Multiplexing has failed

While sharing the project and rendering it to USB (16G pen drive) I got the message "Multiplexing has failed". What does this mean? Could someone help please.

When one Exports/Shares a multiplexed AV file, there are initially the two elemental streams produced - one audio-only and one video-only. Then, these are muxed (multiplexed, per the setting in the Share/Export choice). This creates a single, audio and video file, and the elemental streams are eliminated, as they are no longer needed. You end up with just one file. If the computer cannot complete the assembly of the elemental streams, you get that error message.
Now, Sharing to any USB device can be troublesome, at best. Steve's advice to Share/Export to the computer's HDD is best. Then, just use Windows Explorer/My Computer to Move that completed file to the USB device.
What often happens with the very slow stream of USB is that the device cannot keep up. One often gets read/write errors. The most common is the Delayed Write error. When they first came out, I tried to edit to/from USB externals, and encountered so many of these errors, that I gave up. A bit of research indicated that many, many more had them, as well. Besides being slow, they were trouble-prone. It was not until the release of FW-800 (IEEE-1394b) devices, that I found that I could edit to/from.
Hope that this helps,

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    Ozpeter, "PE7 - AVCHD user's first look" #13, 5 Oct 2008 2:29 am might point to a workaround - don't multiplex in PE7, use the 'tsMuxeR' free small 3rd party package to do that afterwards (and then you can burn an AVCHD DVD using imgBurn).

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    I have found a temporary solution, allowing the previous version of iTunes (v. 11.1.3 (x64) in my case) to be re-installed.  It will allow you to re-establish use of iTunes until the Apple software engineers fix the most recent disasterous upgrade (v. 11.1.4).  Please see and follow the procedure in the following article:   The previous version works beautifully.

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    The iphone is designed to be synced woth your computer regularly.  Your contacts should reside on your computer.  The iphone simply allows them to be portable.
    Your contacts will be in whatever program you have been syncing.
    The backup is only for restoring an iphone.  Contacts are backed up to keep the recents and favorites when you restore your iphone.

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  • This application has failed to start because SapNi.dll was not found

    On the advice, good advice, of Melanie and Lars, here is a new thread for my question.
    I'm assisting with a migration of SAPDB, on Windows Server 2003, to MaxDB 7.6.xx on Solaris 10 SPARC.
    I can connect to my SAP DB using Database Manager as superdba. Now I'm trying to use the dbmcli.
    I go to the server and pop open a cmd prompt and try it via dbmcli:
    dbmcli -d sdb -u superdba,<password>
    And I get a Windows dialog box that says
    This application has failed to start because SapNi.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. 
    actually, the SUPERDBA user only has ONE valid password. Although he is able to perform admin tasks and to execute SQL statements, there are not two passwords for this user!
    So if you are able to connect with that user with dbmcli and not with sqlcli or loadercli, there seems to be something wrong with your system/users. Maybe the user called SUPERDBA on your system is not really the SYSDBA but a 'normal' dbm user.
    When you connect with that user with dbmcli, please execute the following commands:
    sql_execute select user from dual
    sql_execute select SYSDBA from dual
    sql_execute select * from users
    Can you also connect with user control with dbmcli? You might want to check the default password (control).
    Regarding the ni.dll problem: If I understand that correctly, you installed Database Studio locally on your PC. Did you also install any othe MaxDB software on that server? When you try to use dbmcli to connect to a remote database, you'll have to specify the -n <hostname> option. Or did you get that dll error on the database server itself?
    Database Studio cannot be used to administer databases of version 7.3. You'll have to use DBMGUI or dbmcli for that.
    Best regards, Melanie
    Hi Melanie, Thanks for the response.
    I cannot use dbmcli at the moment. I get the Windows dialog box saying
    This application has failed to start because SapNi.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
    I am using dmcli on the Windows 2003 Server with my SAP DB 7.3 installed. Here is the version of dbmcli that I'm using.
    C:\sapdb\SDB\db\bin>dbmcli -V
    "7.6.06","WIN32","C:\Program Files\sdb\7606",True,ASCII,2
    I'm going to try to do what the error message tells me and uninstall and re-install my DB management applications.

    Server Utilities           c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    DB Analyzer                c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    PCR 7300                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    PCR 7301                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    PCR 7104                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    MaxDB PHP Driver           c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    PCR 7240                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    Synchronization Manager    c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    Base                       c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    Redist Python              c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    JDBC                       c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    Messages                   c:/sapdb/programs                             MSG 0.8215              valid
    ODBC                       c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    Database Kernel            c:/program files/sdb/7606                32 bit    valid
    Database Kernel            c:/sapdb/programs/databasestudio/utilities                 valid
    Database Kernel            c:/sapdb/sdb/db                          32 bit    valid
    Loader                     c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    SQLDBC                     c:/sapdb/programs                        32 bit    valid
    PCR 7250                   c:/sapdb/programs                                  valid
    IndepData           : C:\sapdb\data
    IndepPrograms       : C:\sapdb\programs
    dbmcli -s dbm_version
    VERSION    = 7.7.06
    BUILD      = DBMServer 7.7.06   Build 009-123-202-944
    OS         = WIN32
    INSTROOT   =
    LOGON      = True
    CODE       = UTF8
    SWAP       = full
    UNICODE    = YES
    INSTANCE   = (unknown)
    SYSNAME    = Windows Server 2003 family
    MASKING    = YES
    REPLYTREATMENT = none,zlib,auto
    SDBDBM_IPCLOCATION = C:\sapdb\data\wrk
    Edited by: Rich Evans on Jun 16, 2009 4:13 PM

  • FSL-06002  Error 14001 This application has failed to start

    Hello Folks
    I have problem installing SAP R/3 Enterprise (4.72 Enterprise Ext2) IDES Version
    The installation is under Windows 2003 server SP2 and Oracle 920
    I'm in the Database Instance Installation (non-unicode) and phase 29 (Updating database statistics) 
    The following error is:
    TRACE      [synxccuren.cpp:452]
    Granted access rights 0xf01ff for object default to user chavez-server\mauadm with inheritance flags 0.
    TRACE<i>   [synxccuren.cpp:1045]
    Switched to user: mauadm.
    ERROR 2009-08-23 13:27:58
    FSL-06002  Error 14001 (This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
    ) in execution of a 'CreateProcess' function, line (284), with parameter (E:\usr\sap\MAU\SYS\exe\run/brconnect ...).
    When i ran the brconnect manually i received the same error  (This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem)
    When i ran brconnect using cmd.exe i received the following error
    The system cannot execute the specified program.
    I think is important mention this, i had problem 1 setp before about the brtools 7.00
    Execution of the command "E:\usr\sap\MAU\SYS\exe\run/brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPMAU" finished with return code 3. Output:
    BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.00 (16)
    BR0999E Loading of SQL client library oci.dll failed - please check Oracle configuration
    BR0310E Connect to database instance MAU failed
    BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2009-08-23 13.06.43
    BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
    I downloaded the correct version (640) DBATOOLS Package for Oracle 9.2 and i replaced the files
    Please folks someone have any idea about this, i tried search on the web and nothing, on the marketplace and nothing
    Thanks all for your help

    Markus Doehr wrote:
    > > I have problem installing SAP R/3 Enterprise (4.72 Enterprise Ext2) IDES Version
    > > The installation is under Windows 2003 server SP2 and Oracle 920
    > and something on top: 640_EX2 is only for Oracle 10g - it  won't work with Oracle 9.2. So you should change your kernel to 640 back - then the R3DLLINS works.
    > Markus
    Ok Markus, i did the following
    First i downloaded vcredist_<platform>.exe from Microsoft web page and retry the installation
    And the following error i got
    Operative System open's a Window that say following
    brconnect.exe Unable to locate component "this application has failed to start because orasql10.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"
    And this is the log
    WARNING 2009-08-23 17:52:07
    Execution of the command "E:\usr\sap\MAU\SYS\exe\run/brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPMAU" finished with return code 128. Output:
    ERROR 2009-08-23 17:52:07
    CJS-00288  Could not update database statistics.<br>DIAGNOSIS: Command brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPMAU returned 128.<br>SOLUTION: See brconnect.log for details.
    Second i downloaded the kernel 640 whitout ext2 and i get the following error
    INFO 2009-08-23 17:41:32
    Output of E:\usr\sap\MAU\SYS\exe\run/brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPMAU is written to the logfile brconnect.log.
    WARNING 2009-08-23 17:41:32
    Execution of the command "E:\usr\sap\MAU\SYS\exe\run/brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPMAU" finished with return code 3. Output: BR0801I BRCONNECT 6.40 (51)BR0252E Function _popen() failed for '( F:\ORACLE\MAU\920\bin\SQLPLUS /nolog ) < \nul 2>&1' at location BrPipeOpen-4BR0253E errno 2: No such file or directoryBR0272E Execution of program '( F:\ORACLE\MAU\920\bin\SQLPLUS /nolog ) < \nul 2>&1' through pipe failedBR0303E Determination of Oracle version failed
    ERROR 2009-08-23 17:41:32
    CJS-00288  Could not update database statistics.<br>DIAGNOSIS: Command brconnect -u / -c -f crsyn -o SAPMAU returned 3.<br>SOLUTION: See brconnect.log for details.

  • TS3212 Application has failed to start because application configuration is incorrect

    Am hoping for some help please if possible, I have just downloaded the latest version of I-Tunes, when I double click on the .exe to install I get the following message;
    This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
    I've tried searching forums and have seen similar posts - one suggesting it may be a problem with a dll file but gave no further details and another post that suggested it could be the .net framework which I downloaded a fix for from Microsoft but this has not worked unfortunately.
    I am running Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
    Any help would be gratefully appreciated
    Thank you

    Click here and follow the instructions. You may need to completely remove and reinstall iTunes and all related components, or run the process multiple times; this won't normally affect its library, but that should be backed up anyway.

  • Today, I got a "update iTunes and tonight, I can't access my iTunes. I uninstalled and reinstalled and the error message reads: iTunesexe-unable to locate component. App has failed to start due to MSVCR80.dll was not found: Reinstall may fix" but hasn't.

    I received an iTunes update today and updates files. Tonight, I couldn't acces my iTunes. I uninstalled and reinstalled and still getting same error message: iTunes exe unable to locate component. This application has failed to start because MSVCR80.DLL was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.  I've done it several times and still get the error.  I'm fearful I have lost all my music.  What can I do?

    Try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

  • This application has failed to start because msvcr71.dll was not found

    I just downloaded the Flex 3.3 DK from here:
    Once unzipped I went to run this:
    C:\DATA\My Documents\_jim\flash\open-source\_Software\flex_sdk_3\bin\mxmlc.exe
    When I ran it, I got this error
    This application has failed to start because msvcr71.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem
    I searched on Google, and found this:
    So from there, downloaded "msvcr71.dll", placed here:
    And ran the following in the Command prompt: regsvr32 "msvcr71.dll".
    When I did that, I got this error message:
    msvcr71.dll was loaded but the DLLRegisterServer entry point was not found
    The file was not registered
    I saw that the DLL is related to Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime, so I deleted the dll I saved manually, and ran the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) from here: c1bf&displayLang=en
    Once done, the dll was not placed in the System32 folder.
    I tried the manual install of the DLL again, but on trying to register it again, got the same error message.
    Has anyone else had this problem?
    Seems like I might have hit a brick wall.

    What operating system? 32-bit or 64-bit?
    Which version and edition of SQLDeveloper (with/without jre, 64/32-bit)
    What JDK version?

  • Application has failed to start b/c qtcf,dll was not found

    I recently had my computer serviced by the Geek squad for virus removal, I tried to use itunes and connect my ipod and I keep getting this message by: itunesHelper.exe- unable to locate component. "This application has failed to start because QTFC.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I have tried to install Itunes and quick time player, but the same error pops up and I can't close the tab. Any suggestions?

    Let's doublecheck on the current locations of that dll.
    Go "Start > Search" and then do an all files and folders search on QTCF.dll. In "More advanced options", make sure the following items are all checked:
    *Search System folders*
    *Search hidden files and folders*
    *Search subfolders*
    What QTCF.dll files do you find, and what are their file locations?

  • Everytime I turn on my computer running on Windows XP, a message appears from AppleSynchNotifier.exe-Unable to locate component - "this application has failed to start because CoreFoundation .dll was not found," Reinstalling did not fix problem.

    Everytime I turn on my computer running on Windows XP, a message appears from AppleSynchNotifier.exe - Unable to Locate Component -
    "This application has failed to start because CoreFoundation.dll was not found.  Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
    I uninstalled and re-installed itunes and the message still appears.
    How do I fix this??
    Thank you

    With that one, first try uninstalling and reinstalling your MobileMe Control Panel for Windows, robin. Does that make the error go away?

  • When I try to open Firefox I receive this message, "Application has failed to start because ssl3.dll was not found." HELP!

    I've been using Firefox for about 3 years. Today, I ran a scan of my computer Webroot Anti Virus and deleted all "risky stuff" they checked. Don't know if this is a coincidence but right after the scan I could not open Firefox. I receive the message, "Application has failed to start because ssl3.dll was not found. Reloading application may remedy this." I reloaded Firefox, the current version, clicked on open and received the same message. I've reloaded Firefox 3 more times with the same results. Now I need HELP.

    See if you can make Webroot restore that file in the Firefox program folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\).<br />
    If not then you need to reinstall Firefox and make sure that Webroot doesn't do that another time.
    You can find the latest Firefox release here:
    *Firefox 8.0.x:

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