Multitier JDBC Drivers

When trying to remotely use a DataSource I get this exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 211
     at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.ConnectionImpl_weblogic_jdbc_wrapper_PoolConnection_oracle_jdbc_driver_T4CConnection_816_WLStub.ensureInitialized(Unknown Source)
     at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.ConnectionImpl_weblogic_jdbc_wrapper_PoolConnection_oracle_jdbc_driver_T4CConnection_816_WLStub.<init>(Unknown Source)
     ... 82 more- I have configured a ConnectionPool and DataSourse. The lookup of the DataSource using the JNDI name works. The exception occurs afterwards during the DataSource.getConnection() call.
- I am running Weblogic 8.1, on jdk 1.4. The client is also running on 1.4.
- The database is oracle 10, and I have tried both with the oracle thin driver (provided by weblogic) and the type 2 driver from oracle.
Thank you for any help.

Frankie Bollaert wrote:
When trying to remotely use a DataSource I get this exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 211
     at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.ConnectionImpl_weblogic_jdbc_wrapper_PoolConnection_oracle_jdbc_driver_T4CConnection_816_WLStub.ensureInitialized(Unknown Source)
     at weblogic.jdbc.rmi.internal.ConnectionImpl_weblogic_jdbc_wrapper_PoolConnection_oracle_jdbc_driver_T4CConnection_816_WLStub.<init>(Unknown Source)
     ... 82 more- I have configured a ConnectionPool and DataSourse. The lookup of the DataSource using the JNDI name works. The exception occurs afterwards during the DataSource.getConnection() call.
- I am running Weblogic 8.1, on jdk 1.4. The client is also running on 1.4.
- The database is oracle 10, and I have tried both with the oracle thin driver (provided by weblogic) and the type 2 driver from oracle.
Thank you for any help.
FrankieHi. I suspect that there is a conflicting version of the Oracle
driver in the client classpath and the weblogic classpath. Try
completely removing any oracle stuff from the client classpath.

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    No, the drivers are performing correctly. In Oracle, an empty string in a varchar or varchar2 column is considered NULL. Regardless of what protocol or language you use to access the database, this will hold true.

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    hi Geoff ,
    I would recommend you the aveconnect driver from Atinav. It is a type 3 driver, and is a reliable and nice implementation. We have been using it for quite some time now and our developers here have seen it to be quite efficient and good.
    this url may help you..
    they provide a 30 day trial, and was worth a buy..
    hope that helps,

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    I believe they're right on the download page where you download the drivers.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by greg freda ([email protected]):
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    //print out all the drivers using a loop
    while (driverList.hasMoreElements()) {
    Driver jdbcDriver = (Driver)driverList.nextElement();
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    jwenting wrote:
    Where you went wrong was in assuming that just having a jar somewhere on your computer will automatically put it on the classpath of your little application.
    Or maybe you went wrong in assuming that jdbc magically detects any jar anywhere on your computer that has a driver in it without being told where to look for that jar.Well, there's that. But, there is also the fact,OP, that the API docs says that the method getDrivers returns all currently loaded Drivers. In other words, OP, even if the jar is on your Classpath, getDrivers won't list it until you've done Class.forName("DriverClass") or DriverManager.registerDriver("DriverClass").
    IOW, OP, read the API docs.
    Edit: And, no, there is no Class/method (AFAIK) that will search your classpath for any/all possible Driver classes.

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    please Reply me ASAP.
    i am waiting for your reply
    thanks a lot
    Message was edited by:

    Can you tell me what is Difference between Oracle9i and Oracle9i JDBC Drivers briefly?Search the Oracle site. That should tell if there are any differences at all. I would assume that there would be some bug fixes.
    please Reply me ASAP.
    i am waiting for your replySuch lines are better avoided.

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    # Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration.
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    Edited by: user8652010 on Feb 10, 2011 1:08 PM

  • Oracle10g Jdbc Drivers issue with EJB on Weblogic 7

    Hi there,
    We are facing a critical issue on production environment related to Oracle jdbc drivers.
    We have a J2EE application with swing client. We are using MVC framework where client calls go to stateless session bean which redirect it to specific POJO which then uses Entity Beans for persistence.
    We have following environment.
    JDK1.4.2, Weblogic 7 with SP5, Oracle10g on AIX 5.2
    Now the problem is that we were using Oracle 8 jdbc driver for our application. Everything was working smoothly. Recently we moved our weblogic and oracle Servers machines locations, after that movement we started to get an exception when weblogic initializing connection pool that makes connection to a different oracle10g database. Oracle supports ask us to upgrade the jdbc driver. So we moved to 10g driver ojdbc14.jar but during testing one functionality is failing with a exception where rest of application seems to be working fine. The exception occurs when we try to post a record and during the creation of a child entity bean the transactions rollback for some unknown reasons. Using the old oracle8 driver the same code working fine again. We have also tried the driver of Oracle10g but error persist. I have checked the code and deployment descriptors but they seems fine. If i comment the creation of that particular entity bean the parent bean get created successfully and transaction commit successfully. Please also note that we have not created any relation b/w both entity beans not even in the database. They both are sort of independent.
    Can any one having any idea why Oracle10g driver not working or what might be the problem with our configuration. Any help will be highly appreciated. Please see the Exception below.
    <Jan 29, 2008 6:03:10 PM PKT> <Info> <EJB> <010036> <Exception from ejbStore: javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException: Instance
    of bean 'SecurityRatingHistoryPost' with primary key '
    oryEntityPK@93e447fa' not found.
    javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException: Instance of bean 'SecurityRatingHistoryPost' with primary key 'com.cdc.fms.server.setup
    .security.ratinghistory.SecurityRatingHistoryEntityPK@93e447fa' not found.
    at weblogic.ejb20.manager.DBManager.storeBean( Code))
    at weblogic.ejb20.manager.DBManager.beforeCompletion( Code))
    at weblogic.ejb20.internal.TxManager$TxListener.beforeCompletion( Code))
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerSCInfo.callBeforeCompletions( Code))
    --------------- nested within: ------------------
    weblogic.transaction.RollbackException: Unexpected exception in beforeCompletion: sync=weblogic.ejb20.internal.TxManager
    Instance of bean 'SecurityRatingHistoryPost' with primary key '
    atingHistoryEntityPK@93e447fa' not found. - with nested exception:
    [javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException: Instance of bean 'SecurityRatingHistoryPost' with primary key 'com.cdc.fms.server.setu' not found.]
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl.throwRollbackException( Code))
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.internalCommit( Code))
    at weblogic.transaction.internal.ServerTransactionImpl.commit( Code))
    at weblogic.ejb20.internal.BaseEJBLocalObject.postInvoke( Code))
    at com.cdc.fms.server.common.ConsolidatorSessionBean_fz4673_ELOImpl.processRequest(ConsolidatorSessionBean_fz467
    at com.cdc.fms.server.common.GatewaySessionBean.processRequest(Unknown Source)
    at com.cdc.fms.server.common.GatewaySessionBean_oehtlw_EOImpl.processRequest(GatewaySessionBean_oehtlw_EOImpl.ja
    at com.cdc.fms.server.common.GatewaySessionBean_oehtlw_EOImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    <Jan 29, 2008 6:03:10 PM PKT> <Info> <EJB> <010051> <EJB Exception during invocation from home: com.cdc.fms.server.commo
    n.GatewaySessionBean_oehtlw_HomeImpl@3e13a4aa threw exception: javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: weblogic.tra
    nsaction.RollbackException: Unexpected exception in beforeCompletion: sync=weblogic.ejb20.internal.TxManager$TxListener@
    Instance of bean 'SecurityRatingHistoryPost' with primary key '
    atingHistoryEntityPK@93e447fa' not found. - with nested exception:
    [javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException: Instance of bean 'SecurityRatingHistoryPost' with primary key 'com.cdc.fms.server.setu' not found.]
    javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: weblogic.transaction.RollbackException: Unexpected exception in beforeCompl
    etion: sync=weblogic.ejb20.internal.TxManager$TxListener@44a824cd

    weblogic 7? when the current production version is 10.2?
    don't play yourself. fund a project to upgrade your weblogic version.
    can't tell based on what you've posted, and I fear that the stuff you'll have to post to get an answer here will be too much. this isn't a good place to come for an answer.

  • *****Error in Microsoft JDBC drivers for SQL Server 2000****

    hi guys,
    I am getting the following error in my application. The error seems to have thrown by Microsoft JDBC drivers for SQL Server 2000
    The application tries to execute the the following query when the error is thorwn:
    SELECT getDate(); // getDate is a function which returns currebt date time. The error is thrown occassionally. Other times the same query is executed correctly by the application.
    Can any one help with this one.
    The error is:
         at Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at com.sanderson.tallyman.util.TallymanDB.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
         at com.sanderson.tallyman.util.TallymanDB.getCurrentDate(Unknown Source)
         at com.sanderson.tallyman.operations.interfaces.RecordUpdateControl.updateRecord(Unknown Source)
         at com.sanderson.tallyman.operations.interfaces.DebtInterfaceControl.processUpdate(Unknown Source)
         at com.sanderson.tallyman.operations.interfaces.DebtInterfaceControl.processInterface(Unknown Source)
         at com.sanderson.tallyman.operations.interfaces.InterfaceHandler$ Source)
         at Source)

    Did you ever get an answer to this? I am also having this problem.

  • JDBC drivers for MSSQL 7.0

    We have installed JDBC drivers for MSSQL by following guide "how to install and configure a JMS and JDBC adapter" and they are "msutil.jar, mssqlserver.jar, msbase.jar". Our platform is NETweaver 2004s PI 7.0 on UNIX and Oracle.
    The interfaces are working fine when we are sending data to MSSQL 2000, but when we are sending data to MSSQL 7.0, we are getting errors incompatible drivers.
    Are there seperate drivers MSSQL 7.0 or we need to have different set of drives. Checked Note 639702 and as per note we should be able to find drivers installed on system at
    - (NetWeaver 2004s:)
    I did not find the 'Platform' in my system at the above mentioned path.
    Can anyone help us with this issue.
    Thank You,

    Hi Praveen,
    As I know, there is no JDBC driver MSSQL 7.0, so there is no direct way to get access to it.
    But there is another way to do it if you have access to a MSSQL 2000 or above server.
    In MSSQL 2000 you can create a linked server to the MSSQL 7.0, and then you can use XI to get access to MSSQL 7.0 tables.

  • Deploy JDBC drivers - SAP PI 7.0

    Hi guys,
    I have to deploy JDBC drivers to implement JDBC adapter in SAP PI 7.0. I've found some guides for XI 3.0 or SAP PI 7.1 but not to SAP PI 7.0. Can I apply guide for XI 3.0 or another exists?
    Best regards,

    >>>I've found some guides for XI 3.0 or SAP PI 7.1 but not to SAP PI 7.0. Can I apply guide for XI 3.0 or another exists?
    the one for 3.0 works for 7.0
    Michal Krawczyk

  • Need information on Weblogic JDBC drivers

    I have been using Weblogic 8.1 sp5 with oracle version -Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production.
    Lately i have observed the below error:-
    <Jun 2, 2009 9:56:58 PM MEST> <Error> <JDBC> <BEA-001112> <Test "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" set up for pool "WIS03 JDBC Connection Pool" failed with exception: "java.sql.SQLException: OALL8 is in an inconsistent state.".>
    This may be linked to the JDBC drivers used with weblogic.
    At weblogic console i can see the list of drivers as - Oracle Driver (Thin) Versions.9.0.1,9.2.0,10
    Is this driver good for the Oracle version 10 g?
    I am clueless for the above exception. Please suggest.
    Thanks & Regards
    Himanshu Tageja

    Thanks Joe.
    I have found the latest ojdbc.jar, below are the detials mentioned about this jar in the
    Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers
    Specification-Title: Oracle JDBC driver classes for use with JDK14
    Sealed: true
    Created-By: 1.4.2_14 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Implementation-Title: ojdbc14.jar
    Specification-Vendor: Oracle Corporation
    Specification-Version: Oracle JDBC Driver version - ""
    Implementation-Version: Oracle JDBC Driver version - ""
    Implementation-Vendor: Oracle Corporation
    Implementation-Time: Sat Feb 2 11:40:29 2008
    Now the issue is with respect to the Java_version used for this jar which is 1.4.2_14 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    but my weblogic server uses jdk142_08.
    I have done quick tests after replacing the jar from the server/lib directory and seems no issue but can the differences in Java version lead to potential issues in future?
    Awaiting your valuable response.

  • Error with Download JDBC Drivers page

    There appears to be an error with the JDBC Drivers download page. When navigating from the top-level download page, all I'm seeing is '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascri'. Is there another page from which I can download the driver?
    Guy Heathcote
    Ordnance Survey

    The 10g and later drivers trade memory for performance. They use much more memory than the 9i drivers, but are much faster. If you look at the JDBC FAQ here on OTN there is some more info on where the memory is going. The stack trace you posted is what I would expect to see from buffer allocation described in the FAQ.

Maybe you are looking for