My computer won't install...?

i installed the sims3 and then uninstalled it and everything went ok, now i'm trying to reinstall it again and it won't finish intalling, I gets stuck at file 3. When it gets stuck i have to force quit it and it takes forever for the disc to eject. Sims3 is compatible with both mac and windows, it also worked when i installed it on a pc, so it's not the disc/game. I'm worried that I might have deleted something important when cleaing up documents on my computer, or maybe there's just something wrong with the CD drive? but i don't think it's the CD drive because I was able to play a DVD perfectly fine.

Make sure you are using a rear USB port on your computer and disconnect all other USB devices except your mouse and keyboard

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    BigBird91 wrote:
    +*Hi, I have a Mac Mini running OS X 10.5.1 Leopard. I recently tried to download the 10.5.2 Update, it downloaded successfuly, but when I try to install it, it sits and the loading bar doesn't move at all. I've let it sit for several hours (12 to be exact) and it didn't move at all. I force-shut down the computer, but now I can't re-download it. The update for my computer is 182 MB. How do I fix this?*+
    There are two possibilities: You download is corrupted.
    You can download the full 10.5.2 update here: .html
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    "The usual method to install a USB printer is to load the drivers prior to connecting the printer."
    You usually load the software and drivers first - during the latter part of the software installation, you are often prompted to plug in the USB cable to the printer, or you may need to reboot before you are prompted to do that.
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    Follow the proper installation directions.

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    Fix your Apple Software Update.
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    Hi, ddmiles1 -
    Welcome to Apple's Discussions.
    When I try to install from the Instalation disc it begins with the "Classic is starting" window.
    That, and the other messages, indicate you are trying to run the installer on the OS 9.2.1 Install CD while the machine is booted to OSX on the hard drive.
    That won't work. What is happening is that when you run the installer on the CD, since it is an OS 9-only program OSX tries to start up Classic, using the only available OS 9 System Folder, the one on the CD. However, before that System Folder could be used as Classic it must be updated by OSX - OSX must add a few files to it so that it can be used as Classic. This can't happen, of course, since the CD can not be written to.
    The installer on all stand-alone OS 9 Install CDs will run only when the machine is booted to OS 9. You will first need to boot the machine to the CD, then run the installer. To do that, with the CD in the drive, restart; then immediately press the C key, keep it held down until you get the OS 9 Welcome screen.
    It may be that your machine will not be able to boot to that CD. Conditions that could cause that are -
    • the CD is not a retail OS 9.2.1 Install CD (those have a white label with a large gold 9 on them). If the CD is a model-specific one, and is for a model other than your specific iBook model, it willprobably not be able to be used.
    • your iBook G3 is too new a model to be able to use OS 9.2.1. Many iBook G3 models originally came with OS 9.2.2 - and that then is the minimum OS 9 version that they can use; specifically, those machines require the model-specific version of OS 9.2.2 that came with them. This Apple KBase article can help you determine the Apple designation for your model -
    This Apple KBase article gives the minimum OS 9 versions that can be used for various Mac models -
    Article #25114 - Mac OS 8, 9: Compatibility With Macs

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    Some general advice on updating Leopard:
    It is worth noting that it is an extreme rarity for updates to cause upsets to your system, as they have all been extensively beta-tested, but they may well reveal pre-existing ones, particularly those of which you may have been unaware. If you are actually aware of any glitches, make sure they are fixed before proceeding further.
    So before you do anything else:
    If you can, make a full backup first to an external hard disk. Ideally you should always have a bootable clone of your system that enables you to revert to the previous pre-update state.
    Turn off sleep mode for both screen and hard disk.
    Disconnect all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    1. Repair Permissions (in Disk Utility)
    2. Verify the state of your hard disk using Disk Utility. If any faults are reported, restart from your install disk (holding down the C key), go to Disk Utility, and repair your startup disk. Restart again to get back to your startup disk.
    At least you can now be reasonably certain that your system does not contain any obvious faults that might cause an update/upgrade to fail.
    3. Download the correct version of the COMBO update from the Apple download site.
    The Combo updater of Leopard 10.5.8 can be found here:
    If you prefer to download updates via Software Update in the Apple menu (which would ensure that the correct version for your Mac was being downloaded), it is not recommended to allow SU to install major (or even minor) updates automatically. Set Software Update to just download the updater without immediately installing it. There is always the possibility that the combined download and install (which can be a lengthy process) might be interrupted by a power outage or your cat walking across the keyboard, and an interrupted install will almost certainly cause havoc. Once it is downloaded, you can install at a time that suits you. You should make a backup copy of the updater on a CD in case you ever need a reinstall.
    Full details about the 10.5.8 update here:
    More information on using Software Updater here:
    Using the Combo updater ensures that all system files changed since the original 10.5.0 are included, and any that may have been missed out or subsequently damaged will be repaired. The Delta updater, although a temptingly smaller download, only takes you from the previous version to the new one, i.e. for example from 10.5.7 to 10.5.8. Software Update will generally download the Delta updater only. The preferable Combo updater needs to be downloaded from Apple's download site.
    Now proceed as follows:
    4. Close all applications and turn off energy saving and screensaver.
    5. Unplug all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    6. Install the update/upgrade. Do not under any circumstances interrupt this procedure. Do not do anything else on your computer while it is installing. Be patient.
    7. When it ask for a restart to complete the installation, click restart. This can take longer than normal, there are probably thousands of files to overwrite and place in the correct location. Do nothing while this is going on.
    8. Once your Mac is awake, repair permissions again, and you should be good to go!
    If your Mac seems slightly sluggish or ‘different’, perform a second restart. It can’t hurt and is sometimes efficacious! In fact a second restart can be recommended.
    9. Open a few of your most used applications and check that all is OK. In this connection please remember that not all manufacturers of third party applications and plug-ins, add-ons, haxies etc, will have had time to do any necessary rewrites to their software to make them compliant with the latest version of your operating system. Give them a week or two while you regularly check their websites for updates.
    N.B. Do not attempt to install two different updates at the same time as each may have different routines and requirements. Follow the above recommendations for each update in turn.
    Lastly, Apple's own article on the subject of Software Update may also be useful reading:
    [b]If you are updating Safari (or just have):[/b]
    Input Managers from third parties can do as much harm as good. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up.  If you have installed an OS update and Safari is crashing, the very [i]first[/i] thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level /Library), log out and log back in, and try again.
    So, disable all third party add-ons before updating Safari, as they may not have been updated yet for the new version. Add them back one by one. If something goes awry, remove it again and check on the software manufacturer's website for news of an update to match your version of Safari.
    Most errors reported here after an update are due to an unrepaired or undetected inherent fault in the system, and/or a third party add-on.
    Additional tips on software installation here:
    To reiterate, Input Managers reach right into an application and alter its code. This puts the behavior of the affected application outside the control and responsibility of its developers: a recipe for  problems. That's not to say that issues absolutely will ensue as a result of Input Managers, but you, as a user, must decide. If the functionality of a specific Input Manager or set thereof is really important to you, you may well choose to assume the associated risk.
    Again, the advice is to remove all Input Managers from the following directories:
    especially prior to system updates (they can always be added back one-by-one later).
    Solutions for troubleshooting installation, startup, and login issues in Mac OS X v10.5

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    Make sure you are using a rear USB port on your computer and disconnect all other USB devices except your mouse and keyboard

  • Computer won't install Snow leopard 10.6.3

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    Bought snow leopard install disc.
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    Computer restarts
    Disc ejects
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    Why isn't it upgrading to 10.6.3?

    I don't think you did anything to cause the problem. It means the directory on the startup volume -- this keeps track of all the files on the drive --  is out of whack. I thought it might be the reason you couldn't install. If the computer came with Leopard, it should have come with the Leopard DVD.
    You need to run Repair Disk.
    Since you don't have the Leopard DVD to boot from to repair the Disk, several possibilities: if you have a bootable clone on an external drive, you can boot from that and run Disk Repair from Disk Utility there. Or you can boot into Safe Boot, which will run a directory check and try to repair the drive that way, if possible. To start up in Safe Boot, hold down the shift key when you hear the chime. Safe Boot will take much longer than a regular boot, so give it plenty of time.
    If that won't work, then have a look at "Use fsck, if necessary" here. Keep running it until it comes up clean.

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    AppName: itunes.exe AppVer: ModName: quicktime.qts
    ModVer: Offset: 000cdd39
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    The regular download is a small "stub" file that has to connect back to the internet to get more installation files. This sometimes doesn't work or is blocked by local security software.
    If your installer has the word "stub" in it, please try downloading the full installer from this page (scroll down to your preferred language):

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    Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

    Hi mish67,
    Enable hidden admin and try installing again: ndows-vista/ .Try using the offline installer from
    Romit Sinha

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    I've tried downloading iTunes for Windows 8.1 64-bit computers and it won't install on my machine. I did everything like I think I was supposed to ... but nothing happens. In addition I've tried connnecting my iPhone 5S to a USB port ... nothing good happens. My computer recognizes the iPhone but it won't do anything with it. Also I've tried the suggestions from "windows 8.1 itunes wont recognize iphone: Apple Support Communitites" which entertains that I can open control panel ... find Device Manager and try to install new driver software from my disk ... with the suggestion that I 'browse' and find "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers. ... and "Apple" does not exist under Common Files of either "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)"
    So now what????

    What is the full text of the error message?
    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.
    If the advice above doesn't resolve things you could try this alternate version:
    iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) - itunes64setup.exe (2015-01-28)
    which is a 64-bit installer for the 32-bit version of the core application, similar to previous 64-bit releases.
    Or roll back to the previous build:
    iTunes for Windows (32-bit) - iTunesSetup.exe (2014-10-16)
    iTunes for Windows (64-bit) - iTunes64Setup.exe (2014-10-16)

  • Hi my mid 2012 MacBook air simply refuses to start. My charger is working which is a good sign but even in safe mode my computer won't boot up! I recently installed a product called WhatSizeMac.

    As said above I just installed what size Mac and now my computer won't start. As soon as I downloaded it my computer was a little glitch but regarded it as nothing. my computer was later really buggy so I decided to restart it. My computer now will not restart/turn on no matter if it is in safe mode or not. In safe mode it gets around a third of the way and then the progress bar disappeared then the gear remains for a second then the screen goes black then that is it. By the way I have OS X Maverick's .1 or.2, maybe .3 but I doubt it. PS if you can tell me a legit application that will declutter all this space I seemed to have used, yet have no idea HOW! Thanks.

    If SMC and PRAM resets do not bring back life to your MBA, make an appointment at an Apple store genius bar for a FREE diagnosis.

  • ITunes won't install on my computer, Windows 7 64 bit.

    The computer is current on Windows update. I originally had iTunes installed and it worked fine, but would absolutely NOT update-- it would download the first 25.50 MB, then never finish downloading the rest of it, time out, and give me an error message. I just got an iPhone 5, so I can't connect my iPhone to my computer anyway, because it requires iTunes 10.7 to work.
    After restarting and trying a variety of fixes to see if I could get it to work, I decided to uninstall iTunes AND ALL OTHER APPLE PRODUCTS, just to be safe, ran a complete hard drive check on both my main and secondary hard drives to make sure there were no errors, and try installing it again from scratch.
    But now, the installer will download, but it won't install anything. If I double-click, or right click and hit Run as Administrator, it pulls up a dialog box briefly, then closes out. It will not run. It does not give an error, it just pops up a dialog box then closes without telling me anything. At all. I've deleted it, redownloaded it, restarted, verified that my computer is up to date at least 5 times, and it never, ever, works.
    I just ran across another suggested fix that suggested I extract the files and try installing the individual components separately. When I tried doing that, I got this error message:
    !   C:\Users\Chloe\Downloads\iTunes64Setup.exe: The archive is corrupt
    So. What the **** is going on? I am downloading directly from Apple. If I could download the entire ~300+ MB file directly to see if it would work, I would, but I can't find it anywhere. I am really frustrated with how much time this has taken. Otherwise, my computer runs fine.
    I've downloaded iTunes on Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, I also tried deleting all cookies and temporary internet files in between installations. I've tried a lot of stuff. This is driving me absolutely bonkers.
    Thanks for any help you've got.
    I'd be happy to share any other computer information that might be pertinent, just ask.

    Hi sahgin,
    The issue eventually resolved itself, I still don't really know why. I kept up with Windows update, and attempted downloading iTunes again from the Apple website, and it just... worked. It now works fine. I don't know why it took approximately 4 months to work, though.
    I'm sorry I don't have any more helpful information. Posting here was my last resort, and clearly Apple never bothered to reply.

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    PowerMac G5 Quad   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    I installed the card and my computer won't boot up. The screen stays gray and the fan keeps spinning.
    I contacted SIIG and they said the card is defective, which, I doubt it is.
    I then returned it for a refund.

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