Music Videos Sycing~

Zzz. I Needa Know How To Get Music Videos Into My Ipod. Someone tell Me?

Sorry, not to reply sooner (it was bedtime on this side of the world). I see a couple of others have jumped in and been helpful. As Pablocouk tells us, we can sync what we like to each iPod. With four iPods, I could have four versions of the same movie in my pocket. I already do this with my music. As you first suggested, however, with a need for some space on your iPhone, you can also restrict what you want -- highly tunable devices.
And thanks for the star.

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    iTMS Song and Computer Authorization
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    Hi @anthony7722 ,
    Thank you for your query, I will do my best to help!
    I grasp that you uninstalled the Intel graphic driver and the catalyst control.  You reinstalled the Intel driver and now you can view and hear videos on the Internet but you are unable to set the resolution as high as previously.
    When I checked the specifications for your notebook I see that you have switchable graphics.
    Here are two links that I believe will help.
    Overview of Switchable Graphics or Dual GPUs
    Switchable Graphics on Notebooks Configured with Intel and ATI GPUs
    Here is a link to HP Pavilion dv7-6150eb Entertainment Notebook PC Drivers
    Please try this process.
    1. Download the chipset driver, and both graphic drivers and save them  but do not install them yet
    2, Delete the chipset driver and install the updated one.
    3. restart your notebook
    4.Delete the Intel driver and install the updated one
    5. restart your notebook
    6. Delete the AMD driver and install the updated driver. 
    You should now have a Catalyst Control Center.
    This should now allow you to use the higher graphic card which should support the higher resolution.
    I hope this helped.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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