My edit isn't working!!please help.. : )

here's my code in our project. it accesses a database and all of the methods are working except that the "edit" action performed wont work. the problem is that it's not updating my table whenever i tried to save what i edited. can someone help me.. thanks in advance.. (^___,^)
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
public class SCubeApp extends JInternalFrame implements ActionListener
     String strSql = "";
     Connection conn = null;
     DefaultTableModel model;
JTable gridApp = new JTable();
String strFilter = "";
String A_ID = "";
String A_FirstName = "";
String A_LastName = "";
String A_Address = "";
     String A_ContactNumber = "";
     String A_Position = "";
     String A_EAdd = "";
     String C_ID = "";
JLabel lblFN = new JLabel("First Name:");
JTextField txtFN = new JTextField(20);
JLabel lblLN = new JLabel("Last Name:");
JTextField txtLN = new JTextField(20);
JLabel lblAdd = new JLabel("Address:");
JTextField txtAdd = new JTextField(30);
JLabel lblCN = new JLabel("Contact Number:");
JTextField txtCN = new JTextField(15);
     JLabel lblPos = new JLabel("Position");
     JTextField txtPos = new JTextField(30);
     JLabel lblEAd = new JLabel("Email Address:");
JTextField txtEAd = new JTextField(30);
JLabel lblCId = new JLabel("Company ID");
JTextField txtCId = new JTextField(10);
Icon insertIcon = new ImageIcon("inserticon1.jpg");
Icon editIcon = new ImageIcon("editicon1.jpg");
Icon searchIcon = new ImageIcon("searchicon1.jpg");
Icon deleteIcon = new ImageIcon("deleticon1.jpg");
Icon closeIcon = new ImageIcon("closeicon.png");
JButton btnInsert = new JButton("Insert", insertIcon);
JButton btnEdit = new JButton("Edit", editIcon);
JButton btnSearch = new JButton(searchIcon);
JButton btnDelete = new JButton(deleteIcon);
JButton btnClose = new JButton(closeIcon);
protected void setBkgrndImge(JDesktopPane mainForm)
          ImageIcon bg = new ImageIcon("backgrnd.jpg");
          JLabel label = new JLabel(bg);
          label.setBounds(0, 0, bg.getIconWidth(), bg.getIconHeight());
          mainForm.add(label, new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE) );
public SCubeApp ()
     super("Applicant Page", true, true, true, true);
     Container c = getContentPane();
c.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));
boolean blnS = true;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:SCube","","");
JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(gridApp);
               JPanel pnltxt = new JPanel();
               pnltxt.setBackground(new Color(8, 179, 91));
pnltxt.setLayout(new GridLayout(7, 1));
JScrollPane scroller1 = new JScrollPane(pnltxt);
c.add(scroller1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
JPanel pnlbtn = new JPanel();
               pnlbtn.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,5));
               c.add(pnlbtn, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
               btnInsert.setBackground(new Color(180,221,162));
               if (blnS)
                    btnEdit.setBackground(new Color(180,221,162));
                    btnDelete.setBackground(new Color(180,221,162));
               btnSearch.setBackground(new Color(180,221,162));
               btnClose.setBackground(new Color(180,221,162));     
     catch(SQLException sqlex)
          catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfex)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
     if(ae.getSource() == btnInsert) //insert
                         !txtFN.getText().trim().equals("") &&
                         !txtLN.getText().trim().equals("") &&
                         !txtAdd.getText().trim().equals("") &&
                         !txtCN.getText().trim().equals("") &&
                         !txtEAd.getText().trim().equals("") &&
                         !txtPos.getText().trim().equals("") &&
Object[] objRow = new Object[8];
objRow[0] = "";
objRow[1] = txtFN.getText();
objRow[2] = txtLN.getText();
objRow[3] = txtAdd.getText();
objRow[4] = txtCN.getText();
                         objRow[5] = txtPos.getText();
objRow[6] = txtEAd.getText();
objRow[7] = txtCId.getText();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
String strSql = "Insert into Applicant(A_FirstName,A_LastName,A_Address,A_ContactNumber,A_Position,A_EAdd,C_ID) values('" + txtFN.getText().trim() + "','" + txtLN.getText().trim() + "','" + txtAdd.getText().trim() + "','" + txtCN.getText().trim() + "','" + txtPos.getText().trim() + "','" + txtEAd.getText().trim() + "','" + txtCId.getText().trim() + "')";
System.out.println("STRSQL : " + strSql);
int result = stmt.executeUpdate(strSql);
String strTmp = "Select A_ID from [Applicants] order by [A_ID]";
Statement stmtmp = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
ResultSet rst = stmtmp.executeQuery(strTmp);
boolean j = rst.last();
String strAppId = rst.getString("A_ID");
objRow[0] = A_ID;
if (result > 0)
}//if (result >0)
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Please check for blank fields.","Info",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
          catch(SQLException sqlex)
     }//if ae.getsors
     if(ae.getSource() == btnEdit)
if (btnEdit.getText().equals("Edit"))
if ( !txtFN.getText().trim().equals("") &&
!txtLN.getText().trim().equals("") &&
!txtAdd.getText().trim().equals("") &&
                    !txtCN.getText().trim().equals("") &&
!txtPos.getText().trim().equals("") &&
!txtEAd.getText().trim().equals("") &&
!txtCId.getText().trim().equals("") &&
gridApp.getSelectedRow() != -1
if (gridApp.getSelectedRow() != -1)
Object[] objRow = new Object[8];
objRow[0] = "";
objRow[1] = txtFN.getText();
objRow[2] = txtLN.getText();
objRow[3] = txtAdd.getText();
objRow[4] = txtCN.getText();
                              objRow[5] = txtPos.getText();
objRow[6] = txtEAd.getText();
objRow[7] = txtCId.getText();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
String strSql = "UPDATE Applicant SET [A_FirstName] = '" + txtFN.getText().trim() + "', ";
                              strSql += "[A_FirstName] = '" + txtFN.getText().trim() + "', ";
strSql += "[A_LastName] = '" + txtLN.getText().trim() + "', ";
strSql += "[A_Address] = '" + txtAdd.getText().trim() + "', ";
                              strSql += "[A_ContactNumber] = '" + txtCN.getText().trim() + "', ";
strSql += "[A_Position] = '" + txtPos.getText().trim() + "', ";
strSql += "[A_EAdd] = '" + txtEAd.getText().trim() + "', ";
strSql += "[C_ID] = '" + txtCId.getText().trim() + "', ";
strSql += " where [A_ID] = " + strFilter.trim();
System.out.println("STRSQL : " + strSql);
int result = stmt.executeUpdate(strSql);
                                   if (result > 0)
int row = gridApp.getSelectedRow();
model.insertRow(row, objRow);
}//if (result > 0)
}//(gridCustomer.getSelectedRow() != -1)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Can't modify record. Either the Last Name field is blank\n" +
"or you did not select a current record before editing!","Information",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
}//if ( !txtLast.getText().trim().equals("") && gridCustomer.getSelectedRow() != -1)
}//if (btnModify.getText().equals("Modify"))
catch(SQLException sqlex)
     }//if ae.getsors
     if (ae.getSource() == btnSearch)
          String strInput = "";
          int intRow = 1;
          boolean hasRec = false;
          strInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,"Enter Applicant First Name to be searched!","Search - Applicant Name",JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
          String strSql = "select * from [Applicant] Where [A_FirstName] = " + strInput.trim() ;
          Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
          ResultSet rst = stmt.executeQuery(strSql);
          hasRec = rst.first();
          System.out.println("STRSQL : " + strSql);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Record not found!","Search - First Name",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
     intRow = searchIt(strInput);
System.out.println(strInput +" ");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Record found!","Search - Applicant ID",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
catch(SQLException sqlex)
     }//if ae.getsors
     int a;
     a = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,"Do you really want to delete?","Delete",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
     if (a == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION && gridApp.getSelectedRow() != -1 )
          Object[] objRow = new Object[8];
          objRow[0] = "";
          objRow[1] = txtFN.getText();
          objRow[2] = txtLN.getText();
          objRow[3] = txtAdd.getText();
          objRow[4] = txtCN.getText();
                    objRow[5] = txtPos.getText();
          objRow[6] = txtEAd.getText();
          objRow[7] = txtCId.getText();
          Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
          String strSql = "delete * from Applicant where [A_ID] = " + strFilter.trim();
          System.out.println("STRSQL : " + strSql);
          int result = stmt.executeUpdate(strSql);
          if (result > 0)
          int row = gridApp.getSelectedRow();
     }//if (result > 0)
catch(SQLException sqlex)
}//if ae.getSors
if (ae.getSource()==btnClose)
int a;
a = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,"Do you really want to " + btnClose.getText().trim() + " ?", btnClose.getText().trim(),JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if (a == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
     if (btnClose.getText().trim().equals("Revert"))
     if (gridApp.getSelectedRow() != -1)
}//if ae.getsors
private void initTableModel()
               //make grid read-only later
               model = new DefaultTableModel()
                    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
               }; //DefaultTableModel
          catch(Exception ex)
     private void refreshGrid()
     String strSql = "select * from [Applicant] order by [A_ID]";
Object[] arrObj = new Object[8];
model.addColumn("Applicant ID");
model.addColumn("First Name");
model.addColumn("Last Name");
               model.addColumn("Contact Number");
model.addColumn("Email Address");
model.addColumn("Company ID");
               Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
               ResultSet rst = stmt.executeQuery(strSql);
          while (
     arrObj[0] = "" + rst.getString("A_ID");
arrObj[1] = "" + rst.getString("A_FirstName");
arrObj[2] = "" + rst.getString("A_LastName");
arrObj[3] = "" + rst.getString("A_Address");
arrObj[4] = "" + rst.getString("A_ContactNumber");
               arrObj[5] = "" + rst.getString("A_Position");
arrObj[6] = "" + rst.getString("A_EAdd");
arrObj[7] = "" + rst.getString("C_ID");
gridApp.setModel(model);//set DefaultTableModel object to gridUser
     catch(SQLException sqlex)
private void setColumnWidths()
     gridApp.getTableHeader().setFont(new Font("Papyrus",Font.BOLD,12)); //make headers bold
gridApp.getColumn("Applicant ID").setPreferredWidth(6);
     gridApp.getColumn("First Name").setPreferredWidth(20);
gridApp.getColumn("Last Name").setPreferredWidth(20);
gridApp.getColumn("Contact Number").setPreferredWidth(15);
gridApp.getColumn("Email Address").setPreferredWidth(20);
gridApp.getColumn("Company ID").setPreferredWidth(20);
private void setGridEvents()
     //make grid responsive to key event
gridApp.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
          public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke)
     }//new KeyAdapter()
gridApp.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
          public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me)
     }//new MouseAdapter()
private void fillFields()
     String str;
int row = gridApp.getSelectedRow();
strFilter = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,0); //filter
str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,0);
     A_ID = str;
str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,1);
A_FirstName = str;
str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,2);
A_LastName = str;
str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,3);
A_Address = str;
str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,4);
A_ContactNumber = str;
     str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,5);
A_Position = str;
str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,6);
A_EAdd = str;
str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(row,7);
C_ID = str;
     public int searchIt(String strVal)
          int last = 0;
          int ctr = 0;
          String str = "";
          last = gridApp.getRowCount();
          while (ctr <= last-1)
               str = "" + gridApp.getValueAt(ctr,0);
               if (str.toUpperCase().trim().compareTo(strVal.toUpperCase().trim()) == 0)
     return ctr;
          return 0;
     }//private int searchIt(String strVal)
     private void enabled(boolean blnLock)

aaneperez wrote:
here's my code in our project. it accesses a database and all of the methods are working except that the "edit" action performed wont work. the problem is that it's not updating my table whenever i tried to save what i edited. can someone help me.. I'd strongly recommend that you put your SQL code in a separate class that you can test without the Swing UI.
I can guess why your update doesn't stick: You're using Microsoft Access, and you aren't closing your java.sql resources properly (Connection, Statement, and ResultSet). It's well-known that database modifications in Access don't take unless you do.

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