My folder view and all Emails are invisible on backup PC

I've been using Thunderbird for several years, and about a year and a half ago moved my TB *.default folder to a folder within Dropbox so that my email would sync no matter whether I was using my "daily driver" iMac, or backup PC running XP. Of course I appropriately edited the path to the new *.default folder" in the profile.ini file for each machine. It worked really slick, as it should.
Although the PC gets booted up about biweekly on average, I haven't had to use Thunderbird on it since I confirmed that it worked properly per above - until now. I'm having a hardware issue with my iMac so I launched Thunderbird on the PC, and the folder pane, though it's there, is now totally blank. The message pane shows no messages, and when I click on "Read Messages" nothing happens - the view doesn't change. Likewise, selecting "Message Pane - or keying F8 - does nothing. There is no error pop-up on launch. The folder pane is checked in the pull-down menu, and I've exhausted all possible view options and still can't any folders (XP is totally up-to-date, end of support notwithstanding, and I keep the PC antivirus up-to-date and run it regularly. Since the PC is barely used , I very rarely find any problems with it.)
When I open the Error Console I see errors in the following lines: 784, 287, 131, 250, 2432, 287, and 300. I tried to copy and paste them here but it's not working (is there a way to save the error report to a text file?)
It sure would be nice to resolve this so that I can use Thunderbird on my PC until I can get my iMac fixed. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks very much for the prompt response. I added a ".old" extension to the folderTree.json filename - figured it was safer than deleting it altogether - launched TB and it behaved the same as before (no joy). After quitting Thunderbird I see a new folderTree.json file had been created (as I suspected it would be). I also see the error console loads up with more errors as TB is running. Another thing I had neglected to mention is that every time I launch TB it goes through the add-on compatibility check, as if a new version is being launched for the 1st time - and I've launched it at least 4-5 times today.

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