Music on external drive, trying to import to new user

I've always imported my music to an external drive and set pref's on my TiBook to find music there. I'm having probs with my laptop and want to update my iPod for a trip. I hooked the external drive up to my desktop and set prefs on iTunes to see the external drive. Nothing shows up in iTunes.

The iTunes Music folder location setting doesn't enable iTunes to find music. It just tells iTunes where to put new music files that are ripped or added to the library.
You're working with a different iTunes Library now. (Think of the iTunes Library file like a card catalog. The music files themselves are like books in a library.) You'll have to add the existing music files to the iTunes Library on the desktop machine. You can use the Add menu command or drag your music folder onto the open iTunes window.

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    killall iPhoto
    If this will also not terminate iPhoto, try this modification:
    killall iPhoto -KILL
    The "kill" command sends a signal to the process to be terminated. Without a signal name as parameter, it is the "TERM" signal, the same as "Force Quit" will send. This request can be ignored. The "KILL" signal is the ultimate killer, it is not catchable and cannot be ignored.
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