcome.
Thanks in advance and sorry about my english.

Hi David,
Unfortunately it is not what I am looking for. I would have the same work to do that: menu, run script, choose the server.
I am figuring out something like a toolbar icon or new message icon with an "outgoing server" dropping menu.
May be somebody know how to do that.
Thanks for replying.

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    Hi Mrutyunjay,
    I would suggest that you go for the second option. This saves the user a unecessary click.  Create a custom attribute that allows you to determine the user's mail server. Create as many system objects as you have Lotus mail servers and have a look into SAP Library to find out how to use the <a href="">Dynamic System Resolution service</a>.
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    Best regards,

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    If you are not using the paid (plus) accounts for Yahoo and Hotmail, they do not support access through email client applications like Mail, etc.
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    Did you follow the reinstall instructions?
    To reinstall Mail, you must have a system installation disk. Here is the procedure for OS X 10.6, or 10.5.
    1. Insert the Installation disk into the computer.
    2. The disk will appear on the desktop.
    3. Double click on the "Optional Installs" folder.
    4. Double click on the "Optional Installs.mpkg."
    5. Click on (Continue) in Introduction.
    6. Click on (Continue) in Software License Agreement.
    7. Click on (Agree) to agree to the terms of the software license agreement.
    8. Click on the disclosure arrow ▶ next to Applications.
    9. Select (✓) Mail.
    10. Click (Continue).
    11. After Mail has been reinstalled, download and install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1, for Snow Leopard or Mac OS X 10.5.8 Combo Updatefor Leopard to bring Mail up to the most recent version.

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    It sounds like your Main pref file is corrupted...
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    If you wan to create an account, you must the delete the existing account.
    So take backup of your emails if your using POP3
    Two ways you can do it
    *Copy all the emails to Local folder
    *Back up your Mail folder from your profile
    For more

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                   Cannot Send Mail
                   The connection to the outgoing server"[email protected]" failed.  Additional OUtgoign Mail Servers can be configured in Settings> Mail, Contacts,                Calendar

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    Often removing a mail service from iPhone and resetting works

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    Thanks in advance.

    You can delete the servers in Mail
    Preferences -> Accounts
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    At the bottom is Edit Server List
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    Often removing a mail service from iPhone and resetting works

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