My event

I want to create an event in my class.
I want to create an event when a number variable  =4.
private var loadNum :int;
In this  class with the event I have extended this as a Sprite.
I want to test when this variable = 4 and execute a function when this is the case.
How do I code this?

If you instantiate you class with something like:
var myOb:myClass = new myClass();
then you just add a listener:
myOb.addEventListener("reached4", someFunction);
function someFunction(e:Event):void
     //variable equaled 4...
And in your class you then just dispatch a reached4 event when you meet your condition:
if(myVar == 4){
     dispatchEvent(new Event("reached4"));
and someFunction will be called.

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    S_AHR_61016216 - Cancellations per Attendee , i think there is no standard report for cencelation of business events, type and group.
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    There is no event list option on iCal like the one on the iPhone.
    That number means that you have an event invitation. Use iCal>View>Show Notifications to choose what to do with the notification.

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    Greetings Judith,
    Before making any attempts at deleting calendar data, backup what you have just in case:
    Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal one at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
    iCal has an automated function located in iCal > Preferences > Advanced > Delete events "X" days after they have passed.  By typing in a value for days you can tell iCal to delete all events before that time frame.
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    Hope that helps.

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    Yes it would and many people have suggested tit. Add your voice to the chorus at iPhoto Menu -> Provide Apple Feedback.
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    Hi Tom,
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Yes, I am working on Windows. As you suggested, I compiled .rc file but the compile option for .r file was disabled. After compiling the .rc file, I again rebuild the complete project and tested my build. But still I was not able to achive the desired result.
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    ----header (Region)
    ----------messageComponentLayout (Region)
    ----------HideShow (Region)
    -----------MessageComponentLayout (Region)
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    Edited by: user8898100 on 2011-8-2 上午7:49

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               string EndTime = properties.AfterProperties["End Time"].ToString();
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Use the New "Keyword to create an object instance
    Can any one help me how can I do it.
    Quality Communication Provides
    Quality Work.
    Siddiqali Mohammad .

          Have you tried with the code snippet as mentioned below
    string EndDate = Convert.ToString(properties.AfterProperties["EndDate"]);
    string StartDate = Convert.ToString(properties.AfterProperties["EventDate"]);
    If my post is helpful - please click on the green arrow to mark it as answer

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    Try the following
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      Application Name:                             iTunes.exe
      Application Version:                 
      Application Timestamp:                    4deec351
      Fault Module Name:                          ntdll.dll
      Fault Module Version:                        6.1.7601.17514
      Fault Module Timestamp:                 4ce7ba58
      Exception Code:                                  c0000005
      Exception Offset:                                0002e3fb
      OS Version:                                          6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:                                             1033
      Additional Information 1:                  0a9e
      Additional Information 2:                  0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3:                  0a9e
      Additional Information 4:                  0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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    But if my "Close Workbook" step is firing on "Stop" Signal Express event, I have an error "1", from "Generate Report".
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    Hi Callahan,
    SignalExpress (SE for short) does the following on the Stop event:
    1. Takes the list of parameters that SE found on your VI's connector pane, and sets the values that the user set from the "Run LabVIEW VI" configuration page, if any.
    2. Then tells the VI that SE is running the Stop event by setting the Enum found on your VI's front panel. This in turn should produce some boolean values telling your VI to execute the Stop case.
    3. The VI is then run, with those values and states.
    4. SE checks to see if any errors where returned.
    5. Since this is the Stop event, SE releases the reference to the VI which it possesses.
    Questions for you would be, is the reference to your Workbook linked to a control on your connector pane, or held in a uninitialized Shift Register. If it's held in a Shift Register, SE would not be aware of it, and would not be able to affect that reference.
    Hope that helps. Feel free to post your LLB if it doesn't.

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    Please answer first whether the column is stored in a separate lobsegment.
    No. Table,Index,LOB,LOB index uses the same TS. I missed adding this point( moving to separate TS) as part of table modifications.
    There's a famous paper / blog post about CLOBs and Database Flashback. If I find it, I'll post the URL.
    Is this the one you are referring to
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    So no need of backup/recovery operations for this table. Client will be able to replay the transactions if any problem occurs.
    We are not performing XML parsing on DB side. Gets the XML data from client -> insert into table -> client selects from table -> Upon successful completion of the Job from client ,XML data gets deleted.
    Regarding binding of LOB from client side, will check on that side also to reduce round trips.
    By changing the blocksize, I can keep db_32K_cache_size=2G and keep this table in CACHE. If I directly put my table to CACHE, it will age out all other operation from buffer which makes things worse for us.
    This insert is part of transaction( Registration of a finger print) and this is the only statement taking time as of now compared to other statements in the transaction.

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