Mute channel of audio clip

Is it possible in Premiere Elements 10 to mute one channel (l or r) of a particular audio clip on the timeline?

There are two ways using which we can mute the audio.
Do one of the following in the Timeline:
If the clip is linked to video, Alt‑click the audio track of the clip in the Timeline to select just the audio portion.
If the clip is not linked to video, click the clip to select it.
Choose Clip > Enable. (When you disable a clip, the check mark disappears next to the option in the clip menu, and the clip name dims in the track.)
Hope it Helps

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    Hummm, you got me. I take my multitrack, open the individual sound files, do my effects and save as .wav
    then I import the .wav back into Premiere
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    Hi Max:
    You can extract all of the original audio. It will show up on the second line of the timeline.
    Click on one of the extracted audio clips and Edit >'select All". Use the volume slider to mute all of the clips to "0".
    If they aren't already, you will need to split the audio where you want to hear it and go back to the volume slider and increase the volume there.
    Man, I'm not a very good teacher-hope you understood that one!

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    Relink to the correct media.

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    Many thanks!!
    -- Sean

    Sean, its a very good question that sadly has an hopelessly inadequate answer.
    Of course FCP does know exactly which specific channel of audio (from a multi-channel source) that it's referencing, but there's just no easy way of determining which channel that is after the edit has been made. In some situations I can see exactly how and why that would certainly be very useful, just as it would be useful (especially in fast turn around editing) to be able to simply reassign an edit instance's audio source channel after the fact eg to be able to target an audio clip instance and simply switch it's content from say ch1 to ch2 of the source.
    As it stands, although it's possible to do this in other NLE's its not yet possible in FCP. As always, you can send feedback to Apple's FCP development team at:
    Ok, heres what you can do If its absolutely essential that you correctly identify your edit's audio clip's channel sources: you need to export your sequences as XML files (File > Export > XML). The exported XML will contains the full make up of your edit, including every clip instances audio channel sources. Its not especially human readable but neither is it encrypted, its just a plain text file .... so you can open it up in Text Edit and figure it out.

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    Whitelab Records wrote:
    So, 20 views and nobody's anybody the wiser?
    A small update to this issue....
    I have been trawling the forums to find an answer but to no avail...
    And... I've tried exporting and bouncing individual stems and the full session, either by muting all bar the stem or soloing the stem.....and still nothing.
    Same problems.....everything is audible in audition but nothing plays on playback.
    Since the 'prelisten' channel strip is Solo safe this would indicate that you have a track or channel strip soloed somewhere else, out of sight. Are the Mute buttons on your channel strips blinking?
    To view all objects in your mixer, click the button. You may have to scroll sideways to check the whole mixer.

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    The Mackie device has some quirks, and while basic functionality is there, PPro does not have as strong support with mackie as it does with eucon through the avid artist series.  The physical MCU keys switched between different versions of the device and what is undo on one is a different function on another, so sadly, depending on what model you get, those buttons may or may not be correct by the label that is on the device.  There is no way for us to tell which one you have.
    Clip mixer mode can be enabled either through the fly out menu in the clip mixer or by assigning a keyboard shortcut.  When engaged, it supports the faders, pan/balance/mute and solo.  If automation is engaged it will record automation, though you can't engage clip mixer automation via the control surface like you can on the track mixer.
    Unfortunately there is no way to group channels at this time, aside from making a submix, but I do not think this is what you were requesting.
    There is not a way to manually enter a keyframe via a button on the control surface.
    It is possible to customize some of the control surface buttons by hitting the button assignments button in the Mackie control surface window.  This is mostly limited to the function keys and a few others
    The touch and latch mode lights is a known bug.
    If you want more customization, the Avid Artist series has much better support in this regard.  We set up many soft keys, but you can also create your own very easily. 
    I will take a look at the other issues you have raised as they sound like bugs, but I also encourage you to file them through here: as it will help us to gauge how many are using the mackie protocol vs eucon.

  • How can I match sound quality between video clips and audio clips?

    Hi guys,
    First of all let me say that I enjoy using the latest Media Encoder. However, as a novice, I have two related problems.
    1.I am recording video to use with PowerPoint slides in Adobe Captivate. I am encoding the video with best quality FLV. This produces very good video,
          but with a degraded audio track, even though I had filtered the audio in soundbooth. The post encoding sounds like it did before Soundbooth corrections.
    2. Some of the video recording has been set cut into audio clips to be used as background narration behind PowerPoint. The logic behind this is: that if both are
          recorded at the same time, the voice quality should match.
    This is far from the outcome. I have tried MP3 for the audio which of course produced the best sound- but is entirely unlike the rest of the video. I have also encoded the audio with Windows Waveform preset figuring that since the soundbooth edit was a .wav file, that there should be a reasonable match. Wrong again!
    So, the audio quality of all clips is poor, and the difference between the encoded video clips, and the audio encoded clips spoils the otherwise professional result in Captivate.
    Please help, all of you experts.

    Thank you.
    OS Windows 7 x 64; 3.2 MHz; 2 TB; 12 GB Ram-9GB ram allocated to Adobe.
    My process is this:
    1. The whole video and audio narration material is shot in one continuous video sesseion.
    2. The microphone is only mono, but the camera is set to stereo. Noone can work out how to change the camera to mono.
    3. In Premiere Pro 5, I select render and replace in SoundBooth.
    4. In Soundbooth, I choose Add Multichannels.
    5. In Multichannels, I delete the unwanted noisy channel, and any other unused channels.
    6. With the remaining mono channel, I then select Export and Save As option, then Stereo.
    7. Next I edit the stereo channels as needed.
    8. The imported stereo won't automatically update in Premiere Pro, so in PPR I import the new edited stereo track.
    9. I test this track in PPR, to check that it is playing R & L channels. It is. OK.
    10 On the timeline, I proceed to cut apart this single stereo wavelength .
    11.These clips are saved as Video, or Audio subclips.
    12 From the video subclips, I export to Media Encoder, and choose either FLV4 match attributes (High Q). This I modify to custom 2 pass (Custom save).
         The summary says that this is saved to MP3 Stereo.
    13. I import this into Captivate 5, but the Video outcome is Left channel only. I have tested this on Media Player/Real Player where it is also L channel only.
    14. I export my Audio subclips to Media player, and select MP3 option and this summary also reports stereo. The Audio outcome is stereo, when played in any player and in Captivate 5.
    I cannot understand how a single, continuous track edited uniformly in Soundbooth to stereo, can produce different outcomes in Media player.
    I would so appreciate a solution to this problem, because, in the Captivate 5 e-learning production, the switch between stereo audio (behind PowerPoints), and l. channel video is distracting. Naturally, the l. channel only is a thin sound. It is as if it had never been edited in SoundBooth at all.

  • Two problems with audio clips

    I'm having two problems with audio clips:
    1. When I try to drag a clip from the viewer, I can't do it because it won't let me drag the clip. It only lets me drag the pointer around within the clip.
    2. When I drag an audio clip from the browser into the timeline I don't get any audio, just a series of beeps (and yes, my audio media is on-line -- I can listen to it in the viewer, just not the timeline).
    What am I doing wrong?

    1. Drag the little hand on speaker icon to drag from
    the Viewer...
    Thanks! (Does it actually say that in the documentation anywhere? I try to RTFM, but the FM seems to be a little, er, mute on this point.)
    2. It means your sequence settings don't match the
    properties of the source audio you're putting in it,
    and you either need to change the settings in the
    sequence, or render the audio.
    Ah, that would explain it. Thanks!

  • How do I download the video file audio clip?

    I have imported and saved video clips in Lightroom 5. I can play these clips in LR and both video and sound is played.  When I try to download these video clips in CS6 only the video clip is downloaded but not the audio clip.

    Did you read the link I posted about no sound when playing mts video?  I do not know if Photoshop had the same problem as LR
    I did download a sample video from your camera model.  Sound played in windows media player but not Photoshop.
    Also saw problem reported  no sound MTS video in Premier Pro.
    Check out this Google search o+sound+playing+MTS+video+&aqs=chrome..69i57.18373j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122& ie=UTF-8
    Official Response
    Paul Kleczka (Customer) 1 year agoI worked with Lily offline.
    Unfortunately, because of licensing restrictions, Lightroom only supports Dolby Digital audio with 2 channels or less. The files in question had Dolby 5.1 audio. So it appears the behavior of playing video with no audio in Lightroom is as expected.


    When I automate to sequence using video shot on my Sony PMW-200 I only get one channel of audio, when the preset in Premiere clearly states 8 channels of 24 bit audio. If I drag a clip to the timeline all 8 channels are there, but then I have to trim the beginning and end of each clip in order to do transitions, which would take forever on a wedding video. There must be other PMW-200 users who have this same problem. I am shooting in UDF mode 422 at 50 mb/sec on the Sony and just updated my Premiere CS 6.

    similar question, I found a thread that may solve your problem: Sony PMW-200 file import into Premiere Pro CS6 only get 1 Ch. audio, you can go for a look. Or you can try some converters to help you.      Handbrake, any video converter, ffmpeg,imixmxf, transcode them first, then reload into premiere.

  • Export audio clip from iMovie?

    Is it possible to export an audio clip that I recorded in iMovie to iTunes or GarageBand? I have a couple of recorded sounds in one of my iMovies that I'd like to use in another movie.

    1. Choose File->Export...
    2. Click the Quicktime icon at the top of the export dialog
    3. In the Compress movie for: popup menu, choose Expert Settings. Click Share.
    4. In the new dialog box, set the Export popup menu to "Sound to AIFF".
    5. Click the options button and select: Format - Linear PCM, Channels - Stereo, Rate - 48.000kHz, Quality - Normal, Sample size: 16 bits. Leave the other checkboxes unchecked. Click OK. (Next time you can use "Most Recent Settings" because it will remember what you did.)
    6. Give it a name and navigate to where you want to save it. Then click Save.
    7. Import the AIFF file into your new movie.

  • Export Quicktime with 4 channels of audio

    I'm running Premiere 5.5. and I cant seem to figure out how to export a Quicktime with 4 channels of audio(2 stereo pairs), any ideas?

    Here's a video about some of the new audio features:

  • Unlinking multiple Video/audio clips

    Coming from FCP I'm used to doing certain things as part of the workflow.   One of these is being able to link / unlink multiple video/audio clips at the same time to that I can selectively delete or disable the audio if I'm running a second audio recorder or perhaps mixing a backing track.
    In PPro it seems like as soon as I select more than one clip the 'Unlink' option is grayed.    How can I select (say) 10 clips, unlink the audio from the video so that I can delete or disable it.   The reason for disable is that I may want the ambient sounds later on in the mix, but if I disable this audio without unlinking I also disable the video.
    I don't want to keep moving stuff on to more and more audio tracks and then have to mute the track, that's time consuming and a pain.   All I want to do it unlink multiple clips.
    This can't be that hard can it ?

    You don't need to Unlink in order to Delete.  Just hold down the Alt key while selecting the audio portion of the clips.
    You can 'disable' the audio by turning off the entire track, which is very easy to undo if you ever want the audio back.
    It's a slight shift in work flow, but the end result is the same.

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