Multiple Value Columns in an SPCChart

I'm plotting power generation values in an SPCChart but I'd also like to lay over it a second data series showing ambient temperature design power values for comparison.  Right now I'm passing the second data series in as a control limit but it suffers in appearance.  Setting it up as a second value column causes the chart to fail.  I need to use an SPC Chart because the users want to enter data point comments.
One solution might be to use an iChart and handle the comments in a separate process.  I'd lose the red comment flags but that would be a small price to pay.
Any thoughts?
We're running 12.0.4.
Thanks for the help!
David Macindoe

Map your second data series into the AttributeColumns and then assign it to the MouseTrackingAttribute.  Even though you will not have a second line in the SPC Chart, at least the users only have to hover over the markers to see the value in the mouse tracking area (it will show up inside square brackets [xxxx] in the top left corner).

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  • How do you lookup multiple values in different columns based on variable criteria?

    Essentially, I'd like to be able to do a Vlookup but instead of searching for one value only, search for multiple values in separate columns. A smaller version of my current spreadsheet as an example...
    Attack Type ->
    The headers are the attack types and the list of types to the left are the receiving Pokemon. Fire does half damage (1/2x) to fire types, Water does double damage (2x) to fire types, etc. I'd like to be able to search for specific damages for each type. For example, I'd like to find a Typing that recieves half (1/2x) damage from Fire-type attacks but also recieves double (2x) from Grass-type attacks. I do want more than just two search criteria though seeing as the actual table is much, much larger.
    I've tried assigning number values to each damage multiplier and then merging all of them together for a specific typing and doing a VLOOKUP based on checkboxes determining what damage multiplier I want in a few specific types, the rest being filled in to the standard of 1x but the result isn't correct most of the time.

    Hi Mitchell,
    VLOOKUP can be set for accept either an 'exact match' or a 'close match'.  Your 17 digit 'number' is actually a 17 character text string (Numbers can handle numbers to a precision of only 15 places). Provided all 17 digits are present, sorting should be the same as for numerical values—the leftmost character is the most significant.
    As a text string, your 'number' is sorted/evaluated alphabetically. A 'close match' accepts the 'largest value that is less than or equal to the search value'.
    If your search term is 000200000 (a 9 character string), several 'wrong' answers will fit the 'close match' criteria, including all of those listed below:
    000200000 (the 'correct' match)
    0000xxxxx (x may be any of the three acceptable values)
    0001xxxxx (x may be any of the three acceptable values)
    The main problem here is that digits in a number (or characters in a text string) have decreasing significance related to their distance from the beginning of the string/number. You want a search in which each character has the same significance as each of the others when compared to the search key. To do that, you need to compare each character in the search string with the character in the same position in the similar string for each type of Pokemon, then take a count of the matches or a sum of the differences.
    Here's one approach:
    Column A contains labels.
    Column B, the 17 digit search term, created in whatever manner you wish, and the similar 17 digit string for each of the characters.
    Columns C through S contains a formula that detines, using subtraction, the difference between each digit of the search term and the corresponding digit of each character's profile.
    Column C uses SUM() to calculate the total of columns C to S for each row.
    T1 uses =MIN(T) to calculate "least different" profile.
    Column A is a Header column; Row 1 is a Header row.
    C2, and filled right to S2, then down to the last row of data:
    T1: =MIN(T)
    T2, and filled down column T: =SUM(C2:S2)
    The conditional formatting rule set for all body cells in column T is shown below the table.
    This may be enough to get you started. Formulas can be tweaked to produce results more closely matching what you're looking for, if necessary.

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    I cannot find any documentation on how to do this using PowerShell. I have seen some examples (C#?) but there's little help in them.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you,
    Markus Sveinn Markusson

    Well, being impatient in nature, I did a lot of browsing and searching - and finally found a solution that works for me - in this thread: Adapted
    to my code it looks like this:
    $spAssignment = Start-SPAssignment
    $spList = (Get-SPWeb -identity -AssignmentCollection $spAssignment).Lists["Tickets"]
    $spNew = $spList.Items.Add()
    $spNew["Title"] = $Title
    $spNew["Assigned To"] = $AssignID
    $spNew["Description"] = $Descr
    $spNew["Priority"] = $Priority 
    #----- Begining of "solution"
    $lookupentry1 = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue(1,"Service 1")
    $lookupentry2 = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue(2,"Service 2")
    $lookupentry3 = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue(3,"Service 3")
    $multientry = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldMultiChoiceValue($null)
    $spNew["Service"] = $multientry
    #----- End of "solution"
    Markus Sveinn Markusson

  • Count the items in a column with multiple values?

    Hi all
    Is there a way to count the items in a column that allows multiple values?
    Example list:
    Course title:                        Participants:
    Visual Basic Introduction     John Smith; Lois Lane; Clark Kent
    Visual Basic Advanced         John Smith; Lex Luthor
    The result should be "3" and "2" (number of participants), which should be displayed in the list or on the page.
    Is this possible?
    ( I am using Sharepoint 2007 and have access to Sharepoint designer.)

    Hi dee,
    We can use XSLT to do this in Data View Web Part.
    First, display your list in data view web part.
    Insert a new column in the data view, used to display the count.
    Switch to code mode, add following code within the <td></td>.
    <xsl:when test="@Title!=''">
    <xsl:variable name="count">
    <xsl:call-template name="countChar">
    <xsl:with-param name="str" select="@Title" />
    <xsl:with-param name="count" select="1" />
    count is <xsl:value-of select="$count" />
    count is <xsl:value-of select="0" />
    And put the following template definition outside all the other templates.
    <xsl:template name="countChar">
    <xsl:param name="str" />
    <xsl:param name="count" />
    <xsl:when test="contains($str, ';')">
    <xsl:call-template name="countChar">
    <xsl:with-param name="str" select="substring-after($str, ';')" />
    <xsl:with-param name="count" select="number($count) + 1" />
    <xsl:value-of select="$count" />
    Done and then you will see the count in the td cell.
    I test with Title column and cut off string with ";" character.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Emir Liu
    TechNet Subscriber Support in forum
    If you have any feedback on our support, please contact [email protected] 
    Emir Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Document library view: Group by a column with multiple values

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    I would like to create a view which groups the documents by this managed metadata column.
    The managed metadata column can have multiple values.
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    But is this possible to accomplish by some other means, e.g. Content query web part? Or is there perhaps a 3rd party solution to this?
    Is it possible to change the group by settings somehow to allow Group by to function with columns with multiple values? <- this may be far fetched...

    Hi Pekch,
    I'm assuming you have VS2010 to build the custom web part. From there you will need to figure out the following:
    Get a SPList object for the Document Library (See below for code example)
    Loop through all the documents in the SPList object 
    If you have audience targetting enabled, then you'll need to determine if the user has access to the document by checking the "Target_x0020_Audiences" column)
    As you also want to group by metadata, you'll need to populate 2 datatables (one table with a column containing unique metadata values and another table with a metadata column and other document related columns).  Link these two tables via a dataset
    Set the dataset as the datasource for a repeater, add in some css and javascript for the group expand/collaspe and it should be close to what you need.
    This will be a time consuming task if you don't know where to start or have problems figuring out how to perform a certain operation.  So you may want to determine if the functionality you want is required or just a "nice to have".  Good
    luck and if I have some spare time, I'll create a blog post outlining how to do all the above.
    I got the below code from a sharepoint blog sometime in the past and you can use it to retrieve a list.
    You can use it like this: GetListByUrl(http://servername/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx)
    using    Microsoft.SharePoint;
    public SPList GetListByUrl(string listURL)
    SPList list = null;
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(listURL))
    if (site != null)
    // Strip off the site url, leaving the rest
    // We'll use this to open the web
    string webUrl = listURL.Substring(site.Url.Length);
    // Strip off anything after /forms/
    int formsPos = webUrl.IndexOf("/forms/", 0, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
    if (formsPos >= 0)
    webUrl = webUrl.Substring(0, webUrl.LastIndexOf('/', formsPos));
    // Strip off anything after /lists/
    int listPos = webUrl.IndexOf("/lists/", 0, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
    if (listPos >= 0)
    // Must be a custom list
    // Strip off anything after /lists/
    webUrl = webUrl.Substring(0, webUrl.LastIndexOf('/', listPos));
    // No lists, must be a document library.
    // Strip off the document library name
    webUrl = webUrl.Substring(0, webUrl.LastIndexOf('/'));
    // Get the web site
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webUrl))
    if (web != null)
    // Initialize the web (avoids COM exceptions)
    string title = web.Title;
    // Strip off the relative list Url
    // Form the full path to the list
    //string relativelistURL = listURL.Substring(web.Url.Length);
    //string url = SPUrlUtility.CombineUrl(web.Url, relativelistURL);
    // Get the list
    list = web.GetList(listURL);
    catch { }
    return list;

  • One column having multiple values with comma separator.

    Hey Guys,
    In my db, one culmn having multiple values with comma separator. like column_name = 'value1,value2,value3'. Now I want to compare this column to another column and fetch in Cursor.
    and each value having corresponding email_id, By fetching cursor, I need to populate email_ids.
    Thanks in advance!!

    Please compare and fetch cursor and populate result with out extract data into temp table. Give me the query!You have not provided DDL for table so I don't know table or column name to write any SQL.
    You have not provided DML for test data to run SQL against.

  • Problem fetching multiple values in a TIMESTAMP column

    Hi all,
    I'm having a problem trying to fetch multiple values in a TIMESTAMP column. I can successfully fetch the TIMESTAMP column if I do the following:
    OCIDateTime tstmpltz = (OCIDateTime )NULL;
    rc = OCIDescriptorAlloc(p_env,(dvoid **)&tstmpltz, OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP,
    0, (dvoid **)0);
    rc = OCIDefineByPos(p_sql, &p_dfn, p_err, 1, &tstmpltz, sizeof(tstmpltz),
    This works fine. I can then do what I want with the OCIDateTime variable tstmpltz, like convert it to a text string, etc.
    But what I am trying to do is fetch many rows of data that could include a TIMESTAMP column. For character columns this is no problem. I simply allocate a buffer of the correct width and length and then do my OCIDefineByPos to point to the start and the character data gets filled in. Same for numeric columns as well.
    I can do this with a TIMESTAMP column if I do the OCIDefineByPos with a column type of SQLT_CHR. But the problem I'm running into when I do things this way is if I fetch a Timestamp value that is before 1950 I believe it is, I get back the wrong century. So for instance 1900 comes back as 2000. I think this is because the default date format when fetching is a 2 digit year. So I've tried to the do following:
    long fetchrows = 50;
    unsigned char *descpp1;
    descpp1 = (unsigned char *)calloc(fetchrows, sizeof (OCIDateTime *));
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i != fetchrows; i++)
    /* Allocate descriptors */
    rc = OCIDescriptorAlloc((void *)p_env,(void **)&descpp1[i * sizeof (OCIDateTime *)], OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP,
    0,(void **)0);
    // Bind the column
    rc = OCIDefineByPos(p_sql, &p_dfn, p_err, 1, descpp1, sizeof(descpp1),
    rc = OCIStmtExecute(p_svc, p_sql, p_err, (ub4) 50, (ub4) 0,
    (CONST OCISnapshot *) NULL, (OCISnapshot *) NULL,
    And I get an "ORA-01403: no data found" error. I'm missing something here but I can't figure out what it is. Is this proper way to fetch multiple Timestamp columns ?

    Hi Nick,
    I think the "trick" here is that when you call OCIDescriptorAlloc normally you would pass a pointer to an OCIDateTime pointer (i.e. OCIDateTime**). However, you're being sneaky here and using unsigned char * with malloc/calloc for the reasons you have already mentioned. So, that changes things a bit because in this scenario the "destination address" where OCI is going to put the address for the OCIDateTime descriptor is in the memory you have dynamically allocated rather than in the target pointer of an OCIDateTime** declaration. So far so good, but the problem, as you've discovered, comes about when you need to get the OCIDateTime* to pass into the OCIDateTimeToText function. In your call you have this:
    (OCIDateTime *)descpp1[0 * sizeof (OCIDateTime *)]However, that isn't the address of the descriptor it's a pointer to the address so, depending on your actual calls, etc. you'll either get a memory violation or an invalid OCI handle error. What you can do is get the address from that memory location and stuff it into a proper OCIDateTime* and then it can be used in the OCIDateTimeToText function.
    I'm probably doing a terrible job explaining it, but I have cobbled together a sample which does what you want (at least as far as I can tell). Of course, being OCI, there's a fair bit of code, but here's the main parts.
    I created a table called "ts_test" that has the following structure and sample data:
    SQL> desc ts_test
    Name             Null?    Type
    TS_ID                     NUMBER
    TS_VALUE                  TIMESTAMP(3)
    SQL> select * from ts_test order by ts_id;
         TS_ID TS_VALUE
             1 01-JAN-09 AM
             2 01-JAN-09 PM
             3 01-JAN-09 PM
             4 01-JAN-09 PM
    4 rows selected.I use the same query as above in the OCI sample code to get the values back out of the table.
      ** will hold pointers to TimeStamp Descriptor memory
      unsigned char *pTSD = (unsigned char *) NULL;
      ** temp pointer used with descriptors
      OCIDateTime *pTemp = NULL;
      ** allocate memory for the ts_id column
      if ((pID_val = (ub4 *) malloc(sizeof(ub4) * arrsize)) == NULL)
        printf("Failed to allocate memory for pID_val!\n");
      ** allocate memory for the ts descriptors
      if ((pTSD = (unsigned char *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned char *) * arrsize)) == NULL)
        printf("Failed to allocate memory for pTSD!\n");
      ** allocate date time descriptors
      for (i = 0; i < arrsize; i++)
        rc = OCIDescriptorAlloc(pDBCtx->envhp,
                                (void **) &pTSD[i * sizeof(OCIDateTime *)],
                                (ub4) OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                                (size_t) 0,
                                (void **) 0);
      ** define the first column in the results
      rc = OCIDefineByPos(stmtp,
                          (ub4) 1,
                          (void *) pID_val,
                          (sword) sizeof(ub4),
                          (ub2) SQLT_INT,
                          (void *) pID_ind,
                          (ub2 *) 0,
                          (ub2 *) 0,
                          (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT);
      ** define the second column in the results
      rc = OCIDefineByPos(stmtp,
                          (ub4) 2,
                          (void *) &pTSD[0],
                          (sword) sizeof(OCIDateTime *),
                          (ub2) SQLT_TIMESTAMP,
                          (void *) pTS_ind,
                          (ub2 *) 0,
                          (ub2 *) 0,
                          (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT);
      ** execute the statement
      rc = OCIStmtExecute(pDBCtx->svchp,
                          (ub4) arrsize,
                          (ub4) 0,
                          (CONST OCISnapshot *) NULL,
                          (OCISnapshot *) NULL,
                          (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT);
      ** get the text value of the timestamp
      ** null-terminate it, and display the value.
      ** the address of the allocated descriptor
      ** is copied from the dynamically allocated
      ** memory to the temp variable and that
      ** is passed to OCIDateTimeToText
      for (i = 0; i < arrsize; i++)
        memcpy((void *) &pTemp, &pTSD[i * sizeof(OCIDateTime *)], sizeof(OCIDateTime *));
        rc = OCIDateTimeToText((void *) pDBCtx->usrhp,
                               (oratext *) 0,
                               (ub1) 0,
                               (ub1) 3,
                               (oratext *) 0,
                               (size_t) 0,
        buf[buflen] = '\0';
        printf("Timestamp value[%d]: %s\n", *pID_val++, buf);
    ...Obviously there's lots left out, but hopefully that can be of some help. I've not really thoroughly reviewed the code so there may be a few things to fix. Anyway, using the above table and data the full sample outputs this on my system:
    Timestamp value[1]: 01-JAN-09 AM
    Timestamp value[2]: 01-JAN-09 PM
    Timestamp value[3]: 01-JAN-09 PM
    Timestamp value[4]: 01-JAN-09 PM
    ENTER to continue...Thanks,

  • SPGridView with filtering on Taxonomy Field Multivalue column( column with multiple values in single row)

    I have SPGridView  control (fetching value from DB) with a column which is having multiple values
    in single row seperated by ";", whenever filter applied it show these values in single row but i want
    to dispaly these values separately in diff. rows when column filter is applied.
    I have exactly same req. as mentioned in
    but this solution didn't work for me.
    Please help/suggest.

    Hi Erland,
    Thank you very much for the answer. Sorry I had to be more accurate on my XML : This XML is in a SQL Server Table column. This table also has an id column. It will be great if you can answer specifically to this.
    <Line_id_Node>1 </Line_id_Node>
    <D>Val1 </D>
    <D>Val2 </D>
    <D>Val3 </D>
    <Line_id_Node> 2 </Line_id_Node>
    <D>Val4 </D>
    <D>Val2 </D>
    <Line_id_Node> 3 </Line_id_Node>
    <D>Val5 </D>
    Expected O/P:
    Line_id_Node                Column_D
    1                                                                    1                                           
    val1, val2, val3
    2                                                                    2                                               
    val4, val2
    3                                                                    3                                                  

  • Not able to update multiple values in a managed metadata column.

    Hi ,
    I have an issue, where my user wants to add multiple values in managed metadata column. I tried to check out "allow multiple values option in list column settings, But it is throwing  an error "Cannot
    change this column to allow multiple values because it is currently being indexed."
    Could someone please help me , how to enable add multiple values option to the managed metadata list column.

    HI Badri,
    Please manually remove the column from indexing.
    Refer the below article

  • Library Filters: Filter for multiple values in a single column and Wildcards

    If you have a multi-value column in a library, can you filter to show only results where two (or more) specific values (terms) are applied? E.g. Year 2014 and Month January? Seems this would be particularly useful for Enterprise Keywords columns.
    Similarly, is there any way to filter on one value OR another value in a single column (e.g. Document Type Memo OR Fax)?
    Any way to use wildcards in searches (would be REALLY useful in the Title and Name columns when naming conventions have been followed).
    I'm guessing the answer is going to be 'move to SharePoint 2013' - if that is the case, please confirm whether all the scenarios mentioned above are catered for.

    Thanks for your replies !
    Is there any other way to achieve this ?
    There is 1 InfoObject which has 2 fields Employee and Department.
    Employee     Department
    001                A
    001                B
    001                C
    In the report there should be 1 row for Employee 001 with all the Departments displayed in the same cell separated by commas.
    Can this be done in the backend through a ABAP code?

  • How to use multiple values in an IF condition in RTF

    I have a scenario as mentioned below.
    IF column value in ('A','B')
    display C;
    end if
    IF column value not in ('A','B')
    display D;
    end if
    My query is how to provide multiple values in an IF condition.?

    But suppose "x.jar" needs a library from "y.jar". How do you put another JAR on the classpath of an applet in a Web page?
    <applet code="z.class" archive="a.jar,b.jar,c.jar">

  • How to use Ajax Get Multiple Values in Tabular form?

    Hi All-
    I am trying to use AJAX to get multiple values in tabular form by using Denes Kubicek's example in the following link -
    Basically, I want to use the drop down list to populate rest of the values on the form.
    I have created the example(Ajax Get Multiple Values, application 54522) on Oracle site -
    Workspace: iConnect
    login: demo
    password: demo
    I was able to duplicate his example on page 1 (home page).
    However, I want to use system generate tabular form to finish this example, and was not able to populate the data correctly.
    Page 2 (method 2) is the one that I am having trouble to populate the column values. When I checked application item values in Session, and the values seems to be populated correctly.
    This is what I have done on this page:
    1. Create an Application Process On Demand - Set_Multi_Items_Tabular2:
      v_subject my_book_store.subject%TYPE;
      v_price my_book_store.price%TYPE;
      v_qty NUMBER;
      CURSOR cur_c
      SELECT subject, price, author, 1 qty
      FROM my_book_store
      WHERE book_id = :temporary_application_item2;
      FOR c IN cur_c
      v_subject := c.subject;
      v_price := c.price;
      v_author :=;
      v_qty := c.qty;
      END LOOP;
      OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
      HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
      HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
      HTP.prn ('<body>');
      HTP.prn ('<desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>');
      HTP.prn ('<item id="f04_' || :t_rownum || '">' || v_subject || '</item>');
      HTP.prn ('<item id="f05_' || :t_rownum || '">' || v_price || '</item>');
      HTP.prn ('<item id="f06_' || :t_rownum || '">' || v_author || '</item>');
      HTP.prn ('<item id="f07_' || :t_rownum || '">' || v_qty || '</item>');
      HTP.prn ('</body>');
    2. Create two application items - TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM2, T_ROWNUM2
    3. Put the following in the Page Header:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function f_set_multi_items_tabular2(pValue, pRow){
        var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,
        gReturn = get.get('XML');
            var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item").length;
            for(var i = 0;i<l_Count;i++){
                var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item")[i];
                var l_ID = l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('id');
                var l_El = html_GetElement(l_ID);   
                    var l_Value = l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue;
                    var l_Value = '';
                    if(l_El.tagName == 'INPUT'){
                        l_El.value = l_Value;
                    }else if(l_El.tagName == 'SPAN' && l_El.className == 'grabber'){
                        l_El.parentNode.innerHTML = l_Value;
               = l_ID;
                        l_El.innerHTML = l_Value;
        get = null;
    Add the follwing to the end of the above JavaScript:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function setLOV(filter, list2)
    var s =;
    var item = s.substring(3,8);
    var field2 = list2 + item;
    f_set_multi_items_tabular2(filter, field2);
    4. Tabular form query:
    from "#OWNER#"."MY_BOOK_STORE"
    5. In Book_ID_DISPLAY column attribute:
    Add the following code to element attributes: onchange="javascript:f_set_multi_items_tabular2(this.value,'#ROWNUM#');"
    Changed to -> onchange="javascript:setLOV(this,'f03');"
    Now,  T_ROWNUM2 returns value as f03_0001. But, TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM2 returns as [object HTMLSelectElement]...
    Please help me to see how I can populate the data with this tabular form format. Thanks a lot in advanced!!!
    Updated code in Red..

    Lets start with looking at what the javascript code is doing.
    function f_set_multi_items_tabular(pValue, pRow){
      /*This will initiate the url for the demand process to run*/
      var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,
        /*If there is an value than submit item name with value*/
        /*Else set the item TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM to null*/
      /*Submit the url and te returned document is of type XML*/
      gReturn = get.get('XML');
        /*There is something returned*/
        var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item").length;
        /*For all elements of the tag item*/
        for(var i = 0;i<l_Count;i++){
          /*Get the item out of the XML*/
          var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item")[i];
          /*Get the id of the item*/
          var l_ID = l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('id');
          /*Get the element in the original page with the same id as
          **the item we have in the XML produced by the ondemand process
          var l_El = html_GetElement(l_ID);
          /*Now get the value of the item form the XML*/
            var l_Value = l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue;
            /*There is no value*/
            var l_Value = '';
            /*There is an element with the same id as the item we are processing*/
            if(l_El.tagName == 'INPUT'){
              /*The element is an input item just set the value*/
              l_El.value = l_Value;
            }else if(l_El.tagName == 'SPAN' && l_El.className == 'grabber'){
              /*If it is a span elment and has the class grabber
              **Then set the innerHTML of the parent to the value
              **and the id of the parent to the id
              l_El.parentNode.innerHTML = l_Value;
     = l_ID;
              /*Else set the value as innerHTML*/
              l_El.innerHTML = l_Value;
      get = null;
    Now where it went wrong in your initial post
    The XML that was returned by your XML process would be something like
      <desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>
      <item id="f02_1">CSS Mastery</item>
      <item id="f03_1">22</item>
      <item id="f04_1">Andy Budd</item>
      <item id="f05_1">1</item>
    When you don't use apex_item to create your tabular form a item in the table will look like
    <input id="f02_0001" type="text" value="CSS Mastery" maxlength="2000" size="16" name="f05" autocomplete="off">
    Notice the id's f02_1 and f02_0001 don't match.
    So to make it work the XML would have to look like
      <desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>
      <item id="f02_0001">CSS Mastery</item>
      <item id="f03_0001">22</item>
      <item id="f04_0001">Andy Budd</item>
      <item id="f05_0001">1</item>
    To do that simply use lpad in the ondemand process like
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f02_' || lpad(:t_rownum,4,'0') || '">' || v_subject || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f03_' || lpad(:t_rownum,4,'0') || '">' || v_price || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f04_' || lpad(:t_rownum,4,'0') || '">' || v_author || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f05_' || lpad(:t_rownum,4,'0') || '">' || v_qty || '</item>');
    Keep in mind that the above is based on your original post and #ROWNUM# not being lpadded with zero's.

  • [UIX] How To: Return multiple values from a LOV

    Hi gang
    I've been receiving a number of queries via email on how to return multiple items from a LOV using UIX thanks to earlier posts of mine on OTN. I'm unfortunately aware my previous posts on this are not that clear thanks to the nature of the forums Q&A type approach. So I thought I'd write one clear post, and then direct any queries to it from now on to save me time.
    Following is my solution to this problem. Please note it's just one method of many in skinning a cat. It's my understanding via chatting to Oracle employees that LOVs are to be changed in a future release of JDeveloper to be more like Oracle Forms LOVs, so my skinning skills may be rather bloody & crude very soon (already?).
    I'll base my example on the hr schema supplied with the standard RDBMS install.
    Say we have an UIX input-form screen to modify an employees record. The employees record has a department_id field and a fk to the departments table. Our requirement is to build a LOV for the department_id field such that we can link the employees record to any department_id in the database. In turn we want the department_name shown on the employees input form, so this must be returned via the LOV too.
    To meet this requirement follow these steps:
    1) In your ADF BC model project, create 2 EOs for employees and departments.
    2) Also in your model, create 2 VOs for the same EOs.
    3) Open your employees VO and create a new attribute DepartmentName. Check “selected in query”. In expressions type “(SELECT dept.department_name FROM departments dept WHERE dept.department_id = employees.department_id)”. Check Updateable “always”.
    4) Create a new empty UIX page in your ViewController project called editEmployees.uix.
    5) From the data control palette, drag and drop EmployeesView1 as an input-form. Notice that the new field DepartmentName is also included in the input-form.
    6) As the DepartmentName will be populated either from querying existing employees records, or via the LOV, disable the field as the user should not have the ability to edit it.
    7) Select the DepartmentId field and delete it. In the UI Model window delete the DepartmentId binding.
    8) From the data controls palette, drag and drop the DepartmentId field as a messageLovInput onto your page. Note in your application navigator a new UIX page lovWindow0.uix (or similar) has been created for you.
    9) While the lovWindow0.uix is still in italics (before you save it), rename the file to departmentsLov.uix.
    10) Back in your editEmployees.uix page, your messageLovInput source will look like the following:
        destination="lovWindow0.uix"/>Change it to be:
        partialTargets="_uixState DepartmentName"/>11) Also change your DepartmentName source to look like the following:
        disabled="true"/>12) Open your departmentsLov.uix page.
    13) In the data control palette, drag and drop the DepartmentId field of the DepartmentView1 as a LovTable into the Results area on your page.
    14) Notice in the UI Model window that the 3 binding controls have been created for you, an iterator, a range and a binding for DepartmentId.
    15) Right click on the DepartmentsLovUIModel node in the UI Model window, then create binding, display, and finally attribute. The attribute binding editor will pop up. In the select-an-iterator drop down select the DepartmentsView1Iterator. Now select DepartmentName in the attribute list and then the ok button.
    16) Note in the UI Model you now have a new binding called DCDefaultControl. Select this, and in the property palette change the Id to DepartmentName.
    17) View the LOV page’s source, and change the lovUpdate event as follows:
    <event name="lovSelect">
            <set value="${bindings.DepartmentId.inputValue}" target="${sessionScope}" property="MyAppDepartmentId" />
            <set value="${bindings.DepartmentName.inputValue}" target="${sessionScope}" property="MyAppDepartmentName" />
    </event>18) Return to editEmployees.uix source, and modify the lovUpdate event to look as follows:
    <event name="lovUpdate">
            <set value="${sessionScope.MyAppDepartmentId}" target="${bindings.DepartmentId}" property="inputValue"/>
            <set value="${sessionScope.MyAppDepartmentName}" target="${bindings.DepartmentName}" property="inputValue"/>     
    </event>That’s it. Now when you select a value in your LOV, it will return 2 (multiple!) values.
    A couple things to note:
    1) In the messageLovInput id field we don’t use the “.path” notation. This is mechanism for returning 1 value from the LOV and is useless for us.
    2) Again in the messageLovInput we supply “_uixState” as an entry in the partialTargets.
    3) We are relying on partial-page-refresh functionality to update multiple items on the screen.
    I’m not going to take the time out to explain these 3 points, but it’s worthwhile you learning more about them, especially the last 2, as a separate exercise.
    One other useful thing to do is, in your messageLovInput, include as a last entry in the partialTargets list “MessageBox”. In turn locate the messageBox control on your page (if any), and supply an id=”MessageBox”. This will allow the LOV to place any errors raised in the MessageBox and show them to the user.
    I hope this works for you :)

    Thanks Chris,
    It took me some time to find the information I needed, how to use return multiple values from a LOV popup window, then I found your post and all problems were solved. Its working perfectly, well, almost perfectly.
    Im always fighting with ADF-UIX, it never does the thing that I expect it to do, I guess its because I have a hard time letting go of the total control you have as a developer and let the framework take care of a few things.
    Anyway, I'm using your example to fill 5 fields at once, one of the fields being a messageChoice (a list with countries) with a LOV to a lookup table (id , country).
    I return the countryId from the popup LOV window, that works great, but it doesn't set the correct value in my messageChoice . I think its because its using the CountryId for the listbox index.
    So how can I select the correct value inside my messageChoice? Come to think of it, I dont realy think its LOV related...
    Can someone help me out out here?
    Kind regards

  • Passing Multiple Values from a worksheet to PL/SQL function.

    Hi All,
    Is there any way to pass multiple values selected in a worksheet to a PL/SQL function ?
    I will try to explain the scenario:
    We have a crosstab report that showing all the customer details, deposit sum of a customer in each date in a date range selected. With the customer details we are showing the Rank of a customer based on the deposit in the latest date selected. Filtering is based on the rank, ie Top50 or Top60 etc.( As I said rank is calculating based on the deposit in the latest date).This is working fine.
    Now the new requirement is to : For example, in Top50 report, list all the customers, who were in the Top50 list, in any of the dates selected. We are able to display the daywise rank, but when giving a condition like daywiserank <= 50, the result becomes uncertain. Some blank lines, wrong amounts etc..
    As a work around we tried to find out the rank in a PL/SQL function. But the issue there is : we have some multiple value parameters used in the worksheet.
    Is there any way to pass multiple values selected in a worksheet to a PL/SQL function ?
    Or any other work arounds for the scenario explained?

    Hi Russ,
    Thanks for the response.
    Russ Proudman wrote:
    1. I thought there was an analytical function similar to rank - or maybe an option of rank - that if there are duplicate records to have them all considered the same rank. So if you had 3 records all the same as rank=2 then a condition saying where rank=2 would return the 3 records. You could check into this.
    We are already using DENSE_RANK. But the issue is the output contains incorrect null values nd repeated rows.
    We got it solved as I explained in the previous post. But will that AGGREGATION MODE setting ( Which discoverer says - not recommended) have any issue? I mean side effects?
    Russ Proudman wrote:
    2. Another thought is that you can create a PL/SQL routine - that's called from a SQL function registered in Discoverer - where a table is created that does the first part of your query. Then a worksheet is created to use the data from that table. So, in essence, the table would have your top50 ranked customers. Then you can write any kind of worksheet against that table. However, DBAs are loath to allow tables - that they didn't create! - many times in a PROD environment.
    Here also the same problem will occur: as the top 50 will depend upon the parameters. I cannot pass those parameters to PL/SQL Function.And storing the top50 ( itmay be top100 or to 150 also) for all combinations of the parameters is impossible
    Russ Proudman wrote:
    3. Finally, are you sure you're rank function is correct in that if you're getting blank lines, maybe the 'over' part is not considering all columns needed to determine the rank?
    Yes the query we are using is correct. The output QUERY of discoverer gives correct results in Sqlplus.

  • Return multiple values from a function to a SELECT statement

    I hope I've provided enough information here. If not, just let me know what I'm missing.
    I am creating a view that will combine information from a few tables. Most of it is fairly straightforward, but there are a couple of columns in the view that I need to get by running a function within a package. Even this is fairly straightforward (I have a function named action_date in a package called rp, for instance, which I can use to return the date I need via SELECT rp.action_date(sequence_number).
    Here's the issue: I actually need to return several bits of information from the same record (not just action_date, but also action_office, action_value, etc.) - a join of the tables won't work here as I'll explain below. I can, of course, run a separate function for each statement but that is obviously inefficient. Within the confines of the view select statement however, I'm not sure how to return each of the values I need.
    For instance, right now, I have:
    sequence_number NUMBER(10),
    name VARCHAR(30),
    Table1_seq NUMBER(10),
    action_seq NUMBER(10),
    action_date DATE,
    action_office VARCHAR(3),
    action_value VARCHAR(60),
    I can't simply join Table1 and Table2 because I have to do some processing in order to determine which of the matching returned rows I actually need to select. So the package opens a cursor and processes each row until it finds the one that I need.
    The following works but is inefficient since all of the calls to the package will return columns from the same record. I just don't know how to return all the values I need into the SELECT statement.
    CREATE VIEW all_this_stuff AS
    SELECT sequence_number, name,
    rp.action_date(sequence_number) action_date,
    rp.action_office(sequence_number) action_office,
    rp.action_value(sequence_number) action_value
    FROM table1
    Is there a way to return multiple values into my SELECT statement or am I going about this all wrong?
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks so much!

    What you want is a Top-N Query , which you can do using the analytic ROW_NUMBER function in a sub-query, like this:
    WITH     got_rnum     AS
         SELECT     action_seq, action_dt, action_office, action_type, action_value
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY  action_date
                                   ,            action_seq
                             ,            action_serial
                           ) AS rnum
         FROM     table2
         WHERE     action_code     = 'AB'
         AND     action_office     LIKE 'E'     -- Is this right?
    SELECT     action_seq, action_dt, action_office, action_type, action_value
    FROM     got_rnum
    WHERE     rnum     = 1
    ;As written, this will return (at most) one row.
    I suspect you'll really want to get one row for each group , where a group is defined by some value in a table to which you're joining.
    In that case, add a PARTITION BY clause to the ROW_NUMBER function.
    If you'd post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements), I could show you exactly how.
    Since I don't have your tables, I'll show you using tables in the scott schema.
    Here's a view that has data from the scott.dept table and also from scott.emp, but only for the most senior employee in each department (that is, the employee with the earliest hiredate). If there happens to be a tie for the earliest hiredate, then the contender with the lowest empno is chosen.
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW     senior_emp
    WITH     got_rnum     AS
         SELECT     d.deptno
         ,     d.dname
         ,     e.empno
         ,     e.ename
         ,     e.hiredate
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  d.deptno
                                   ORDER BY          e.hiredate
                             ,                e.empno
                           ) AS rnum
         FROM     scott.dept     d
         JOIN     scott.emp     e     ON     d.deptno     = e.deptno
    SELECT     deptno
    ,     dname
    ,     empno
    ,     ename
    ,     hiredate
    FROM     got_rnum
    WHERE     rnum     = 1
    SELECT     *
    FROM     senior_emp
    .    DEPTNO DNAME               EMPNO ENAME      HIREDATE
            10 ACCOUNTING           7782 CLARK      09-JUN-81
            20 RESEARCH             7369 SMITH      17-DEC-80
            30 SALES                7499 ALLEN      20-FEB-81 
    By the way, one of the conditions in the query you posted was
    action_office     LIKE 'E'which is equivalent to
    action_office     = 'E'(LIKE is always equivalent to = if the string after LIKE doesn't contain any wildcards.)
    Did you mean to say that, or did you mean something like this:
    action_office     LIKE 'E%'instead?

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