Must reaccess page to load external pics

1. I must thank everyone's help in the forum for my success
in loading the Total photonumber variable using LoadVars and
captions from an XML file.
2. When tested locally on different computers to ensure that
paths are correct, the mini pics load correctly.
3. However, once the files were posted to my website, you
must access the page TWICE by first going to it, exiting, and when
you RETURN to the same page, the mini pics are visible.
For example, you click on the topics button which brings you
to another movieclip that contains the actionscript below:
All of the _global variables are defined in the maintime.
These 4 mini pics are loaded from an external directory. When
you click on one, the big picture shows up.
-> WFUV (photos)
-> Topics
-> Topics -> clicking the big pic will take you to a
portfolio page like one of the above.
======================================= THE CODE
//initialize variables and properties
big._alpha = 0;
//_global.WhichMainPic = 1;
//initiate change to new image when buttons are clicked
next.onPress = function() {
if (_global.WhichMainPic< _global.TP[foldnum] &&
!fadeIn && !fadeOut) {
fadeOut = true;
input = _global.WhichMainPic;
back.onPress = function() {
if (_global.WhichMainPic>1 && !fadeIn &&
!fadeOut) {
fadeOut = true;
input = _global.WhichMainPic;
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
// when a new Photo is selected, fade out, load new image,
and fade in
if (big._alpha>10 && fadeOut) {
big._alpha -= 10;
if (big._alpha<10) {
fadeOut = false;
fadeIn = true;
if (big._alpha<100 && fadeIn && !fadeOut)
big._alpha += 10;
} else {
fadeIn = false;
// limit input field
if (input>_global.TP[foldnum]) {
input =_global.TP[foldnum] ;
// initiate change to new image when Enter key is pressed
if (Key.isDown(Key.ENTER)) {
fadeOut = true;
_global.WhichMainPic = input;
// if a number is entered in the input field but Enter is not
pressed, change
// back to current Photo number when clicking anywhere else
//inputField.onKillFocus = function() {
input = _global.WhichMainPic;

This issue can be caused by malware on your computer.
Do a malware check with several malware scanning programs on the Windows computer.
Please scan with all programs because each program detects different malware.
All these programs have free versions.
Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before doing a scan.
*Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:<br>
*Microsoft Safety Scanner:<br>
*Windows Defender:<br>
*Spybot Search & Destroy:<br>
*Kasperky Free Security Scan:<br>
You can also do a check for a rootkit infection with TDSSKiller.
*Anti-rootkit utility TDSSKiller:<br>
See also:
*"Spyware on Windows":

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    Hi Persons,
    macrofireball is correct as always, but I'll just add a
    thought to this thread because I suspect "rfull" isn't actually
    asking what he/she
    appears to be asking.
    No photo can ever be displayed "by itself". That is, image
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    As a moderator, I urge you to ask the Mozilla-powers-to-be why there is no way to turn off the alarm with, say, a true/false switch in about:config (mind you, there is still old-versions junk in this config list, so it isn't we are talking about amending the constitution). Complains about this fugly alarm can be traced in the web as far back as 2010 at least. Besides, what is the advantage of the alarm for the average user? When FF users are still posing amazingly basic questions in forums of Firefox or Mozilla support, such an alarm ought to be _off_ by default and should be an option of advanced settings menu. This annoyance shows how much the critical focus on keeping a simple GUI uncluttered by trivial or higher-level messages still needs to evolve for Firefox, which I have used it since it was known a Firebird. Guess will have to switch to Chrome now while abroad.
    Happy Holidays

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    import LoadDisplayObject;
    var loader:LoadDisplayObject = new LoadDisplayObject("button_01.swf", true);
    loader.addEventListener("displayObjectLoaded", onComplete, false, 0, true);
    function onComplete(evt:Event):void {
         trace("loaded complete received");
         loader.scaleX = loader.scaleY = .75;
    .....however I'm struggling with the script to make a swfs load into a space when one of my 3 buttons is clicked....
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    Any help much appreciated...thanks in advance.

    Just throught I would let you know that I've manged to get this to work this morning. Changed the script slightly and used a different method of:
    var home:MovieClip = this;
    function butt1Click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("button_01.swf"));
        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, loaded);
    function butt2Click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("button_02.swf"));
        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, loaded);
    function butt3Click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("button_03.swf"));
        ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, loaded);
    function loaded(evt: Event):void {
        if(contentClip.numChildren > 0){
    button_01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, butt1Click);
    button_02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, butt2Click);
    button_03.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, butt3Click);
    seems to work well. Only small question is if I want one page to load automatically upon do I alter the script to do this??? Thanks

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    Please Help!

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    JamesHammerstein wrote:
    > Dear All - Can anyone help?
    > I have created a spry gallery page with a dropdown to a
    number of different
    > categories...
    > I want to be able to add links on another page that will
    automatically load a
    > particular gallery from this page, i.e. select a
    particular category to be
    > displayed from a link on another page.
    Try asking your question in the Spry forum where you'll get a
    more focused group of viewers for your question :
    Danilo Celic
    | WebAssist Extensioneer
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • Sandboxed iframe page re-load

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    page is loaded from a location other than application directory. I
    have included a init.js file in the htm page of iframe.
    Now, on basis of some user input I periodically update the
    init.js (I 'write' the file- it contains object and variable
    instantiation,etc) file. To visually show changes I have tried to
    reload the htm page of iframe through several methods however the
    htm page keeps 'showing' contents according to 'previous' version
    of init.js file even though init.js has changed.
    The methods that I have used to 'reload'/'refresh' the iframe
    htm page are:
    > load a 'empty.htm' page in iframe and then cause it to
    ask parent sandbox bridge to set iframe source back to orignal htm
    page for iframe.
    > set iframe src to empty i.e. iframeEl.src = '';
    > use reload function .i.e
    > include the following tags in the htm page to be loaded
    in the iframe:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <meta http-Equiv="pragma" Content="no-cache" />
    <meta http-equiv='cache-control'
    content='no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,proxy-revalidate' />
    > set iframe src with dynamic query string e.g.
    iframeEl.src = 'my.htm?' + timeObj.getMilliseconds().toString();
    Can anyone please shed light on how to 'refresh' iframe page
    so that it starts 'including' updated js file ?
    Thanks a lot for any/all help.

    The file is not stored in application directory.
    As far as js file is concerned my boss solved this stumbling
    block by suggesting that i use 'document.createElement("script")'
    to include the js file to head of my htm page ( that opens in the
    iframe). Now the htm file finds the newer version of js thanks to
    dynamically created script tag with a uniques query string.

  • Proxy Server asking for username and password almost 6 times for every page I load, but the same doesn't happen with other browsers like chrome

    The same question keeps popping up again and again "The proxy moz-proxy:// is requesting a username and password. The site says: "moz-proxy://""
    Even after i give the right details, it asks me like 5 more times before it completely loads the page. Some times it happens only 2 times.
    With other browsers like chrome, it asks only in the beginning. it doesn't occur after that.
    This started occurring only recently. i upgraded to firefox 9.0 and it functioned properly for more than 12 hours before it started occuring. i tried downgrading back to 8.0.1 but the problem still continued.

    i'm afraid i need to use proxy settings to connect to internet. The settings are all fine because it used to work properly all this time. i specify the proxy address and the port, which is correct, i am very confident. it is so because the page actually loads on firefox, but not before it asks for my user name and password for it a lot of times, and for every page. for other browsers, it asks only in the beginning, that is, when i start the browser.
    i've put three pics here. under the first two settings, the third image showing the user name and password thingy popping up. this happens a lot of times for every page.

  • Random Bingads WSDL errors: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from...failed to load external entity, Could not connect to host, Parsing Schema: can't import schema from

    I am developing a web tool that accesses client's Bingads accounts via OAUTH2 granting. I am downloading data from clients daily.
    Generally it worked, but for 2 days I am experiencing a weird issue, that in random times (but more and more often though) I receive random error messages from Bing server. I am pasting below a few example from my logs (with timestamp and request/response).
    Must note that I launch these requests from the server where we have the webapp but also I launch it locally. The same is the result.
    The timestamp is in France time (GMT+1).
    Thanks ahead!
    Best regards,
    2015-01-14 15:08:05: Service\BingAds::initService => SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: can't import schema from ''
    ---------Soap Request:--------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><ns1:CustomerAccountId>XXX</ns1:CustomerAccountId><ns1:CustomerId/><ns1:DeveloperToken>XXX</ns1:DeveloperToken><ns1:UserName/><ns1:Password/><ns1:AuthenticationToken>XXX</ns1:AuthenticationToken></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetDetailedBulkDownloadStatusRequest><ns1:RequestId>108277125</ns1:RequestId></ns1:GetDetailedBulkDownloadStatusRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Header><h:TrackingId xmlns:h="">XXXXX</h:TrackingId></s:Header><s:Body><GetDetailedBulkDownloadStatusResponse
    xmlns=""><Errors i:nil="true" xmlns:i=""/><ForwardCompatibilityMap xmlns:a=""
    2015-01-15 05:41:39: Service\BingAds::getCampaigns => SoapFault: Could not connect to host
    ---------Soap Request:--------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><ns1:CustomerAccountId>XXX</ns1:CustomerAccountId><ns1:CustomerId/><ns1:DeveloperToken>XXX</ns1:DeveloperToken><ns1:UserName/><ns1:Password/><ns1:AuthenticationToken>XXX</ns1:AuthenticationToken></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest><ns1:AccountId>XXX</ns1:AccountId></ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    (empty response logged)
    2015-01-15 05:45:00: Service\BingAds::initService => SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' : failed to load external entity ""
    2015-01-15 11:58:46: Service\BingAds::getCampaigns =>
    ---------Soap Fault:--------------------------------------------
    SoapFault catched:
    Could not connect to host
    ---------Soap Request:--------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><ns1:CustomerAccountId>XXXX</ns1:CustomerAccountId><ns1:CustomerId/><ns1:DeveloperToken>XXXX</ns1:DeveloperToken><ns1:UserName/><ns1:Password/><ns1:AuthenticationToken>XXX</ns1:AuthenticationToken></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest><ns1:AccountId>XXXX</ns1:AccountId></ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    (empty response logged)
    2015-01-15 11:59:50: Service\BingAds::initService =>
    ---------Soap Fault:--------------------------------------------
    SoapFault catched:
    SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' : failed to load external entity ""
    ---------Soap Request:--------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><ns1:CustomerAccountId>XXX</ns1:CustomerAccountId><ns1:CustomerId/><ns1:DeveloperToken>XXXXX</ns1:DeveloperToken><ns1:UserName/><ns1:Password/><ns1:AuthenticationToken>XXXX</ns1:AuthenticationToken></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest><ns1:AccountId>XXX</ns1:AccountId></ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Header><h:TrackingId xmlns:h="">XXXXX</h:TrackingId></s:Header><s:Body><GetCampaignsByAccountIdResponse
    xmlns=""><Campaigns xmlns:i=""></Campaign>........</Campaigns></GetCampaignsByAccountIdResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>
    2015-01-15 12:05:55: Service\BingAds::getCampaigns =>
    ---------Soap Fault:--------------------------------------------
    SoapFault catched:
    Could not connect to host
    ---------Soap Request:--------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><ns1:CustomerAccountId>XXXXX</ns1:CustomerAccountId><ns1:CustomerId/><ns1:DeveloperToken>XXXXX</ns1:DeveloperToken><ns1:UserName/><ns1:Password/><ns1:AuthenticationToken>XXXXXX</ns1:AuthenticationToken></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest><ns1:AccountId>XXXXX</ns1:AccountId></ns1:GetCampaignsByAccountIdRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    (empty response logged)

    1. I am using the older version of the PHP library provided by Bing (updated on 1/20/2014), so that is doing the WSDL loadings. I initialize the proxy calling OpticoBingAdsClientProxy providing what it needs, and then do the requests.
    2. I have a cron that reads data from client's accounts. I make several calls, like get search query report, get keyword performance report, get keyword bulk data. As the script progressed the first 2 worked and the third gave error. Or in other cases the
    first request failed. The calls have quite some time in between them since I process data (sometimes even 160 seconds)
    3. I did not change the code ion terms of requests, since as I said I use the PHP library (same credentials, ...).
    As of today (2015-01-16 10:30 GMT + 2) running my script, still have the same issues.
    Thank you!

  • Google browser in "go to" option shows blank page upon loading.

    Hello there, I am a newbie in the blackberry world. I just got mine, Bold 9700 for my engagement present. I am using it for about a week form. I am Malaysian and I am using the DiGi carrier. At first everything going smoothly, web browsing is excellent. I downloaded some great application mainly form google mobile, such as google maps, google for mobile and gmail.
    since last 2 days, I encounter some problem with the web browser. when i tried to search something using the blackberry browser in the "go to" option. I often encounter the blank page, especially using the google browser option. when i turn to yahoo, the browser works well. The blank screen also happen when i tried to type some web address such as and so on. The blank page still happen. Regarding the "blank page", the loading screen appear when finish loading, the screen leave only blank space. left was only the scroll down bar on the left.
    I tried to solve why it was happening, the google browser in the "go to" option can be functioning when I change the "set encoding". I tried each of the encoding and I found one is functioning (partially). Initially the encoding was in auto and shows the ISO-8859-1. the partially working encoding is ISO-2202-CN. the google was working but the web adress bar encounter the "blank screen" problem.
    I called the service center of my carrier, DiGi. They did guide me to solve the problem. The pull out the battery methods, the changing of the TCP/IP in advance option, the enabling the APN setting. And the last option the guide me was the "security wipe". I did make the back up of my data. After all the instruction followed, I still encounter the problem. More worst, I tried to download the google application again after the "security wipe" the goolgle said my phone number was invalid.
    I still cant figure out what happen with my phone. At first I got the phone, I was really excited and impress with blackberry. After this things happen, I am quite disappointed. Is there anyone out there that could help me?  I love my blackberry..
    Go to Solution.

    Hi there, I solved my problem. It it is not about the connection of the browser, its about the setting of the blackberry, the OS maybe. I called several time (my carrier DiGi) and the solution wasnt there either. so the I thing  it must be my BB is the problem, then I send it back for the warranty service and they "re-format the OS".
    I just got mine back yesterday, and everythings turn back to normal. Everything inside seems a new, like a new BB haha..thank God.
    hope it help!! HAPPY!!

  • Var doesn't work if I load external swf.

    I have a set up with two pages or labeled sections on the main timeline. I brake the code corresponding to actions happening in each page/labeled section. On first page there is a var specified for each button
    var sourceVar:String;
    Then each button uses this var to load a video into FLV player (player itself is constructed in the second page/labeled section).
    function JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_PlayVideoPopUp(event:MouseEvent): void {
    where "flv_pb" is the label for the second page/labeled section. On this second page/labeled section there is an FLVPlayback component named "SWF_flv2" which uses this var
    SWF_flv2.source = sourceVar;
    All above works. My problem is that I decided to load externally all the items (image buttons) into the first section. So I saved them as an external SWF file, with all the code in that external swf file.
    Then I link the buttons to section "flv_pb" this way:
    function JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_PlayVideoPopUp(event:MouseEvent): void {
    The link to the "flv_pb" section works, which tells me that the set up with "MovieClip(parent.parent.parent)." is appropriate.
    However the code as before with the set up of (still being in the external swf file):
    works as well, I am not sure why?
    The problem seems to be in the var
    I have an error message 1120: Access of undefined property sourceVar
    It is referencing the code in the second page/labeled section "flv_pb"
    SWF_flv2.source = sourceVar;
    What are my actions?  I kept the code in the external swf file. Should I move it to the main timeline if it is possible? Should I only reference the var in the main time line?
    Should all the code be kept in the beginning of the time line, rather be sectioned into the sections?

    Thank you for your reply.
    Please let me know if all the animation code should be left in the external SWF file (which is being loaded) and all the linkage code on the main time line?
    If so then the code block specifying the link and loading on the botton:
    var sourceVar:String;
    //event listener//
    howTo_mainInfo.JTVs.JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_PlayVideoPopUp);
    function JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_PlayVideoPopUp(event:MouseEvent): void {
    Should be left as it is on the main time line or only the function part and event listener put in the external SWF file?
    I tried this way puttin the var and function on the main time line and it brings me to the proper page/labeled section but doesn't load the video.
    In the OUTPUT Panel I have an error message:
    VideoError: 1000: Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server
        at acolyte46_howTo_Loader_fla::mainsite_mc_2/stopF2()[acolyte46_howTo_Loader_fla.mainsite_mc _2::frame283:49]
        at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
        at acolyte46_howTo_Loader_fla::mainsite_mc_2/onClick_closeXhowToVideos_btn()[acolyte46_howTo _Loader_fla.mainsite_mc_2::frame283:28]
    Frame 283 is "flv_pb" page/labeled section to where the links properly works but video is not being loaded?
    Same code perfectly worked without any error message before I moved things into an external SWF file.
    I am also confused why both ways are working out of the loaded SWF file:
    shouldn't only one be the correct one?

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