Mxml.cfswf - remove from memory

I have a client that found a link to a flash form swf (ie.
23423452.mxml.cfswf) on Google and wants the form removed. Problem
is that since the swf is only in memory (I belive that's how flash
forms are created) and not in the filesystem, so I can't just
delete it.
Any advice on how to remove this swf. Will restarting the CF
Server (MX7) work? I would prefer not to do that, but haven't a
clue on what else may help.

Okay, I was able to remove flash form swfs from the server
(.cfswf), but only by restarting the ColdFusion service - that
seemed to clear them.

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         I have a problem with component reference when it is open by PopupManager.
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    Have anyone solve this problem should be much appreciated.
    Thank You
    Arun P. Ganesh

    Hi Arun Ganesh,
    You also need to remove all the eventListeners associated with the PopUp before you close your PopUp. Otherwise you wil faced the performance issue the same way you are facing since the eventListners associated with the PopUp will not be removed when you close your PopUp instead you manually need to remove all the Listners before you close your popup otherwise your old listeners in adddition to new listeners exist as how many times you open and get multiplied.
    You can also refer to the thread that I have posted.
    Bhasker Chari
    Message was edited by: BhaskerChari

  • How To make certain that a page is removed from memory, silverlight

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    protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
    if (App.RootFrame.CanGoBack)
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    In_Game_Crest = null;
    currentViewModel = null;
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    private bool disposed = false;
    public void Dispose()
    // Take yourself off the Finalization queue
    // to prevent finalization code for this object
    // from executing a second time.
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
    // Check to see if Dispose has already been called.
    // If disposing equals true, dispose all managed
    // and unmanaged resources.
    // Dispose managed resources.
    currentView = null;
    popup = null;
    Image1 = null;
    Image2 = null;
    // Release unmanaged resources. If disposing is false,
    // only the following code is executed.
    this.Content = null;
    // Note that this is not thread safe.
    // Another thread could start disposing the object
    // after the managed resources are disposed,
    // but before the disposed flag is set to true.
    // If thread safety is necessary, it must be
    // implemented by the client.
    disposed = true;
    // Use C# destructor syntax for finalization code.
    // This destructor will run only if the Dispose method
    // does not get called.
    // It gives your base class the opportunity to finalize.
    // Do not provide destructors in types derived from this class.
    protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
    This however only increased the memory usage by 20 mb, for every call to dispose. Which hopefully would mean that we have misunderstood the use of IDisposable.
    Therefore quite confused, I have learned from my similar question on Stackoverflow, that I should use the VS profiler more intently to find references, but I have not succeeded in finding anything with the profiler. And I do not understand why the
    deconstructors are not fired when I know no references exists.
    Therefore would it help to implement IDisposable and how should it be done in a windows phone Silverlight context?
    Should I do something specific when I utilize the MVVM structure?Any proposals on how to force the deletion and how to do the deletion correctly?
    Or is there some other way to go about it, to ensure that pages with all information is removed.
    Hope for any help, If you want stackoverflow points I also have the following:

    One way i can suggest is to use 'Using' statement(obviously if not already did that) wherever it is required to work with resources such as opening a connection to database, file operations etc. With this, the resources are disposed automatically as soon
    as 'Using' block goes out of scope.
    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("somefile.txt"))
    your code

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    This worked well until our IT department added some Microsoft updates.  Any ideas?

    I'm guessing the microsoft updates have somehow set the files to be read only now. I'd find the files on your disk and check their properties. As for it being resident in memory, is the reference still open? I'm not sure if this would cause this issue, but it may. Make sure you close any references relating to your file when you are done with them, then close the file.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

  • When do different scopes get removed from memory?

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    It would work fine for small docs, but as the documents got bigger, the process would slow, and as we approached 3-6 mb it would grind to a halt and after 4-9 mb, we'd get heap space errors.  Memory was just being consumed violently. 
    All that was happening though is we do an xml search to get an array of products/options/media etc.  We'd loop that array passing in the option or whatever.  The function it was passed to just loaded the orm objects up and saved them, flushing and clearing the session at the end.
    One thing I noticed trying to figure out what was going wrong was that even though is if we force kill the server half way through the for loop, we get a hundred or so errors that there's variables, but no ORM.  Makes me think that even though we had items being passed through arguments and then all variables in the functions being var scoped, variables are still hanging in memory attached to the sessions. 
    Which makes me ask the question, when do variables in each scope get marked for garbage collection and will var scoped/argument scoped variables hang through the entire request?
    I found the best/only solution to my problem was to create a variable scoped argument to use as an accessor for the product/option/media object between the loop and the method doing the work.  When I changed to not passing it as an argument, my memory consumption went up initially, but then held at the same level and my logic started to proceed at a constant rate.

    I wish I could go that simple.  But we're using Coldbox, so there's a lot more being put into variables scope than what I'm using.  Also, it seems to be narrowing down to orm calls. 
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    I'd turned on logging the gc to console and we can watch as each method runs to push an element into the orm the memory used grows.  Even with doing a forced gc, we see it keep growing.  Even tried commenting out all code except for a single ormExecute to get the object if it exists and that part still kept making the memory grow. 
    Which makes me wonder if there's something in CF orm that caches, but doesn't get cleared on a flush.  We don't have the orm cache turned on though, so it isn't making a lot of sense yet.

  • Images not removed from memory after being disposed of

    I am trying to load an image, take a thumbnail of the image, store the thumbnail in an arraylist and then discard the image before moving on to the next one.
    Here is some compilable sample code. it brings up a open file dialog. select a few images and watch as the memery usage goes through the roof (make sure they are decent size, i am using 1600x1200)
    I think the reason it is not working is because the image isnt being flushed after the thumbnail is taken as there is still a reference to it in mem.
    any body any ideas?
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Thumbnail {
    public Thumbnail(){
    File[] files;
    int i=0;
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();;
    JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser("C:/");
    int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(null);
    if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
    files = fc.getSelectedFiles();
    for(i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Added " + i + " images", "Done", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    public ImageIcon openImage(File file){
    Image tempImage = null;
    tempImage =;
    } catch (Exception e){}
    return new ImageIcon(tempImage.getScaledInstance(-1, 100, 0));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new Thumbnail();

    With ImageIO, you can set subsampling rates and never create that original monster image:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class AllThumbs {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            URL url = new URL("");
            BufferedImage[] images = new BufferedImage[2];
            images[0] = readSubsampling(url.openStream(), url.getPath(), 240);
            images[1] =;
            displayImages(images, new String[]{"thumbnail","original"});
        public static BufferedImage readSubsampling(InputStream in, String suffix, int maxSize) throws IOException {
            ImageReader reader = getReader(suffix);
            reader.setInput(ImageIO.createImageInputStream(in), true, true);
            ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
            int size = Math.max(reader.getWidth(0), reader.getHeight(0));
            int subsampling = size/maxSize + (size%maxSize != 0 ? 1 : 0);
            param.setSourceSubsampling(subsampling, subsampling, 0, 0);
            BufferedImage image =, param);
            System.out.println("Size = " + size + ", maxSize = " + maxSize + ", w = " +
                image.getWidth() + ", h = " + image.getHeight());
            return image;
        public static ImageReader getReader(String path) throws IOException {
            String suffix = getSuffix(path);
            Iterator readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersBySuffix(suffix);
            if (!readers.hasNext())
                throw new IOException("No reader for suffix " + suffix);
            ImageReader reader = (ImageReader);
            if (readers.hasNext())
                System.out.println("(There are more readers for suffix " + suffix + " )");
            return reader;
        public static String getSuffix(String path) throws IOException {
            int dotIndex = path.lastIndexOf('.');
            if (dotIndex == -1)
                throw new IOException("Suffix not found for " + path);
            return path.substring(1 + dotIndex);
        public static void displayImages(BufferedImage[] images, String[] titles) {
            JFrame f = new JFrame("total #images = " + images.length);
            Box imagePanel = Box.createVerticalBox();
            for(int i=0; i<images.length; ++i) {
                JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(images));
    f.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(imagePanel));
    f.setSize(450, 400);

  • How do you remove STATEFUL components from memory in EAServer?

    This is from one of the books on Powerbuilder/EAServer:
    "So the major difference between stateless and stateful components is that stateless components
    automatically invoke the component deactivate event when a method call ends and the component
    is logically removed from memory. A stateful component remains in memory until physically re-
    moved by the caller."
    What does the caller (client Powerbuilder program) do to physically remove a stateful component from EAServer?

    Hi Mark
    Not sure...
    Do you know the component is in memory because memory hasn't been released?
    In which case you could check that the destroy event happens and use it to explicitly clean up.  This should really be in the deactivate event in case you do start pooling.
    From memory, (pardon the pun) there were memory leaks in EAServer version 10 years ago. A very small part of a component could take up lost space, eventually leaving only smaller and smaller chunks free, ultimately causing decline in performance and failure.
    Do you know the component is in memory because Jag Manager tells you after you have refreshed to folder?

  • How to garbage collect an newed as3 Sound Object from memory?

    For example, using next text code:
              import flash.display.*;
              import flash.system.*;
              import flash.system.*;
              public class Main extends Sprite
                        [Embed(source = "../data/SongScene8.mp3")] protected var SongScene8:Class;
                        public function Main():void
                                  if (stage) init();
                                  else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                        private function init(e:Event = null):void
                                  removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                                  var sound:Sound = new SongScene8();
                                  trace("After new");
                                  sound = null;
                                  trace("After null");
    The output is:
    After new
    After null
    * Even if the gc runs a thousand times after, the last, increased value remains.
    * I've tested this too by importing an mp3 from an .swc, rather than from a file. The result is similar.
    * Tracing System.privateMemory rather than System.totalMemory gives similar (although offset) results.
    Wether or not a soundchannel is played on it, it looks like the Sound Object
    cannot be removed from memory.
    Please say I'm wrong and tell me why.
    Thanks in advance

    works for me in cs5.5:
    Loop 1
    sound created
    After null 0
    After null 1
    After null 2
    After null 3
    Loop 2
    sound created
    After null 0
    After null 1
    After null 2
    After null 3
    Loop 3
    sound created
    After null 0
    After null 1
    After null 2
    After null 3
    Loop 4
    sound created
    After null 0
    After null 1
    After null 2
    After null 3
    Loop 5
    sound created
    After null 0
    After null 1
    After null 2
    After null 3
    Loop 6
    sound created
    After null 0
    After null 1
    After null 2
    After null 3
    Loop 7
    sound created
    After null 0
    After null 1
    After null 2
    After null 3
    use a frame loop to repeatedly execute the following and verify no memory leak:
    var loops:int;
    } else if(loops==1) {
        var s:String = "";
    s+="Loop "+loops+"\n";
    var sound:Sound = new SongScene8();
    s+="sound created\n";
    var n:int;
    function clearF():void {
    function f(e:Event):void {
        s+="After null "+n+"\n";
        if (n>3) {

  • Way to unload FM group from memory

    hi experts,
    Is there any way to remove fm group from memory and reload it into memory mannual in the components of the fm group?
    I set up a workflow and create a fm group to work for the workflow. A task in workflow calls a BO's method which calls a fm of the FMgroup for a user dialog. The user dialog screen belongs to the same fm group.
    But I found in business workplace(SBWP), when the previous workitem completed , that is, the user finish his screen, the FMgroup is not removed from memory. I think it is because the calling program, the business workplace, didn't end. So I wonder is there any way to remove the fm group from memory mannaully?

    In Java who unload objects of memory is the Garbaga Collection.
    But we can help the G.C. doing the object eligible to be unload. For example.:
    class InfoData{
    class A{
    public static InfoData id = new InfoData();
    ... do something with id ...
    public void aMethod(){
    id = null; //do the static object elgible to be collected by G.C. !!!

  • Remove / unload external swf file(s) from the main flash file and load a new swf file and garbage collection from memory.

    I can't seem to remove / unload the external swf files e.g when the carousel.swf (portfolio) is displayed and I press the about button the about content is overlapping the carousel (portfolio) . How can I remove / unload an external swf file from the main flash file and load a new swf file, while at the same time removing garbage collection from memory?
    This is the error message(s) I am receiving: "TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at index_fla::MainTimeline/Down3()"
    import nl.demonsters.debugger.MonsterDebugger;
    var d:MonsterDebugger=new MonsterDebugger(this);
    stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler);
    // loader is the loader for portfolio page swf
    var loader:Loader;
    var loader2:Loader;
    var loader3:Loader;
    var loader1:Loader;
    //  resize content
    function resizeHandler(event:Event):void {
        // resizes portfolio page to center
    loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - loader.width) * .5;
    loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - loader.height) * .5;
    // resizes about page to center
    loader3.x = (stage.stageWidth - 482) * .5 - 260;
    loader3.y = (stage.stageHeight - 492) * .5 - 140;
    /*loader2.x = (stage.stageWidth - 658.65) * .5;
    loader2.y = (stage.stageHeight - 551.45) * .5;*/
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame,false, 0, true);
    function onEnterFrame(ev:Event):void {
    var requesterb:URLRequest=new URLRequest("carouselLoader.swf");
    loader = null;
    loader = new Loader(); ="carousel1"
    //adds gallery.swf to stage at begining of movie
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
    function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    try {
    } catch (error:SecurityError) {
    loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - 739) * .5;
    loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - 500) * .5;
    // stop gallery.swf from duplication over and over again on enter frame
    removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
    //adds eventlistner so that gallery.swf can be loaded
    MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
    function Down(event:MouseEvent):void {
    // re adds listener for contact.swf and about.swf
    MovieClip(root), Down1, false, 0, true);
    MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
    //unloads gallery.swf from enter frame if users presses portfolio button in nav
    var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("carouselLoader.swf");
        loader = null;
    loader = new Loader(); ="carousel"
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
    function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    try {
    } catch (error:SecurityError) {
    loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - 739) * .5;
    loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - 500) * .5;
    removeChild( getChildByName("about") );
    removeChild( getChildByName("carousel1") );
    // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of gallery.swf
    MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down);
    //adds eventlistner so that info.swf can be loaded
    MovieClip(root), Down1, false, 0, true);
    function Down1(event:MouseEvent):void {
    //this re-adds the EventListener for portfolio so that end user can view again if they wish.
    MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
    MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
    var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("contactLoader.swf");
    loader2 = null;
    loader2 = new Loader(); ="contact"
    loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
    function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    try {
    } catch (error:SecurityError) {
    loader2.x = (stage.stageWidth - 658.65) * .5;
    loader2.y = (stage.stageHeight - 551.45) * .5;
    // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of info.swf
    MovieClip(root), Down1);
    //adds eventlistner so that info.swf can be loaded
    MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
    function Down3(event:MouseEvent):void {
    //this re-adds the EventListener for portfolio so that end user can view again if they wish.
    MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
    MovieClip(root), Down1, false, 0, true);
    var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("aboutLoader.swf");
    loader3 = null;
    loader3 = new Loader(); ="about"
    loader3.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
    function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    try {
    } catch (error:SecurityError) {
    loader3.x = (stage.stageWidth - 482) * .5 - 260;
    loader3.y = (stage.stageHeight - 492) * .5 - 140;
    removeChild( getChildByName("carousel") );
    removeChild( getChildByName("carousel1") );
    // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of info.swf
    MovieClip(root).nav.about.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3);

    Thank you for the helpful advice. I made the changes as you suggested but I am receiving a #1009 error message even though my site is working the way I wan it to work. I would still like to fix the errors so that my site runs and error free. This is the error I am receiving:
    "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."
    I'm sure this is not the best method to unload loaders and I am guessing this is why I am receiving the following error message.
    I also tried creating a function to unload the loader but received the same error message and my portfolio swf was not showing at all.
         function killLoad():void{
         try { loader.close(); loader2.close; loader3.close;} catch (e:*) {}
         loader.unload(); loader2.unload(); loader3.unload();
    I have a question regarding suggestion you made to set Mouse Event to "null". What does this do setting the MouseEvent do exactly?  Also, since I've set the MouseEvent to null do I also have to set the loader to null? e.g.
    ---- Here is my updated code ----
    // variable for external loaders
    var loader:Loader;
    var loader1:Loader;
    var loader2:Loader;
    var loader3:Loader;
    // makes borders resize with browser size
    function resizeHandler(event:Event):void {
    // resizes portfolio page to center
         loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - loader.width) * .5;
         loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - loader.height) * .5;
    // resizes about page to center
         loader3.x = (stage.stageWidth - 482) * .5 - 260;
         loader3.y = (stage.stageHeight - 492) * .5 - 140;
    //adds gallery.swf to stage at begining of moviie
    //adds eventlistner so that gallery.swf can be loaded
         MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
    function Down(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
    // re adds listener for contact.swf and about.swf
         MovieClip(root), Down1, false, 0, true);
         MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
    //unloads gallery.swf from enter frame if users presses portfolio button in nav
         var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("carouselLoader.swf");
         loader = new Loader();
         loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
         function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
         try {
         } catch (error:SecurityError) {
         loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - 739) * .5;
         loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - 500) * .5;
    // sure this is not the best way to do this - but it is unload external swfs
    // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of gallery.swf
         MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down);
         //adds eventlistner so that info.swf can be loaded
         MovieClip(root), Down1, false, 0, true);
         function Down1(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
         //this re-adds the EventListener for portfolio so that end user can view again if they wish.
         MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
         MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
         var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("contactLoader.swf");
         loader2 = null;
         loader2 = new Loader();
         loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);    
         function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
         try {
    }      catch (error:SecurityError) {
         loader2.x = (stage.stageWidth - 658.65) * .5;
         loader2.y = (stage.stageHeight - 551.45) * .5;
         // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of info.swf
         MovieClip(root), Down1);
         //adds eventlistner so that info.swf can be loaded
         MovieClip(root).nav.about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3, false, 0, true);
         function Down3(event:MouseEvent = null):void {
         //this re-adds the EventListener for portfolio so that end user can view again if they wish.
         MovieClip(root).nav.portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down, false, 0, true);
         MovieClip(root), Down1, false, 0, true);
         var requester:URLRequest=new URLRequest("aboutLoader.swf");
         loader3 = null;
         loader3 = new Loader();
         loader3.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError);
         function ioError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
         try {
    }      catch (error:SecurityError) {
         loader3.x = (stage.stageWidth - 482) * .5 - 260;
         loader3.y = (stage.stageHeight - 492) * .5 - 140;
         // remove eventlistner and prevents duplication of info.swf
         MovieClip(root).nav.about.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Down3);

  • How to remove the Object from memory.

    Flash file that i made with Flex Builder uses memory too
    Look at the next example source code.
    var testCan:Canvas = new Canvas();
    testCan = null;
    but just memory usage still goes up, is not freed instantly.
    so if i load the large flash files on my web browser,
    after 5 munites or something, the web browser is down.
    How to remove the object from memory immediately without

    It's all about the Garbage Collector ..
    There is a nice write up here :

  • Removing or destroying an ABAP program from memory

    Is there a command to kill, unload, remove or destroy a previously called ABAP program from memory? Let me explain what I'm trying to do:
    I'm doing some WM developments and I use the function L_TO_CONFIRM to confirm transfer orders. This function belongs to function group L03B (program SAPLL03B) and eventually it makes external  calls to subroutines belonging to program SAPML03T.
    If my Z program calls this funcion, the SAPLL03B program is responsible for loading SAPML03T into memory and everything works fine. The loaded programs list (on the debugging menu) are like this:
    No     Program          Group with
    52     SAPLL03B       
    78     SAPML03T      52
    This is also what I get if testing L_TO_CONFIRM from SE37, where it also works.
    But I wanted to reuse some subroutines from SAPML03T on my Z program, so I call something like this:
    PERFORM set_quit_icon(sapml03t) ...
    This call happens before the function call, so SAPML03T gets loaded by my Z program first, and stays on the memory. The list of loaded programs then looks like this:
    No     Program          Grouped with
      1     ZWMO_023
    27     SAPML03T       1
    So after calling the external subroutine in SAPML03T, I do some more coding and finally call the function L_TO_CONFIRM. Inside this call, my list looks like:
    No     Program          Group
      1     ZWMO_023 => My Z program
    27     SAPML03T       1
    28     SAPLL03B       
    So SAPML03T is grouped with my Z program and not SAPLL03B as it would be if I hadn't called the external subroutine first.
    Now, the problem:
    Since SAPML03T and SAPLL03B apparently share some global data (at least global workarea/table LTAK), in a normal call (SAPML03T)LTAK gets filled by a select statement and instantly (and somewhat inexplicable from what I new until now) (SAPLL03B)LTAK also gets filled by the same data. Well, I've only seen stuff like this with field-symbols but this is not the case. I would bet this two workareas would always be in fact two different workareas, but during the straight function call they are not. They are the same (I wish I could find their pointer addresses (like C++ stuff) to prove they were the same, but I couldn't). But if I call the external subroutine first and SAPML03T gets loaded, then I do have two different LTAKs and that's where I have problems, because L_TO_CONFIRM was coded considering this single workarea thing and when I have two, it doesn't work.

    Yes, I tought about that.
    As a matter of fact, just last week we had another global memory issue in a costing user-exit and we tried solving it with a STARTING NEW TASK. This initialy solved our problem, but this command leads to the opening of a new gui session, and when running this cost calculation procedure in the background, a short dump COMMUNICATION FAILURE was raised, probably because of the lack of a SAP GUI link. We then used DESTINATION 'NONE' and this solved the problem (I think it also opens a new LUW).
    Also my WM problem is on a Z application that will be running under SAP Console, and I don't think opening a new GUI session with STARTING NEW TASK under SAP Console will work. I should try it anyway. - edited: I just remebered I did this a couple years go and it works
    I could use DESTINIATION 'NONE' in this case too, since the funcion module is RFC-enabled already. There are a few ways to solve the problem (which is already solved by the way). My main question still is about removing a whole program from SAP memory through ABAP commands.
    Thank you very much!

  • Removing items from memory using loop

    The following for loop removes children from their parent if
    they're in the display list. It works correctly, but I also want to
    remove each child from memory with the same loop. I can't get it to
    work correctly however.

    I have tried multiple items in the loop to set each child to
    null before or after it's removed.
    Here are some:
    this.child = null;
    var target = this.getChildAt(0);
    target = null;

  • Remove or delete vi from memory

    I am running a vi which will run ok the first time I run it but doesn't execute correctly subsequent times.  If I close the vi (return to labview startup screen) and reopen it, then it works again.  The vi in question uses labpython to run some python code.  It is not possible for me to change this code, which is where the underlying bug must be located.
    Is it possible to remove or delete a vi from memory similar to closing vi and returning to labview start screen?  I know this isn't elegant and will be slow, but it seems my only option.
    I am using Labview 2009 SP1
    Go to Solution.

    Hi everybody,
    Thanks for your help.
    Problem solved.
    I had an instance of the VI that I was trying to dynamically open hidden in a case structure, once removed it all works great.
    I have attached a copy of vi for anybody else who may have similar issues.
    P.s. The Get vis in memory is a vi I found on the forum which is very useful.
    dynamic ‏19 KB ‏20 KB

  • Does PopUpManager "close" event remove PopUp from memory?

    I'm using a lot of popup windows (in addition to tooltips) in an application.  Does the PopUpManager's close event remove the popup from memory?  If not, I'd like to find out how this could be done.

    on close, you need to call PopupManager.removePopup(this) here this is the popup. and make sure that this popup does not have any strong references/event handlers listening to custom events /events

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