My g4 15' / isn't my light on my key b. supposed to light up?

I'm a new mac user and I'm not sure if my light on my key b. is broken or not... can someone tell me how to check if it's broken or I just don't have it turned on correctly.

OK - for whatever reason they don't list "our" PB by its processor speed (thanks Apple). Instead they prefer to refer to it as being the "FW 800" model.
Just check yours - there should be 2 firewire ports next to each other - one the normal 400 version with the "chamfered" end, the other being the rectangular 800 job.
I've just reset the PMU on mine using the instructions I posted last time and I can report that the world did not end - everything is as it was before except as the article says the clock reverts to 1st Jan 1970. (If only - I'd be a teenager again!)
To save you ploughing through the article again this is the relevant instruction:
If the computer is on, turn it off.
Reset the power manager by simultaneously pressing and then releasing Shift-Control-Option-Power on the keyboard. Do not press the fn (Function) key while using this combination of keystrokes.
Wait 5 seconds.
Press the Power button to restart the computer.
If that doesn't have any effect I would honestly just give up and live with it.

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    Hi Erhard and Richard,
    Thanks for your replies.
    First, this is what happens with some Shockwave 3D content
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    You can get more info and see examples at:
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    better to help fix
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    problem and can
    supply the source. If you find a URL and can duplicate a set
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    email: [email protected]

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    Devinh wrote:
    That little red light means the phone has water damage, did you drop it in water or something?
    Um not, there isn't a "light" for water sensors, they are stickers that just change color from white to red/pink. No electricity about them. One in doc, one in headphone jack (not under earpiece).
    He is seeing a sensor (it doesn't turn on and glow, just reflecting light and has always been there).

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    A big help for learning JOGL is reading the Red Book from OpenGL, which can be downloaded in pdf. Since JOGL is almost a direct wrapper, the function calls are identical.
    To set the background color, you need to add a GLEventListener to the GLCanvas that you're using. To set the background color, in your init() method for GLEventListener do:
    public void init(GLAutoDrawable glad) {
    GL gl=glad.getGL();
    or something similar, I'm not on my normal computer so this was all from memory. Check the JOGL API for the exact method name for glClearColor. To change the foreground color, there are a bunch of various methods that are all similar to glColor3f(float r,float g,float b).
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  • Redesigning the Collections Framework

    I'm sort of an experienced Java programmer, in the sense that I program regularly in Java. However, I am not experienced enough to understand the small design specifics of the Collections Framework (or other parts of Javas standard library).
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    The thing is however, that since I don't understand many design specifics about the Collection Framework and the individual collection implementations, I risk coming up short with my own.
    (And if you are still reading this, then I thank you for your time, because already now I know that this entry is going to be long. : ) )
    Since I'm doing my Collection framework nearly from scratch, I don't have to worry too much about the issue of backwards compatibility (altough I should consider making some parts similar to the collection framework as it is today, and provide a wrapper that implements the original collection interfaces).
    I also have certain options of optimizing several of the collections, but then again, there may be very specific design issues concerning performance and usability that the developers of the framework (or other more experienced Java progammers) knew about, that I don't know.
    So I'm going to share all of my thoughts here. I hope this will start an interesting discussion : )
    (I'm also not going to make a fuss about the source code of my progress. I will happily share it with anyone who is interested. It is probably even neccessary in order for others to understand how I've intended to solve my annoyances (or understand what these annoyances were in the first place). ).
    (I've read the "Java Collections API Design FAQ", btw).
    Below, I'm going to go through all of the things that I've thought about, and what I've decided to do.
    The Collections class is a class that consists only of static utility methods.
    Several of them return wrapper classes. However the majority of them work on collections implementing the List interface.
    So why weren't they built into the List interface (same goes for methods working only with the Collection interface only, etc)? Several of them can even be implemented more efficiently. For example calling rotate for a LinkedList.
    If the LinkedList is circular, using a sentry node connecting the head and tail, rotate is done simply by relocating the sentry node (rotating with one element would require one single operation). The Collections class makes several calls to the reverse method instead (because it lacks access to the internal workings of a LinkedList).
    If it were done this way, the Collections class would be much smaller, and contain mostly methods that return wrapped classes.
    After thinking about it a while, I think I can answer this question myself. The List interface would become rather bloated, and would force an implementation of methods that the user may not need.
    At any rate, I intend to try to do some sort of clean-up. Exactly how, is something I'm still thinking about. Maybe two versions of List interfaces (one "light", and the other advanced), or maybe making the internal fields package private and generally more accessible to other package members, so that methods in other classes can do some optimizations with the additional information.
    At one point, I realized that the PriorityQueue didn't support increase\decrease key operations. Of course, elements would need to know where in the backing data structure it was located, and this is implementation specific. However, I was rather dissapointed that this wasn't supported somehow, so i figured out a way to support this anyway, and implemented it.
    Basically, I've wrapped the elements in a class that contains this info, and if the element would want to increase its key, it would call a method on the wrapping class it was contained in. It worked fine.
    It may cause some overhead, but at least I don't have to re-implement such a datastructure and fiddle around so much with the element-classes just because I want to try something with a PriorityQueue.
    I can do the same thing to implement a reusable BinomialHeap, FibonacciHeap, and other datastructures, that usually require that the elements contain some implementation-specific fields and methods.
    And this would all become part of the framework.
    This one is difficult ot explain.
    It basically revolves around the first question in the "Java Collections API Design FAQ".
    It has always bothered me that the Collection interface contained methods, that "maybe" would be implemented.
    To me it didn't make sense. The Collection should only contain methods that are general for all Collections, such as the contains method. All methods that request, and manipulate the Collection, belonged in other interfaces.
    However, I also realized that the whole smart thing about the current Collection interface, is that you can transfer elements from one Collection to another, without needing to know what type of Collection you were transferring from\to.
    But I still felt it violated "something" out there, even if it was in the name of convenience. If this convenience was to be provided, it should be done by making a separate wrapper interface with the purpose of grouping the various Collection types together.
    If you don't know what I'm trying to say then you might have to see the interfaces I've made.
    And while I as at it, I also fiddled with the various method names.
    For example, add( int index, E element), I felt it should be insert( int index, E element). This type of minor things caused a lot of confusion for me back then, so I cared enough about this to change it to somthing I thought more appropriate. But I have no idea how appropriate my approach may seem to others. : )
    I see an iterator as something that iterates through a collection, and nothing else.
    Therefor, it bothered me that the Iterator interface had an optional remove method.
    I myself have never needed it, so maybe I just don't know how to appreciate it. How much is it used? If its heavily used, I guess I'm going to have to include it somehow.
    A LinkedList doesnt' support random access. But true random access is when you access randomly relative to the first index.
    Iterating from the first to the last with a for statement isn't really random access, but it still causes bad performance in the current LinkedList implementation. One would have to use the ListIterator to achieve this.
    But even here, if you want a ListIterator that starts in the middle of the list, you still need to traverse the list to reach that point.
    So I've come up with LinkedList that remembers the last accessed element using the basic methods get, set, remove etc, and can use it to access elements relatively from it.
    Basically, there is now an special interal "ListIterator" that is used to access elements when the basic methods are used. This gives way for several improvements (although that may depend how you look at it).
    It introduces some overhead in the form of if-else statemenets, but otherwise, I'm hoping that it will generally outperform the current LinkedList class (when using lists with a large nr of elements).
    I've also played around with the ArrayList class.
    I've implemented it in a way, that is something like a random-access Deque. This has made it possible to improvement certain methods, like inserting an element\Collection at some index.
    Instead of always shifting subsequent element to the right, elements can be shifted left as well. That means that inserting at index 0 only requires a single operation, instead of k * the length of the list.
    Again, this intrduces some overhead with if-else statements, but is still better in many cases (again, the List must be large for this to pay off).
    I'm also trying to do a hybrid between an ArrayList and a Linked list, hopefully allowing mostly constant insertion, but constant true random access as well. It requires more than twice the memory, since it is backed by both an ArrayList and a LinkedList.
    The overhead introduced , and the fact that worst case random access is no better than that of a pure LinkedList (which occurs when elelements are inserted at the same index many times, and you then try to access these elements), may make this class infeasible.
    It was mostly the first three points that pushed my over the edge, and made me throw myself at this project.
    You're free to comment as much as you like.
    If no real discussion starts, thats ok.
    Its not like I'm not having fun with this thing on my own : )
    I've started from scratch several times because of design problems discovered too late, so if you request to see some of the source code, it is still in the works and I would have to scurry off and add a lot of java-comments as well, to explain code.
    Great. Thanks!

    This sort of reply has great value : )
    Some of them show me that I need to take some other things into consideration. Some of them however, aren't resolved yet, some because I'm probably misunderstanding some of your arguments.
    Here goes:
    Are you saying that they're were made static, and therefor were implemented in a utility class? Isn't it the other way around? Suppose that I did put them into the List interface, that would mean they don't need to be static anymore, right?
    A bloated List interface is a problem. Many of them will however have a default not-so-alwyas-efficient implementation in a abstract base class.
    Many of the list-algorithms dump sequential lists in an array, execute the algorithm, and dump the finished list back into a sequential list.
    I believe that there are several of them where one of the "dumps" can be avoided.
    And even if other algorithms would effectively just be moved around, it wouldn't neccesarily be in the name of performance (some of them cannot really be done better), but in the name of consistency\convenience.
    Regarding convenience, I'm getting the message that some may think it more convenient to have these "extra" methods grouped in a utility class. That can be arranged.
    But when it comes to consistency with method names (which conacerns usability as well), I felt it is something else entirely.
    For example take the two methods fill and replaceAll in the Collections class. They both set specific elements (or all of them) to some value. So they're both related to the set method, but use method names that are very distinguished. For me it make sense to have a method called setAll(...), and overload it. And since the List interface has a set method, I would very much like to group all these related methods together.
    Can you follow my idea?
    And well, the Collections class would become smaller. If you ask me, it's rather bloated right now, and supports a huge mixed bag of related and unrelated utitlity methods. If we should take this to the extreme, then The Collections class and the Arrays class should be merged.
    No, right? That would be hell : )
    At a first glance, your route might do the trick. But there's several things here that aren't right
    In order to delete an object, you need to know where it is. The only remove method supported by PriorityQueue actually does a linear search. Increase and decrease operations are supposed to be log(n). Doing a linear search would ruin that.
    You need a method something like removeAt( int i), where i would be the index in the backing array (assuming you're using an array). The elemeny itself would need to know that int, meaning that it needs an internal int field, even though this field only is required due to the internal workings of PriorityQueue. Every time you want to insert some element, you need to add a field, that really has nothing to with that element from an object-oriented view.
    Even if you had such a remove method, using it to increase\decrease key would use up to twice the operations neccesary.
    Increasing a key, for example, only requires you to float the element up the heap. You don't need to remove it first, which would require an additional log(n) operations.
    I've read the link before, and I agree with them. But I feel that there are other ways to avoid an insane nr of interfaces. I also think I know why I arrive at other design choices.
    The Collection interface as it is now, is smart because it can covers a wide range of collection types with add and remove methods. This is useful because you can exchange elements between collections without knowing the type of the collection.
    The drawback is of course that not all collection are, e.g modifiable.
    What I think the problem is, is that the Collection interface is trying to be two things at once.
    On one side, it wants to be the base interface. But on the other side, it wants to cast a wide net over all the collection types.
    So what I've done is make a Collection interface that is infact a true base interface, only supporting methods that all collection types have in common.
    Then I have a separate interface that tries to support methods for exchanging elements between collections of unknown type.
    There isn't neccesarily any performance benefit (actually, it may even introduces some overhead), but in certainly is easier to grasp, for me at least, since it is more logically grouped.
    I know, that I'm basically challenging the design choices of Java programmers that have much more experience than me. Hell, they probably already even have considered and rejected what I'm considering now. In that case, I defend myself by mentioning that it isn't described as a possiblity in the FAQ : )
    This point is actually related to point 3., becausue if I want the Collection interface to only support common methods, then I can't have an Iterator with a remove method.
    But okay....I need to support it somehow. No way around it .
    5. 6. & 7.
    The message I'm getting here, is that if I implement these changes to LinkedList and ArrayList, then they aren't really LinkedList and ArrayList anymore.
    And finally, why do that, when I'm going to do a class that (hopefully) can simulate both anyway?
    I hadn't thought of the names as being the problem.
    My line of thought was, that okay, you have this arraylist that performs lousy insertion and removal, and so you avoid it.
    But occasionally, you need it (don't ask me how often this type of situation arises. Rarely?), and so you would appreciate it if performed "ok". It would still be linear, but would often perform much better (in extreme cases it would be in constant time).
    But these improvements would almost certainly change the way one would use LinkedList and ArrayList, and I guess that requires different names for them.
    Great input. That I wouldn't have thought of. Thanks.
    There is however some comments I should comment:
    "And what happens if something is suibsequently inserted or removed between that element and the one you want?"
    Then it would perform just like one would expect from a LinkedList. However if that index were closer to the last indexed position, it would be faster. As it is now, LinkedList only chooses either the first index or the last to start the traversal from.
    If you're working with a small number of elements, then this is definitely not worth it.
    "It sounds to me like this (the hybrid list) is what you really want and indeed all you really need."
    You may be right. I felt that since the hybrid list would use twice as much memory, it would not always be the best choice.
    I going to think about that one. Thanks.

  • Corsair K70 RGB Malfunctioning

    I got the new Corsair K70 RGB keyboard in early September, and I've been struggling with Linux compatibility ever since.
    The keyboard usually works fine in Windows, with a couple of very irregular glitches, and it works as well in grub. My Arch setup uses dm-crypt with LUKS for an encrypted root disk, so I enter a password at boot. Typically, the keyboard isn't functioning at this point. After I select Arch linux in grub, the key backlights go black and none of the keys seem to have any effect. If I wait at the password prompt, the system throws out intermittent error messages. Once I enter the prompt and the system gets to my greeter (sddm), the keyboard may or may not be working. Some of the time, the keyboard will light up, but if I try to type my password (or, if I disable my desktop manager, my username), it starts repeating the first character I type over and over and over again. I can sometimes get it working at this point by unplugging both USB connections (yes, this keyboard has two for some reason), and plugging them back in, but that's by no means foolproof. When I reach the greeter, the keyboard might simply continue not working, in which case it starts working when I successfully authenticate.
    Anecdotally, it seems like these keyboard problems manifest more often when I've just switched over from Windows, but that could just be a red herring.
    I've tried removing other peripherals to isolate the issue, which has no effect on whether or not the keyboard works. I've tried moving the keyboard module to before the encrypt module in my initcpio, which only delays the encrypt prompt, and similarly has no effect on the keyboard functioning. I tried updating the keyboard firmware last night (no effect), and I've tried updating my system with pacman -Syu. I'm attaching several dmesg dumps from various boot attempts, and I can add any other logging if useful.
    For dmesg log 0000: I had just rebooted from windows. The keyboard worked in grub. The keyboard backlight turned off when the encrypt password prompt came up, and they keys didn't do anything. When I reached sddm (after entering my password with my laptop keyboard), the backlight was on, but the first key I hit started repeating like crazy. After unplugging the keyboard, logging in with the laptop keyboard, and plugging the corsair keyboard back in, the keyboard still wouldn't function, even after several iterations of unplugging and plugging it back in.
    For dmesg log 0001: I tried pacman -Syu, and then rebooted. The keyboard didn't work for grub, and didn't work at the encrypt prompt, but the backlight remained on. Once I reached sddm I could type correctly, including after I logged in. Below is the portion of output I saw at boot.
    A password is required to access the primary volume:
    Enter passphrase for /dev/sda6: [ 5.075040] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
    [ 5.178451] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 2.
    [ 5.178484] usb 3-2: hub failed to enable device, error -22
    [ 8.048263] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
    [ 8.151696] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 10.
    [ 8.151731] usb 3-2: hub failed to enable device, error -22
    [ 8.472083] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
    [ 8.575564] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 11.
    [ 8.575614] usb 3-2: hub failed to enable device, error -22
    [ 9.142783] usb 3-2: device not accepting address 13, error -71
    [ 9.710072] usb 3-2: device not accepting address 14, error -71
    [ 9.710146] usb usb3-port2: unable to enumerate USB device
    [ 15.446444] hid-generic 0003:1B1C:1B13.0002: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed: -1
    For dmesg log 0002: I rebooted after 0001. The keyboard worked for grub, but didn't work at the encrypt prompt, though the backlight was still on. At sddm and beyond the keyboard worked correctly. Below is the portion of output I saw at boot.
    A password is required to access the primary volume:
    Enter passphrase for /dev/sda6: [ 7.799771] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
    [ 7.903201] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 8.
    [ 7.903235] usb 3-2: hub failed to enable device, error -22
    [ 8.223569] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
    [ 8.327003] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 9.
    [ 8.327037] usb 3-2: hub failed to enable device, error -22
    [ 8.894307] usb 3-2: device not accepting address 11, error -71
    [ 9.461617] usb 3-2: device not accepting address 12, error -71
    [ 9.461716] usb usb3-port2: unable to enumerate USB device
    [ 15.678509] hid-generic 0003:1B1C:1B13.0002: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed: -1
    For dmesg log 0003: I rebooted and entered a windows user session, and restarted from there. The keyboard worked from grub, and the encrypt prompt eventually showed up (as detailed in the following output), at which point the keyboard worked for entering my password (but did not function for typing with echo before the password prompt showed up).
    [ 6.833134] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
    [ 6.936577] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 7.
    [ 6.936612] usb 1-2: hub failed to enable device, error -22
    [ 7.550591] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
    [ 7.654029] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 9.
    [ 7.654063] usb 1-2: hub failed to enable device, error -22
    [ 7.974389] usb 1-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71
    [ 8.077825] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Setup ERROR: setup context command for slot 10.
    [ 8.077861] usb 1-2: hub failed to enable device, error -22
    [ 8.645096] usb 1-2: device not accepting address 12, error -71
    [ 9.212395] usb 1-2: device not accepting address 13, error -71
    [ 9.212461] usb usb1-port2: unable to enumerate USB device
    [ 15.215752] hid-generic 0003:1B1C:1B13.0002: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed: -1
    A password is required to access the primary volume:
    Enter passphrase for /dev/sda6:
    /dev/mapper/primary: clean, 122766/28893184 files, 6829401/115546880 blocks
    [ 64.316335] ideapad_laptop: timeout in read_ec_cmd
    [ 64.439684] ideapad_laptop: timeout in read_ec_cmd
    [ 67.906370] systemd-fsck[414]: fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)
    [ 67.906549] systemd-fsck[414]: /dev/sda2: 840 files, 19997/65536 clusters
    [ 73.047228] nouveau E[ PIBUS][0000:01:00.0] HUB0: 0x6013d4 0xffff573f (0x19408200)
    [ 73.061732] nouveau E[ PGRAPH][0000:01:00.0] failed to load fuc409c
    [ 73.061758] nouveau E[ DEVICE][0000:01:00.0] failed to create 0x18000717, -22
    [ 73.061786] nouveau E[ DRM] failed to create 0x00000080, -22
    Other keyboard artifacts: if I'm in bash and typing some command and then piping it through grep or something, the command will end up looking like: dmesg | |grep or dmesg | |\grep. If I type slower, the pipe character isn't repeated. Sequence of keys: space, shift down, backslash, space, shift up.
    Miscellaneous system specs:
    Laptop: Lenovo Y50 (59421855), less than four months old
    Processor: Intel Core i7-4710HQ
    Memory: 16 GB
    Graphics: Intel Integrated and NVIDIA GeForce 860M 4GB
    Edit: it looks like there's a thread over on Corsair's forums about this.
    Edit2: also worth mentioning galen104's fix to the "timeout initializing reports" error.
    Last edited by distilledchaos (2014-11-04 22:00:05)

    Yes. From my tests I've found USB3 on Linux quite buggy (if not completely broken in some cases) and only way to get rid of the problems is to disable it. You could try blacklist xhci_hcd module, but I'm not sure if its going to change something.

  • WAAS inline adapter issue

    There isn't any lights on the 4 port inline adapter in the WAAS.  When I plug in a wire none of the ports light up.  Is there some kind of configuration, That I need to do to turn on these ports?  Please help!  Thank you

    You definitely need an Inline Adapter to setup WAAS 674 for inline interception mode. The built in Gig interfaces cannot be used for inline interception but can be used for WCCP or PBR. Inline adapter comes in a group LAN port and a WAN port.

  • Macbookpro won't turn on

    It was completely normal before i went to bed. The next morning, it just won't turn on.
    I did not shut down my macbook, it was on charger the whole night.
    Now the battery life indicator won't show any lights when button is pressed. There isn't charging light when plugged (tried my friend's charger, no charging light as well). Nothing happened, no sound when the turn on button is pressed.
    100% no liquid damage. It just won't turn on suddenly.
    Please help, Thanks.

    Hello killtheoriginal
    Start with resetting the SMC on your MacBook Pro to get it to power back on. 
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    -Norm G.

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