Mxmlc ant  task with Groovy and ant builder

i'm doing some Groovy scripting in the build scripts of my project and among the other things have included Flex sources compilation in there. It cares about auto-compilation of source trees so maybe someone will be interested in that:

Are you using Adobe FlexAnt?
On this
, there is a <compiler.library-path> node that seems to
import a bundle directory that contains locales. I believe
<compiler.library-path> is from FlexAnt, so you would need to
enable it if you haven't.
Also look on the next page from the link I posted, there is
another example on how to import bundles in an automation.

Similar Messages

  • Problems with ExcludeDoclet and Ant

    I've been trying to use the ExcludeDoclet (
    to generate docs for the classes that aren't excluded. My ant task looks like this:
    <target name="javadoc" depends="init"
            description="Build the javadoc in genericized form">
      <delete dir="${javadocdir}"/>
      <mkdir  dir="${javadocdir}"/>
      <javadoc packagenames="net.sf.jga.*,net.sf.jga.fn.*"
               windowtitle="jga: Java Generic Algorithms">
        <doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>jga: Generic Algorithms for Java</h1>]]></doctitle>
        <bottom><![CDATA[<i>Copyright � 2002-2005  David A. Hall. All Rights Reserved.</i>]]>
          <pathelement path="${jnlp.api}"/>
          <path refid="project.classpath"/>
        <doclet name="tools.ExcludeDoclet" path=".">
            <param name="-excludefile" value="visitors.txt"/>
      <jar jarfile="${javadocjar}" basedir="${javadocdir}"/>
    </target>I've also tried the form where the doclet information is passed as attributes of the javadoc tag, and I've tried skipping ant by building a shell script with the same collection of arguments. In all cases, I get output indicating that the ExcludeDoclet has successfully read the file, processed the list of classes in the indicated packages, and removed those from the visitors.txt file. It appears, however, that once the excluded list of source files has been procesed, javadoc exits without processing the remaining files.
       [delete] Deleting directory /home/dave/projects/jga/doc/javadoc
       [delete] Deleting directory /home/dave/projects/jga/doc/javadoc
        [mkdir] Created dir: /home/dave/projects/jga/doc/javadoc
      [javadoc] Generating Javadoc
      [javadoc] Executing '/opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javadoc' with arguments:
      [javadoc] '-d'
      [javadoc] '/home/dave/projects/jga/doc/javadoc'
      [javadoc] '-overview'
      [javadoc] '/home/dave/projects/jga/src/overview.html'
      [javadoc] '-windowtitle'
      [javadoc] 'jga: Java Generic Algorithms'
      [javadoc] '-doctitle'
      [javadoc] '<h1>jga: Generic Algorithms for Java</h1>'
      [javadoc] '-bottom'
      [javadoc] '<i>Copyright � 2002-2005  David A. Hall. All Rights Reserved.</i>
      [javadoc]     '
      [javadoc] '-classpath'
      [javadoc] '/opt/jdk1.5.0/sample/jnlp/servlet/jnlp.jar:...'
      [javadoc] '-sourcepath'
      [javadoc] '/home/dave/projects/jga/src:/home/dave/projects/jga/build/src'
      [javadoc] '-doclet'
      [javadoc] 'tools.ExcludeDoclet'
      [javadoc] '-docletpath'
      [javadoc] '/home/dave/projects/jga:/opt/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar:...'
      [javadoc] '-excludefile'
      [javadoc] 'visitors.txt'
      [javadoc] '-source'
      [javadoc] '1.5'
      [javadoc] 'net.sf.jga.fn'
      [javadoc] 'net.sf.jga.util'
      [javadoc] 'net.sf.jga.parser'
      [javadoc] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
      [javadoc] not part of the command.
      [javadoc] Javadoc execution
      [javadoc] Loading source files for package net.sf.jga.fn...
      [javadoc] Loading source files for package net.sf.jga.util...
      [javadoc] Loading source files for package net.sf.jga.parser...
      [javadoc] Constructing Javadoc information...
      [javadoc] Removing excluded source files.......
      [javadoc] Excluding net.sf.jga.fn.adaptor.OrBinary.Visitor
      [javadoc] Excluding net.sf.jga.fn.adaptor.OrUnary.Visitor
      [javadoc] Excluding net.sf.jga.fn.string.DefaultFormat.Visitor
      [javadoc] Excluding net.sf.jga.fn.string.Match.VisitorDoes anyone have any ideas how I can get this to work?
    Dave Hall

    I'd read Ant's documentation as being able to
    include/exclude whole packages, but not individual
    classes within packages: I may have read it this was
    because I expect that ant is simply assembling the
    command line arguments that it'll pass to javadoc.
    My expectation was that if there is no way for
    javadoc proper to exclude individual classes, that
    there would be no way for ant to do it either.Taken straight from the documentation of the Javadoc task in the ANT Manual:
    Parameters specified as nested elements
    A FileSet. All matched files will be passed to javadoc as source files. Ant will automatically add the include pattern **/*.java to these filesets.
    Nested filesets can be used to document sources that are in the default package or if you want to exclude certain files from documentation. If you want to document all source files and don't use the default package, packagesets should be used instead as this increases javadocs performance.
    The packagenames, excludepackagenames and defaultexcludes attributes of the task have no effect on the nested <fileset> elements.
    ...  <javadoc
               windowtitle="Test API">
        <fileset dir="src" defaultexcludes="yes">
          <include name="com/dummy/test/**" />
          <exclude name="com/dummy/test/doc-files/**"/>
        <bottom><![CDATA[<i>Copyright � 2000 Dummy Corp. All Rights Reserved.</i>]]></bottom>
        <tag name="todo" scope="all" description="To do:" />
        <group title="Group 1 Packages" packages="com.dummy.test.a*"/>
        <group title="Group 2 Packages" packages="com.dummy.test.b*:com.dummy.test.c*"/>
        <link offline="true" href="" packagelistLoc="C:\tmp"/>
        <link href=""/>
      </javadoc>Although this example illustrates how to exclude whole directories, this technique works for files, too.
    How hard would it be to turn ExcludeDoclet into
    something that could be passed to javadoc on the
    command line?I don't think that is possible.
    IMHO, there are 3 options you might want to investigate:
    1. Use the fileset parameter of ANT's Javadoc task to exclude files by name.
    2. Use ANT's Java task to run ExcludeDoclet as an application from within ANT.
    3. Try yDoc (a commercial Javadoc enhancement that allows you to define custom filter criteria) of these options has its drawbacks:
    Suppose there are multiple classes defined in one source file (visible nested classes count, too), then you have to specify all these classes in the excludefile for ExcludeDoclet to actually exclude that file from documentation (it's either all or nothing for any given source file).
    Since the fileset parameter of ANT's Javadoc task is - well - file based, it will always exclude all classes in a given source file from documentation, so ExcludeDoclet's behavior might be preferable in a "better too much than too less documentation" way, but both lack, IMHO.
    yDoc actually allows you to exclude on a documentation element basis - although it does a poor job when handling references (i.e. hyperlinks) to the excluded elements.

  • Cannot make .war file using tomcat with eclipse and ant

    i have made all necesary configuration for deploying application using eclipse and ant for the tomcat server.
    when i start the server by clicking the tomcat icon on eclipse toolbar, the message is prompted that "missing application web.xml and using defaults". i have placed the web.xml file in the web/WEB-INF directory of the source project directory.
    also when i use ant by right-clicking on the build.xml file and choose Run as ant.. the process creates a desired .war file in webapps folder of the tomcat server but that war file does not works.
    where is the error i cannot figure out.
    am attaching the code of build.xml for reference.
    please help.
    <project name="BecilCTI" default="compile" basedir=".">
    <property file=""/>
    <property file="${user.home}/"/>
    <property name="" value="BecilCTI"/>
    <property name="app.path" value="/${}"/>
    <property name="app.version" value="0.1-dev"/>
    <property name="build.home" value="${basedir}/build"/>
    <property name="catalina.home" value="c:/Tomcat_5.5"/> <!-- UPDATE THIS! -->
    <property name="dist.home" value="${basedir}/dist"/>
    <property name="docs.home" value="${basedir}/docs"/>
    <property name="manager.url" value="http://localhost:8080/manager"/>
    <property name="src.home" value="${basedir}/src"/>
    <property name="web.home" value="${basedir}/web"/>
    <property name="compile.debug" value="true"/>
    <property name="compile.deprecation" value="false"/>
    <property name="compile.optimize" value="true"/>
    <!--<property name="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter"/>-->
    <path id="compile.classpath">
    <!-- Include all elements that Tomcat exposes to applications -->
    <pathelement location="${catalina.home}/common/classes"/>
    <fileset dir="${catalina.home}/common/endorsed">
    <include name="*.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="${catalina.home}/common/lib">
    <include name="*.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${catalina.home}/shared/classes"/>
    <fileset dir="${catalina.home}/shared/lib">
    <include name="*.jar"/>
    <target name="all" depends="clean,compile"
    description="Clean build and dist directories, then compile"/>
    <target name="clean"
    description="Delete old build and dist directories">
         <echo message="Cleaning all dirs."/>
    <delete dir="${build.home}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.home}"/>
    <target name="compile" depends="prepare"
    description="Compile Java sources">
    <!-- Compile Java classes as necessary -->
    <mkdir dir="${build.home}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
    <javac srcdir="${src.home}"
    <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
    <!-- Copy application resources -->
    <copy todir="${build.home}/WEB-INF/classes">
    <fileset dir="${src.home}" excludes="**/*.java"/>
    <target name="dist" depends="compile"
    description="Create binary distribution">
    <!-- Copy documentation subdirectories
    <mkdir dir="${dist.home}/docs"/>
    <copy todir="${dist.home}/docs">
    <fileset dir="${docs.home}"/>
    </copy> -->
    <!-- Create application JAR file -->
    <jar jarfile="${catalina.home}/webapps/${}.war"
    <!-- Copy additional files to ${dist.home} as necessary -->
    <target name="install" depends="compile"
    description="Install application to servlet container">
    <deploy url="${manager.url}"
    <target name="list"
    description="List installed applications on servlet container">
    <list url="${manager.url}"
    <target name="prepare">
    <!-- Create build directories as needed -->
    <mkdir dir="${build.home}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.home}/WEB-INF"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.home}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
    <!-- Copy static content of this web application -->
    <copy todir="${build.home}">
    <fileset dir="${web.home}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.home}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
    <target name="reload" depends="compile"
    description="Reload application on servlet container">
    <reload url="${manager.url}"
    <target name="remove"
    description="Remove application on servlet container">
    <undeploy url="${manager.url}"

    So is context.xml actually overwriting the settings found in server.xml?I think so. The way I understand it is the the context.xml file saves you from having to edit server.xml. It is preferred for each web app to do its own config, rather than lumping them all together in server.xml.
    And what would be the best way to create the war file? IAt its heart, a WAR is just a zip file with its contents laid out in according to the specification of a web application directory structure.
    So the simplest way to make a war file is to zip up your directory structure with a tool like winzip, and rename it to be myApp.war.
    Regarding ant, I would recommend you take a look through [url
    ]this tutorial. It explains the basics of website layout, configuration and deployment.
    On [url] this page  in particular, it includes a link to a basic ant file that you can use as a starting point.

  • JWSC Ant task with JAXWS web services failed

    I do not manage to generate my JAXWS web services using jwsc ant task. It worked when my web services were JAX-RPC web services but now I have an error.
    In my build process, I generate first the web service artifacts from wsdl files using wsdlc :
    <path id="bea-ant-task.classpath">
      <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" />
      <fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/wlserver_10.0/server/lib"/>
      <fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/modules"/>
    <taskdef name="wsdlc" classname="">
      <classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
    <target name="generate-artifacts">
       <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlarmWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
       <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlertWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
    </target>Then I tried to generate my web services with jwsc :
    <taskdef name="jwsc" classname="">
      <classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
    <target name="generate-webservices">
      <jwsc srcdir="src" destdir="${ear.dir}" keepGenerated="yes" classpathref="compile.classpath" >
           <module contextpath="myappli" name="webservices.jar" explode="true">
          <jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alarm/jwsendpoint/" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlarmWS_wsdl.jar"/>
          <jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alert/jwsendpoint/" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlertWS_wsdl.jar"/>
    </target>This task generate the following error :
         [jwsc] JWS: processing module webservices.jar
         [jwsc] Parsing source files
         [jwsc] Parsing source files
         [jwsc] 2 JWS files being processed for module webservices.jar
         [jwsc] JWS: C:\projects\appli\main\src\net\aze\appli\services\alarm\jwsendpoint\ Validated.
         [jwsc] JWS: C:\projects\appli\main\src\net\aze\appli\services\alert\jwsendpoint\ Validated.
         [jwsc] Processing 2 JAX-WS web services...
         [jwsc] warning: Annotation types without processors: [javax.ejb.Stateless, javax.annotation.Resource,]
         [jwsc] C:\DOCUME~1\wg\LOCALS~1\Temp\_jg4rtr3\net\aze\appli\jws\alert\ The endpoint interface net.aze.appli.jws.alarm.PTAlarm does not match the interface net.aze.appli.jws.alert.PTAlert.
         [jwsc] public interface PTAlert {
         [jwsc]        ^
         [jwsc] 1 error
         [jwsc] 1 warning
         [jwsc] Command invoked: apt C:\apps\bea10\JROCKI~1\jre\bin\java.exe -classpath C:\projects\appli\lib\common\caplib.jar;C:\pr......[pre]
    C:\projects\aze\main\bea-build.xml:15: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\projects\aze\main\ant\bea-generate-webservices.xml:46: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\projects\aze\main\ant\bea-generate-webservices.xml:110: Error processing JAX-WS web servicesHere is my bean implementation :
    @Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName = "applids", type = DataSource.class)
    @WebService(endpointInterface = "net.aze.appli.jws.alarm.PTAlarm")
    @HandlerChain(file = "../../../handler/alarmHandlerChain.xml")
    @RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
    public class AlarmBean implements PTAlarm {
        private SessionContext sessionContext;
        public AlarmCreateOut persist(AlarmCreateIn in) {
            return AlarmDelegate.getInstance(sessionContext).persist(in);
    @Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName = "applids", type = DataSource.class)
    @WebService(endpointInterface = "net.aze.appli.jws.alert.PTAlert")
    @RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
    public class AlertBean implements PTAlert {
        private SessionContext sessionContext;
        public AlertCreateOut persist(AlertCreateIn in) {
            return AlertDelegate.getInstance(sessionContext).persist(in);
    }Jwsc seems to mix the interfaces... If I try to generate only one bean in jwsc it works...
    Any ideas? I can't find the solution, could it be a bug?
    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by will_mad at 09/11/2007 1:56 AM

    I do not manage to generate my JAXWS web services
    using jwsc ant task. It worked when my web services
    were JAX-RPC web services but now I have an error.
    In my build process, I generate first the web service
    artifacts from wsdl files using wsdlc :
    <path id="bea-ant-task.classpath">
    <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" />
    <fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/wlserver_10.0/server/lib"/>
    <fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/modules"/>
    <taskdef name="wsdlc" classname="">
    <classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
    <target name="generate-artifacts">
    <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlarmWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
    <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlertWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
    </target>Then I tried to generate my web services with jwsc :
    <taskdef name="jwsc" classname="">
    <classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
    <target name="generate-webservices">
    <jwsc srcdir="src" destdir="${ear.dir}" keepGenerated="yes" classpathref="compile.classpath" >
    <module contextpath="myappli" name="webservices.jar" explode="true">
    <jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alarm/jwsendpoint/" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlarmWS_wsdl.jar"/>
    <jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alert/jwsendpoint/" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlertWS_wsdl.jar"/>
    </target>This task generate the following error :
    [jwsc] JWS: processing module webservices.jar
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] 2 JWS files being processed for module
    odule webservices.jar
    [jwsc] JWS:
    m\jwsendpoint\ Validated.
    [jwsc] JWS:
    t\jwsendpoint\ Validated.
    [jwsc] Processing 2 JAX-WS web services...
    [jwsc] warning: Annotation types without
    thout processors: [javax.ejb.Stateless,
    s\alert\ The endpoint interface
    net.aze.appli.jws.alarm.PTAlarm does not match the
    interface net.aze.appli.jws.alert.PTAlert.
    [jwsc] public interface PTAlert {
    [jwsc]        ^
    [jwsc] 1 error
    [jwsc] 1 warning
    [jwsc] Command invoked: apt
    : apt C:\apps\bea10\JROCKI~1\jre\bin\java.exe
    C:\projects\aze\main\bea-build.xml:15: The following
    error occurred while executing this line:
    46: The following error occurred while executing this
    110: Error
    processing JAX-WS web servicesHere is my bean implementation :
    @Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName =
    "applids", type = DataSource.class)
    @WebService(endpointInterface =
    @HandlerChain(file =
    @RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
    public class AlarmBean implements PTAlarm {
    private SessionContext sessionContext;
    public AlarmCreateOut persist(AlarmCreateIn in)
    in) {
    @Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName =
    "applids", type = DataSource.class)
    @WebService(endpointInterface =
    @RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
    public class AlertBean implements PTAlert {
    private SessionContext sessionContext;
    public AlertCreateOut persist(AlertCreateIn in)
    in) {
    }Jwsc seems to mix the interfaces... If I try to
    generate only one bean in jwsc it works...
    Any ideas? I can't find the solution, could it be a
    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by will_mad at 09/11/2007 1:56 AM
    I do not manage to generate my JAXWS web services
    using jwsc ant task. It worked when my web services
    were JAX-RPC web services but now I have an error.
    In my build process, I generate first the web service
    artifacts from wsdl files using wsdlc :
    <path id="bea-ant-task.classpath">
    <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" />
    <fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/wlserver_10.0/server/lib"/>
    <fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/modules"/>
    <taskdef name="wsdlc" classname="">
    <classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
    <target name="generate-artifacts">
    <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlarmWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
    <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlertWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
    </target>Then I tried to generate my web services with jwsc :
    <taskdef name="jwsc" classname="">
    <classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
    <target name="generate-webservices">
    <jwsc srcdir="src" destdir="${ear.dir}" keepGenerated="yes" classpathref="compile.classpath" >
    <module contextpath="myappli" name="webservices.jar" explode="true">
    <jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alarm/jwsendpoint/" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlarmWS_wsdl.jar"/>
    <jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alert/jwsendpoint/" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlertWS_wsdl.jar"/>
    </target>This task generate the following error :
    [jwsc] JWS: processing module webservices.jar
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] 2 JWS files being processed for module
    odule webservices.jar
    [jwsc] JWS:
    m\jwsendpoint\ Validated.
    [jwsc] JWS:
    t\jwsendpoint\ Validated.
    [jwsc] Processing 2 JAX-WS web services...
    [jwsc] warning: Annotation types without
    thout processors: [javax.ejb.Stateless,
    s\alert\ The endpoint interface
    net.aze.appli.jws.alarm.PTAlarm does not match the
    interface net.aze.appli.jws.alert.PTAlert.
    [jwsc] public interface PTAlert {
    [jwsc]        ^
    [jwsc] 1 error
    [jwsc] 1 warning
    [jwsc] Command invoked: apt
    : apt C:\apps\bea10\JROCKI~1\jre\bin\java.exe
    C:\projects\aze\main\bea-build.xml:15: The following
    error occurred while executing this line:
    46: The following error occurred while executing this
    110: Error
    processing JAX-WS web servicesHere is my bean implementation :
    @Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName =
    "applids", type = DataSource.class)
    @WebService(endpointInterface =
    @HandlerChain(file =
    @RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
    public class AlarmBean implements PTAlarm {
    private SessionContext sessionContext;
    public AlarmCreateOut persist(AlarmCreateIn in)
    in) {
    @Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName =
    "applids", type = DataSource.class)
    @WebService(endpointInterface =
    @RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
    public class AlertBean implements PTAlert {
    private SessionContext sessionContext;
    public AlertCreateOut persist(AlertCreateIn in)
    in) {
    }Jwsc seems to mix the interfaces... If I try to
    generate only one bean in jwsc it works...
    Any ideas? I can't find the solution, could it be a
    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by will_mad at 09/11/2007 1:56 AMI too am getting similar error. If you hit a solution, do let me know :)

  • Oracle BPM Ant tasks with Oracle BPM Studio cant find jar

    There is this documentation
    which states how to run Ant tasks to do different tasks on Oracle BPM. In EVERY example in the doc and the INTERNET there is this line in build.xml
    <project name="OracleBPMExample" xmlns:fuego="">
    Now, could anyone PLEASE tell me where to find Ive searched every jar in my installation, and couldnt find such package. From what Ive found out it should be something like fuego-antlib.jar but while it is well known and well discussed it is NOT AVALIABLE ANYWHERE.
    please, help. Im using Oracle BPM 10.3.2

    You are right Mike... The ant tasks help you do process admin stuff... so that in the Enterprise environment, you can script it all, and not require manual deployments and such.
    Just download 10g Enterprise.... the library will be in there...

  • RH6 crashes with th and conditional build tags

    Hello together,
    The attached code worked fine with RH X5, but leads to a
    crash with X6. To fix, you have to replace the <th> by
    <td>, but it is not too easy to find the topic within a
    project. The fix is quite easy, but it is hard to find in a big
    This happens, when the conditional build tag is used.
    Thanks and best regards,
    Katrin Lusser

    Hello Peter,
    My wife created the topic with X3 or X5.
    She just tried again with X6 and after several changes (set
    heading, insert, delete, etc.) she had the same constellation.
    Unfortunately, until now, she could not find out the exact way to
    reproduce. But it is definitely possible. We will post here, when
    we find out, how to do it.
    Best regards,

  • Would like to sync Sharepoint 2010 task with Outlook and iPhone

    I have a Sharepoint 2010 server - function as intranet server, and as a project webserver. 
    When I create a new project in SP, I also get a Task list. Very good. And I can also connect the project to Outlook.  Very good that as well :)
    I do have an Exchange 2010 server as well.
    But... I also use a iPhone - where I have connected my mail, calender and task. This is working fine. 
    The problem is  the task from Sharepoint project. When I try to add new task list, I just find the list where I have added e-mail accunts. Not the one from SharePoint. 
    Anyboy following? :) 
    So, is it possible too Sync Sharepoint 2010 task list with your personal outlook tasklist? :)

    Hi Narna,
    Thanks for posting your query, Kindly browse the below mentioned URLs to Sync SharePoint Tasklist with your Outlook task lists step by step
    I hope this is helpful to you, mark it as Helpful.
    If this works, Please mark it as Answered.
    Dharmendra Singh (MCPD-EA | MCTS)
    Blog :

  • Mac OS X: calling Self-Contained App Package Ant Tasks with jenkins

    we're trying to create a self-contained application package using the ant packager tasks running on Mac OS X Mountain Lion using Java 1.7.0_07-b10. This works fine when it is executed as a regular build. However, when we try to execute it from a Jenkins build job that is forced to use our "Mac Build Node" everything works fine as well BUT the packager fails to create a DMG-Image. It seems that the Applescript, created by the Packager to build the DMG, has problems to talk to the Finder application. Probably because it is executed remotely.
    Here is the Stacktrace:
    16:36:55 Using default package resource [script to run after application image is populated] (add package/macosx/ to the class path to customize)
    16:36:55   Using default package resource [DMG setup script] (add package/macosx/sfx-client-dmg-setup.scpt to the class path to customize)
    16:37:09 /var/folders/rk/mtx558t16p1f50_432f2dkq00000gq/T/build6253445559899130246.fxbundler/macosx/sfx-client-dmg-setup.scpt:55:59: execution error: Finder got an error: Application isn’t running. (-600)
    16:37:09 Exec failed with code 1 command [[osascript, /var/folders/rk/mtx558t16p1f50_432f2dkq00000gq/T/build6253445559899130246.fxbundler/macosx/sfx-client-dmg-setup.scpt] in unspecified directory
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at
    16:37:09      at'd like to know if this is a known problem or a general limitation of the packager (or the way DMG creation works in OS X) ... OR if there is anything that I can do/configure/change to make it execute correctly when called via ssh on a remote mac?
    Thanks in advance!

    Apple script is used to style dmg installer (position icons, etc.).
    This is unavoidable step unless you will only build .app and generate .dmg on your own.
    It should still work over ssh if you log as a same user on the desktop on the build system.
    Finder can not initialize if it can not display. We use Hudson in house to do builds and they are building .dmg bundles fine as long as build slaves
    have same user logged in on desktop on the slave node. I assume similar should work for Jenkins but i have not tried myself.
    Otherwise, you can do custom dmg along these lines:
    - create .dmg image once from manual build
    - convert .dmg file to read-write form
    - remove content of you application folder (but keep top level app directory)
    - add this dmg to the build (should be able to compress it if size is concern)
    - at the build time - mount it, copy .app content into the image, then convert .dmg into compressed read only form

  • Ant basics, webapp structure, and the build target

    I've reviewed the standard build.xml
    but apparently Tomcat and NetBeans suggest a slightly different webapp dir.structure layout.
    That's making things a big confusing (on the Tomcat side), especially when it comes to the build target, creating the <servlet> and <servlet-mapping> configurations, and running the servlet.
    I thought the target would be the webapp's root directory, but I'm 2nd guessing myself now that I see ant targets of build and dist.
    Can someone clue me in about standard best practices here ?
    I'm also curious about the use of the Tomcat manager app and how that works. thanks for any replies to sort this out.

    I am working on this very thing as well...

  • Experience with workshop and ant

    Are you using workshop? Are you using ANT? What techniques are you using
    for build automatiion? Is is possible to build the project and EAR file
    from the command line? How?

    Workshop provided a command line utility named wlwbuild which allows you to
    build the applications and generate the EAR file from the command line.
    Please refer to the following document for more information on this
    Hope this helps.
    Raj Alagumalai
    Backline Workshop Support
    You can now "AskBEA" Customer Support questions on the web and get immediate
    responses. "AskBEA" is available on
    "Carl" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]..
    Are you using workshop? Are you using ANT? What techniques are you using
    for build automatiion? Is is possible to build the project and EAR file
    from the command line? How?

  • Sequential tasks with continous and simultaneo​us dataloggin​g

    I normally use Lab view only for data collection; however I need to create a VI which can do a sequential task at the same time as continuously logging data.
    In brief, I have a pressure vessel which I want to record the pressure within throughout numerous pressurisation cycles. Each cycle consists of a number of sequential steps:
    Close outlet valve, open inlet valve, close inlet valve at defined pressure, hold at defined pressure, open outlet valve. I am able to do the data logging and am able to do the cycling sequence in separate Vis. However I can't work out what structure I should be using to do these two tasks simultaneously. At present the cycling stages are executed as a flat sequence, but the data is only recorded at the end of every cycle.
    A description of the correct structure, and or and example case of tutorial would be extremely helpful.

    I have tried your suggestion with a simple example, maybe I've missunderstood something, but it is not working for me. Please see attached vi. 
    How can i get this simple example to work?
    Attachments: ‏92 KB

  • Contracts with Duet and Document Builder

    Dear all,
    does anybody have more detailed information regarding the technical document
    flow / integration in SRM 6.0 for Contract?
    I am esp. looking for the details between Duet, XI, SRM and the Document Builder.
    Duet seems to be only the presentation layer, the contract document itself is
    managed via the Document Builder and saved in SRM.
    Looking forward to your insights / opinion!

    Hi Anil
    How did you manage this? We also had the same problem in one of our contracts and what we did was that we copied the contracts from the legacy with the full value. That is suppose SAP went live on 1st April, 2009 and the contract was created on 1st January 2009 for a value of suppose 100 USD, with the first billing being done on 1st Jan for 33.33 USD for 4 months. We first created the contract with a validity from 1st Jan 2009 in the new system. We billed it with a billing type that we created that did not actually create new accounting entries as the accounting entries had already been created in the legacy system. In the new system then we recognised the revenue till the go live, so that the actual value remaining of the contract reduced. Then we started the billing plan of the contract from 1st of April 2009 for the remaining amount. So next invoice was created on 1st april for 33.33 USD. Can you share your solution.

  • Ant tasks - real build?

    I've got the WLS Ant tasks (e.g., clientgen) working when I use the
    examples, but now I want to actually run the WLS Ant tasks from our real Ant
    What do I have to do to do this?
    I tried sticking webservices.jar and even webservicesclient.jar in our Ant
    install lib directory, but is didn't pick it up.
    I took a gander at the:
    C:\bea\weblogic700\samples\server\config\examples\setExamplesEnv.cmd and see
    that this points me to:
    I suppose that I could just call them directly (set on cp and call specific
    class), but I'd prefer not to.
    I figure someone else has run into this? I have a feeling this is a lame
    question, but I couldn't find anything specific in the help and I'm by no
    means a fancy-pants at Ant.

    I've got the WLS Ant tasks (e.g., clientgen) working when I use the
    examples, but now I want to actually run the WLS Ant tasks from our real Ant
    What do I have to do to do this?
    I tried sticking webservices.jar and even webservicesclient.jar in our Ant
    install lib directory, but is didn't pick it up.
    I took a gander at the:
    C:\bea\weblogic700\samples\server\config\examples\setExamplesEnv.cmd and see
    that this points me to:
    I suppose that I could just call them directly (set on cp and call specific
    class), but I'd prefer not to.
    I figure someone else has run into this? I have a feeling this is a lame
    question, but I couldn't find anything specific in the help and I'm by no
    means a fancy-pants at Ant.

  • Are the WLS 9.1 Web Service Ant Tasks ready for prime time?

    I am trying to create a Proof of Concept (POC) for Enterprise and B2B Services at Wendy's Int'l, Inc.
    As part of this POC, I created a WSDL for an in-house service and then used the wsdlc and jwsc Ant Tasks to translate this WSDL to Java classes and ultimately (I hoped) a deployable services.
    In this document, I describe the issues I encountered setting up what I consider to be a simple POC.
    I'll try to attach my WSDL file and build.xml so you can follow along.
    I'll also try to attach my CSS file so you can compare how the generated WSDL appears in the Browser to the way I want it to appear.
    If attachments are not allowed on these forums, then I will wait and see if there is interest in those documents before I paste them under this topic.
    Some preliminary information about my environment.
         Windows XP Pro SP2
         WebLogic 9.1
         Java 1.5.0_04
    Service Name:
    Note: If I modify my WSDL (perhaps to add a new Operation or to change the definition of an element) and run wsdlc again, the file is overwritten For this reason, I implemented my service logic in a class called
    Now, for the issues.
    1.     Bug:
    In the WSDL generated by wsdlc, the wsdl:part child of the wsdl:message tag is erroneously prefixed with a colon.
    This occurs whether or not I specify a prefix for the namespace.
    Work around: Extract the wsdl from the jar file, fix it and add it back into the jar.
    2.     Bug:
    In the WSDL generated by wsdlc, the wsdl:input and wsdl:output children of the wsdl:operation child of wsdl:portType tag are erroneously prefixed with a colon. Like 1 above, this occurs whether or not I specify a prefix for the namespace.
    Work around: Extract the wsdl from the jar file, fix it and add it back into the jar.
    The error message generated by Bugs 1 and 2 is not helpful in diagnosing the problem:
    [jwsc] Error at line:46 col:7 ':' expected [?! -- [CDATA[ ]
    3.     Bug:
    In the WSDL generated by wsdlc, the documentation elements have all of my html elements stripped out, as well as my xhtml and wsdl namespace references. This completely negates one of the best features of the documentation tag, being able to present the WSDL in a browser as a nicely formatted, human friendly document which is also the underlying WSDL that can be viewed when the person views the source document.
    I label this as a bug because it greatly reduces the functionality of the resulting WSDL.
    4.     Annoyance:
    The WSDL generated by wsdlc has all of my comments stripped out, except the comments in the xsd:schema section of the wsdl:types element. I would prefer that all my comments be left in the WSDL, but if comments must be stripped out then I think all of the comments should be stripped out.
    5.     Annoyance:
    The WSDL generated by wsdlc has my CSS specification stripped.
    Work around: I don’t know if adding the CSS back will do any good because I have not yet created a deployable service (see the last issue below).
    6.     Annoyance:
    The WSDL generated by wsdlc has different namespace prefixes than the ones I specified for my application's namespace and for the namespace.
    Work around: Perform a find/replace on namespace prefixes "s0" and "s1" to return them to my prefered values.
    Another thing I can do at this point is simply replace the generated WSDL in the jar file with my original WSDL. This would address issues 1 thru 6 above.
    7.     Annoyance:
    The java source files created by wsdlc are put into a jar file. This makes it annoying when working within a traditional IDE like Eclipse because there is no way to reference the source files within the jar as working source.
    Work around: Extract the source files from the jar and identify the resulting directory structure as part of the source structure of the project.
    8.     Bug:
    The jwsc task complains if the same parameter name is used in multiple operations. I received the following Errors from jwsc:
    [jwsc] C:\IDE\workspace\Acre-WL9.1\ 0:0
    [jwsc] [ERROR] - Parameter element "{}garRequest" is not unique across document/literal bare WebService.
    Since the operation names are unique, I see no reason to also require uniqueness in the parameter names used by those operations.
    Work around: Use unique element names for the input parameters of the services operations.
    9.     Bug:
    Once items 1, 2 and 8 above are taken care of, jwsc fails with the following error:
    java.lang.AssertionError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.ApplicationBeanImpl
    This seems to be due to the weblogic.jar file not being in the System Classpath.
    However, I should note that when I set verbose="on" and debug="on" in the jwsc ant task, there was a message from the task which stated "[jwsc] [search path for class files: [big freakin’ jar list]". In the big freakin’ jar list, I did find weblogic.jar and weblogic.jar has the required ApplicationBeanImpl. This indicates to me that the jwsc task does not fully honor either its classpathref attribute, nor an embedded classpath element.
    Work around: Make sure the weblogic.jar is in the System Classpath.
    10.     Bug:
    I fixed bug #9 by running a setDomainEnv script and then ran my ant task. This time I received the following output:
    ant build-serviceBuildfile: build.xml
    [jwsc] 1 JWS files will be processed.
    [jwsc] Processing JWS: C:\IDE\workspace\Acre-WL9.1\src\com\wendys\services\acre\
    [jwsc] JWS: C:\IDE\workspace\Acre-WL9.1\src\com\wendys\services\acre\ Validated.
    [AntUtil.deleteDir] Deleting directory <some temporary directory>
    At this point, I am completely stymied about how to proceed.
    I wonder what new issues await once this 10th issue is addressed.
    Really, is this tool set ready for prime time?

    <i>Sorry to hear you are having so many issues with using the WLS 9.1 web service Ant tasks, inside of Eclipse.
    I generally create a User Library for the couple weblogic jars needed, and use it (the User Library) in my Eclipse projects that I create JWSes in.</i><br>
    I also have a separate WebLogic Library in Eclipse (actually 2 libraries since I work with WL 8.1 and now WL 9.1). As you may know, one of the long-standing issues with the Ant integration within Eclipse is the fact that Ant, being an External Tool, does not receive the Project-specific Paths/Libraries. However, since most Java-relevant Ant tasks can take classpath and classpathref attributes, this is usually not an issue. In the case of the BEA-supplied wsdlc Ant task, it is apparent from the verbose/debug console output that wsdlc can see the jars in its classpathref, but it ignores those references when resolving class references and instead only uses the system classpath.
    <i>I've only needed the weblogic.jar and xbean.jar, not all the ones you mentioned in an earlier thread of this post.</i><br>
    I have not tried to winnow down exactly which jars are required. I simply included all the jars that exist and were added to the system classpath by the setDomainEnv.bat file created by WebLogic 9.1.
    <i>Afterwards, I create an Ant Builder to build the JWS Web Service EAR, as opposed to fiddlin' with Eclipse.</i><br>
    I too use Ant to build my deployable archives. Eclipse is simply my IDE of choice. I validated that all the issues I listed occurred when running Ant from the command line.
    <i>If you are interested in how I do it, send me an e-mail (to [email protected]), and I'll send you a zip of one of these JWS projects. The build.xml script for the project, takes care of a lot of the "annoyances" you mentioned, one of which I think is not accurate. I have never had a situation where the wsdlc Ant task "overwrote" my file..</i><br>
    Since I'm doing a POC to determine how we want to proceed with developing Web Services and an SOA in general, I tried to perform the same tasks using Axis 2 1.0, the WebLogic 9.1 tools, and XFire 1.1. Overwriting the Impl class is a common failing in the tools which take a WSDL and create Java source files for all three frameworks.
    Try my scenario. Add another operation to an existing WSDL, and run the wsdlc Ant Task. The old IMPL class will be over-written.
    Because of this, I have a separate Impl class and I make sure that all its methods and annotations match the methods and annotations in the Skeleton Impl class created by wsdlc.
    <i>Maybe that's because I use the <exec> Ant task with jar.exe (the xvf options) in my build.xml, to only get what I need out of the .jar/.zip the wsdlc generates. I'm typically only interest in the interface class that my file needs to implements, because I use XMLBeans for the input args (and return values) of my web service operations.</i><br>
    Perhaps. I am not using XMLBeans in any of the three frameworks because the resulting service seems to be lighter-weight in all three frameworks if XMLBeans is not used. I'm sure there will be scenarios where XMLBeans is preferred, but I have not encountered that case in this POC.
    Mike Wooten</i>
    Thanks for the follow-up.
    Mike McAngus

  • Compile project from Ant Task

    I saw that there are some Ant Tasks with the BPM, but couldn't find any task that is able to just compile and generate the .exp file of the proyect.
    We wanted to implement a continuous integration server that compile all the projects that we have (so we need to do this from the command line).
    Anyone know any way to do this?
    Thanks !

    So you have an external tool builder that is triggered by a build?
    Which build of Eclipse?
    What is the Ant perspective?
    Are you running the Ant build in the same VM as Eclipse? Which VM?
    What VM is being used from the commandline?
    "Rod Macpherson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:bn24o3$h8p$[email protected]..
    > I have a project that compiles from ANT but running the compile task from
    > the ANT perspective in Eclipse fails.
    > compile:
    > [javac] Compiling 128 source files to \workspace\apps\tmp\class
    > [javac] C:\workspace\apps\framework\src\framework\
    > org.apache.xerces.parsers does not exist
    > [javac] import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
    > Building the project in Eclipse generates this error:
    > "The project was not built due to 'Problems encountered while copying
    > resources.'. Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and
    > rebuilding it since it may be inconsistent
    > I have included xercesImpl.jar as the library so DOMParser is definitely
    > there. Any idea on what the problem is?
    > TIA.

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